path: root/tools/testing/kunit/kunit_parser.py
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1 files changed, 716 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/kunit/kunit_parser.py b/tools/testing/kunit/kunit_parser.py
index 4ffbae0f6732..1ae873e3e341 100644
--- a/tools/testing/kunit/kunit_parser.py
+++ b/tools/testing/kunit/kunit_parser.py
@@ -1,310 +1,755 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-# Parses test results from a kernel dmesg log.
+# Parses KTAP test results from a kernel dmesg log and incrementally prints
+# results with reader-friendly format. Stores and returns test results in a
+# Test object.
# Copyright (C) 2019, Google LLC.
# Author: Felix Guo <felixguoxiuping@gmail.com>
# Author: Brendan Higgins <brendanhiggins@google.com>
+# Author: Rae Moar <rmoar@google.com>
+from __future__ import annotations
import re
+import sys
-from collections import namedtuple
-from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum, auto
-from functools import reduce
-from typing import List
-TestResult = namedtuple('TestResult', ['status','suites','log'])
-class TestSuite(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.status = None
- self.name = None
- self.cases = []
- def __str__(self):
- return 'TestSuite(' + self.status + ',' + self.name + ',' + str(self.cases) + ')'
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self)
-class TestCase(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.status = None
+from typing import Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
+from kunit_printer import stdout
+class Test:
+ """
+ A class to represent a test parsed from KTAP results. All KTAP
+ results within a test log are stored in a main Test object as
+ subtests.
+ Attributes:
+ status : TestStatus - status of the test
+ name : str - name of the test
+ expected_count : int - expected number of subtests (0 if single
+ test case and None if unknown expected number of subtests)
+ subtests : List[Test] - list of subtests
+ log : List[str] - log of KTAP lines that correspond to the test
+ counts : TestCounts - counts of the test statuses and errors of
+ subtests or of the test itself if the test is a single
+ test case.
+ """
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ """Creates Test object with default attributes."""
+ self.status = TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
self.name = ''
- self.log = []
- def __str__(self):
- return 'TestCase(' + self.status + ',' + self.name + ',' + str(self.log) + ')'
- def __repr__(self):
+ self.expected_count = 0 # type: Optional[int]
+ self.subtests = [] # type: List[Test]
+ self.log = [] # type: List[str]
+ self.counts = TestCounts()
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ """Returns string representation of a Test class object."""
+ return (f'Test({self.status}, {self.name}, {self.expected_count}, '
+ f'{self.subtests}, {self.log}, {self.counts})')
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """Returns string representation of a Test class object."""
return str(self)
+ def add_error(self, error_message: str) -> None:
+ """Records an error that occurred while parsing this test."""
+ self.counts.errors += 1
+ stdout.print_with_timestamp(stdout.red('[ERROR]') + f' Test: {self.name}: {error_message}')
class TestStatus(Enum):
+ """An enumeration class to represent the status of a test."""
SUCCESS = auto()
FAILURE = auto()
+ SKIPPED = auto()
NO_TESTS = auto()
+class TestCounts:
+ """
+ Tracks the counts of statuses of all test cases and any errors within
+ a Test.
+ Attributes:
+ passed : int - the number of tests that have passed
+ failed : int - the number of tests that have failed
+ crashed : int - the number of tests that have crashed
+ skipped : int - the number of tests that have skipped
+ errors : int - the number of errors in the test and subtests
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Creates TestCounts object with counts of all test
+ statuses and test errors set to 0.
+ """
+ self.passed = 0
+ self.failed = 0
+ self.crashed = 0
+ self.skipped = 0
+ self.errors = 0
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of a TestCounts object."""
+ statuses = [('passed', self.passed), ('failed', self.failed),
+ ('crashed', self.crashed), ('skipped', self.skipped),
+ ('errors', self.errors)]
+ return f'Ran {self.total()} tests: ' + \
+ ', '.join(f'{s}: {n}' for s, n in statuses if n > 0)
+ def total(self) -> int:
+ """Returns the total number of test cases within a test
+ object, where a test case is a test with no subtests.
