ST Ericsson abx500 pinmux controller Required properties: - compatible: "stericsson,ab8500-gpio", "stericsson,ab8540-gpio", "stericsson,ab8505-gpio", "stericsson,ab9540-gpio", Please refer to pinctrl-bindings.txt in this directory for details of the common pinctrl bindings used by client devices, including the meaning of the phrase "pin configuration node". ST Ericsson's pin configuration nodes act as a container for an arbitrary number of subnodes. Each of these subnodes represents some desired configuration for a pin, a group, or a list of pins or groups. This configuration can include the mux function to select on those pin(s)/group(s), and various pin configuration parameters, such as input, output, pull up, pull down... The name of each subnode is not important; all subnodes should be enumerated and processed purely based on their content. Required subnode-properties: - ste,pins : An array of strings. Each string contains the name of a pin or group. Optional subnode-properties: - ste,function: A string containing the name of the function to mux to the pin or group. - generic pin configuration option to use. Example : default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO1"; bias-disable; }; - ste,config: Handle of pin configuration node containing the generic pinconfig options to use, as described in pinctrl-bindings.txt in this directory. Example : pcfg_bias_disable: pcfg_bias_disable { bias-disable; }; default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO1"; ste.config = <&pcfg_bias_disable>; }; Example board file extract: &pinctrl_abx500 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&sysclkreq2_default_mode>, <&sysclkreq3_default_mode>, <&gpio3_default_mode>, <&sysclkreq6_default_mode>, <&pwmout1_default_mode>, <&pwmout2_default_mode>, <&pwmout3_default_mode>, <&adi1_default_mode>, <&dmic12_default_mode>, <&dmic34_default_mode>, <&dmic56_default_mode>, <&sysclkreq5_default_mode>, <&batremn_default_mode>, <&service_default_mode>, <&pwrctrl0_default_mode>, <&pwrctrl1_default_mode>, <&pwmextvibra1_default_mode>, <&pwmextvibra2_default_mode>, <&gpio51_default_mode>, <&gpio52_default_mode>, <&gpio53_default_mode>, <&gpio54_default_mode>, <&pdmclkdat_default_mode>; sysclkreq2 { sysclkreq2_default_mode: sysclkreq2_default { default_mux { ste,function = "sysclkreq"; ste,pins = "sysclkreq2_d_1"; }; default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO1"; bias-disable; }; }; }; sysclkreq3 { sysclkreq3_default_mode: sysclkreq3_default { default_mux { ste,function = "sysclkreq"; ste,pins = "sysclkreq3_d_1"; }; default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO2"; output-low; }; }; }; gpio3 { gpio3_default_mode: gpio3_default { default_mux { ste,function = "gpio"; ste,pins = "gpio3_a_1"; }; default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO3"; output-low; }; }; }; sysclkreq6 { sysclkreq6_default_mode: sysclkreq6_default { default_mux { ste,function = "sysclkreq"; ste,pins = "sysclkreq6_d_1"; }; default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO4"; bias-disable; }; }; }; pwmout1 { pwmout1_default_mode: pwmout1_default { default_mux { ste,function = "pwmout"; ste,pins = "pwmout1_d_1"; }; default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO14"; output-low; }; }; }; pwmout2 { pwmout2_default_mode: pwmout2_default { pwmout2_default_mux { ste,function = "pwmout"; ste,pins = "pwmout2_d_1"; }; pwmout2_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO15"; output-low; }; }; }; pwmout3 { pwmout3_default_mode: pwmout3_default { pwmout3_default_mux { ste,function = "pwmout"; ste,pins = "pwmout3_d_1"; }; pwmout3_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO16"; output-low; }; }; }; adi1 { adi1_default_mode: adi1_default { adi1_default_mux { ste,function = "adi1"; ste,pins = "adi1_d_1"; }; adi1_default_cfg1 { ste,pins = "GPIO17","GPIO19","GPIO20"; bias-disable; }; adi1_default_cfg2 { ste,pins = "GPIO18"; output-low; }; }; }; dmic12 { dmic12_default_mode: dmic12_default { dmic12_default_mux { ste,function = "dmic"; ste,pins = "dmic12_d_1"; }; dmic12_default_cfg1 { ste,pins = "GPIO27"; output-low; }; dmic12_default_cfg2 { ste,pins = "GPIO28"; bias-disable; }; }; }; dmic34 { dmic34_default_mode: dmic34_default { dmic34_default_mux { ste,function = "dmic"; ste,pins = "dmic34_d_1"; }; dmic34_default_cfg1 { ste,pins = "GPIO29"; output-low; }; dmic34_default_cfg2 { ste,pins = "GPIO30"; bias-disable;{ }; }; }; dmic56 { dmic56_default_mode: dmic56_default { dmic56_default_mux { ste,function = "dmic"; ste,pins = "dmic56_d_1"; }; dmic56_default_cfg1 { ste,pins = "GPIO31"; output-low; }; dmic56_default_cfg2 { ste,pins = "GPIO32"; bias-disable; }; }; }; sysclkreq5 { sysclkreq5_default_mode: sysclkreq5_default { sysclkreq5_default_mux { ste,function = "sysclkreq"; ste,pins = "sysclkreq5_d_1"; }; sysclkreq5_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO42"; output-low; }; }; }; batremn { batremn_default_mode: batremn_default { batremn_default_mux { ste,function = "batremn"; ste,pins = "batremn_d_1"; }; batremn_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO43"; bias-disable; }; }; }; service { service_default_mode: service_default { service_default_mux { ste,function = "service"; ste,pins = "service_d_1"; }; service_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO44"; bias-disable; }; }; }; pwrctrl0 { pwrctrl0_default_mux: pwrctrl0_mux { pwrctrl0_default_mux { ste,function = "pwrctrl"; ste,pins = "pwrctrl0_d_1"; }; }; pwrctrl0_default_mode: pwrctrl0_default { pwrctrl0_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO45"; bias-disable; }; }; }; pwrctrl1 { pwrctrl1_default_mux: pwrctrl1_mux { pwrctrl1_default_mux { ste,function = "pwrctrl"; ste,pins = "pwrctrl1_d_1"; }; }; pwrctrl1_default_mode: pwrctrl1_default { pwrctrl1_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO46"; bias-disable; }; }; }; pwmextvibra1 { pwmextvibra1_default_mode: pwmextvibra1_default { pwmextvibra1_default_mux { ste,function = "pwmextvibra"; ste,pins = "pwmextvibra1_d_1"; }; pwmextvibra1_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO47"; bias-disable; }; }; }; pwmextvibra2 { pwmextvibra2_default_mode: pwmextvibra2_default { pwmextvibra2_default_mux { ste,function = "pwmextvibra"; ste,pins = "pwmextvibra2_d_1"; }; pwmextvibra1_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO48"; bias-disable; }; }; }; gpio51 { gpio51_default_mode: gpio51_default { gpio51_default_mux { ste,function = "gpio"; ste,pins = "gpio51_a_1"; }; gpio51_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO51"; output-low; }; }; }; gpio52 { gpio52_default_mode: gpio52_default { gpio52_default_mux { ste,function = "gpio"; ste,pins = "gpio52_a_1"; }; gpio52_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO52"; bias-pull-down; }; }; }; gpio53 { gpio53_default_mode: gpio53_default { gpio53_default_mux { ste,function = "gpio"; ste,pins = "gpio53_a_1"; }; gpio53_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO53"; bias-pull-down; }; }; }; gpio54 { gpio54_default_mode: gpio54_default { gpio54_default_mux { ste,function = "gpio"; ste,pins = "gpio54_a_1"; }; gpio54_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO54"; output-low; }; }; }; pdmclkdat { pdmclkdat_default_mode: pdmclkdat_default { pdmclkdat_default_mux { ste,function = "pdm"; ste,pins = "pdmclkdat_d_1"; }; pdmclkdat_default_cfg { ste,pins = "GPIO55", "GPIO56"; bias-disable; }; }; }; };