Device-mapper snapshot support ============================== Device-mapper allows you, without massive data copying: *) To create snapshots of any block device i.e. mountable, saved states of the block device which are also writable without interfering with the original content; *) To create device "forks", i.e. multiple different versions of the same data stream. In both cases, dm copies only the chunks of data that get changed and uses a separate copy-on-write (COW) block device for storage. There are two dm targets available: snapshot and snapshot-origin. *) snapshot-origin which will normally have one or more snapshots based on it. You must create the snapshot-origin device before you can create snapshots. Reads will be mapped directly to the backing device. For each write, the original data will be saved in the of each snapshot to keep its visible content unchanged, at least until the fills up. *) snapshot A snapshot is created of the block device. Changed chunks of sectors will be stored on the . Writes will only go to the . Reads will come from the or from for unchanged data. will often be smaller than the origin and if it fills up the snapshot will become useless and be disabled, returning errors. So it is important to monitor the amount of free space and expand the before it fills up. is P (Persistent) or N (Not persistent - will not survive after reboot). How this is used by LVM2 ======================== When you create the first LVM2 snapshot of a volume, four dm devices are used: 1) a device containing the original mapping table of the source volume; 2) a device used as the ; 3) a "snapshot" device, combining #1 and #2, which is the visible snapshot volume; 4) the "original" volume (which uses the device number used by the original source volume), whose table is replaced by a "snapshot-origin" mapping from device #1. A fixed naming scheme is used, so with the following commands: lvcreate -L 1G -n base volumeGroup lvcreate -L 100M --snapshot -n snap volumeGroup/base we'll have this situation (with volumes in above order): # dmsetup table|grep volumeGroup volumeGroup-base-real: 0 2097152 linear 8:19 384 volumeGroup-snap-cow: 0 204800 linear 8:19 2097536 volumeGroup-snap: 0 2097152 snapshot 254:11 254:12 P 16 volumeGroup-base: 0 2097152 snapshot-origin 254:11 # ls -lL /dev/mapper/volumeGroup-* brw------- 1 root root 254, 11 29 ago 18:15 /dev/mapper/volumeGroup-base-real brw------- 1 root root 254, 12 29 ago 18:15 /dev/mapper/volumeGroup-snap-cow brw------- 1 root root 254, 13 29 ago 18:15 /dev/mapper/volumeGroup-snap brw------- 1 root root 254, 10 29 ago 18:14 /dev/mapper/volumeGroup-base