+ """
+ return (self.passed + self.failed + self.crashed +
+ self.skipped)
+ def add_subtest_counts(self, counts: TestCounts) -> None:
+ """
+ Adds the counts of another TestCounts object to the current
+ TestCounts object. Used to add the counts of a subtest to the
+ parent test.
+ Parameters:
+ counts - a different TestCounts object whose counts
+ will be added to the counts of the TestCounts object
+ """
+ self.passed += counts.passed
+ self.failed += counts.failed
+ self.crashed += counts.crashed
+ self.skipped += counts.skipped
+ self.errors += counts.errors
+ def get_status(self) -> TestStatus:
+ """Returns the aggregated status of a Test using test
+ counts.
+ """
+ if self.total() == 0:
+ return TestStatus.NO_TESTS
+ if self.crashed:
+ # Crashes should take priority.
+ return TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
+ if self.failed:
+ return TestStatus.FAILURE
+ if self.passed:
+ # No failures or crashes, looks good!
+ return TestStatus.SUCCESS
+ # We have only skipped tests.
+ return TestStatus.SKIPPED
+ def add_status(self, status: TestStatus) -> None:
+ """Increments the count for `status`."""
+ if status == TestStatus.SUCCESS:
+ self.passed += 1
+ elif status == TestStatus.FAILURE:
+ self.failed += 1
+ elif status == TestStatus.SKIPPED:
+ self.skipped += 1
+ elif status != TestStatus.NO_TESTS:
+ self.crashed += 1
+class LineStream:
+ """
+ A class to represent the lines of kernel output.
+ Provides a lazy peek()/pop() interface over an iterator of
+ (line#, text).
+ """
+ _lines: Iterator[Tuple[int, str]]
+ _next: Tuple[int, str]
+ _need_next: bool
+ _done: bool
+ def __init__(self, lines: Iterator[Tuple[int, str]]):
+ """Creates a new LineStream that wraps the given iterator."""
+ self._lines = lines
+ self._done = False
+ self._need_next = True
+ self._next = (0, '')
+ def _get_next(self) -> None:
+ """Advances the LineSteam to the next line, if necessary."""
+ if not self._need_next:
+ return
+ try:
+ self._next = next(self._lines)
+ except StopIteration:
+ self._done = True
+ finally:
+ self._need_next = False
+ def peek(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the current line, without advancing the LineStream.
+ """
+ self._get_next()
+ return self._next[1]
+ def pop(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the current line and advances the LineStream to
+ the next line.
+ """
+ s = self.peek()
+ if self._done:
+ raise ValueError(f'LineStream: going past EOF, last line was {s}')
+ self._need_next = True
+ return s
+ def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+ """Returns True if stream has more lines."""
+ self._get_next()
+ return not self._done
+ # Only used by kunit_tool_test.py.
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
+ """Empties all lines stored in LineStream object into
+ Iterator object and returns the Iterator object.
+ """
+ while bool(self):
+ yield self.pop()
+ def line_number(self) -> int:
+ """Returns the line number of the current line."""
+ self._get_next()
+ return self._next[0]
+# Parsing helper methods:
+KTAP_START = re.compile(r'KTAP version ([0-9]+)$')
+TAP_START = re.compile(r'TAP version ([0-9]+)$')
+KTAP_END = re.compile('(List of all partitions:|'
+ 'Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS:|reboot: System halted)')
+def extract_tap_lines(kernel_output: Iterable[str], lstrip=True) -> LineStream:
+ """Extracts KTAP lines from the kernel output."""
+ def isolate_ktap_output(kernel_output: Iterable[str]) \
+ -> Iterator[Tuple[int, str]]:
+ line_num = 0
+ started = False
+ for line in kernel_output:
+ line_num += 1
+ line = line.rstrip() # remove trailing \n
+ if not started and KTAP_START.search(line):
+ # start extracting KTAP lines and set prefix
+ # to number of characters before version line
+ prefix_len = len(
+ line.split('KTAP version')[0])
+ started = True
+ yield line_num, line[prefix_len:]
+ elif not started and TAP_START.search(line):
+ # start extracting KTAP lines and set prefix
+ # to number of characters before version line
+ prefix_len = len(line.split('TAP version')[0])
+ started = True
+ yield line_num, line[prefix_len:]
+ elif started and KTAP_END.search(line):
+ # stop extracting KTAP lines
+ break
+ elif started:
+ # remove the prefix and optionally any leading
+ # whitespace. Our parsing logic relies on this.
