-- This script may be used with the email-filter or repo.email-filter settings in cgitrc. -- It adds gravatar icons to author names. It is designed to be used with the lua: -- prefix in filters. It is much faster than the corresponding python script. -- -- Requirements: -- luaossl -- -- local digest = require("openssl.digest") function md5_hex(input) local b = digest.new("md5"):final(input) local x = "" for i = 1, #b do x = x .. string.format("%.2x", string.byte(b, i)) end return x end function filter_open(email, page) buffer = "" md5 = md5_hex(email:sub(2, -2):lower()) end function filter_close() html("Gravatar " .. buffer) return 0 end function filter_write(str) buffer = buffer .. str end