/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as *published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #define DIS_PS_RX_BCN u32 BTCoexDbgLevel = _bt_dbg_off_; #define RTPRINT(_Comp, _Level, Fmt)\ do {\ if ((BTCoexDbgLevel == _bt_dbg_on_)) {\ printk Fmt;\ } \ } while (0) #define RTPRINT_ADDR(dbgtype, dbgflag, printstr, _Ptr)\ if ((BTCoexDbgLevel == _bt_dbg_on_)) {\ u32 __i; \ u8 *ptr = (u8 *)_Ptr; \ printk printstr; \ printk(" "); \ for (__i = 0; __i < 6; __i++) \ printk("%02X%s", ptr[__i], (__i == 5)?"":"-"); \ printk("\n"); \ } #define RTPRINT_DATA(dbgtype, dbgflag, _TitleString, _HexData, _HexDataLen)\ if ((BTCoexDbgLevel == _bt_dbg_on_)) {\ u32 __i; \ u8 *ptr = (u8 *)_HexData; \ printk(_TitleString); \ for (__i = 0; __i < (u32)_HexDataLen; __i++) { \ printk("%02X%s", ptr[__i], (((__i + 1) % 4) == 0)?" ":" ");\ if (((__i + 1) % 16) == 0) \ printk("\n"); \ } \ printk("\n"); \ } /* Added by Annie, 2005-11-22. */ #define MAX_STR_LEN 64 /* I want to see ASCII 33 to 126 only. Otherwise, I print '?'. */ #define PRINTABLE(_ch) (_ch >= ' ' && _ch <= '~') #define RT_PRINT_STR(_Comp, _Level, _TitleString, _Ptr, _Len) \ { \ u32 __i; \ u8 buffer[MAX_STR_LEN]; \ u32 length = (_Len < MAX_STR_LEN) ? _Len : (MAX_STR_LEN-1);\ memset(buffer, 0, MAX_STR_LEN); \ memcpy(buffer, (u8 *)_Ptr, length); \ for (__i = 0; __i < length; __i++) { \ if (!PRINTABLE(buffer[__i])) \ buffer[__i] = '?'; \ } \ buffer[length] = '\0'; \ printk(_TitleString); \ printk(": %d, <%s>\n", _Len, buffer); \ } #define DCMD_Printf(...) #define RT_ASSERT(...) #define rsprintf snprintf #define GetDefaultAdapter(padapter) padapter #define PlatformZeroMemory(ptr, sz) memset(ptr, 0, sz) #define PlatformProcessHCICommands(...) #define PlatformTxBTQueuedPackets(...) #define PlatformIndicateBTACLData(...) (RT_STATUS_SUCCESS) #define PlatformAcquireSpinLock(padapter, type) #define PlatformReleaseSpinLock(padapter, type) #define GET_UNDECORATED_AVERAGE_RSSI(padapter) \ (GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->dmpriv.EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB) #define RT_RF_CHANGE_SOURCE u32 enum { RT_JOIN_INFRA = 1, RT_JOIN_IBSS = 2, RT_START_IBSS = 3, RT_NO_ACTION = 4, }; /* power saving */ /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver COMMOM/BT.c ===== */ static u8 BT_Operation(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn) return true; else return false; } static u8 BT_IsLegalChannel(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 channel) { struct rt_channel_info *pChanneList = NULL; u8 channelLen, i; pChanneList = padapter->mlmeextpriv.channel_set; channelLen = padapter->mlmeextpriv.max_chan_nums; for (i = 0; i < channelLen; i++) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("Check if chnl(%d) in channel plan contains bt target chnl(%d) for BT connection\n", pChanneList[i].ChannelNum, channel)); if ((channel == pChanneList[i].ChannelNum) || (channel == pChanneList[i].ChannelNum + 2)) return channel; } return 0; } void BT_SignalCompensation(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *rssi_wifi, u8 *rssi_bt) { BTDM_SignalCompensation(padapter, rssi_wifi, rssi_bt); } void rtl8723a_BT_wifiscan_notify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 scanType) { BTHCI_WifiScanNotify(padapter, scanType); BTDM_CheckAntSelMode(padapter); BTDM_WifiScanNotify(padapter, scanType); } void rtl8723a_BT_wifiassociate_notify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 action) { /* action : */ /* true = associate start */ /* false = associate finished */ if (action) BTDM_CheckAntSelMode(padapter); BTDM_WifiAssociateNotify(padapter, action); } void BT_HaltProcess(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { BTDM_ForHalt(padapter); } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver COMMOM/BT.c ===== */ #define i64fmt "ll" #define UINT64_C(v) (v) #define FillOctetString(_os, _octet, _len) \ (_os).Octet = (u8 *)(_octet); \ (_os).Length = (_len); static enum rt_status PlatformIndicateBTEvent( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void *pEvntData, u32 dataLen ) { enum rt_status rt_status = RT_STATUS_FAILURE; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT_DETAIL, ("BT event start, %d bytes data to Transferred!!\n", dataLen)); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT_DETAIL, "To transfer Hex Data :\n", pEvntData, dataLen); BT_EventParse(padapter, pEvntData, dataLen); printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Linux has no way to report BT event!!\n", __func__); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT_DETAIL, ("BT event end, %s\n", (rt_status == RT_STATUS_SUCCESS) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL")); return rt_status; } /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver COMMOM/bt_hci.c ===== */ static u8 bthci_GetLocalChannel(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { return padapter->mlmeextpriv.cur_channel; } static u8 bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 PhyHandle) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u8 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; i++) { if ((pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].bUsed) && (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle == PhyHandle)) return i; } return 0xFF; } static void bthci_DecideBTChannel(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo; struct chnl_txpower_triple *pTriple_subband = NULL; struct common_triple *pTriple; u8 i, j, localchnl, firstRemoteLegalChnlInTriplet = 0; u8 regulatory_skipLen = 0; u8 subbandTripletCnt = 0; pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv; pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; pBtMgnt->CheckChnlIsSuit = true; localchnl = bthci_GetLocalChannel(padapter); pTriple = (struct common_triple *) &pBtHciInfo->BTPreChnllist[COUNTRY_STR_LEN]; /* contains country string, len is 3 */ for (i = 0; i < (pBtHciInfo->BtPreChnlListLen-COUNTRY_STR_LEN); i += 3, pTriple++) { /* */ /* check every triplet, an triplet may be */ /* regulatory extension identifier or sub-band triplet */ /* */ if (pTriple->byte_1st == 0xc9) { /* Regulatory Extension Identifier, skip it */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Find Regulatory ID, regulatory class = %d\n", pTriple->byte_2nd)); regulatory_skipLen += 3; pTriple_subband = NULL; continue; } else { /* Sub-band triplet */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Find Sub-band triplet \n")); subbandTripletCnt++; pTriple_subband = (struct chnl_txpower_triple *)pTriple; /* if remote first legal channel not found, then find first remote channel */ /* and it's legal for our channel plan. */ /* search the sub-band triplet and find if remote channel is legal to our channel plan. */ for (j = pTriple_subband->FirstChnl; j < (pTriple_subband->FirstChnl+pTriple_subband->NumChnls); j++) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), (" Check if chnl(%d) is legal\n", j)); if (BT_IsLegalChannel(padapter, j)) { /* remote channel is legal for our channel plan. */ firstRemoteLegalChnlInTriplet = j; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Find first remote legal channel : %d\n", firstRemoteLegalChnlInTriplet)); /* If we find a remote legal channel in the sub-band triplet */ /* and only BT connection is established(local not connect to any AP or IBSS), */ /* then we just switch channel to remote channel. */ if (!(check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_ASOC_STATE|WIFI_ADHOC_STATE|WIFI_AP_STATE) || BTHCI_HsConnectionEstablished(padapter))) { pBtMgnt->BTChannel = firstRemoteLegalChnlInTriplet; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Remote legal channel (%d) is selected, Local not connect to any!!\n", pBtMgnt->BTChannel)); return; } else { if ((localchnl >= firstRemoteLegalChnlInTriplet) && (localchnl < (pTriple_subband->FirstChnl+pTriple_subband->NumChnls))) { pBtMgnt->BTChannel = localchnl; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Local channel (%d) is selected, wifi or BT connection exists\n", pBtMgnt->BTChannel)); return; } } break; } } } } if (subbandTripletCnt) { /* if any preferred channel triplet exists */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("There are %d sub band triplet exists, ", subbandTripletCnt)); if (firstRemoteLegalChnlInTriplet == 0) { /* no legal channel is found, reject the connection. */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("no legal channel is found!!\n")); } else { /* Remote Legal channel is found but not match to local */ /* wifi connection exists), so reject the connection. */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Remote Legal channel is found but not match to local(wifi connection exists)!!\n")); } pBtMgnt->CheckChnlIsSuit = false; } else { /* There are not any preferred channel triplet exists */ /* Use current legal channel as the bt channel. */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("No sub band triplet exists!!\n")); } pBtMgnt->BTChannel = localchnl; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Local channel (%d) is selected!!\n", pBtMgnt->BTChannel)); } /* Success:return true */ /* Fail:return false */ static u8 bthci_GetAssocInfo(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo; u8 tempBuf[256]; u8 i = 0; u8 BaseMemoryShift = 0; u16 TotalLen = 0; struct amp_assoc_structure *pAmpAsoc; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("GetAssocInfo start\n")); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar == 0) { if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen < (MAX_AMP_ASSOC_FRAG_LEN)) TotalLen = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen; else if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen == (MAX_AMP_ASSOC_FRAG_LEN)) TotalLen = MAX_AMP_ASSOC_FRAG_LEN; } else if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar > 0) TotalLen = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar; while ((pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar >= BaseMemoryShift) || TotalLen > BaseMemoryShift) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL, ("GetAssocInfo, TotalLen =%d, BaseMemoryShift =%d\n", TotalLen, BaseMemoryShift)); memcpy(tempBuf, (u8 *)pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocfragment+BaseMemoryShift, TotalLen-BaseMemoryShift); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL, "GetAssocInfo :\n", tempBuf, TotalLen-BaseMemoryShift); pAmpAsoc = (struct amp_assoc_structure *)tempBuf; le16_to_cpus(&pAmpAsoc->Length); BaseMemoryShift += 3 + pAmpAsoc->Length; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("TypeID = 0x%x, ", pAmpAsoc->TypeID)); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, "Hex Data: \n", pAmpAsoc->Data, pAmpAsoc->Length); switch (pAmpAsoc->TypeID) { case AMP_MAC_ADDR: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("==> AMP_MAC_ADDR\n")); if (pAmpAsoc->Length > 6) return false; memcpy(pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BTRemoteMACAddr, pAmpAsoc->Data, 6); RTPRINT_ADDR(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Remote Mac address \n"), pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BTRemoteMACAddr); break; case AMP_PREFERRED_CHANNEL_LIST: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("==> AMP_PREFERRED_CHANNEL_LIST\n")); pBtHciInfo->BtPreChnlListLen = pAmpAsoc->Length; memcpy(pBtHciInfo->BTPreChnllist, pAmpAsoc->Data, pBtHciInfo->BtPreChnlListLen); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, "Preferred channel list : \n", pBtHciInfo->BTPreChnllist, pBtHciInfo->BtPreChnlListLen); bthci_DecideBTChannel(padapter, EntryNum); break; case AMP_CONNECTED_CHANNEL: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("==> AMP_CONNECTED_CHANNEL\n")); pBtHciInfo->BTConnectChnlListLen = pAmpAsoc->Length; memcpy(pBtHciInfo->BTConnectChnllist, pAmpAsoc->Data, pBtHciInfo->BTConnectChnlListLen); break; case AMP_80211_PAL_CAP_LIST: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("==> AMP_80211_PAL_CAP_LIST\n")); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BTCapability = *(u32 *)(pAmpAsoc->Data); if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BTCapability & 0x00000001) { /* TODO: */ /* Signifies PAL capable of utilizing received activity reports. */ } if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BTCapability & 0x00000002) { /* TODO: */ /* Signifies PAL is capable of utilizing scheduling information received in an activity reports. */ } break; case AMP_80211_PAL_VISION: pBtHciInfo->BTPalVersion = *(u8 *)(pAmpAsoc->Data); pBtHciInfo->BTPalCompanyID = *(u16 *)(((u8 *)(pAmpAsoc->Data))+1); pBtHciInfo->BTPalsubversion = *(u16 *)(((u8 *)(pAmpAsoc->Data))+3); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("==> AMP_80211_PAL_VISION PalVersion 0x%x, PalCompanyID 0x%x, Palsubversion 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->BTPalVersion, pBtHciInfo->BTPalCompanyID, pBtHciInfo->BTPalsubversion)); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("==> Unsupport TypeID !!\n")); break; } i++; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("GetAssocInfo end\n")); return true; } static u8 bthci_AddEntry(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; u8 i; pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; i++) { if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].bUsed == false) { pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].bUsed = true; pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum = i; break; } } if (i == MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("bthci_AddEntry(), Add entry fail!!\n")); return false; } return true; } static u8 bthci_DiscardTxPackets(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 LLH) { return false; } static u8 bthci_CheckLogLinkBehavior( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct hci_flow_spec TxFlowSpec ) { u8 ID = TxFlowSpec.Identifier; u8 ServiceType = TxFlowSpec.ServiceType; u16 MaxSDUSize = TxFlowSpec.MaximumSDUSize; u32 SDUInterArrivatime = TxFlowSpec.SDUInterArrivalTime; u8 match = false; switch (ID) { case 1: if (ServiceType == BT_LL_BE) { match = true; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = TX best effort flowspec\n")); } else if ((ServiceType == BT_LL_GU) && (MaxSDUSize == 0xffff)) { match = true; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = RX guaranteed latency flowspec\n")); } else if ((ServiceType == BT_LL_GU) && (MaxSDUSize == 2500)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = RX guaranteed Large latency flowspec\n")); } break; case 2: if (ServiceType == BT_LL_BE) { match = true; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = RX best effort flowspec\n")); } break; case 3: if ((ServiceType == BT_LL_GU) && (MaxSDUSize == 1492)) { match = true; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = TX guaranteed latency flowspec\n")); } else if ((ServiceType == BT_LL_GU) && (MaxSDUSize == 2500)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = TX guaranteed Large latency flowspec\n")); } break; case 4: if (ServiceType == BT_LL_BE) { if ((SDUInterArrivatime == 0xffffffff) && (ServiceType == BT_LL_BE) && (MaxSDUSize == 1492)) { match = true; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = TX/RX aggregated best effort flowspec\n")); } } else if (ServiceType == BT_LL_GU) { if (SDUInterArrivatime == 100) { match = true; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = TX/RX guaranteed bandwidth flowspec\n")); } } break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Logical Link Type = Unknow Type !!!!!!!!