+ line = line[prefix_len:]
+ if lstrip:
+ line = line.lstrip()
+ yield line_num, line
+ return LineStream(lines=isolate_ktap_output(kernel_output))
+TAP_VERSIONS = [13, 14]
+def check_version(version_num: int, accepted_versions: List[int],
+ version_type: str, test: Test) -> None:
+ """
+ Adds error to test object if version number is too high or too
+ low.
+ Parameters:
+ version_num - The inputted version number from the parsed KTAP or TAP
+ header line
+ accepted_version - List of accepted KTAP or TAP versions
+ version_type - 'KTAP' or 'TAP' depending on the type of
+ version line.
+ test - Test object for current test being parsed
+ """
+ if version_num < min(accepted_versions):
+ test.add_error(f'{version_type} version lower than expected!')
+ elif version_num > max(accepted_versions):
+ test.add_error(f'{version_type} version higer than expected!')
+def parse_ktap_header(lines: LineStream, test: Test) -> bool:
+ """
+ Parses KTAP/TAP header line and checks version number.
+ Returns False if fails to parse KTAP/TAP header line.
+ Accepted formats:
+ - 'KTAP version [version number]'
+ - 'TAP version [version number]'
+ Parameters:
+ lines - LineStream of KTAP output to parse
+ test - Test object for current test being parsed
+ Return:
+ True if successfully parsed KTAP/TAP header line
+ """
+ ktap_match = KTAP_START.match(lines.peek())
+ tap_match = TAP_START.match(lines.peek())
+ if ktap_match:
+ version_num = int(ktap_match.group(1))
+ check_version(version_num, KTAP_VERSIONS, 'KTAP', test)
+ elif tap_match:
+ version_num = int(tap_match.group(1))
+ check_version(version_num, TAP_VERSIONS, 'TAP', test)
+ else:
+ return False
+ test.log.append(lines.pop())
+ return True
-kunit_start_re = re.compile(r'^TAP version [0-9]+$')
-kunit_end_re = re.compile('List of all partitions:')
-def isolate_kunit_output(kernel_output):
- started = False
- for line in kernel_output:
- if kunit_start_re.match(line):
- started = True
- yield line
- elif kunit_end_re.match(line):
- break
- elif started:
- yield line
-def raw_output(kernel_output):
- for line in kernel_output:
- print(line)
-DIVIDER = '=' * 60
-RESET = '\033[0;0m'
-def red(text):
- return '\033[1;31m' + text + RESET
-def yellow(text):
- return '\033[1;33m' + text + RESET
-def green(text):
- return '\033[1;32m' + text + RESET
-def print_with_timestamp(message):
- print('[%s] %s' % (datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S'), message))
-def format_suite_divider(message):
- return '======== ' + message + ' ========'
-def print_suite_divider(message):
- print_with_timestamp(DIVIDER)
- print_with_timestamp(format_suite_divider(message))
-def print_log(log):
- for m in log:
- print_with_timestamp(m)
-TAP_ENTRIES = re.compile(r'^(TAP|\t?ok|\t?not ok|\t?[0-9]+\.\.[0-9]+|\t?#).*$')
-def consume_non_diagnositic(lines: List[str]) -> None:
- while lines and not TAP_ENTRIES.match(lines[0]):
- lines.pop(0)
-def save_non_diagnositic(lines: List[str], test_case: TestCase) -> None:
- while lines and not TAP_ENTRIES.match(lines[0]):
- test_case.log.append(lines[0])
- lines.pop(0)
+TEST_HEADER = re.compile(r'^# Subtest: (.*)$')
-OkNotOkResult = namedtuple('OkNotOkResult', ['is_ok','description', 'text'])
+def parse_test_header(lines: LineStream, test: Test) -> bool:
+ """
+ Parses test header and stores test name in test object.
