diff options
authorJason A. Donenfeld <>2009-07-07 14:39:36 -0400
committerJason A. Donenfeld <>2009-07-07 14:39:36 -0400
commit1bb6566f842175306955ac5021e33d8cfd64a2d6 (patch)
parentSyntax. (diff)
Major code cleanup with regard to paths.
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 7d51381..45ca16a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,121 +8,182 @@ import string
from random import choice
import datetime
-def makeRandomString(length=8, chars=string.ascii_letters + string.digits):
- return ''.join([choice(chars) for i in range(length)])
+class Stages:
+ BASE = "/Users/zx2c4/Desktop"
+ RIPPING = os.path.join(BASE, "ripping")
+ ENCODING = os.path.join(BASE, "encoding")
+ ENCODED = os.path.join(BASE, "encoded")
+ TOENCODE = os.path.join(BASE, "toencode")
+ UPLOADED = os.path.join(BASE, "uploaded")
+ TOUPLOAD = os.path.join(BASE, "toupload")
+ @staticmethod
+ def createStage(stage):
+ if not os.path.exists(stage):
+ os.makedirs(stage)
+class MovieType:
+ GLUEDVOB = ".vob"
+ MP4 = ".mp4"
+ AUDIOTRACK = "audiotrack.txt"
+ @staticmethod
+ def getType(entry):
+ return os.path.splitext(entry)[1]
+def rawVobs(stage, movie):
+ vobDir = os.path.join(stage, movie, Stages.VIDEOTS)
+ if os.path.exists(vobDir):
+ vobs = os.listdir(vobDir)
+ def isVob(entry):
+ return os.path.isfile(entry) and MovieType.getType(entry) == MovieType.RAWVOB
+ def prependStage(entry):
+ return os.path.join(vobDir, entry)
+ vobs = filter(isVob, map(prependStage, vobs))
+ vobs.sort()
+ return vobs
+ return []
+def gluedVob(stage, movie):
+ return os.path.join(stage, movie, Stages.VIDEOTS, (movie + MovieType.GLUEDVOB))
+def mp4(stage, movie):
+ return os.path.join(stage, (movie + MovieType.MP4))
+def audioTrack(stage, movie):
+ return os.path.join(stage, movie, Stages.VIDEOTS, MovieType.AUDIOTRACK)
+def moviesInStage(stage):
+ if os.path.exists(stage):
+ movies = os.listdir(stage)
+ def isMovieDir(entry):
+ joined = os.path.join(stage, entry)
+ return os.path.isdir(joined) or MovieType.getType(joined) == MovieType.MP4
+ movies = filter(isMovieDir, movies)
+ movies.sort()
+ return movies
+ return []
+def moveStages(origin, destination, movie):
+ origin = os.path.join(origin, movie)
+ destination = os.path.join(destination, movie)
+ if os.path.exists(destination):
+ return False
+ if os.path.exists(origin):
+ os.rename(origin, destination)
+ print "Moving %s to %s" (origin, destination)
+ return True
+ return False
+log = open(os.path.join(Stages.BASE, "ripperlog.csv"), "a")
+def logEvent(event, target="-"):
+ log.write(time.asctime() + "," + event + "," + target + "\n")
+ log.flush()
class Rip(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True:
os.system("echo \"Please enter next disk.\" | festival --tts ")
os.system("zenity --info --text=\"Please enter a DVD, and press OK.\"")
- os.system("zenity --entry --text=\"Enter a title, and press OK. Do not enter any spaces; use underscores instead.\" --entry-text=`volname` > dvdname")
+ dvdtitle = os.tempnam()
+ os.system("zenity --entry --text=\"Enter a title, and press OK. Do not enter any spaces; use underscores instead.\" --entry-text=`volname` > '%s'" % dvdtitle)
logEvent("DVD Rip Begin")
- os.system("dvdbackup -v -o./ripping -F --name=`cat dvdname`")
- for movie in os.listdir("./ripping"):
- try:
- movies = os.listdir("./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/" % movie)
- def isVob(file): return file.endswith(".VOB")
- movies = filter(isVob, movies)
- movies.sort()
- totalSize = 0
- if len(movies) >= 3:
- if os.path.getsize("./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/%s" % (movie, movies[0])) + 300 < os.path.getsize("./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/%s" % (movie, movies[1])):
- del movies[0]
- for vob in movies:
- totalSize += os.path.getsize("./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/%s" % (movie, vob))
- partialSize = 0
- twentyPercent = movies[0]
- for vob in movies:
- partialSize += os.path.getsize("./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/%s" % (movie, vob))