\n")); break; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("ID = 0x%x, ServiceType = 0x%x, MaximumSDUSize = 0x%x, SDUInterArrivalTime = 0x%x, AccessLatency = 0x%x, FlushTimeout = 0x%x\n", TxFlowSpec.Identifier, TxFlowSpec.ServiceType, MaxSDUSize, SDUInterArrivatime, TxFlowSpec.AccessLatency, TxFlowSpec.FlushTimeout)); return match; } static u16 bthci_AssocMACAddr(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void *pbuf) { struct amp_assoc_structure *pAssoStrc = (struct amp_assoc_structure *)pbuf; pAssoStrc->TypeID = AMP_MAC_ADDR; pAssoStrc->Length = 0x06; memcpy(&pAssoStrc->Data[0], padapter->eeprompriv.mac_addr, 6); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("AssocMACAddr : \n"), pAssoStrc, pAssoStrc->Length+3); return pAssoStrc->Length + 3; } static u16 bthci_PALCapabilities( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void *pbuf ) { struct amp_assoc_structure *pAssoStrc = (struct amp_assoc_structure *)pbuf; pAssoStrc->TypeID = AMP_80211_PAL_CAP_LIST; pAssoStrc->Length = 0x04; pAssoStrc->Data[0] = 0x00; pAssoStrc->Data[1] = 0x00; RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL, ("PALCapabilities:\n"), pAssoStrc, pAssoStrc->Length+3); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_LOGO, ("PALCapabilities \n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_LOGO, (" TypeID = 0x%x,\n Length = 0x%x,\n Content = 0x0000\n", pAssoStrc->TypeID, pAssoStrc->Length)); return pAssoStrc->Length + 3; } static u16 bthci_AssocPreferredChannelList(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void *pbuf, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct amp_assoc_structure *pAssoStrc; struct amp_pref_chnl_regulatory *pReg; struct chnl_txpower_triple *pTriple; char ctrString[3] = {'X', 'X', 'X'}; u32 len = 0; u8 preferredChnl; pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pAssoStrc = (struct amp_assoc_structure *)pbuf; pReg = (struct amp_pref_chnl_regulatory *)&pAssoStrc->Data[3]; preferredChnl = bthci_GetLocalChannel(padapter); pAssoStrc->TypeID = AMP_PREFERRED_CHANNEL_LIST; /* locale unknown */ memcpy(&pAssoStrc->Data[0], &ctrString[0], 3); pReg->reXId = 201; pReg->regulatoryClass = 254; pReg->coverageClass = 0; len += 6; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD | IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("PREFERRED_CHNL_LIST\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD | IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("XXX, 201, 254, 0\n")); /* at the following, chnl 1~11 should be contained */ pTriple = (struct chnl_txpower_triple *)&pAssoStrc->Data[len]; /* (1) if any wifi or bt HS connection exists */ if ((pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AMPRole == AMP_BTAP_CREATOR) || (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_ASOC_STATE | WIFI_ADHOC_STATE | WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE | WIFI_AP_STATE)) || BTHCI_HsConnectionEstablished(padapter)) { pTriple->FirstChnl = preferredChnl; pTriple->NumChnls = 1; pTriple->MaxTxPowerInDbm = 20; len += 3; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD | IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("First Channel = %d, Channel Num = %d, MaxDbm = %d\n", pTriple->FirstChnl, pTriple->NumChnls, pTriple->MaxTxPowerInDbm)); } pAssoStrc->Length = (u16)len; RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("AssocPreferredChannelList : \n"), pAssoStrc, pAssoStrc->Length+3); return pAssoStrc->Length + 3; } static u16 bthci_AssocPALVer(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void *pbuf) { struct amp_assoc_structure *pAssoStrc = (struct amp_assoc_structure *)pbuf; u8 *pu1Tmp; u16 *pu2Tmp; pAssoStrc->TypeID = AMP_80211_PAL_VISION; pAssoStrc->Length = 0x5; pu1Tmp = &pAssoStrc->Data[0]; *pu1Tmp = 0x1; /* PAL Version */ pu2Tmp = (u16 *)&pAssoStrc->Data[1]; *pu2Tmp = 0x5D; /* SIG Company identifier of 802.11 PAL vendor */ pu2Tmp = (u16 *)&pAssoStrc->Data[3]; *pu2Tmp = 0x1; /* PAL Sub-version specifier */ RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL, ("AssocPALVer : \n"), pAssoStrc, pAssoStrc->Length+3); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_LOGO, ("AssocPALVer \n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_LOGO, (" TypeID = 0x%x,\n Length = 0x%x,\n PAL Version = 0x01,\n PAL vendor = 0x01,\n PAL Sub-version specifier = 0x01\n", pAssoStrc->TypeID, pAssoStrc->Length)); return pAssoStrc->Length + 3; } static u8 bthci_CheckRfStateBeforeConnect(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; enum rt_rf_power_state RfState; pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); RfState = padapter->pwrctrlpriv.rf_pwrstate; if (RfState != rf_on) { mod_timer(&pBTInfo->BTPsDisableTimer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(50)); return false; } return true; } static void bthci_ResponderStartToScan(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { } static u8 bthci_PhyLinkConnectionInProgress(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 PhyLinkHandle) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->bPhyLinkInProgress && (pBtMgnt->BtCurrentPhyLinkhandle == PhyLinkHandle)) return true; return false; } static void bthci_ResetFlowSpec(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum, u8 index) { struct bt_30info *pBTinfo; pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].BtLogLinkhandle = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].BtPhyLinkhandle = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].bLLCompleteEventIsSet = false; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].bLLCancelCMDIsSetandComplete = false; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].BtTxFlowSpecID = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].TxPacketCount = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Tx_Flow_Spec.Identifier = 0x01; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Tx_Flow_Spec.ServiceType = SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Tx_Flow_Spec.MaximumSDUSize = 0xffff; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Tx_Flow_Spec.SDUInterArrivalTime = 0xffffffff; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Tx_Flow_Spec.AccessLatency = 0xffffffff; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Tx_Flow_Spec.FlushTimeout = 0xffffffff; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Rx_Flow_Spec.Identifier = 0x01; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Rx_Flow_Spec.ServiceType = SERVICE_BEST_EFFORT; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Rx_Flow_Spec.MaximumSDUSize = 0xffff; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Rx_Flow_Spec.SDUInterArrivalTime = 0xffffffff; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Rx_Flow_Spec.AccessLatency = 0xffffffff; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[index].Rx_Flow_Spec.FlushTimeout = 0xffffffff; } static void bthci_ResetEntry(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTinfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; u8 j; pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTinfo->BtMgnt; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].bUsed = false; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtCurrentState = HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState = HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle = 0; if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocfragment != NULL) memset(pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocfragment, 0, TOTAL_ALLOCIATE_ASSOC_LEN); pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyType = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle = 0; memset(pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKey, 0, pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyLen); pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyLen = 0; /* 0x640; 0.625ms*1600 = 1000ms, 0.625ms*16000 = 10000ms */ pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.LinkSuperversionTimeout = 0x3e80; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AMPRole = AMP_BTAP_NONE; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].mAssoc = false; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].b4waySuccess = false; /* Reset BT WPA */ pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].KeyReplayCounter = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BTWPAAuthState = STATE_WPA_AUTH_UNINITIALIZED; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].bSendSupervisionPacket = false; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].NoRxPktCnt = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].ShortRangeMode = 0; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].rxSuvpPktCnt = 0; for (j = 0; j < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; j++) bthci_ResetFlowSpec(padapter, EntryNum, j); pBtMgnt->BTAuthCount = 0; pBtMgnt->BTAsocCount = 0; pBtMgnt->BTCurrentConnectType = BT_DISCONNECT; pBtMgnt->BTReceiveConnectPkt = BT_DISCONNECT; HALBT_RemoveKey(padapter, EntryNum); } static void bthci_RemoveEntryByEntryNum(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; bthci_ResetEntry(padapter, EntryNum); if (pBtMgnt->CurrentBTConnectionCnt > 0) pBtMgnt->CurrentBTConnectionCnt--; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], CurrentBTConnectionCnt = %d!!\n", pBtMgnt->CurrentBTConnectionCnt)); if (pBtMgnt->CurrentBTConnectionCnt > 0) { pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn = true; } else { pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn = false; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], Bt Operation OFF!!\n")); } if (!pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn) { del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIDiscardAclDataTimer); del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTBeaconTimer); pBtMgnt->bStartSendSupervisionPkt = false; } } static u8 bthci_CommandCompleteHeader( u8 *pbuf, u16 OGF, u16 OCF, enum hci_status status ) { struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)pbuf; u8 NumHCI_Comm = 0x1; PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_COMPLETE; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = NumHCI_Comm; /* packet # */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = HCIOPCODELOW(OCF, OGF); PPacketIrpEvent->Data[2] = HCIOPCODEHIGHT(OCF, OGF); if (OGF == OGF_EXTENSION) { if (OCF == HCI_SET_RSSI_VALUE) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT_PERIODICAL), ("[BT event], CommandComplete, Num_HCI_Comm = 0x%x, Opcode = 0x%02x%02x, status = 0x%x, OGF = 0x%x, OCF = 0x%x\n", NumHCI_Comm, (HCIOPCODEHIGHT(OCF, OGF)), (HCIOPCODELOW(OCF, OGF)), status, OGF, OCF)); } else { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT), ("[BT event], CommandComplete, Num_HCI_Comm = 0x%x, Opcode = 0x%02x%02x, status = 0x%x, OGF = 0x%x, OCF = 0x%x\n", NumHCI_Comm, (HCIOPCODEHIGHT(OCF, OGF)), (HCIOPCODELOW(OCF, OGF)), status, OGF, OCF)); } } else { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("[BT event], CommandComplete, Num_HCI_Comm = 0x%x, Opcode = 0x%02x%02x, status = 0x%x, OGF = 0x%x, OCF = 0x%x\n", NumHCI_Comm, (HCIOPCODEHIGHT(OCF, OGF)), (HCIOPCODELOW(OCF, OGF)), status, OGF, OCF)); } return 3; } static u8 bthci_ExtensionEventHeaderRtk(u8 *pbuf, u8 extensionEvent) { struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)pbuf; PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_EXTENSION_RTK; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = extensionEvent; /* extension event code */ return 1; } static enum rt_status bthci_IndicateEvent( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void *pEvntData, u32 dataLen ) { enum rt_status rt_status; rt_status = PlatformIndicateBTEvent(padapter, pEvntData, dataLen); return rt_status; } static void bthci_EventWriteRemoteAmpAssoc( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_status status, u8 PLHandle ) { u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_STATUS_PARAMETERS, HCI_WRITE_REMOTE_AMP_ASSOC, status); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("PhyLinkHandle = 0x%x, status = %d\n", PLHandle, status)); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = PLHandle; len += 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } static void bthci_EventEnhancedFlushComplete( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 LLH ) { u8 localBuf[4] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("EventEnhancedFlushComplete, LLH = 0x%x\n", LLH)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_ENHANCED_FLUSH_COMPLETE; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 2; /* Logical link handle */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(LLH); PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(LLH); bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 4); } static void bthci_EventShortRangeModeChangeComplete( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_status HciStatus, u8 ShortRangeState, u8 EntryNum ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[5] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; if (!(pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 & EMP2_HCI_EVENT_SHORT_RANGE_MODE_CHANGE_COMPLETE)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Short Range Mode Change Complete, Ignore to send this event due to event mask page 2\n")); return; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Short Range Mode Change Complete, Status = %d\n , PLH = 0x%x\n, Short_Range_Mode_State = 0x%x\n", HciStatus, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle, ShortRangeState)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_SHORT_RANGE_MODE_CHANGE_COMPLETE; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = HciStatus; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[2] = ShortRangeState; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 5); } static void bthci_EventSendFlowSpecModifyComplete(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_status HciStatus, u16 logicHandle) { u8 localBuf[5] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; if (!(pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 & EMP2_HCI_EVENT_FLOW_SPEC_MODIFY_COMPLETE)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("[BT event], Flow Spec Modify Complete, Ignore to send this event due to event mask page 2\n")); return; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("[BT event], Flow Spec Modify Complete, status = 0x%x, LLH = 0x%x\n", HciStatus, logicHandle)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_FLOW_SPEC_MODIFY_COMPLETE; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = HciStatus; /* Logical link handle */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(logicHandle); PPacketIrpEvent->Data[2] = TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(logicHandle); bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 5); } static void bthci_EventExtWifiScanNotify( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 scanType ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; u8 len = 0; u8 localBuf[7] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 *pu1Temp; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; if (!pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn) return; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_ExtensionEventHeaderRtk(&localBuf[0], HCI_EVENT_EXT_WIFI_SCAN_NOTIFY); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pu1Temp = (u8 *)&pRetPar[0]; *pu1Temp = scanType; len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; if (bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2) == RT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Wifi scan notify, scan type = %d\n", scanType)); } } static void bthci_EventAMPReceiverReport( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 Reason ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; if (pBtHciInfo->bTestNeedReport) { u8 localBuf[20] = ""; u32 *pu4Temp; u16 *pu2Temp; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), (" HCI_EVENT_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORT\n")); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORT; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = pBtHciInfo->TestCtrType; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = Reason; pu4Temp = (u32 *)&PPacketIrpEvent->Data[2]; *pu4Temp = pBtHciInfo->TestEventType; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&PPacketIrpEvent->Data[6]; *pu2Temp = pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfFrame; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&PPacketIrpEvent->Data[8]; *pu2Temp = pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfErrFrame; pu4Temp = (u32 *)&PPacketIrpEvent->Data[10]; *pu4Temp = pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfBits; pu4Temp = (u32 *)&PPacketIrpEvent->Data[14]; *pu4Temp = pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfErrBits; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 20); /* Return to Idel state with RX and TX off. */ } pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfFrame = 0x00; } static void bthci_EventChannelSelected( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[3] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; if (!(pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 & EMP2_HCI_EVENT_CHANNEL_SELECT)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Channel Selected, Ignore to send this event due to event mask page 2\n")); return; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT event], Channel Selected, PhyLinkHandle %d\n", pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_CHANNEL_SELECT; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 3); } static void bthci_EventDisconnectPhyLinkComplete( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_status HciStatus, enum hci_status Reason, u8 EntryNum ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[5] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; if (!(pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 & EMP2_HCI_EVENT_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK_COMPLETE)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Disconnect Physical Link Complete, Ignore to send this event due to event mask page 2\n")); return; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Disconnect Physical Link Complete, Status = 0x%x, PLH = 0x%x Reason = 0x%x\n", HciStatus, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle, Reason)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK_COMPLETE; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = HciStatus; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[2] = Reason; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 5); } static void bthci_EventPhysicalLinkComplete( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_status HciStatus, u8 EntryNum, u8 PLHandle ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; u8 localBuf[4] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u8 PL_handle; pBtMgnt->bPhyLinkInProgress = false; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdPhyLinkStatus = HciStatus; if (!(pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 & EMP2_HCI_EVENT_PHY_LINK_COMPLETE)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Physical Link Complete, Ignore to send this event due to event mask page 2\n")); return; } if (EntryNum == 0xff) { /* connection not started yet, just use the input physical link handle to response. */ PL_handle = PLHandle; } else { /* connection is under progress, use the phy link handle we recorded. */ PL_handle = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle; pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].bNeedPhysLinkCompleteEvent = false; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Physical Link Complete, Status = 0x%x PhyLinkHandle = 0x%x\n", HciStatus, PL_handle)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_PHY_LINK_COMPLETE; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = HciStatus; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = PL_handle; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 4); } static void bthci_EventCommandStatus( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 OGF, u16 OCF, enum hci_status HciStatus ) { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u8 Num_Hci_Comm = 0x1; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], CommandStatus, Opcode = 0x%02x%02x, OGF = 0x%x, OCF = 0x%x, Status = 0x%x, Num_HCI_COMM = 0x%x\n", (HCIOPCODEHIGHT(OCF, OGF)), (HCIOPCODELOW(OCF, OGF)), OGF, OCF, HciStatus, Num_Hci_Comm)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_STATUS; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 4; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = HciStatus; /* current pending */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = Num_Hci_Comm; /* packet # */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[2] = HCIOPCODELOW(OCF, OGF); PPacketIrpEvent->Data[3] = HCIOPCODEHIGHT(OCF, OGF); bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 6); } static void bthci_EventLogicalLinkComplete( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_status HciStatus, u8 PhyLinkHandle, u16 LogLinkHandle, u8 LogLinkIndex, u8 EntryNum ) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[7] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; if (!(pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 & EMP2_HCI_EVENT_LOGICAL_LINK_COMPLETE)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Logical Link Complete, Ignore to send this event due to event mask page 2\n")); return; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Logical Link Complete, PhyLinkHandle = 0x%x, LogLinkHandle = 0x%x, Status = 0x%x\n", PhyLinkHandle, LogLinkHandle, HciStatus)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_LOGICAL_LINK_COMPLETE; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 5; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = HciStatus;/* status code */ /* Logical link handle */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(LogLinkHandle); PPacketIrpEvent->Data[2] = TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(LogLinkHandle); /* Physical link handle */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[3] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(PhyLinkHandle); /* corresponding Tx flow spec ID */ if (HciStatus == HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { PPacketIrpEvent->Data[4] = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[LogLinkIndex].Tx_Flow_Spec.Identifier; } else { PPacketIrpEvent->Data[4] = 0x0; } bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 7); } static void bthci_EventDisconnectLogicalLinkComplete( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_status HciStatus, u16 LogLinkHandle, enum hci_status Reason ) { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; if (!(pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 & EMP2_HCI_EVENT_DISCONNECT_LOGICAL_LINK_COMPLETE)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Disconnect Logical Link Complete, Ignore to send this event due to event mask page 2\n")); return; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Disconnect Logical Link Complete, Status = 0x%x, LLH = 0x%x Reason = 0x%x\n", HciStatus, LogLinkHandle, Reason)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_DISCONNECT_LOGICAL_LINK_COMPLETE; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 4; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = HciStatus; /* Logical link handle */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(LogLinkHandle); PPacketIrpEvent->Data[2] = TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(LogLinkHandle); /* Disconnect reason */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[3] = Reason; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 6); } static void bthci_EventFlushOccurred( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u16 LogLinkHandle ) { u8 localBuf[4] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("bthci_EventFlushOccurred(), LLH = 0x%x\n", LogLinkHandle)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_FLUSH_OCCRUED; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 2; /* Logical link handle */ PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(LogLinkHandle); PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(LogLinkHandle); bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 4); } static enum hci_status bthci_BuildPhysicalLink( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd, u16 OCF ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; u8 EntryNum, PLH; /* Send HCI Command status event to AMP. */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, OCF, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS); PLH = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); /* Check if resource or bt connection is under progress, if yes, reject the link creation. */ if (!bthci_AddEntry(padapter)) { status = HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_RJT_LIMIT_RESOURCE; bthci_EventPhysicalLinkComplete(padapter, status, INVALID_ENTRY_NUM, PLH); return status; } EntryNum = pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum; pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle = PLH; pBtMgnt->BtCurrentPhyLinkhandle = PLH; if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocfragment == NULL) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Create/Accept PhysicalLink, AMP controller is busy\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_CONTROLLER_BUSY; bthci_EventPhysicalLinkComplete(padapter, status, INVALID_ENTRY_NUM, PLH); return status; } /* Record Key and the info */ pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyLen = (*((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+1)); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyType = (*((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+2)); memcpy(pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKey, (((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+3)), pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyLen); memcpy(pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PMK, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKey, PMK_LEN); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("BuildPhysicalLink, EntryNum = %d, PLH = 0x%x KeyLen = 0x%x, KeyType = 0x%x\n", EntryNum, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyLen, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyType)); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_LOGO|IOCTL_BT_HCICMD), ("BtAMPKey\n"), pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKey, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtAMPKeyLen); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_LOGO|IOCTL_BT_HCICMD), ("PMK\n"), pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PMK, PMK_LEN); if (OCF == HCI_CREATE_PHYSICAL_LINK) { /* These macros require braces */ BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATE_CMD_CREATE_PHY_LINK, EntryNum); } else if (OCF == HCI_ACCEPT_PHYSICAL_LINK) { BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATE_CMD_ACCEPT_PHY_LINK, EntryNum); } return status; } static void bthci_BuildLogicalLink( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd, u16 OCF ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTinfo->BtMgnt; u8 PhyLinkHandle, EntryNum; static u16 AssignLogHandle = 1; struct hci_flow_spec TxFlowSpec; struct hci_flow_spec RxFlowSpec; u32 MaxSDUSize, ArriveTime, Bandwidth; PhyLinkHandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); EntryNum = bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(padapter, PhyLinkHandle); memcpy(&TxFlowSpec, &pHciCmd->Data[1], sizeof(struct hci_flow_spec)); memcpy(&RxFlowSpec, &pHciCmd->Data[17], sizeof(struct hci_flow_spec)); MaxSDUSize = TxFlowSpec.MaximumSDUSize; ArriveTime = TxFlowSpec.SDUInterArrivalTime; if (bthci_CheckLogLinkBehavior(padapter, TxFlowSpec) && bthci_CheckLogLinkBehavior(padapter, RxFlowSpec)) Bandwidth = BTTOTALBANDWIDTH; else if (MaxSDUSize == 0xffff && ArriveTime == 0xffffffff) Bandwidth = BTTOTALBANDWIDTH; else Bandwidth = MaxSDUSize*8*1000/(ArriveTime+244); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("BuildLogicalLink, PhyLinkHandle = 0x%x, MaximumSDUSize = 0x%x, SDUInterArrivalTime = 0x%x, Bandwidth = 0x%x\n", PhyLinkHandle, MaxSDUSize, ArriveTime, Bandwidth)); if (EntryNum == 0xff) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Invalid Physical Link handle = 0x%x, status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID, return\n", PhyLinkHandle)); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; /* When we receive Create/Accept logical link command, we should send command status event first. */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, OCF, status); return; } if (!pBtMgnt->bLogLinkInProgress) { if (bthci_PhyLinkConnectionInProgress(padapter, PhyLinkHandle)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Physical link connection in progress, status = HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW, return\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW; pBtMgnt->bPhyLinkInProgressStartLL = true; /* When we receive Create/Accept logical link command, we should send command status event first. */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, OCF, status); return; } if (Bandwidth > BTTOTALBANDWIDTH) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("status = HCI_STATUS_QOS_REJECT, Bandwidth = 0x%x, return\n", Bandwidth)); status = HCI_STATUS_QOS_REJECT; /* When we receive Create/Accept logical link command, we should send command status event first. */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, OCF, status); } else { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* When we receive Create/Accept logical link command, we should send command status event first. */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, OCF, status); } if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtCurrentState != HCI_STATE_CONNECTED) { bthci_EventLogicalLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW, 0, 0, 0, EntryNum); } else { u8 i, find = 0; pBtMgnt->bLogLinkInProgress = true; /* find an unused logical link index and copy the data */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle == 0) { enum hci_status LogCompEventstatus = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtPhyLinkhandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle = AssignLogHandle; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("BuildLogicalLink, EntryNum = %d, physical link handle = 0x%x, logical link handle = 0x%x\n", EntryNum, pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle, pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle)); memcpy(&pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].Tx_Flow_Spec, &TxFlowSpec, sizeof(struct hci_flow_spec)); memcpy(&pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].Rx_Flow_Spec, &RxFlowSpec, sizeof(struct hci_flow_spec)); pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].bLLCompleteEventIsSet = false; if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].bLLCancelCMDIsSetandComplete) LogCompEventstatus = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; bthci_EventLogicalLinkComplete(padapter, LogCompEventstatus, pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtPhyLinkhandle, pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle, i, EntryNum); pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].bLLCompleteEventIsSet = true; find = 1; pBtMgnt->BtCurrentLogLinkhandle = AssignLogHandle; AssignLogHandle++; break; } } if (!find) { bthci_EventLogicalLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_RJT_LIMIT_RESOURCE, 0, 0, 0, EntryNum); } pBtMgnt->bLogLinkInProgress = false; } } else { bthci_EventLogicalLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_CONTROLLER_BUSY, 0, 0, 0, EntryNum); } } static void bthci_StartBeaconAndConnect( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd, u8 CurrentAssocNum ) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("StartBeaconAndConnect, CurrentAssocNum =%d, AMPRole =%d\n", CurrentAssocNum, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AMPRole)); if (!pBtMgnt->CheckChnlIsSuit) { bthci_EventPhysicalLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_REJ_NOT_SUIT_CHNL_FOUND, CurrentAssocNum, INVALID_PL_HANDLE); bthci_RemoveEntryByEntryNum(padapter, CurrentAssocNum); return; } if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AMPRole == AMP_BTAP_CREATOR) { rsprintf((char *)pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTSsidBuf, 32, "AMP-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x", padapter->eeprompriv.mac_addr[0], padapter->eeprompriv.mac_addr[1], padapter->eeprompriv.mac_addr[2], padapter->eeprompriv.mac_addr[3], padapter->eeprompriv.mac_addr[4], padapter->eeprompriv.mac_addr[5]); } else if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AMPRole == AMP_BTAP_JOINER) { rsprintf((char *)pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTSsidBuf, 32, "AMP-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x", pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTRemoteMACAddr[0], pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTRemoteMACAddr[1], pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTRemoteMACAddr[2], pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTRemoteMACAddr[3], pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTRemoteMACAddr[4], pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTRemoteMACAddr[5]); } FillOctetString(pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTSsid, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTSsidBuf, 21); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].BTSsid.Length = 21; /* To avoid set the start ap or connect twice, or the original connection will be disconnected. */ if (!pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress) { pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress = true; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], BT Connect in progress ON!!