+ Returns False if fails to parse test header line.
-OK_NOT_OK_SUBTEST = re.compile(r'^\t(ok|not ok) [0-9]+ - (.*)$')
+ Accepted format:
+ - '# Subtest: [test name]'
-OK_NOT_OK_MODULE = re.compile(r'^(ok|not ok) [0-9]+ - (.*)$')
+ Parameters:
+ lines - LineStream of KTAP output to parse
+ test - Test object for current test being parsed
-def parse_ok_not_ok_test_case(lines: List[str],
- test_case: TestCase,
- expecting_test_case: bool) -> bool:
- save_non_diagnositic(lines, test_case)
- if not lines:
- if expecting_test_case:
- test_case.status = TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
- return True
- else:
- return False
- line = lines[0]
- match = OK_NOT_OK_SUBTEST.match(line)
- if match:
- test_case.log.append(lines.pop(0))
- test_case.name = match.group(2)
- if test_case.status == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
- return True
- if match.group(1) == 'ok':
- test_case.status = TestStatus.SUCCESS
- else:
- test_case.status = TestStatus.FAILURE
- return True
- else:
+ Return:
+ True if successfully parsed test header line
+ """
+ match = TEST_HEADER.match(lines.peek())
+ if not match:
return False
-SUBTEST_DIAGNOSTIC = re.compile(r'^\t# .*?: (.*)$')
-DIAGNOSTIC_CRASH_MESSAGE = 'kunit test case crashed!'
-def parse_diagnostic(lines: List[str], test_case: TestCase) -> bool:
- save_non_diagnositic(lines, test_case)
- if not lines:
+ test.log.append(lines.pop())
+ test.name = match.group(1)
+ return True
+TEST_PLAN = re.compile(r'1\.\.([0-9]+)')
+def parse_test_plan(lines: LineStream, test: Test) -> bool:
+ """
+ Parses test plan line and stores the expected number of subtests in
+ test object. Reports an error if expected count is 0.
+ Returns False and sets expected_count to None if there is no valid test
+ plan.
+ Accepted format:
+ - '1..[number of subtests]'
+ Parameters:
+ lines - LineStream of KTAP output to parse
+ test - Test object for current test being parsed
+ Return:
+ True if successfully parsed test plan line
+ """
+ match = TEST_PLAN.match(lines.peek())
+ if not match:
+ test.expected_count = None
return False
- line = lines[0]
- match = SUBTEST_DIAGNOSTIC.match(line)
- if match:
- test_case.log.append(lines.pop(0))
- if match.group(1) == DIAGNOSTIC_CRASH_MESSAGE:
- test_case.status = TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
- return True
- else:
+ test.log.append(lines.pop())
+ expected_count = int(match.group(1))
+ test.expected_count = expected_count
+ return True
+TEST_RESULT = re.compile(r'^(ok|not ok) ([0-9]+) (- )?([^#]*)( # .*)?$')
+TEST_RESULT_SKIP = re.compile(r'^(ok|not ok) ([0-9]+) (- )?(.*) # SKIP(.*)$')
+def peek_test_name_match(lines: LineStream, test: Test) -> bool:
+ """
+ Matches current line with the format of a test result line and checks
+ if the name matches the name of the current test.
+ Returns False if fails to match format or name.
+ Accepted format:
+ - '[ok|not ok] [test number] [-] [test name] [optional skip
+ directive]'
+ Parameters:
+ lines - LineStream of KTAP output to parse
+ test - Test object for current test being parsed
+ Return:
+ True if matched a test result line and the name matching the
+ expected test name
+ """
+ line = lines.peek()
+ match = TEST_RESULT.match(line)
+ if not match:
return False
+ name = match.group(4)
+ return name == test.name
+def parse_test_result(lines: LineStream, test: Test,
+ expected_num: int) -> bool:
+ """
+ Parses test result line and stores the status and name in the test
+ object. Reports an error if the test number does not match expected
+ test number.
+ Returns False if fails to parse test result line.
