. listen to all MACs (OUI) to identify target (listen_target.sh) listen_target.sh * List clients * Assoc ? AP name, BSSID * Query ? List * Power * Store in DB * Localisation AP (google ?) * Recherche AP (google ?) * Recouper client entre sessions * Recouper AP entre clients * DB of matching MAC / OUI / Extensions with Equipment / Brand / Model / Options . listen to networks seeked by target . if fails, deauth target to see which network it seeks (listen_target.sh) . create our AP named as discovered AP (create_ap.sh) . maybe create on a different channel ? . fuzz AP / BSSID where target is connected to . send broken packets with MAC of the target AP, can it make clients not trust it ? . deauth target from AP it's connected to . accept connection to our AP, offer internet. intranet ? . mitm . if noob, mitm ssl . if noob, enter wifi password