PHY nodes Required properties: - interrupts : where a is the interrupt number and b is a field that represents an encoding of the sense and level information for the interrupt. This should be encoded based on the information in section 2) depending on the type of interrupt controller you have. - interrupt-parent : the phandle for the interrupt controller that services interrupts for this device. - reg : The ID number for the phy, usually a small integer Optional Properties: - compatible: Compatible list, may contain "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c22" or "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c45" for PHYs that implement IEEE802.3 clause 22 or IEEE802.3 clause 45 specifications. If neither of these are specified, the default is to assume clause 22. The compatible list may also contain other elements. - max-speed: Maximum PHY supported speed (10, 100, 1000...) Example: ethernet-phy@0 { compatible = "ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c22"; interrupt-parent = <40000>; interrupts = <35 1>; reg = <0>; };