#!/bin/sh # Take screenshot(s) in Qubes Dom0 and copy to AppVM # Dependencies: scrot (sudo qubes-dom0-update scrot) # My KDE shortcuts: # Meta-C : qvm-screenshot.sh -s -n # Meta-Shift-C : qvm-screenshot.sh -s -n -m # Meta-Alt-C : qvm-screenshot.sh -s -q # 2013, Laurent Ghigonis DOM0_SHOTS_DIR=$HOME/shots APPVM_SHOTS_DIR=/home/user/shots QUBES_DOM0_APPVMS=/var/lib/qubes/appvms/ usage() { echo "$program [-hlmqs]" echo -e "\t-m : take multiple shots" echo -e "\t-n : after screenshot, run nautilus in AppVM" echo -e "\t-q : only take screenshot, no blabla" echo -e "\t-s : select window" } program="`basename $0`" mode_multi=0 mode_nautilus=0 mode_select=0 opts="$(getopt -o hmnqs -n "$program" -- "$@")" err=$? eval set -- "$opts" while true; do case $1 in -h) usage; exit 1 ;; -q) mode_quick=1; shift ;; -m) mode_multi=1; shift ;; -n) mode_nautilus=1; shift ;; -s) mode_select=1; shift ;; --) shift; break ;; esac done [[ $err -ne 0 ]] && usage && exit 1 shotslist="" mkdir -p $DOM0_SHOTS_DIR ||exit 1 while true; do d=`date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M"` tmpname=$d.png if [ $mode_select -eq 1 ]; then echo "[-] making shot, click on a window" scrot $@ -s $DOM0_SHOTS_DIR/$tmpname ||break else echo "[-] making shot of root window" scrot $@ $DOM0_SHOTS_DIR/$tmpname ||break fi [[ $mode_quick -eq 1 ]] && exit 1 title=`kdialog --inputbox "Enter screenshot title" --title "$program"` [[ X"$title" = X"" ]] && break shotname=${d}_${title}.png echo "[-] saving $DOM0_SHOTS_DIR/$shotname" mv $DOM0_SHOTS_DIR/$tmpname $DOM0_SHOTS_DIR/$shotname shotslist="${shotslist}${shotname}:" [[ $mode_multi -eq 1 ]] && kdialog --yesno "Other shot ?" || break done choice=`ls $QUBES_DOM0_APPVMS |sed 's/\([^ ]*\)/\1 \1/g'` appvm=`kdialog --menu "Select destination AppVM" $choice --title "$program"` if [ X"$appvm" != X"" ]; then if [ $mode_nautilus -eq 1 ]; then echo "[-] running nautilus in AppVM" qvm-run $appvm "nautilus $APPVM_SHOTS_DIR" fi echo "[-] copy to AppVM $appvm" qvm-run $appvm "mkdir -p $APPVM_SHOTS_DIR" IFS=":"; for shot in $shotslist; do echo "[-] copying $APPVM_SHOTS_DIR/$shot" cat $DOM0_SHOTS_DIR/$shot \ |qvm-run --pass-io $appvm "cat > $APPVM_SHOTS_DIR/$shot" done else echo "no AppVM name provided" fi echo "[*] done"