+ Note that the SKIP directive is the only direction that causes a
+ change in status.
+ Accepted format:
+ - '[ok|not ok] [test number] [-] [test name] [optional skip
+ directive]'
+ Parameters:
+ lines - LineStream of KTAP output to parse
+ test - Test object for current test being parsed
+ expected_num - expected test number for current test
+ Return:
+ True if successfully parsed a test result line.
+ """
+ line = lines.peek()
+ match = TEST_RESULT.match(line)
+ skip_match = TEST_RESULT_SKIP.match(line)
+ # Check if line matches test result line format
+ if not match:
+ return False
+ test.log.append(lines.pop())
-def parse_test_case(lines: List[str], expecting_test_case: bool) -> TestCase:
- test_case = TestCase()
- save_non_diagnositic(lines, test_case)
- while parse_diagnostic(lines, test_case):
- pass
- if parse_ok_not_ok_test_case(lines, test_case, expecting_test_case):
- return test_case
- else:
- return None
-SUBTEST_HEADER = re.compile(r'^\t# Subtest: (.*)$')
-def parse_subtest_header(lines: List[str]) -> str:
- consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
- if not lines:
- return None
- match = SUBTEST_HEADER.match(lines[0])
- if match:
- lines.pop(0)
- return match.group(1)
- else:
- return None
-SUBTEST_PLAN = re.compile(r'\t[0-9]+\.\.([0-9]+)')
-def parse_subtest_plan(lines: List[str]) -> int:
- consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
- match = SUBTEST_PLAN.match(lines[0])
- if match:
- lines.pop(0)
- return int(match.group(1))
+ # Set name of test object
+ if skip_match:
+ test.name = skip_match.group(4)
- return None
-def max_status(left: TestStatus, right: TestStatus) -> TestStatus:
- if left == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED or right == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
- return TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
- elif left == TestStatus.FAILURE or right == TestStatus.FAILURE:
- return TestStatus.FAILURE
- elif left != TestStatus.SUCCESS:
- return left
- elif right != TestStatus.SUCCESS:
- return right
+ test.name = match.group(4)
+ # Check test num
+ num = int(match.group(2))
+ if num != expected_num:
+ test.add_error(f'Expected test number {expected_num} but found {num}')
+ # Set status of test object
+ status = match.group(1)
+ if skip_match:
+ test.status = TestStatus.SKIPPED
+ elif status == 'ok':
+ test.status = TestStatus.SUCCESS
- return TestStatus.SUCCESS
+ test.status = TestStatus.FAILURE
+ return True
-def parse_ok_not_ok_test_suite(lines: List[str], test_suite: TestSuite) -> bool:
- consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
- if not lines:
- test_suite.status = TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
- return False
- line = lines[0]
- match = OK_NOT_OK_MODULE.match(line)
- if match:
- lines.pop(0)
- if match.group(1) == 'ok':
- test_suite.status = TestStatus.SUCCESS
- else:
- test_suite.status = TestStatus.FAILURE
- return True
- else:
- return False
+def parse_diagnostic(lines: LineStream) -> List[str]:
+ """
+ Parse lines that do not match the format of a test result line or
+ test header line and returns them in list.
