ltc2978 Required properties: - compatible: should contain one of: * "lltc,ltc2974" * "lltc,ltc2977" * "lltc,ltc2978" * "lltc,ltc3880" * "lltc,ltc3882" * "lltc,ltc3883" * "lltc,ltc3887" * "lltc,ltm4676" - reg: I2C slave address Optional properties: - regulators: A node that houses a sub-node for each regulator controlled by the device. Each sub-node is identified using the node's name, with valid values listed below. The content of each sub-node is defined by the standard binding for regulators; see regulator.txt. Valid names of regulators depend on number of supplies supported per device: * ltc2974 : vout0 - vout3 * ltc2977 : vout0 - vout7 * ltc2978 : vout0 - vout7 * ltc3880, ltc3882 : vout0 - vout1 * ltc3883 : vout0 * ltm4676 : vout0 - vout1 Example: ltc2978@5e { compatible = "lltc,ltc2978"; reg = <0x5e>; regulators { vout0 { regulator-name = "FPGA-2.5V"; }; vout2 { regulator-name = "FPGA-1.5V"; }; }; };