#!/bin/sh LOGDIR=$HOME/skylog/ echo "[-] running skype" skype & echo "[-] waiting for skype to be up" while :; do echo "\n" |ncat -v -w1 5253 && break sleep 1 done echo "[-] running skylog" skylog.py >> $LOGDIR/skylog.csv & sleep 2 echo "[-] running skydbg" skydbg.py >> $LOGDIR/skydbg.csv & echo "[-] create tmux skylog watcher" tmux new-session -d -s skylog "tail -f $LOGDIR/skydbg.csv" tmux new-window -t skylog "tail -f $LOGDIR/skylog.csv" echo "[-] attach to tmux skylog watcher" tmux attach-session -t skylog echo "[*] running !"