\n")); BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_STARTING, STATE_CMD_MAC_START_COMPLETE, CurrentAssocNum); /* 20100325 Joseph: Check RF ON/OFF. */ /* If RF OFF, it reschedule connecting operation after 50ms. */ if (!bthci_CheckRfStateBeforeConnect(padapter)) return; if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AMPRole == AMP_BTAP_CREATOR) { /* These macros need braces */ BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_CONNECTING, STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_COMPLETE, CurrentAssocNum); } else if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AMPRole == AMP_BTAP_JOINER) { bthci_ResponderStartToScan(padapter); } } RT_PRINT_STR(_module_rtl871x_mlme_c_, _drv_notice_, "StartBeaconAndConnect, SSID:\n", pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum].BTSsid.Octet, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum].BTSsid.Length); } static void bthci_ResetBtMgnt(struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt) { pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn = false; pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress = false; pBtMgnt->bLogLinkInProgress = false; pBtMgnt->bPhyLinkInProgress = false; pBtMgnt->bPhyLinkInProgressStartLL = false; pBtMgnt->DisconnectEntryNum = 0xff; pBtMgnt->bStartSendSupervisionPkt = false; pBtMgnt->JoinerNeedSendAuth = false; pBtMgnt->CurrentBTConnectionCnt = 0; pBtMgnt->BTCurrentConnectType = BT_DISCONNECT; pBtMgnt->BTReceiveConnectPkt = BT_DISCONNECT; pBtMgnt->BTAuthCount = 0; pBtMgnt->btLogoTest = 0; } static void bthci_ResetBtHciInfo(struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo) { pBtHciInfo->BTEventMask = 0; pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 = 0; pBtHciInfo->ConnAcceptTimeout = 10000; pBtHciInfo->PageTimeout = 0x30; pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainAware = 0x0; pBtHciInfo->LocationDomain = 0x5858; pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainOptions = 0x58; pBtHciInfo->LocationOptions = 0x0; pBtHciInfo->FlowControlMode = 0x1; /* 0:Packet based data flow control mode(BR/EDR), 1: Data block based data flow control mode(AMP). */ pBtHciInfo->enFlush_LLH = 0; pBtHciInfo->FLTO_LLH = 0; /* Test command only */ pBtHciInfo->bTestIsEnd = true; pBtHciInfo->bInTestMode = false; pBtHciInfo->bTestNeedReport = false; pBtHciInfo->TestScenario = 0xff; pBtHciInfo->TestReportInterval = 0x01; pBtHciInfo->TestCtrType = 0x5d; pBtHciInfo->TestEventType = 0x00; pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfFrame = 0; pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfErrFrame = 0; pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfBits = 0; pBtHciInfo->TestNumOfErrBits = 0; } static void bthci_ResetBtSec(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct bt_security *pBtSec) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ /* Set BT used HW or SW encrypt !! */ if (GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->bBTMode) pBtSec->bUsedHwEncrypt = true; else pBtSec->bUsedHwEncrypt = false; RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_security_c_, _drv_info_, ("%s: bUsedHwEncrypt =%d\n", __func__, pBtSec->bUsedHwEncrypt)); pBtSec->RSNIE.Octet = pBtSec->RSNIEBuf; } static void bthci_ResetBtExtInfo(struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt) { u8 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; i++) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].IncomingTrafficMode = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].OutgoingTrafficMode = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile = BT_PROFILE_NONE; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTCoreSpec = BT_SPEC_2_1_EDR; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BT_RSSI = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].TrafficProfile = BT_PROFILE_NONE; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].linkRole = BT_LINK_MASTER; } pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentConnectHandle = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentIncomingTrafficMode = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentOutgoingTrafficMode = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.MIN_BT_RSSI = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentBTStatus = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.HCIExtensionVer = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl = false; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = false; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTA2DPBusy = false; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReset(struct rtw_adapter *_padapter, u8 bNeedSendEvent) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct rtw_adapter *padapter; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo; struct bt_security *pBtSec; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg; u8 i; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("bthci_CmdReset()\n")); padapter = GetDefaultAdapter(_padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; pBtSec = &pBTInfo->BtSec; pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; pBTInfo->padapter = padapter; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; i++) bthci_ResetEntry(padapter, i); bthci_ResetBtMgnt(pBtMgnt); bthci_ResetBtHciInfo(pBtHciInfo); bthci_ResetBtSec(padapter, pBtSec); pBtMgnt->BTChannel = BT_Default_Chnl; pBtMgnt->CheckChnlIsSuit = true; pBTInfo->BTBeaconTmrOn = false; pBtMgnt->bCreateSpportQos = true; del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIDiscardAclDataTimer); del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTBeaconTimer); HALBT_SetRtsCtsNoLenLimit(padapter); /* */ /* Maybe we need to take care Group != AES case !! */ /* now we Pairwise and Group all used AES !! */ bthci_ResetBtExtInfo(pBtMgnt); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ if (bNeedSendEvent) { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_RESET, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWriteRemoteAMPAssoc( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; u8 CurrentAssocNum; u8 PhyLinkHandle; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntWriteRemoteAmpAssoc++; PhyLinkHandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); CurrentAssocNum = bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(padapter, PhyLinkHandle); if (CurrentAssocNum == 0xff) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("WriteRemoteAMPAssoc, No such Handle in the Entry\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; bthci_EventWriteRemoteAmpAssoc(padapter, status, PhyLinkHandle); return status; } if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocfragment == NULL) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("WriteRemoteAMPAssoc, AMP controller is busy\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_CONTROLLER_BUSY; bthci_EventWriteRemoteAmpAssoc(padapter, status, PhyLinkHandle); return status; } pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle = PhyLinkHandle;/* u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); */ pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar = *((u16 *)((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+1)); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen = *((u16 *)((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+3)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("WriteRemoteAMPAssoc, LenSoFar = 0x%x, AssocRemLen = 0x%x\n", pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen)); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("WriteRemoteAMPAssoc fragment \n"), pHciCmd->Data, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen+5); if ((pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen) > MAX_AMP_ASSOC_FRAG_LEN) { memcpy(((u8 *)pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocfragment+(pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar*(sizeof(u8)))), (u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+5, MAX_AMP_ASSOC_FRAG_LEN); } else { memcpy((u8 *)(pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocfragment)+(pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar*(sizeof(u8))), ((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+5), (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen)); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), "WriteRemoteAMPAssoc :\n", pHciCmd->Data+5, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentAssocNum].AmpAsocCmdData.AMPAssocRemLen); if (!bthci_GetAssocInfo(padapter, CurrentAssocNum)) status = HCI_STATUS_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARA_VALUE; bthci_EventWriteRemoteAmpAssoc(padapter, status, PhyLinkHandle); bthci_StartBeaconAndConnect(padapter, pHciCmd, CurrentAssocNum); } return status; } /* 7.3.13 */ static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadConnectionAcceptTimeout(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_READ_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[1]; /* Conn_Accept_Timeout */ *pu2Temp = pBtHciInfo->ConnAcceptTimeout; len += 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } /* 7.3.14 */ static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWriteConnectionAcceptTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u16 *pu2Temp; u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0]; pBtHciInfo->ConnAcceptTimeout = *pu2Temp; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL, ("ConnAcceptTimeout = 0x%x", pBtHciInfo->ConnAcceptTimeout)); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_WRITE_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadPageTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_READ_PAGE_TIMEOUT, status); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Read PageTimeout = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->PageTimeout)); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[1]; /* Page_Timeout */ *pu2Temp = pBtHciInfo->PageTimeout; len += 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWritePageTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u16 *pu2Temp; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0]; pBtHciInfo->PageTimeout = *pu2Temp; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Write PageTimeout = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->PageTimeout)); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLinkSupervisionTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u8 physicalLinkHandle, EntryNum; physicalLinkHandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); EntryNum = bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(padapter, physicalLinkHandle); if (EntryNum == 0xff) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("ReadLinkSupervisionTimeout, No such Handle in the Entry\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; return status; } if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle != physicalLinkHandle) status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; { u8 localBuf[10] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_READ_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; pRetPar[1] = pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle; pRetPar[2] = 0; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[3]; /* Conn_Accept_Timeout */ *pu2Temp = pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.LinkSuperversionTimeout; len += 5; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWriteLinkSupervisionTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u8 physicalLinkHandle, EntryNum; physicalLinkHandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); EntryNum = bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(padapter, physicalLinkHandle); if (EntryNum == 0xff) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("WriteLinkSupervisionTimeout, No such Handle in the Entry\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; } else { if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle != physicalLinkHandle) { status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; } else { pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.LinkSuperversionTimeout = *((u16 *)(((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data)+2)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("BT Write LinkSuperversionTimeout[%d] = 0x%x\n", EntryNum, pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.LinkSuperversionTimeout)); } } { u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_WRITE_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; pRetPar[1] = pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle; pRetPar[2] = 0; len += 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdEnhancedFlush( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTinfo->BtHciInfo; u16 logicHandle; u8 Packet_Type; logicHandle = *((u16 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0]); Packet_Type = pHciCmd->Data[2]; if (Packet_Type != 0) status = HCI_STATUS_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARA_VALUE; else pBtHciInfo->enFlush_LLH = logicHandle; if (bthci_DiscardTxPackets(padapter, pBtHciInfo->enFlush_LLH)) bthci_EventFlushOccurred(padapter, pBtHciInfo->enFlush_LLH); /* should send command status event */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_ENHANCED_FLUSH, status); if (pBtHciInfo->enFlush_LLH) { bthci_EventEnhancedFlushComplete(padapter, pBtHciInfo->enFlush_LLH); pBtHciInfo->enFlush_LLH = 0; } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLogicalLinkAcceptTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_READ_LOGICAL_LINK_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[1]; /* Conn_Accept_Timeout */ *pu2Temp = pBtHciInfo->LogicalAcceptTimeout; len += 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWriteLogicalLinkAcceptTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; pBtHciInfo->LogicalAcceptTimeout = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_WRITE_LOGICAL_LINK_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdSetEventMask( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 *pu8Temp; u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; pu8Temp = (u8 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0]; pBtHciInfo->BTEventMask = *pu8Temp; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL, ("BTEventMask = 0x%"i64fmt"x\n", pBtHciInfo->BTEventMask)); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } /* 7.3.69 */ static enum hci_status bthci_CmdSetEventMaskPage2( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 *pu8Temp; u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; pu8Temp = (u8 