#include "headers.h" /* * File Name: sort.c * * Author: Beceem Communications Pvt. Ltd * * Abstract: This file contains the routines sorting the classification rules. * * Copyright (c) 2007 Beceem Communications Pvt. Ltd */ VOID SortPackInfo(PMINI_ADAPTER Adapter) { UINT nIndex1; UINT nIndex2; BCM_DEBUG_PRINT( Adapter,DBG_TYPE_OTHERS, CONN_MSG, DBG_LVL_ALL, "<======="); for(nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < NO_OF_QUEUES -2 ; nIndex1++) { for(nIndex2 = nIndex1 + 1 ; nIndex2 < NO_OF_QUEUES -1 ; nIndex2++) { if(Adapter->PackInfo[nIndex1].bValid && Adapter->PackInfo[nIndex2].bValid) { if(Adapter->PackInfo[nIndex2].u8TrafficPriority < Adapter->PackInfo[nIndex1].u8TrafficPriority) { PacketInfo stTemppackInfo = Adapter->PackInfo[nIndex2]; Adapter->PackInfo[nIndex2] = Adapter->PackInfo[nIndex1]; Adapter->PackInfo[nIndex1] = stTemppackInfo; } } } } } VOID SortClassifiers(PMINI_ADAPTER Adapter) { UINT nIndex1; UINT nIndex2; BCM_DEBUG_PRINT( Adapter,DBG_TYPE_OTHERS, CONN_MSG, DBG_LVL_ALL, "<======="); for(nIndex1 = 0; nIndex1 < MAX_CLASSIFIERS -1 ; nIndex1++) { for(nIndex2 = nIndex1 + 1 ; nIndex2 < MAX_CLASSIFIERS ; nIndex2++) { if(Adapter->astClassifierTable[nIndex1].bUsed && Adapter->astClassifierTable[nIndex2].bUsed) { if(Adapter->astClassifierTable[nIndex2].u8ClassifierRulePriority < Adapter->astClassifierTable[nIndex1].u8ClassifierRulePriority) { S_CLASSIFIER_RULE stTempClassifierRule = Adapter->astClassifierTable[nIndex2]; Adapter->astClassifierTable[nIndex2] = Adapter->astClassifierTable[nIndex1]; Adapter->astClassifierTable[nIndex1] = stTempClassifierRule; } } } } }