- if float(partialSize) / float(totalSize) >= .2:
- twentyPercent = vob
- break
- os.system("vlc ./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/%s" % (movie, twentyPercent))
- os.system("zenity --entry --text=\"Please enter the correct audio track number. This must be a digit.\" --entry-text=1 > ./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/audiotrack.txt" % movie)
- except:
- pass
- if not os.path.exists("./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/audiotrack.txt" % movie):
- os.system("echo 1 > ./ripping/%s/VIDEO_TS/audiotrack.txt" % movie)
+ if os.system("dvdbackup -o '%s' -F --name=`cat '%s'`" % (Stages.RIPPING, dvdtitle)) != 0:
+ os.remove(dvdtitle)
+ logEvent("DVD Ripping Failed")
+ print "Ripping failed"
+ continue
+ os.remove(dvdtitle)
+ for movie in moviesInStage(Stages.RIPPING):
+ vobs = rawVobs(Stages.RIPPING, movie)
+ totalSize = 0
+ if len(vobs) >= 3:
+ if os.path.getsize(vobs[0]) + 300 < os.path.getsize(vobs[1]):
+ print "Removing %s" % vobs[0]
+ logEvent("Removing Menu", vobs[0])
+ os.remove(vobs[0])
+ del vobs[0]
+ for vob in vobs:
+ totalSize += os.path.getsize(vob)
+ partialSize = 0
+ twentyPercent = vobs[0]
+ for vob in vobs:
+ partialSize += os.path.getsize(vob)
+ if float(partialSize) / float(totalSize) >= .2:
+ twentyPercent = vob
+ break
+ os.system("echo \"Please select correct audiotrack.\" | festival --tts ")
+ os.system("vlc '%s'" % vob)
+ os.system("zenity --entry --text=\"Please enter the correct audio track number. This must be a digit.\" --entry-text=1 > '%s'" % audioTrack(Stages.RIPPING, movie))
+ if not os.path.exists(audioTrack(Stages.RIPPING, movie)):
+ audioTrackFile = open(audioTrack(Stages.RIPPING, movie), "w")
+ audioTrackFile.write("1")
+ audioTrackFile.close()
+ if not moveStages(Stages.RIPPING, Stages.TOENCODE, movie):
+ print "Could not move %s" % movie
+ logEvent("Could not move from ripping", movie)
logEvent("DVD Rip End")
os.system("eject /dev/dvd")
- os.system("mv ./ripping/* ./toencode/")
class Encode(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True:
- listing = os.listdir("./toencode")
- for i in range(len(listing)):
- for j in range(0, 16):
- if i < 10:
- num = "0" + str(j)
- else:
- num = str(j)
- template = "./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/VTS_" + num + "_%s.VOB"
- if os.path.exists(template % "0") and os.path.exists(template % "1") and os.path.exists(template % "2"):
- if (os.path.getsize(template % "0") + 300) < os.path.getsize(template % "1"):
- os.remove(template % "0")
- print "Removing " + (template % "0")
- logEvent("Encoding Begin", listing[i])
- if (not os.path.exists("./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/" + listing[i] + ".vob")) or os.path.getsize("./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/" + listing[i] + ".vob") <= 100:
- print "Concatinating VOBs"
- os.system("cat ./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/*.VOB > ./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/" + listing[i] + ".vob")
- if os.path.exists("./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/" + listing[i] + ".vob") and os.path.getsize("./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/" + listing[i] + ".vob") > 100:
- os.system("rm ./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/*.VOB")
- os.system("/home/anyclip/HandBrakeCLI -i ./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/" + listing[i] + ".vob -o " + listing[i] + ".mp4 -a `cat ./toencode/" + listing[i] + "/VIDEO_TS/audiotrack.txt` -e x264 -b 500 -E faac -B 96 -R Auto -6 stereo --optimize --decomb --deblock --denoise=\"weak\" -f mp4 -P -2 -T -x ref=3:mixed-refs:bframes=6:weightb:direct=auto:b-pyramid:me=umh:subme=9:analyse=all:8x8dct:trellis=1:no-fast-pskip:psy-rd=1,1")
- logEvent("Encoding End", listing[i])
- try:
- os.rename(listing[i] + ".mp4", "./toupload/" + listing[i] + ".mp4")
- os.rename("./toencode/" + listing[i], "./encoded/" + listing[i])
- except:
- print "Nothing encoded - could not find file to move."