-def bubble_up_errors(to_status, status_container_list) -> TestStatus:
- status_list = map(to_status, status_container_list)
- return reduce(max_status, status_list, TestStatus.SUCCESS)
+ Line formats that are not parsed:
+ - '# Subtest: [test name]'
+ - '[ok|not ok] [test number] [-] [test name] [optional skip
+ directive]'
-def bubble_up_test_case_errors(test_suite: TestSuite) -> TestStatus:
- max_test_case_status = bubble_up_errors(lambda x: x.status, test_suite.cases)
- return max_status(max_test_case_status, test_suite.status)
+ Parameters:
+ lines - LineStream of KTAP output to parse
-def parse_test_suite(lines: List[str]) -> TestSuite:
- if not lines:
- return None
- consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
- test_suite = TestSuite()
- test_suite.status = TestStatus.SUCCESS
- name = parse_subtest_header(lines)
- if not name:
- return None
- test_suite.name = name
- expected_test_case_num = parse_subtest_plan(lines)
- if not expected_test_case_num:
- return None
- test_case = parse_test_case(lines, expected_test_case_num > 0)
- expected_test_case_num -= 1
- while test_case:
- test_suite.cases.append(test_case)
- test_case = parse_test_case(lines, expected_test_case_num > 0)
- expected_test_case_num -= 1
- if parse_ok_not_ok_test_suite(lines, test_suite):
- test_suite.status = bubble_up_test_case_errors(test_suite)
- return test_suite
- elif not lines:
- print_with_timestamp(red('[ERROR] ') + 'ran out of lines before end token')
- return test_suite
- else:
- print('failed to parse end of suite' + lines[0])
- return None
+ Return:
+ Log of diagnostic lines
+ """
+ log = [] # type: List[str]
+ while lines and not TEST_RESULT.match(lines.peek()) and not \
+ TEST_HEADER.match(lines.peek()):
+ log.append(lines.pop())
+ return log
-TAP_HEADER = re.compile(r'^TAP version 14$')
-def parse_tap_header(lines: List[str]) -> bool:
- consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
- if TAP_HEADER.match(lines[0]):
- lines.pop(0)
- return True
- else:
- return False
+# Printing helper methods:
-def bubble_up_suite_errors(test_suite_list: List[TestSuite]) -> TestStatus:
- return bubble_up_errors(lambda x: x.status, test_suite_list)
+DIVIDER = '=' * 60
-def parse_test_result(lines: List[str]) -> TestResult:
- if not lines:
- return TestResult(TestStatus.NO_TESTS, [], lines)
- consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
- if not parse_tap_header(lines):
- return None
- test_suites = []
- test_suite = parse_test_suite(lines)
- while test_suite:
- test_suites.append(test_suite)
- test_suite = parse_test_suite(lines)
- return TestResult(bubble_up_suite_errors(test_suites), test_suites, lines)
-def parse_run_tests(kernel_output) -> TestResult:
- total_tests = 0
- failed_tests = 0
- crashed_tests = 0
- test_result = parse_test_result(list(isolate_kunit_output(kernel_output)))
- for test_suite in test_result.suites:
- if test_suite.status == TestStatus.SUCCESS:
- print_suite_divider(green('[PASSED] ') + test_suite.name)
- elif test_suite.status == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
- print_suite_divider(red('[CRASHED] ' + test_suite.name))
+def format_test_divider(message: str, len_message: int) -> str:
+ """
+ Returns string with message centered in fixed width divider.
+ Example:
+ '===================== message example ====================='
+ Parameters:
+ message - message to be centered in divider line
+ len_message - length of the message to be printed such that
+ any characters of the color codes are not counted
+ Return:
+ String containing message centered in fixed width divider
+ """
+ default_count = 3 # default number of dashes
+ len_1 = default_count
+ len_2 = default_count
+ difference = len(DIVIDER) - len_message - 2 # 2 spaces added
+ if difference > 0:
+ # calculate number of dashes for each side of the divider
+ len_1 = int(difference / 2)
+ len_2 = difference - len_1
+ return ('=' * len_1) + f' {message} ' + ('=' * len_2)
+def print_test_header(test: Test) -> None:
+ """
+ Prints test header with test name and optionally the expected number
+ of subtests.
+ Example:
+ '=================== example (2 subtests) ==================='
+ Parameters:
+ test - Test object representing current test being printed
+ """
+ message = test.name
+ if test.expected_count:
+ if test.expected_count == 1:
+ message += ' (1 subtest)'
- print_suite_divider(red('[FAILED] ') + test_suite.name)
- for test_case in test_suite.cases:
- total_tests += 1
- if test_case.status == TestStatus.SUCCESS:
- print_with_timestamp(green('[PASSED] ') + test_case.name)
- elif test_case.status == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
- crashed_tests += 1
- print_with_timestamp(red('[CRASHED] ' + test_case.name))
- print_log(map(yellow, test_case.log))
- print_with_timestamp('')
+ message += f' ({test.expected_count} subtests)'
+ stdout.print_with_timestamp(format_test_divider(message, len(message)))
+def print_log(log: Iterable[str]) -> None:
+ """Prints all strings in saved log for test in yellow."""
