=============================================================================== 2012-12-05_06-12 ==== enesim ==== http://code.google.com/p/enesim/ == #enesim == 23:26 < glouglou> i'm working on a network visualisation tool, that would display a network map in real time meaning new nodes appears and disapears (machines), and there are links between them (network traffic) 23:27 < glouglou> networks can be hundreds of machines 23:31 < glouglou> i was wondering if evas / enesim was my best choice for visualisation of this type of real time graph 23:54 < glouglou> btw i'm reading Enesim source code, impressive ... nice work :) Day changed to 05 Dec 2012 00:09 < turran> hey sorry, was on the tv :-/ 00:09 < turran> already late 00:10 < turran> why dont you drop an email with vincent there too 00:10 < turran> need to go 00:10 < turran> ttyl == email == 00:12 jorgeluis.zapata@gmail.com 00:13 et le mien : vincent.torri@gmail.com 00:13 ok note 00:14 ha et met aussi en cc : 00:15 jose_ogp@juno.com 00:15 c'est l'autre contributeur 00:15 l'auter dev, plutot :) == evas + edje + efx ==