id: qtgui_number_sink label: QT GUI Number Sink flags: [ python ] parameters: - id: name label: Name dtype: string default: '""' hide: ${ ('none' if len(name) > 0 else 'part') } - id: type label: Input Type category: General dtype: enum options: [float, int, short, byte] option_attributes: size: [gr.sizeof_float, gr.sizeof_int, gr.sizeof_short, gr.sizeof_char] hide: part - id: autoscale label: Autoscale dtype: enum default: 'False' options: ['True', 'False'] option_labels: ['Yes', 'No'] - id: avg label: Average category: General dtype: float default: '0' - id: graph_type label: Graph Type category: General dtype: enum options: [qtgui.NUM_GRAPH_HORIZ, qtgui.NUM_GRAPH_VERT, qtgui.NUM_GRAPH_NONE] option_labels: [Horizontal, Vertical, None] - id: nconnections label: Number of Inputs category: General dtype: int default: '1' hide: part - id: min label: Min dtype: float default: '-1' hide: part - id: max label: Max dtype: float default: '1' hide: part - id: update_time label: Update Period category: General dtype: float default: '0.10' hide: part - id: gui_hint label: GUI Hint category: General dtype: gui_hint hide: part - id: label1 label: Line 1 Label category: Config dtype: string hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 1 else 'all') } - id: unit1 label: Line 1 Unit category: Config dtype: string hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 1 else 'all') } - id: color1 label: Line 1 Color category: Config dtype: enum options: ['("black", "black")', '("blue", "red")', '("black", "white")', '("white", "black")', '("black", "red")'] option_labels: [Black, Blue-Red, White Hot, Black Hot, Black-Red] hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 1 else 'all') } - id: factor1 label: Line 1 Factor category: Config dtype: float default: '1' hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 1 else 'all') } - id: label2 label: Line 2 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 2 else 'all') } - id: unit2 label: Line 2 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 2 else 'all') } - id: color2 label: Line 2 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 2 else 'all') } - id: factor2 label: Line 2 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 2 else 'all') } - id: label3 label: Line 3 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 3 else 'all') } - id: unit3 label: Line 3 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 3 else 'all') } - id: color3 label: Line 3 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 3 else 'all') } - id: factor3 label: Line 3 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 3 else 'all') } - id: label4 label: Line 4 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 4 else 'all') } - id: unit4 label: Line 4 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 4 else 'all') } - id: color4 label: Line 4 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 4 else 'all') } - id: factor4 label: Line 4 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 4 else 'all') } - id: label5 label: Line 5 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 5 else 'all') } - id: unit5 label: Line 5 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 5 else 'all') } - id: color5 label: Line 5 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 5 else 'all') } - id: factor5 label: Line 5 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 5 else 'all') } - id: label6 label: Line 6 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 6 else 'all') } - id: unit6 label: Line 6 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 6 else 'all') } - id: color6 label: Line 6 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 6 else 'all') } - id: factor6 label: Line 6 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 6 else 'all') } - id: label7 label: Line 7 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 7 else 'all') } - id: unit7 label: Line 7 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 7 else 'all') } - id: color7 label: Line 7 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 7 else 'all') } - id: factor7 label: Line 7 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 7 else 'all') } - id: label8 label: Line 8 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 8 else 'all') } - id: unit8 label: Line 8 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 8 else 'all') } - id: color8 label: Line 8 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 8 else 'all') } - id: factor8 label: Line 8 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 8 else 'all') } - id: label9 label: Line 9 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 9 else 'all') } - id: unit9 label: Line 9 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 9 else 'all') } - id: color9 label: Line 9 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 9 else 'all') } - id: factor9 label: Line 9 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 9 else 'all') } - id: label10 label: Line 10 Label base_key: label1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 10 else 'all') } - id: unit10 label: Line 10 Unit base_key: unit1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 10 else 'all') } - id: color10 label: Line 10 Color base_key: color1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 10 else 'all') } - id: factor10 label: Line 10 Factor base_key: factor1 hide: ${ ('part' if int(nconnections) >= 10 else 'all') } inputs: - domain: stream dtype: ${ type } multiplicity: ${ nconnections } templates: imports: |- from PyQt5 import Qt from gnuradio import qtgui import sip callbacks: - set_update_time(${update_time}) make: |- <% win = 'self._%s_win'%id %>\ qtgui.number_sink( ${type.size}, ${avg}, ${graph_type}, ${nconnections} ) self.${id}.set_update_time(${update_time}) self.${id}.set_title(${name}) labels = [${label1}, ${label2}, ${label3}, ${label4}, ${label5}, ${label6}, ${label7}, ${label8}, ${label9}, ${label10}] units = [${unit1}, ${unit2}, ${unit3}, ${unit4}, ${unit5}, ${unit6}, ${unit7}, ${unit8}, ${unit9}, ${unit10}] colors = [${color1}, ${color2}, ${color3}, ${color4}, ${color5}, ${color6}, ${color7}, ${color8}, ${color9}, ${color10}] factor = [${factor1}, ${factor2}, ${factor3}, ${factor4}, ${factor5}, ${factor6}, ${factor7}, ${factor8}, ${factor9}, ${factor10}] for i in range(${nconnections}): self.${id}.set_min(i, ${min}) self.${id}.set_max(i, ${max}) self.${id}.set_color(i, colors[i][0], colors[i][1]) if len(labels[i]) == 0: self.${id}.set_label(i, "Data {0}".format(i)) else: self.${id}.set_label(i, labels[i]) self.${id}.set_unit(i, units[i]) self.${id}.set_factor(i, factor[i]) self.${id}.enable_autoscale(${autoscale}) ${win} = sip.wrapinstance(self.${id}.pyqwidget(), Qt.QWidget) ${gui_hint() % win} documentation: |- The GUI hint can be used to position the widget within the application. The hint is of the form [tab_id@tab_index]: [row, col, row_span, col_span]. Both the tab specification and the grid position are optional. file_format: 1