#!/bin/bash set -ex [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || { echo "Usage: $0 KERNEL_NAME" >&2; exit 1; } BASE="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")")" KERNEL_DIR="$BASE/kernels/$1" [[ -d $KERNEL_DIR ]] || { echo "Error: '$0' does not exist" >&2; exit 1; } # Step 1) Account for already built modules by hard linking new hashes to the old names. first="" while IFS='|' read -r hash ver; do if [[ -f $BASE/out/wireguard-$hash.ko ]]; then first="$hash" break fi done < "$KERNEL_DIR/version-hashes.txt" if [[ -n $first ]]; then while IFS='|' read -r hash ver; do [[ -f $BASE/out/wireguard-$hash.ko ]] || ln "$BASE/out/wireguard-$first.ko" "$BASE/out/wireguard-$hash.ko" done < "$KERNEL_DIR/version-hashes.txt" exit 0 fi # Step 2) Make working directory. D="$(mktemp -d)" trap 'rm -rf "$D"' INT TERM EXIT cd "$D" # Step 3) Initialize repo with manifests and fetch repositories. mkdir -p manifest cd manifest git init --initial-branch=master git config user.email "$(id -un)@$(hostname)" git config user.name "$(id -un)" cp "$KERNEL_DIR/manifest.xml" default.xml git add default.xml git commit -m "Initial commit" cd .. repo init -u ./manifest mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests cp "$BASE/files/wireguard.xml" .repo/local_manifests/ repo sync # Step 4) Inject shim module and launch build. mkdir -p wireguard cp "$BASE/files/shim.make" wireguard/Makefile exec 9>&1 read -r output < <("$BASH" "$KERNEL_DIR/do.bash" 7>&1 >&9) exec 9>- [[ -f $output ]] # Step 5) Copy first module out and hard link the rest. mkdir -p "$BASE/out" first="" while IFS='|' read -r hash vers; do if [[ -z $first ]]; then cp "$output" "$BASE/out/wireguard-$hash.ko" first="$hash" else ln "$BASE/out/wireguard-$first.ko" "$BASE/out/wireguard-$hash.ko" fi done < "$KERNEL_DIR/version-hashes.txt"