/* * SMI PCIe driver for DVBSky cards. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Max nibble * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "smipcie.h" #define SMI_SAMPLE_PERIOD 83 #define SMI_SAMPLE_IDLEMIN (10000 / SMI_SAMPLE_PERIOD) static void smi_ir_enableInterrupt(struct smi_rc *ir) { struct smi_dev *dev = ir->dev; smi_write(MSI_INT_ENA_SET, IR_X_INT); } static void smi_ir_disableInterrupt(struct smi_rc *ir) { struct smi_dev *dev = ir->dev; smi_write(MSI_INT_ENA_CLR, IR_X_INT); } static void smi_ir_clearInterrupt(struct smi_rc *ir) { struct smi_dev *dev = ir->dev; smi_write(MSI_INT_STATUS_CLR, IR_X_INT); } static void smi_ir_stop(struct smi_rc *ir) { struct smi_dev *dev = ir->dev; smi_ir_disableInterrupt(ir); smi_clear(IR_Init_Reg, rbIRen); } static void smi_raw_process(struct rc_dev *rc_dev, const u8 *buffer, const u8 length) { struct ir_raw_event rawir = {}; int cnt; for (cnt = 0; cnt < length; cnt++) { if (buffer[cnt] & 0x7f) { rawir.pulse = (buffer[cnt] & 0x80) == 0; rawir.duration = ((buffer[cnt] & 0x7f) + (rawir.pulse ? 0 : -1)) * rc_dev->rx_resolution; ir_raw_event_store_with_filter(rc_dev, &rawir); } } } static void smi_ir_decode(struct smi_rc *ir) { struct smi_dev *dev = ir->dev; struct rc_dev *rc_dev = ir->rc_dev; u32 dwIRControl, dwIRData; u8 index, ucIRCount, readLoop; dwIRControl = smi_read(IR_Init_Reg); if (dwIRControl & rbIRVld) { ucIRCount = (u8) smi_read(IR_Data_Cnt); readLoop = ucIRCount/4; if (ucIRCount % 4) readLoop += 1; for (index = 0; index < readLoop; index++) { dwIRData = smi_read(IR_DATA_BUFFER_BASE + (index * 4)); ir->irData[index*4 + 0] = (u8)(dwIRData); ir->irData[index*4 + 1] = (u8)(dwIRData >> 8); ir->irData[index*4 + 2] = (u8)(dwIRData >> 16); ir->irData[index*4 + 3] = (u8)(dwIRData >> 24); } smi_raw_process(rc_dev, ir->irData, ucIRCount); smi_set(IR_Init_Reg, rbIRVld); } if (dwIRControl & rbIRhighidle) { struct ir_raw_event rawir = {}; rawir.pulse = 0; rawir.duration = US_TO_NS(SMI_SAMPLE_PERIOD * SMI_SAMPLE_IDLEMIN); ir_raw_event_store_with_filter(rc_dev, &rawir); smi_set(IR_Init_Reg, rbIRhighidle); } ir_raw_event_handle(rc_dev); } /* ir functions call by main driver.*/ int smi_ir_irq(struct smi_rc *ir, u32 int_status) { int handled = 0; if (int_status & IR_X_INT) { smi_ir_disableInterrupt(ir); smi_ir_clearInterrupt(ir); smi_ir_decode(ir); smi_ir_enableInterrupt(ir); handled = 1; } return handled; } void smi_ir_start(struct smi_rc *ir) { struct smi_dev *dev = ir->dev; smi_write(IR_Idle_Cnt_Low, (((SMI_SAMPLE_PERIOD - 1) & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (SMI_SAMPLE_IDLEMIN & 0xFFFF)); msleep(20); smi_set(IR_Init_Reg, rbIRen | rbIRhighidle); smi_ir_enableInterrupt(ir); } int smi_ir_init(struct smi_dev *dev) { int ret; struct rc_dev *rc_dev; struct smi_rc *ir = &dev->ir; rc_dev = rc_allocate_device(RC_DRIVER_IR_RAW); if (!rc_dev) return -ENOMEM; /* init input device */ snprintf(ir->device_name, sizeof(ir->device_name), "IR (%s)", dev->info->name); snprintf(ir->input_phys, sizeof(ir->input_phys), "pci-%s/ir0", pci_name(dev->pci_dev)); rc_dev->allowed_protocols = RC_PROTO_BIT_ALL_IR_DECODER; rc_dev->driver_name = "SMI_PCIe"; rc_dev->input_phys = ir->input_phys; rc_dev->device_name = ir->device_name; rc_dev->input_id.bustype = BUS_PCI; rc_dev->input_id.version = 1; rc_dev->input_id.vendor = dev->pci_dev->subsystem_vendor; rc_dev->input_id.product = dev->pci_dev->subsystem_device; rc_dev->dev.parent = &dev->pci_dev->dev; rc_dev->map_name = dev->info->rc_map; rc_dev->timeout = MS_TO_NS(100); rc_dev->rx_resolution = US_TO_NS(SMI_SAMPLE_PERIOD); ir->rc_dev = rc_dev; ir->dev = dev; smi_ir_disableInterrupt(ir); ret = rc_register_device(rc_dev); if (ret) goto ir_err; return 0; ir_err: rc_free_device(rc_dev); return ret; } void smi_ir_exit(struct smi_dev *dev) { struct smi_rc *ir = &dev->ir; struct rc_dev *rc_dev = ir->rc_dev; smi_ir_stop(ir); rc_unregister_device(rc_dev); ir->rc_dev = NULL; }