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0]; pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 = *pu8Temp; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("BTEventMaskPage2 = 0x%"i64fmt"x\n", pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2)); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE_2, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLocationData( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[12] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_READ_LOCATION_DATA, status); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("DomainAware = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainAware)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Domain = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->LocationDomain)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("DomainOptions = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainOptions)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Options = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->LocationOptions)); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; pRetPar[1] = pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainAware; /* 0x0; Location_Domain_Aware */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[2]; /* Location_Domain */ *pu2Temp = pBtHciInfo->LocationDomain; /* 0x5858; */ pRetPar[4] = pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainOptions; /* 0x58; Location_Domain_Options */ pRetPar[5] = pBtHciInfo->LocationOptions; /* 0x0; Location_Options */ len += 6; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWriteLocationData( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u16 *pu2Temp; u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainAware = pHciCmd->Data[0]; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pHciCmd->Data[1]; pBtHciInfo->LocationDomain = *pu2Temp; pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainOptions = pHciCmd->Data[3]; pBtHciInfo->LocationOptions = pHciCmd->Data[4]; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("DomainAware = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainAware)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Domain = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->LocationDomain)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("DomainOptions = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->LocationDomainOptions)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Options = 0x%x\n", pBtHciInfo->LocationOptions)); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_WRITE_LOCATION_DATA, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadFlowControlMode( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[7] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_READ_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; pRetPar[1] = pBtHciInfo->FlowControlMode; /* Flow Control Mode */ len += 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWriteFlowControlMode( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; pBtHciInfo->FlowControlMode = pHciCmd->Data[0]; /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_WRITE_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadBestEffortFlushTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u16 i, j, logicHandle; u32 BestEffortFlushTimeout = 0xffffffff; u8 find = 0; logicHandle = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); /* find an matched logical link index and copy the data */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; j++) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle == logicHandle) { BestEffortFlushTimeout = pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].BestEffortFlushTimeout; find = 1; break; } } } if (!find) status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; { u8 localBuf[10] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u32 *pu4Temp; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_READ_BEST_EFFORT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; pu4Temp = (u32 *)&pRetPar[1]; /* Best_Effort_Flush_Timeout */ *pu4Temp = BestEffortFlushTimeout; len += 5; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWriteBestEffortFlushTimeout( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u16 i, j, logicHandle; u32 BestEffortFlushTimeout = 0xffffffff; u8 find = 0; logicHandle = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); BestEffortFlushTimeout = *((u32 *)(pHciCmd->Data+1)); /* find an matched logical link index and copy the data */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; j++) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle == logicHandle) { pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].BestEffortFlushTimeout = BestEffortFlushTimeout; find = 1; break; } } } if (!find) status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_WRITE_BEST_EFFORT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdShortRangeMode( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u8 PhyLinkHandle, EntryNum, ShortRangeMode; PhyLinkHandle = pHciCmd->Data[0]; ShortRangeMode = pHciCmd->Data[1]; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("PLH = 0x%x, Short_Range_Mode = 0x%x\n", PhyLinkHandle, ShortRangeMode)); EntryNum = bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(padapter, PhyLinkHandle); if (EntryNum != 0xff) { pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].ShortRangeMode = ShortRangeMode; } else { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("No such PLH(0x%x)\n", PhyLinkHandle)); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; } bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_SHORT_RANGE_MODE, status); bthci_EventShortRangeModeChangeComplete(padapter, status, ShortRangeMode, EntryNum); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLocalSupportedCommands(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar, *pSupportedCmds; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; pSupportedCmds = &pRetPar[1]; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[5]= 0xc0\nBit [6]= Set Event Mask, [7]= Reset\n")); pSupportedCmds[5] = 0xc0; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[6]= 0x01\nBit [0]= Set Event Filter\n")); pSupportedCmds[6] = 0x01; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[7]= 0x0c\nBit [2]= Read Connection Accept Timeout, [3]= Write Connection Accept Timeout\n")); pSupportedCmds[7] = 0x0c; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[10]= 0x80\nBit [7]= Host Number Of Completed Packets\n")); pSupportedCmds[10] = 0x80; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[11]= 0x03\nBit [0]= Read Link Supervision Timeout, [1]= Write Link Supervision Timeout\n")); pSupportedCmds[11] = 0x03; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[14]= 0xa8\nBit [3]= Read Local Version Information, [5]= Read Local Supported Features, [7]= Read Buffer Size\n")); pSupportedCmds[14] = 0xa8; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[15]= 0x1c\nBit [2]= Read Failed Contact Count, [3]= Reset Failed Contact Count, [4]= Get Link Quality\n")); pSupportedCmds[15] = 0x1c; /* pSupportedCmds[16] = 0x04; */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[19]= 0x40\nBit [6]= Enhanced Flush\n")); pSupportedCmds[19] = 0x40; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[21]= 0xff\nBit [0]= Create Physical Link, [1]= Accept Physical Link, [2]= Disconnect Physical Link, [3]= Create Logical Link\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), (" [4]= Accept Logical Link, [5]= Disconnect Logical Link, [6]= Logical Link Cancel, [7]= Flow Spec Modify\n")); pSupportedCmds[21] = 0xff; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[22]= 0xff\nBit [0]= Read Logical Link Accept Timeout, [1]= Write Logical Link Accept Timeout, [2]= Set Event Mask Page 2, [3]= Read Location Data\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), (" [4]= Write Location Data, [5]= Read Local AMP Info, [6]= Read Local AMP_ASSOC, [7]= Write Remote AMP_ASSOC\n")); pSupportedCmds[22] = 0xff; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[23]= 0x07\nBit [0]= Read Flow Control Mode, [1]= Write Flow Control Mode, [2]= Read Data Block Size\n")); pSupportedCmds[23] = 0x07; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Octet[24]= 0x1c\nBit [2]= Read Best Effort Flush Timeout, [3]= Write Best Effort Flush Timeout, [4]= Short Range Mode\n")); pSupportedCmds[24] = 0x1c; len += 64; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLocalSupportedFeatures(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 9; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLocalAMPAssoc(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; u8 PhyLinkHandle, EntryNum; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntReadLocalAmpAssoc++; PhyLinkHandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); EntryNum = bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(padapter, PhyLinkHandle); if ((EntryNum == 0xff) && PhyLinkHandle != 0) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("ReadLocalAMPAssoc, EntryNum = %d !!!!!, physical link handle = 0x%x\n", EntryNum, PhyLinkHandle)); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; } else if (pBtMgnt->bPhyLinkInProgressStartLL) { status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; pBtMgnt->bPhyLinkInProgressStartLL = false; } else { pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar = *((u16 *)((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+1)); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.MaxRemoteASSOCLen = *((u16 *)((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+3)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL, ("ReadLocalAMPAssoc, LenSoFar =%d, MaxRemoteASSOCLen =%d\n", pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.MaxRemoteASSOCLen)); } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("ReadLocalAMPAssoc, EntryNum = %d !!!!!, physical link handle = 0x%x, LengthSoFar = %x \n", EntryNum, PhyLinkHandle, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AmpAsocCmdData.LenSoFar)); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ { struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; /* PVOID buffer = padapter->IrpHCILocalbuf.Ptr; */ u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u16 *pRemainLen; u32 totalLen = 0; u16 typeLen = 0, remainLen = 0, ret_index = 0; u8 *pRetPar; PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); /* PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(buffer); */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); totalLen += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_STATUS_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_LOCAL_AMP_ASSOC, status); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("ReadLocalAMPAssoc, Remaining_Len =%d \n", remainLen)); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[totalLen]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); pRemainLen = (u16 *)&pRetPar[2]; /* AMP_ASSOC_Remaining_Length */ totalLen += 4; /* 0]~[3] */ ret_index = 4; typeLen = bthci_AssocMACAddr(padapter, &pRetPar[ret_index]); totalLen += typeLen; remainLen += typeLen; ret_index += typeLen; typeLen = bthci_AssocPreferredChannelList(padapter, &pRetPar[ret_index], EntryNum); totalLen += typeLen; remainLen += typeLen; ret_index += typeLen; typeLen = bthci_PALCapabilities(padapter, &pRetPar[ret_index]); totalLen += typeLen; remainLen += typeLen; ret_index += typeLen; typeLen = bthci_AssocPALVer(padapter, &pRetPar[ret_index]); totalLen += typeLen; remainLen += typeLen; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = (u8)totalLen; *pRemainLen = remainLen; /* AMP_ASSOC_Remaining_Length */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("ReadLocalAMPAssoc, Remaining_Len =%d \n", remainLen)); RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("AMP_ASSOC_fragment : \n"), PPacketIrpEvent->Data, totalLen); bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, totalLen+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadFailedContactCounter(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 handle; handle = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_STATUS_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(handle); pRetPar[2] = TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(handle); pRetPar[3] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(pBtHciInfo->FailContactCount); pRetPar[4] = TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(pBtHciInfo->FailContactCount); len += 5; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdResetFailedContactCounter( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u16 handle; u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; handle = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); pBtHciInfo->FailContactCount = 0; /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); /* PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(buffer); */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_STATUS_PARAMETERS, HCI_RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = TWOBYTE_LOWBYTE(handle); pRetPar[2] = TWOBYTE_HIGHTBYTE(handle); len += 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } /* */ /* BT 3.0+HS [Vol 2] 7.4.1 */ /* */ static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLocalVersionInformation( struct rtw_adapter *padapter ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = 0x05; /* HCI_Version */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[2]; /* HCI_Revision */ *pu2Temp = 0x0001; pRetPar[4] = 0x05; /* LMP/PAL_Version */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[5]; /* Manufacturer_Name */ *pu2Temp = 0x005d; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[7]; /* LMP/PAL_Subversion */ *pu2Temp = 0x0001; len += 9; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Status %x\n", status)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("HCI_Version = 0x05\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("HCI_Revision = 0x0001\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("LMP/PAL_Version = 0x05\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Manufacturer_Name = 0x0001\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("LMP/PAL_Subversion = 0x0001\n")); bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } /* 7.4.7 */ static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadDataBlockSize(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* status */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[1]; /* Max_ACL_Data_Packet_Length */ *pu2Temp = Max80211PALPDUSize; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[3]; /* Data_Block_Length */ *pu2Temp = Max80211PALPDUSize; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[5]; /* Total_Num_Data_Blocks */ *pu2Temp = BTTotalDataBlockNum; len += 7; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } /* 7.4.5 */ static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadBufferSize(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); /* PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(buffer); */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, status); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Synchronous_Data_Packet_Length = 0x%x\n", BTSynDataPacketLength)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Total_Num_ACL_Data_Packets = 0x%x\n", BTTotalDataBlockNum)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("Total_Num_Synchronous_Data_Packets = 0x%x\n", BTTotalDataBlockNum)); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[1]; /* HC_ACL_Data_Packet_Length */ *pu2Temp = Max80211PALPDUSize; pRetPar[3] = BTSynDataPacketLength; /* HC_Synchronous_Data_Packet_Length */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[4]; /* HC_Total_Num_ACL_Data_Packets */ *pu2Temp = BTTotalDataBlockNum; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[6]; /* HC_Total_Num_Synchronous_Data_Packets */ *pu2Temp = BTTotalDataBlockNum; len += 8; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLocalAMPInfo(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct pwrctrl_priv *ppwrctrl = &padapter->pwrctrlpriv; u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; u32 *pu4Temp; u32 TotalBandwidth = BTTOTALBANDWIDTH, MaxBandGUBandwidth = BTMAXBANDGUBANDWIDTH; u8 ControlType = 0x01, AmpStatus = 0x01; u32 MaxFlushTimeout = 10000, BestEffortFlushTimeout = 5000; u16 MaxPDUSize = Max80211PALPDUSize, PalCap = 0x1, AmpAssocLen = Max80211AMPASSOCLen, MinLatency = 20; if ((ppwrctrl->rfoff_reason & RF_CHANGE_BY_HW) || (ppwrctrl->rfoff_reason & RF_CHANGE_BY_SW)) { AmpStatus = AMP_STATUS_NO_CAPACITY_FOR_BT; } PlatformZeroMemory(&localBuf[0], TmpLocalBufSize); /* PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(buffer); */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_STATUS_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_LOCAL_AMP_INFO, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = AmpStatus; /* AMP_Status */ pu4Temp = (u32 *)&pRetPar[2]; /* Total_Bandwidth */ *pu4Temp = TotalBandwidth; /* 0x19bfcc00;0x7530; */ pu4Temp = (u32 *)&pRetPar[6]; /* Max_Guaranteed_Bandwidth */ *pu4Temp = MaxBandGUBandwidth; /* 0x19bfcc00;0x4e20; */ pu4Temp = (u32 *)&pRetPar[10]; /* Min_Latency */ *pu4Temp = MinLatency; /* 150; */ pu4Temp = (u32 *)&pRetPar[14]; /* Max_PDU_Size */ *pu4Temp = MaxPDUSize; pRetPar[18] = ControlType; /* Controller_Type */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[19]; /* PAL_Capabilities */ *pu2Temp = PalCap; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[21]; /* AMP_ASSOC_Length */ *pu2Temp = AmpAssocLen; pu4Temp = (u32 *)&pRetPar[23]; /* Max_Flush_Timeout */ *pu4Temp = MaxFlushTimeout; pu4Temp = (u32 *)&pRetPar[27]; /* Best_Effort_Flush_Timeout */ *pu4Temp = BestEffortFlushTimeout; len += 31; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("AmpStatus = 0x%x\n", AmpStatus)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("TotalBandwidth = 0x%x, MaxBandGUBandwidth = 0x%x, MinLatency = 0x%x, \n MaxPDUSize = 0x%x, ControlType = 0x%x\n", TotalBandwidth, MaxBandGUBandwidth, MinLatency, MaxPDUSize, ControlType)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("PalCap = 0x%x, AmpAssocLen = 0x%x, MaxFlushTimeout = 0x%x, BestEffortFlushTimeout = 0x%x\n", PalCap, AmpAssocLen, MaxFlushTimeout, BestEffortFlushTimeout)); bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdCreatePhysicalLink( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntCreatePhyLink++; status = bthci_BuildPhysicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd, HCI_CREATE_PHYSICAL_LINK); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdReadLinkQuality( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u16 PLH; u8 EntryNum, LinkQuality = 0x55; PLH = *((u16 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0]); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("PLH = 0x%x\n", PLH)); EntryNum = bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(padapter, (u8)PLH); if (EntryNum == 0xff) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("No such PLH(0x%x)\n", PLH)); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; } { u8 localBuf[11] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_STATUS_PARAMETERS, HCI_READ_LINK_QUALITY, status); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, (" PLH = 0x%x\n Link Quality = 0x%x\n", PLH, LinkQuality)); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ *((u16 *)&pRetPar[1]) = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkCmdData.BtPhyLinkhandle; /* Handle */ pRetPar[3] = 0x55; /* Link Quailty */ len += 4; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdCreateLogicalLink( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntCreateLogLink++; bthci_BuildLogicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd, HCI_CREATE_LOGICAL_LINK); return HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdAcceptLogicalLink( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntAcceptLogLink++; bthci_BuildLogicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd, HCI_ACCEPT_LOGICAL_LINK); return HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdDisconnectLogicalLink( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTinfo->BtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTinfo->BtDbg; u16 logicHandle; u8 i, j, find = 0, LogLinkCount = 0; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntDisconnectLogLink++; logicHandle = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("DisconnectLogicalLink, logicHandle = 0x%x\n", logicHandle)); /* find an created logical link index and clear the data */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; j++) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle == logicHandle) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("DisconnectLogicalLink, logicHandle is matched 0x%x\n", logicHandle)); bthci_ResetFlowSpec(padapter, j, i); find = 1; pBtMgnt->DisconnectEntryNum = j; break; } } } if (!find) status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; /* To check each */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[pBtMgnt->DisconnectEntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle != 0) LogLinkCount++; } /* When we receive Create logical link command, we should send command status event first. */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, HCI_DISCONNECT_LOGICAL_LINK, status); /* */ /* When we determines the logical link is established, we should send command complete event. */ /* */ if (status == HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS) { bthci_EventDisconnectLogicalLinkComplete(padapter, status, logicHandle, HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_TERMINATE_LOCAL_HOST); } if (LogLinkCount == 0) mod_timer(&pBTinfo->BTDisconnectPhyLinkTimer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(100)); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdLogicalLinkCancel(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTinfo->BtMgnt; u8 CurrentEntryNum, CurrentLogEntryNum; u8 physicalLinkHandle, TxFlowSpecID, i; u16 CurrentLogicalHandle; physicalLinkHandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); TxFlowSpecID = *(((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data)+1); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("LogicalLinkCancel, physicalLinkHandle = 0x%x, TxFlowSpecID = 0x%x\n", physicalLinkHandle, TxFlowSpecID)); CurrentEntryNum = pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum; CurrentLogicalHandle = pBtMgnt->BtCurrentLogLinkhandle; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("CurrentEntryNum = 0x%x, CurrentLogicalHandle = 0x%x\n", CurrentEntryNum, CurrentLogicalHandle)); CurrentLogEntryNum = 0xff; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if ((CurrentLogicalHandle == pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentEntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle) && (physicalLinkHandle == pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentEntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtPhyLinkhandle)) { CurrentLogEntryNum = i; break; } } if (CurrentLogEntryNum == 0xff) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("LogicalLinkCancel, CurrentLogEntryNum == 0xff !!!!\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; return status; } else { if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentEntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[CurrentLogEntryNum].bLLCompleteEventIsSet) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("LogicalLinkCancel, LLCompleteEventIsSet!!!!\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_ACL_CONNECT_EXISTS; } } { u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, HCI_LOGICAL_LINK_CANCEL, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentEntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[CurrentLogEntryNum].BtPhyLinkhandle; pRetPar[2] = pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentEntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[CurrentLogEntryNum].BtTxFlowSpecID; len += 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentEntryNum].LogLinkCmdData[CurrentLogEntryNum].bLLCancelCMDIsSetandComplete = true; return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdFlowSpecModify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u8 i, j, find = 0; u16 logicHandle; logicHandle = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); /* find an matched logical link index and copy the data */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; j++) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle == logicHandle) { memcpy(&pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].Tx_Flow_Spec, &pHciCmd->Data[2], sizeof(struct hci_flow_spec)); memcpy(&pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].Rx_Flow_Spec, &pHciCmd->Data[18], sizeof(struct hci_flow_spec)); bthci_CheckLogLinkBehavior(padapter, pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].Tx_Flow_Spec); find = 1; break; } } } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_LOGO, ("FlowSpecModify, LLH = 0x%x, \n", logicHandle)); /* When we receive Flow Spec Modify command, we should send command status event first. */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, HCI_FLOW_SPEC_MODIFY, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (!find) status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; bthci_EventSendFlowSpecModifyComplete(padapter, status, logicHandle); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdAcceptPhysicalLink(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntAcceptPhyLink++; status = bthci_BuildPhysicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd, HCI_ACCEPT_PHYSICAL_LINK); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdDisconnectPhysicalLink(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; u8 PLH, CurrentEntryNum, PhysLinkDisconnectReason; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntDisconnectPhyLink++; PLH = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); PhysLinkDisconnectReason = (*((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+1)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_DISCONNECT_PHYSICAL_LINK PhyHandle = 0x%x, Reason = 0x%x\n", PLH, PhysLinkDisconnectReason)); CurrentEntryNum = bthci_GetCurrentEntryNum(padapter, PLH); if (CurrentEntryNum == 0xff) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("DisconnectPhysicalLink, No such Handle in the Entry\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; } else { pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentEntryNum].PhyLinkDisconnectReason = (enum hci_status)PhysLinkDisconnectReason; } /* Send HCI Command status event to AMP. */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS, HCI_DISCONNECT_PHYSICAL_LINK, status); if (status != HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS) return status; /* The macros below require { and } in the if statement */ if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[CurrentEntryNum].BtCurrentState == HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK, CurrentEntryNum); } else { BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING, STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK, CurrentEntryNum); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdSetACLLinkDataFlowMode(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentConnectHandle = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentIncomingTrafficMode = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data)+2; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentOutgoingTrafficMode = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data)+3; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("Connection Handle = 0x%x, Incoming Traffic mode = 0x%x, Outgoing Traffic mode = 0x%x", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentConnectHandle, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentIncomingTrafficMode, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentOutgoingTrafficMode)); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_SET_ACL_LINK_DATA_FLOW_MODE, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[1]; *pu2Temp = pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentConnectHandle; len += 3; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdSetACLLinkStatus(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; u8 i; u8 *pTriple; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntSetAclLinkStatus++; RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, "SetACLLinkStatus, Hex Data :\n", &pHciCmd->Data[0], pHciCmd->Length); /* Only Core Stack v251 and later version support this command. */ pBtMgnt->bSupportProfile = true; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("NumberOfHandle = 0x%x\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); pTriple = &pHciCmd->Data[1]; for (i = 0; i < pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle; i++) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle = *((u16 *)&pTriple[0]); pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].IncomingTrafficMode = pTriple[2]; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].OutgoingTrafficMode = pTriple[3]; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("Connection_Handle = 0x%x, Incoming Traffic mode = 0x%x, Outgoing Traffic Mode = 0x%x\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].IncomingTrafficMode, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].OutgoingTrafficMode)); pTriple += 4; } { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_SET_ACL_LINK_STATUS, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdSetSCOLinkStatus( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntSetScoLinkStatus++; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("NumberOfSCO = 0x%x\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO)); { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_SET_SCO_LINK_STATUS, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdSetRSSIValue( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; s8 min_bt_rssi = 0; u8 i; for (i = 0; i < pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle; i++) { if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle == *((u16 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0])) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BT_RSSI = (s8)(pHciCmd->Data[2]); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT_PERIODICAL, ("Connection_Handle = 0x%x, RSSI = %d \n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BT_RSSI)); } /* get the minimum bt rssi value */ if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BT_RSSI <= min_bt_rssi) min_bt_rssi = pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BT_RSSI; } pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.MIN_BT_RSSI = min_bt_rssi; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[bt rssi], the min rssi is %d\n", min_bt_rssi)); { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_SET_RSSI_VALUE, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdSetCurrentBluetoothStatus( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentBTStatus = *((u8 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0]); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("SetCurrentBluetoothStatus, CurrentBTStatus = 0x%x\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.CurrentBTStatus)); { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_SET_CURRENT_BLUETOOTH_STATUS, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdExtensionVersionNotify( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntExtensionVersionNotify++; RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, "ExtensionVersionNotify, Hex Data :\n", &pHciCmd->Data[0], pHciCmd->Length); pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.HCIExtensionVer = *((u16 *)&pHciCmd->Data[0]); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCIExtensionVer = 0x%x\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.HCIExtensionVer)); { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_EXTENSION_VERSION_NOTIFY, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdLinkStatusNotify( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; u8 