+ for m in log:
+ stdout.print_with_timestamp(stdout.yellow(m))
+def format_test_result(test: Test) -> str:
+ """
+ Returns string with formatted test result with colored status and test
+ name.
+ Example:
+ '[PASSED] example'
+ Parameters:
+ test - Test object representing current test being printed
+ Return:
+ String containing formatted test result
+ """
+ if test.status == TestStatus.SUCCESS:
+ return stdout.green('[PASSED] ') + test.name
+ if test.status == TestStatus.SKIPPED:
+ return stdout.yellow('[SKIPPED] ') + test.name
+ if test.status == TestStatus.NO_TESTS:
+ return stdout.yellow('[NO TESTS RUN] ') + test.name
+ if test.status == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
+ print_log(test.log)
+ return stdout.red('[CRASHED] ') + test.name
+ print_log(test.log)
+ return stdout.red('[FAILED] ') + test.name
+def print_test_result(test: Test) -> None:
+ """
+ Prints result line with status of test.
+ Example:
+ '[PASSED] example'
+ Parameters:
+ test - Test object representing current test being printed
+ """
+ stdout.print_with_timestamp(format_test_result(test))
+def print_test_footer(test: Test) -> None:
+ """
+ Prints test footer with status of test.
+ Example:
+ '===================== [PASSED] example ====================='
+ Parameters:
+ test - Test object representing current test being printed
+ """
+ message = format_test_result(test)
+ stdout.print_with_timestamp(format_test_divider(message,
+ len(message) - stdout.color_len()))
+def print_summary_line(test: Test) -> None:
+ """
+ Prints summary line of test object. Color of line is dependent on
+ status of test. Color is green if test passes, yellow if test is
+ skipped, and red if the test fails or crashes. Summary line contains
+ counts of the statuses of the tests subtests or the test itself if it
+ has no subtests.
+ Example:
+ "Testing complete. Passed: 2, Failed: 0, Crashed: 0, Skipped: 0,
+ Errors: 0"
+ test - Test object representing current test being printed
+ """
+ if test.status == TestStatus.SUCCESS:
+ color = stdout.green
+ elif test.status in (TestStatus.SKIPPED, TestStatus.NO_TESTS):
+ color = stdout.yellow
+ else:
+ color = stdout.red
+ stdout.print_with_timestamp(color(f'Testing complete. {test.counts}'))
+# Other methods:
+def bubble_up_test_results(test: Test) -> None:
+ """
+ If the test has subtests, add the test counts of the subtests to the
+ test and check if any of the tests crashed and if so set the test
+ status to crashed. Otherwise if the test has no subtests add the
+ status of the test to the test counts.
+ Parameters:
+ test - Test object for current test being parsed
+ """
+ subtests = test.subtests
+ counts = test.counts
+ status = test.status
+ for t in subtests:
+ counts.add_subtest_counts(t.counts)
+ if counts.total() == 0:
+ counts.add_status(status)
+ elif test.counts.get_status() == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
+ test.status = TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
+def parse_test(lines: LineStream, expected_num: int, log: List[str]) -> Test:
+ """
+ Finds next test to parse in LineStream, creates new Test object,
+ parses any subtests of the test, populates Test object with all
+ information (status, name) about the test and the Test objects for
+ any subtests, and then returns the Test object. The method accepts
+ three formats of tests:
+ Accepted test formats:
+ - Main KTAP/TAP header
+ Example:
+ KTAP version 1
+ 1..4
+ [subtests]
+ - Subtest header line
+ Example:
+ # Subtest: name
+ 1..3
+ [subtests]
+ ok 1 name
+ - Test result line
+ Example:
+ ok 1 - test
+ Parameters:
+ lines - LineStream of KTAP output to parse
+ expected_num - expected test number for test to be parsed
+ log - list of strings containing any preceding diagnostic lines
+ corresponding to the current test
+ Return:
+ Test object populated with characteristics and any subtests
+ """
+ test = Test()
+ test.log.extend(log)
+ parent_test = False
+ main = parse_ktap_header(lines, test)
+ if main:
+ # If KTAP/TAP header is found, attempt to parse
+ # test plan
+ test.name = "main"
+ parse_test_plan(lines, test)
+ parent_test = True
+ else:
+ # If KTAP/TAP header is not found, test must be subtest
+ # header or test result line so parse attempt to parser
+ # subtest header
+ parent_test = parse_test_header(lines, test)
+ if parent_test:
+ # If subtest header is found, attempt to parse
+ # test plan and print header
+ parse_test_plan(lines, test)
+ print_test_header(test)
+ expected_count = test.expected_count
+ subtests = []
+ test_num = 1
+ while parent_test and (expected_count is None or test_num <= expected_count):
+ # Loop to parse any subtests.