- time.sleep(4)
+ for movie in moviesInStage(Stages.TOENCODE):
+ toCat = rawVobs(Stages.TOENCODE, movie)
+ glued = gluedVob(Stages.TOENCODE, movie)
+ if len(toCat) > 0:
+ logEvent("Concatination Begin", movie)
+ catPaths = ""
+ for catPath in toCat:
+ catPaths += "'%s' " % catPath
+ if os.system("cat %s > '%s'" % (catPaths, glued)) != 0:
+ print "Concatination failed!!"
+ logEvent("Concatination Failure", movie)
+ continue
+ logEvent("Concatination End", movie)
+ for toDelete in toCat:
+ os.remove(toDelete)
+ logEvent("Encoding Begin", movie)
+ encoded = mp4(Stages.ENCODING, movie)
+ os.system("HandBrakeCLI -i '%s' -o '%s' -a `cat %s` -e x264 -b 500 -E faac -B 96 -R Auto -6 stereo --optimize --decomb --deblock --denoise=\"weak\" -f mp4 -P -2 -T -x ref=3:mixed-refs:bframes=6:weightb:direct=auto:b-pyramid:me=umh:subme=9:analyse=all:8x8dct:trellis=1:no-fast-pskip:psy-rd=1,1" % (glued, encoded, audioTrack(Stages.TOENCODE, movie)))
+ moveStages(Stages.TOENCODE, Stages.ENCODED, movie)
+ for encodedMovie in moviesInStage(Stages.ENCODING):
+ moveStages(Stages.ENCODING, Stages.TOUPLOAD, encodedMovie)
+ logEvent("Encoding End", movie)
+ time.sleep(10)
class Upload(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True:
- now =
+ #now =
#if now.hour > 9 and now.hour < 18:
# continue
- listing = os.listdir("./toupload")
- for i in range(len(listing)):
- print "Uploading " + listing[i]
- logEvent("Uploading Begin", listing[i])
- randomString = makeRandomString()
- if os.system("wput %s" % ("./toupload/" + listing[i], randomString)) == 0:
- correlation = open("correlation.csv", "a")
- correlation.write(listing[i] + "," + randomString + "," + time.asctime() + "\n")
- correlation.close()
- logEvent("Uploading End", listing[i])
- try:
- os.rename("./toupload/" + listing[i], "./uploaded/" + listing[i])
- except:
- print "Upload failed."
- logEvent("Uploading Failure", listing[i])
- time.sleep(120)
- else:
- print "Upload failed."
- logEvent("Uploading Failure", listing[i])
- time.sleep(120)
- time.sleep(60)
+ for movie in moviesInStage(Stages.TOUPLOAD):
+ print "Uploading " + movie
+ logEvent("Uploading Begin", movie)
+ randomString = ''.join([choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(8)])
+ if os.system("wput %s" % (mp4(Stages.TOUPLOAD, movie), randomString)) == 0:
+ correlation = open("correlation.csv", "a")
+ correlation.write(movie + "," + randomString + "," + time.asctime() + "\n")
+ correlation.close()
+ logEvent("Uploading End", movie)
+ moveStages(Stages.TOUPLOAD, Stages.UPLOADED, movie)
+ else:
+ print "Upload failed."
+ logEvent("Uploading Failure", movie)
+ correlation = open("deleteFromServer.csv", "a")
+ correlation.write(movie + "," + randomString + "," + time.asctime() + "\n")
+ correlation.close()
+ time.sleep(110)
+ time.sleep(10)
-if not os.path.exists("./toupload"):
- os.mkdir("./toupload")
-if not os.path.exists("./uploaded"):
- os.mkdir("./uploaded")
-if not os.path.exists("./toencode"):
- os.mkdir("./toencode")
-if not os.path.exists("./encoded"):
- os.mkdir("./encoded")
-if not os.path.exists("./ripping"):
- os.mkdir("./ripping")
-log = open("ripperlog.csv", "a")
-def logEvent(event, target="-"):
- log.write(time.asctime() + "," + event + "," + target + "\n")
- log.flush()
logEvent("Program Start")