/* * Machine check exception header file. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Copyright 2013 IBM Corporation * Author: Mahesh Salgaonkar */ #ifndef __ASM_PPC64_MCE_H__ #define __ASM_PPC64_MCE_H__ #include enum MCE_Version { MCE_V1 = 1, }; enum MCE_Severity { MCE_SEV_NO_ERROR = 0, MCE_SEV_WARNING = 1, MCE_SEV_SEVERE = 2, MCE_SEV_FATAL = 3, }; enum MCE_Disposition { MCE_DISPOSITION_RECOVERED = 0, MCE_DISPOSITION_NOT_RECOVERED = 1, }; enum MCE_Initiator { MCE_INITIATOR_UNKNOWN = 0, MCE_INITIATOR_CPU = 1, }; enum MCE_ErrorType { MCE_ERROR_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, MCE_ERROR_TYPE_UE = 1, MCE_ERROR_TYPE_SLB = 2, MCE_ERROR_TYPE_ERAT = 3, MCE_ERROR_TYPE_TLB = 4, MCE_ERROR_TYPE_USER = 5, MCE_ERROR_TYPE_RA = 6, MCE_ERROR_TYPE_LINK = 7, }; enum MCE_ErrorClass { MCE_ECLASS_UNKNOWN = 0, MCE_ECLASS_HARDWARE, MCE_ECLASS_HARD_INDETERMINATE, MCE_ECLASS_SOFTWARE, MCE_ECLASS_SOFT_INDETERMINATE, }; enum MCE_UeErrorType { MCE_UE_ERROR_INDETERMINATE = 0, MCE_UE_ERROR_IFETCH = 1, MCE_UE_ERROR_PAGE_TABLE_WALK_IFETCH = 2, MCE_UE_ERROR_LOAD_STORE = 3, MCE_UE_ERROR_PAGE_TABLE_WALK_LOAD_STORE = 4, }; enum MCE_SlbErrorType { MCE_SLB_ERROR_INDETERMINATE = 0, MCE_SLB_ERROR_PARITY = 1, MCE_SLB_ERROR_MULTIHIT = 2, }; enum MCE_EratErrorType { MCE_ERAT_ERROR_INDETERMINATE = 0, MCE_ERAT_ERROR_PARITY = 1, MCE_ERAT_ERROR_MULTIHIT = 2, }; enum MCE_TlbErrorType { MCE_TLB_ERROR_INDETERMINATE = 0, MCE_TLB_ERROR_PARITY = 1, MCE_TLB_ERROR_MULTIHIT = 2, }; enum MCE_UserErrorType { MCE_USER_ERROR_INDETERMINATE = 0, MCE_USER_ERROR_TLBIE = 1, }; enum MCE_RaErrorType { MCE_RA_ERROR_INDETERMINATE = 0, MCE_RA_ERROR_IFETCH = 1, MCE_RA_ERROR_IFETCH_FOREIGN = 2, MCE_RA_ERROR_PAGE_TABLE_WALK_IFETCH = 3, MCE_RA_ERROR_PAGE_TABLE_WALK_IFETCH_FOREIGN = 4, MCE_RA_ERROR_LOAD = 5, MCE_RA_ERROR_STORE = 6, MCE_RA_ERROR_PAGE_TABLE_WALK_LOAD_STORE = 7, MCE_RA_ERROR_PAGE_TABLE_WALK_LOAD_STORE_FOREIGN = 8, MCE_RA_ERROR_LOAD_STORE_FOREIGN = 9, }; enum MCE_LinkErrorType { MCE_LINK_ERROR_INDETERMINATE = 0, MCE_LINK_ERROR_IFETCH_TIMEOUT = 1, MCE_LINK_ERROR_PAGE_TABLE_WALK_IFETCH_TIMEOUT = 2, MCE_LINK_ERROR_LOAD_TIMEOUT = 3, MCE_LINK_ERROR_STORE_TIMEOUT = 4, MCE_LINK_ERROR_PAGE_TABLE_WALK_LOAD_STORE_TIMEOUT = 5, }; struct machine_check_event { enum MCE_Version version:8; u8 in_use; enum MCE_Severity severity:8; enum MCE_Initiator initiator:8; enum MCE_ErrorType error_type:8; enum MCE_ErrorClass error_class:8; enum MCE_Disposition disposition:8; bool sync_error; u16 cpu; u64 gpr3; u64 srr0; u64 srr1; union { struct { enum MCE_UeErrorType ue_error_type:8; u8 effective_address_provided; u8 physical_address_provided; u8 reserved_1[5]; u64 effective_address; u64 physical_address; u8 reserved_2[8]; } ue_error; struct { enum MCE_SlbErrorType slb_error_type:8; u8 effective_address_provided; u8 reserved_1[6]; u64 effective_address; u8 reserved_2[16]; } slb_error; struct { enum MCE_EratErrorType erat_error_type:8; u8 effective_address_provided; u8 reserved_1[6]; u64 effective_address; u8 reserved_2[16]; } erat_error; struct { enum MCE_TlbErrorType tlb_error_type:8; u8 effective_address_provided; u8 reserved_1[6]; u64 effective_address; u8 reserved_2[16]; } tlb_error; struct { enum MCE_UserErrorType user_error_type:8; u8 effective_address_provided; u8 reserved_1[6]; u64 effective_address; u8 reserved_2[16]; } user_error; struct { enum MCE_RaErrorType ra_error_type:8; u8 effective_address_provided; u8 reserved_1[6]; u64 effective_address; u8 reserved_2[16]; } ra_error; struct { enum MCE_LinkErrorType link_error_type:8; u8 effective_address_provided; u8 reserved_1[6]; u64 effective_address; u8 reserved_2[16]; } link_error; } u; }; struct mce_error_info { enum MCE_ErrorType error_type:8; union { enum MCE_UeErrorType ue_error_type:8; enum MCE_SlbErrorType slb_error_type:8; enum MCE_EratErrorType erat_error_type:8; enum MCE_TlbErrorType tlb_error_type:8; enum MCE_UserErrorType user_error_type:8; enum MCE_RaErrorType ra_error_type:8; enum MCE_LinkErrorType link_error_type:8; } u; enum MCE_Severity severity:8; enum MCE_Initiator initiator:8; enum MCE_ErrorClass error_class:8; bool sync_error; }; #define MAX_MC_EVT 100 /* Release flags for get_mce_event() */ #define MCE_EVENT_RELEASE true #define MCE_EVENT_DONTRELEASE false extern void save_mce_event(struct pt_regs *regs, long handled, struct mce_error_info *mce_err, uint64_t nip, uint64_t addr, uint64_t phys_addr); extern int get_mce_event(struct machine_check_event *mce, bool release); extern void release_mce_event(void); extern void machine_check_queue_event(void); extern void machine_check_print_event_info(struct machine_check_event *evt, bool user_mode, bool in_guest); unsigned long addr_to_pfn(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long addr); #ifdef CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64 void flush_and_reload_slb(void); #endif /* CONFIG_PPC_BOOK3S_64 */ #endif /* __ASM_PPC64_MCE_H__ */