#!/bin/bash if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then #if [[ $# -ne 4 ]]; then echo "usage: $0 iface ssid bssid" #echo "usage: $0 iface ssid bssid ip" exit 1 fi IFACE=$1 SSID=$2 BSSID=$3 #IP=$4 IP= # fixed for now, keep coherent with dnsmasq.conf sudo tmux new-session -d -s create_ap sudo tmux select-window -t create_ap:0 echo "[+] Killing old daemons" sudo pkill -f 'hostapd ./hostapd.conf' sudo pkill -f 'dnsmasq -q' echo "[+] Setting $IFACE bssid to $BSSID" sudo ifconfig $IFACE down sudo ifconfig $IFACE hw ether $BSSID echo "[+] Configuring hostapd.conf" sed -i "s/^interface=.*/interface=$IFACE/" ./hostapd.conf sed -i "s/^ssid=.*/ssid=$SSID/" ./hostapd.conf echo "[+] Starting hostapd" sudo tmux split-window -h -t create_ap "sudo hostapd ./hostapd.conf" echo "[+] Setting $IFACE IP to $IP" sudo ifconfig $IFACE $IP up echo "[+] Starting DHCP and DNS" sudo tmux split-window -v -t create_ap "sudo dnsmasq -d -i $IFACE -C ./dnsmasq.conf" echo "[+] Configuring iptables" sudo iptables -I INPUT -i $IFACE -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j ACCEPT echo "[+] All set ! Waiting..." sleep 1 sudo tmux select-pane -L -t create_ap sudo tmux send-keys -t create_ap:0 "ifconfig $IFACE" sudo tmux send-keys -t create_ap:0 "iwconfig $IFACE" sudo tmux send-keys -t create_ap:0 "route -n" sudo tmux attach-session -t create_ap