+ # Break after parsing expected number of tests or
+ # if expected number of tests is unknown break when test
+ # result line with matching name to subtest header is found
+ # or no more lines in stream.
+ sub_log = parse_diagnostic(lines)
+ sub_test = Test()
+ if not lines or (peek_test_name_match(lines, test) and
+ not main):
+ if expected_count and test_num <= expected_count:
+ # If parser reaches end of test before
+ # parsing expected number of subtests, print
+ # crashed subtest and record error
+ test.add_error('missing expected subtest!')
+ sub_test.log.extend(sub_log)
+ test.counts.add_status(
+ TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED)
+ print_test_result(sub_test)
- failed_tests += 1
- print_with_timestamp(red('[FAILED] ') + test_case.name)
- print_log(map(yellow, test_case.log))
- print_with_timestamp('')
- print_with_timestamp(DIVIDER)
- fmt = green if test_result.status == TestStatus.SUCCESS else red
- print_with_timestamp(
- fmt('Testing complete. %d tests run. %d failed. %d crashed.' %
- (total_tests, failed_tests, crashed_tests)))
- return test_result
+ test.log.extend(sub_log)
+ break
+ else:
+ sub_test = parse_test(lines, test_num, sub_log)
+ subtests.append(sub_test)
+ test_num += 1
+ test.subtests = subtests
+ if not main:
+ # If not main test, look for test result line
+ test.log.extend(parse_diagnostic(lines))
+ if (parent_test and peek_test_name_match(lines, test)) or \
+ not parent_test:
+ parse_test_result(lines, test, expected_num)
+ else:
+ test.add_error('missing subtest result line!')
+ # Check for there being no tests
+ if parent_test and len(subtests) == 0:
+ # Don't override a bad status if this test had one reported.
+ # Assumption: no subtests means CRASHED is from Test.__init__()
+ if test.status in (TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED, TestStatus.SUCCESS):
+ test.status = TestStatus.NO_TESTS
+ test.add_error('0 tests run!')
+ # Add statuses to TestCounts attribute in Test object
+ bubble_up_test_results(test)
+ if parent_test and not main:
+ # If test has subtests and is not the main test object, print
+ # footer.
+ print_test_footer(test)
+ elif not main:
+ print_test_result(test)
+ return test
+def parse_run_tests(kernel_output: Iterable[str]) -> Test:
+ """
+ Using kernel output, extract KTAP lines, parse the lines for test
+ results and print condensed test results and summary line.
+ Parameters:
+ kernel_output - Iterable object contains lines of kernel output
+ Return:
+ Test - the main test object with all subtests.
+ """
+ stdout.print_with_timestamp(DIVIDER)
+ lines = extract_tap_lines(kernel_output)
+ test = Test()
+ if not lines:
+ test.name = '<missing>'
+ test.add_error('could not find any KTAP output!')
+ test.status = TestStatus.FAILURE_TO_PARSE_TESTS
+ else:
+ test = parse_test(lines, 0, [])
+ if test.status != TestStatus.NO_TESTS:
+ test.status = test.counts.get_status()
+ stdout.print_with_timestamp(DIVIDER)
+ print_summary_line(test)
+ return test