i; u8 *pTriple; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntLinkStatusNotify++; RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, "LinkStatusNotify, Hex Data :\n", &pHciCmd->Data[0], pHciCmd->Length); /* Current only RTL8723 support this command. */ pBtMgnt->bSupportProfile = true; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("NumberOfHandle = 0x%x\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCIExtensionVer = %d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.HCIExtensionVer)); pTriple = &pHciCmd->Data[1]; for (i = 0; i < pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle; i++) { if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.HCIExtensionVer < 1) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle = *((u16 *)&pTriple[0]); pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile = pTriple[2]; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTCoreSpec = pTriple[3]; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("Connection_Handle = 0x%x, BTProfile =%d, BTSpec =%d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTCoreSpec)); pTriple += 4; } else if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.HCIExtensionVer >= 1) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle = *((u16 *)&pTriple[0]); pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile = pTriple[2]; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTCoreSpec = pTriple[3]; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].linkRole = pTriple[4]; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("Connection_Handle = 0x%x, BTProfile =%d, BTSpec =%d, LinkRole =%d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].ConnectHandle, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTCoreSpec, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].linkRole)); pTriple += 5; } } BTHCI_UpdateBTProfileRTKToMoto(padapter); { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_LINK_STATUS_NOTIFY, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdBtOperationNotify( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, "Bt Operation notify, Hex Data :\n", &pHciCmd->Data[0], pHciCmd->Length); pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.btOperationCode = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("btOperationCode = 0x%x\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.btOperationCode)); switch (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.btOperationCode) { case HCI_BT_OP_NONE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Operation None!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_INQUIRY_START: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Inquire start!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_INQUIRY_FINISH: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Inquire finished!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_PAGING_START: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Paging is started!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_PAGING_SUCCESS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Paging complete successfully!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_PAGING_UNSUCCESS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Paging complete unsuccessfully!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_PAIRING_START: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Pairing start!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_PAIRING_FINISH: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Pairing finished!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_BT_DEV_ENABLE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : BT Device is enabled!!\n")); break; case HCI_BT_OP_BT_DEV_DISABLE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : BT Device is disabled!!\n")); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[bt operation] : Unknown, error!!\n")); break; } BTDM_AdjustForBtOperation(padapter); { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_BT_OPERATION_NOTIFY, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdEnableWifiScanNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, "Enable Wifi scan notify, Hex Data :\n", &pHciCmd->Data[0], pHciCmd->Length); pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bEnableWifiScanNotify = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("bEnableWifiScanNotify = %d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bEnableWifiScanNotify)); { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_ENABLE_WIFI_SCAN_NOTIFY, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWIFICurrentChannel(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv; u8 chnl = pmlmeext->cur_channel; if (pmlmeext->cur_bwmode == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40) { if (pmlmeext->cur_ch_offset == HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_UPPER) chnl += 2; else if (pmlmeext->cur_ch_offset == HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_LOWER) chnl -= 2; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("Current Channel = 0x%x\n", chnl)); { u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_WIFI_CURRENT_CHANNEL, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = chnl; /* current channel */ len += 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWIFICurrentBandwidth(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; enum ht_channel_width bw; u8 CurrentBW = 0; bw = padapter->mlmeextpriv.cur_bwmode; if (bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20) CurrentBW = 0; else if (bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40) CurrentBW = 1; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("Current BW = 0x%x\n", CurrentBW)); { u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_WIFI_CURRENT_BANDWIDTH, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = CurrentBW; /* current BW */ len += 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdWIFIConnectionStatus( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; u8 connectStatus = HCI_WIFI_NOT_CONNECTED; if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE)) { if (padapter->stapriv.asoc_sta_count >= 3) connectStatus = HCI_WIFI_CONNECTED; else connectStatus = HCI_WIFI_NOT_CONNECTED; } else if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_STATE|WIFI_ADHOC_MASTER_STATE|WIFI_ASOC_STATE)) { connectStatus = HCI_WIFI_CONNECTED; } else if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_UNDER_LINKING)) { connectStatus = HCI_WIFI_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS; } else { connectStatus = HCI_WIFI_NOT_CONNECTED; } { u8 localBuf[8] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_EXTENSION, HCI_WIFI_CONNECTION_STATUS, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ pRetPar[1] = connectStatus; /* connect status */ len += 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdEnableDeviceUnderTestMode( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; pBtHciInfo->bInTestMode = true; pBtHciInfo->bTestIsEnd = false; /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_TESTING_COMMANDS, HCI_ENABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_TEST_MODE, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdAMPTestEnd(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; if (!pBtHciInfo->bInTestMode) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Not in Test mode, return status = HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW; return status; } pBtHciInfo->bTestIsEnd = true; del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTTestSendPacketTimer); rtl8723a_check_bssid(padapter, true); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ { u8 localBuf[4] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("AMP Test End Event \n")); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_AMP_TEST_END; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = status; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = pBtHciInfo->TestScenario; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 4); } bthci_EventAMPReceiverReport(padapter, 0x01); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdAMPTestCommand(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; if (!pBtHciInfo->bInTestMode) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Not in Test mode, return status = HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW\n")); status = HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW; return status; } pBtHciInfo->TestScenario = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); if (pBtHciInfo->TestScenario == 0x01) RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("TX Single Test \n")); else if (pBtHciInfo->TestScenario == 0x02) RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Receive Frame Test \n")); else RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("No Such Test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \n")); if (pBtHciInfo->bTestIsEnd) { u8 localBuf[5] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("AMP Test End Event \n")); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_AMP_TEST_END; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = status; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = pBtHciInfo->TestScenario ; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 4); /* Return to Idel state with RX and TX off. */ return status; } /* should send command status event */ bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, OGF_TESTING_COMMANDS, HCI_AMP_TEST_COMMAND, status); /* The HCI_AMP_Start Test Event shall be generated when the */ /* HCI_AMP_Test_Command has completed and the first data is ready to be sent */ /* or received. */ { u8 localBuf[5] = ""; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), (" HCI_AMP_Start Test Event \n")); PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_AMP_START_TEST; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = 2; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0] = status; PPacketIrpEvent->Data[1] = pBtHciInfo->TestScenario ; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, 4); /* Return to Idel state with RX and TX off. */ } if (pBtHciInfo->TestScenario == 0x01) { /* When in a transmitter test scenario and the frames/bursts count have been transmitted the HCI_AMP_Test_End event shall be sent. */ mod_timer(&pBTInfo->BTTestSendPacketTimer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(50)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("TX Single Test \n")); } else if (pBtHciInfo->TestScenario == 0x02) { rtl8723a_check_bssid(padapter, false); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("Receive Frame Test \n")); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdEnableAMPReceiverReports(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; if (!pBtHciInfo->bInTestMode) { status = HCI_STATUS_CMD_DISALLOW; /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_TESTING_COMMANDS, HCI_ENABLE_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORTS, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } pBtHciInfo->bTestNeedReport = *((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data); pBtHciInfo->TestReportInterval = (*((u8 *)pHciCmd->Data+2)); bthci_EventAMPReceiverReport(padapter, 0x00); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ { u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_TESTING_COMMANDS, HCI_ENABLE_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORTS, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_CmdHostBufferSize(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; u8 localBuf[6] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; u8 len = 0; pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum].ACLPacketsData.ACLDataPacketLen = *((u16 *)pHciCmd->Data); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum].SyncDataPacketLen = *((u8 *)(pHciCmd->Data+2)); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum].TotalNumACLDataPackets = *((u16 *)(pHciCmd->Data+3)); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum].TotalSyncNumDataPackets = *((u16 *)(pHciCmd->Data+5)); /* send command complete event here when all data are received. */ PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); len += bthci_CommandCompleteHeader(&localBuf[0], OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND, HCI_HOST_BUFFER_SIZE, status); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[len]; pRetPar[0] = status; /* status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_UnknownCMD(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_HCI_CMD; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCntUnknown++; bthci_EventCommandStatus(padapter, (u8)pHciCmd->OGF, pHciCmd->OCF, status); return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_HandleOGFInformationalParameters(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch (pHciCmd->OCF) { case HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLocalVersionInformation(padapter); break; case HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLocalSupportedCommands(padapter); break; case HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LOCAL_SUPPORTED_FEATURES\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLocalSupportedFeatures(padapter); break; case HCI_READ_BUFFER_SIZE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_BUFFER_SIZE\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadBufferSize(padapter); break; case HCI_READ_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadDataBlockSize(padapter); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("bthci_HandleOGFInformationalParameters(), Unknown case = 0x%x\n", pHciCmd->OCF)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND\n")); status = bthci_UnknownCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_HandleOGFSetEventMaskCMD(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch (pHciCmd->OCF) { case HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK\n")); status = bthci_CmdSetEventMask(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_RESET: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_RESET\n")); status = bthci_CmdReset(padapter, true); break; case HCI_READ_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadConnectionAcceptTimeout(padapter); break; case HCI_SET_EVENT_FILTER: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_SET_EVENT_FILTER\n")); break; case HCI_WRITE_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_WRITE_CONNECTION_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdWriteConnectionAcceptTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_READ_PAGE_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_PAGE_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadPageTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_WRITE_PAGE_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdWritePageTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_HOST_NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_HOST_NUMBER_OF_COMPLETED_PACKETS\n")); break; case HCI_READ_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLinkSupervisionTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WRITE_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_WRITE_LINK_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdWriteLinkSupervisionTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_ENHANCED_FLUSH: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_ENHANCED_FLUSH\n")); status = bthci_CmdEnhancedFlush(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_READ_LOGICAL_LINK_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LOGICAL_LINK_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLogicalLinkAcceptTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WRITE_LOGICAL_LINK_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_WRITE_LOGICAL_LINK_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdWriteLogicalLinkAcceptTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE_2: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_SET_EVENT_MASK_PAGE_2\n")); status = bthci_CmdSetEventMaskPage2(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_READ_LOCATION_DATA: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LOCATION_DATA\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLocationData(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WRITE_LOCATION_DATA: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_WRITE_LOCATION_DATA\n")); status = bthci_CmdWriteLocationData(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_READ_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadFlowControlMode(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WRITE_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_WRITE_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE\n")); status = bthci_CmdWriteFlowControlMode(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_READ_BEST_EFFORT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_BEST_EFFORT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadBestEffortFlushTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WRITE_BEST_EFFORT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_WRITE_BEST_EFFORT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT\n")); status = bthci_CmdWriteBestEffortFlushTimeout(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_SHORT_RANGE_MODE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_SHORT_RANGE_MODE\n")); status = bthci_CmdShortRangeMode(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_HOST_BUFFER_SIZE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_HOST_BUFFER_SIZE\n")); status = bthci_CmdHostBufferSize(padapter, pHciCmd); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("bthci_HandleOGFSetEventMaskCMD(), Unknown case = 0x%x\n", pHciCmd->OCF)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND\n")); status = bthci_UnknownCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_HandleOGFStatusParameters(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch (pHciCmd->OCF) { case HCI_READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadFailedContactCounter(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_RESET_FAILED_CONTACT_COUNTER\n")); status = bthci_CmdResetFailedContactCounter(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_READ_LINK_QUALITY: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LINK_QUALITY\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLinkQuality(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_READ_RSSI: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_RSSI\n")); break; case HCI_READ_LOCAL_AMP_INFO: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LOCAL_AMP_INFO\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLocalAMPInfo(padapter); break; case HCI_READ_LOCAL_AMP_ASSOC: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_READ_LOCAL_AMP_ASSOC\n")); status = bthci_CmdReadLocalAMPAssoc(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WRITE_REMOTE_AMP_ASSOC: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_WRITE_REMOTE_AMP_ASSOC\n")); status = bthci_CmdWriteRemoteAMPAssoc(padapter, pHciCmd); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("bthci_HandleOGFStatusParameters(), Unknown case = 0x%x\n", pHciCmd->OCF)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND\n")); status = bthci_UnknownCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_HandleOGFLinkControlCMD(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch (pHciCmd->OCF) { case HCI_CREATE_PHYSICAL_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_CREATE_PHYSICAL_LINK\n")); status = bthci_CmdCreatePhysicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_ACCEPT_PHYSICAL_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_ACCEPT_PHYSICAL_LINK\n")); status = bthci_CmdAcceptPhysicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_DISCONNECT_PHYSICAL_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_DISCONNECT_PHYSICAL_LINK\n")); status = bthci_CmdDisconnectPhysicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_CREATE_LOGICAL_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_CREATE_LOGICAL_LINK\n")); status = bthci_CmdCreateLogicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_ACCEPT_LOGICAL_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_ACCEPT_LOGICAL_LINK\n")); status = bthci_CmdAcceptLogicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_DISCONNECT_LOGICAL_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_DISCONNECT_LOGICAL_LINK\n")); status = bthci_CmdDisconnectLogicalLink(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_LOGICAL_LINK_CANCEL: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_LOGICAL_LINK_CANCEL\n")); status = bthci_CmdLogicalLinkCancel(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_FLOW_SPEC_MODIFY: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_FLOW_SPEC_MODIFY\n")); status = bthci_CmdFlowSpecModify(padapter, pHciCmd); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("bthci_HandleOGFLinkControlCMD(), Unknown case = 0x%x\n", pHciCmd->OCF)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND\n")); status = bthci_UnknownCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_HandleOGFTestingCMD(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch (pHciCmd->OCF) { case HCI_ENABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_TEST_MODE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_ENABLE_DEVICE_UNDER_TEST_MODE\n")); bthci_CmdEnableDeviceUnderTestMode(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_AMP_TEST_END: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_AMP_TEST_END\n")); bthci_CmdAMPTestEnd(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_AMP_TEST_COMMAND: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_AMP_TEST_COMMAND\n")); bthci_CmdAMPTestCommand(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_ENABLE_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORTS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_ENABLE_AMP_RECEIVER_REPORTS\n")); bthci_CmdEnableAMPReceiverReports(padapter, pHciCmd); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND\n")); status = bthci_UnknownCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; } return status; } static enum hci_status bthci_HandleOGFExtension(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; switch (pHciCmd->OCF) { case HCI_SET_ACL_LINK_DATA_FLOW_MODE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_SET_ACL_LINK_DATA_FLOW_MODE\n")); status = bthci_CmdSetACLLinkDataFlowMode(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_SET_ACL_LINK_STATUS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_SET_ACL_LINK_STATUS\n")); status = bthci_CmdSetACLLinkStatus(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_SET_SCO_LINK_STATUS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_SET_SCO_LINK_STATUS\n")); status = bthci_CmdSetSCOLinkStatus(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_SET_RSSI_VALUE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT_PERIODICAL, ("HCI_SET_RSSI_VALUE\n")); status = bthci_CmdSetRSSIValue(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_SET_CURRENT_BLUETOOTH_STATUS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_SET_CURRENT_BLUETOOTH_STATUS\n")); status = bthci_CmdSetCurrentBluetoothStatus(padapter, pHciCmd); break; /* The following is for RTK8723 */ case HCI_EXTENSION_VERSION_NOTIFY: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_EXTENSION_VERSION_NOTIFY\n")); status = bthci_CmdExtensionVersionNotify(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_LINK_STATUS_NOTIFY: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_LINK_STATUS_NOTIFY\n")); status = bthci_CmdLinkStatusNotify(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_BT_OPERATION_NOTIFY: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_BT_OPERATION_NOTIFY\n")); status = bthci_CmdBtOperationNotify(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_ENABLE_WIFI_SCAN_NOTIFY: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_ENABLE_WIFI_SCAN_NOTIFY\n")); status = bthci_CmdEnableWifiScanNotify(padapter, pHciCmd); break; /* The following is for IVT */ case HCI_WIFI_CURRENT_CHANNEL: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_WIFI_CURRENT_CHANNEL\n")); status = bthci_CmdWIFICurrentChannel(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WIFI_CURRENT_BANDWIDTH: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_WIFI_CURRENT_BANDWIDTH\n")); status = bthci_CmdWIFICurrentBandwidth(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HCI_WIFI_CONNECTION_STATUS: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_WIFI_CONNECTION_STATUS\n")); status = bthci_CmdWIFIConnectionStatus(padapter, pHciCmd); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("HCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND\n")); status = bthci_UnknownCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; } return status; } static void bthci_StateStarting(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_state_with_cmd StateCmd, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT state], [Starting], ")); switch (StateCmd) { case STATE_CMD_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT\n")); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus = HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT; pBtMgnt->bNeedNotifyAMPNoCap = true; BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK\n")); bthci_EventDisconnectPhyLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkDisconnectReason, EntryNum); del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_MAC_START_COMPLETE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_MAC_START_COMPLETE\n")); if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AMPRole == AMP_BTAP_CREATOR) bthci_EventChannelSelected(padapter, EntryNum); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("State command(%d) is Wrong !!!\n", StateCmd)); break; } } static void bthci_StateConnecting(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_state_with_cmd StateCmd, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT state], [Connecting], ")); switch (StateCmd) { case STATE_CMD_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT\n")); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus = HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT; pBtMgnt->bNeedNotifyAMPNoCap = true; BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_COMPLETE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_COMPLETE\n")); if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AMPRole == AMP_BTAP_JOINER) { RT_TRACE(_module_rtl871x_security_c_, _drv_info_, ("StateConnecting \n")); } break; case STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK\n")); bthci_EventDisconnectPhyLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkDisconnectReason, EntryNum); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer); BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_CANCEL_INDICATE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_CANCEL_INDICATE\n")); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus = HCI_STATUS_CONTROLLER_BUSY; /* Because this state cmd is caused by the BTHCI_EventAMPStatusChange(), */ /* we don't need to send event in the following BTHCI_DisconnectPeer() again. */ pBtMgnt->bNeedNotifyAMPNoCap = false; BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("State command(%d) is Wrong !!!\n", StateCmd)); break; } } static void bthci_StateConnected(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_state_with_cmd StateCmd, u8 EntryNum) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; u8 i; u16 logicHandle = 0; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT state], [Connected], ")); switch (StateCmd) { case STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK\n")); /* When we are trying to disconnect the phy link, we should disconnect log link first, */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData->BtLogLinkhandle != 0) { logicHandle = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData->BtLogLinkhandle; bthci_EventDisconnectLogicalLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, logicHandle, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkDisconnectReason); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].LogLinkCmdData->BtLogLinkhandle = 0; } } bthci_EventDisconnectPhyLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkDisconnectReason, EntryNum); del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer); BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_MAC_DISCONNECT_INDICATE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_MAC_DISCONNECT_INDICATE\n")); bthci_EventDisconnectPhyLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, /* TODO: Remote Host not local host */ HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_TERMINATE_LOCAL_HOST, EntryNum); BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_ENTER_STATE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_ENTER_STATE\n")); if (pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress) { pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress = false; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], BT Connect in progress OFF!!\n")); } pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtCurrentState = HCI_STATE_CONNECTED; pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].b4waySuccess = true; pBtMgnt->bStartSendSupervisionPkt = true; /* for rate adaptive */ rtl8723a_update_ramask(padapter, MAX_FW_SUPPORT_MACID_NUM-1-EntryNum, 0); HalSetBrateCfg23a(padapter, padapter->mlmepriv.cur_network.network.SupportedRates); BTDM_SetFwChnlInfo(padapter, RT_MEDIA_CONNECT); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("State command(%d) is Wrong !!!\n", StateCmd)); break; } } static void bthci_StateAuth(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_state_with_cmd StateCmd, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT state], [Authenticating], ")); switch (StateCmd) { case STATE_CMD_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT\n")); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus = HCI_STATUS_CONNECT_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT; pBtMgnt->bNeedNotifyAMPNoCap = true; BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK\n")); bthci_EventDisconnectPhyLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkDisconnectReason, EntryNum); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus = HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID; del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer); BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_4WAY_FAILED: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_4WAY_FAILED\n")); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus = HCI_STATUS_AUTH_FAIL; pBtMgnt->bNeedNotifyAMPNoCap = true; BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer); break; case STATE_CMD_4WAY_SUCCESSED: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_4WAY_SUCCESSED\n")); bthci_EventPhysicalLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, EntryNum, INVALID_PL_HANDLE); del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer); BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_CONNECTED, STATE_CMD_ENTER_STATE, EntryNum); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("State command(%d) is Wrong !!!\n", StateCmd)); break; } } static void bthci_StateDisconnecting(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_state_with_cmd StateCmd, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT state], [Disconnecting], ")); switch (StateCmd) { case STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_CANCEL_INDICATE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_CANCEL_INDICATE\n")); if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].bNeedPhysLinkCompleteEvent) { bthci_EventPhysicalLinkComplete(padapter, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhysLinkCompleteStatus, EntryNum, INVALID_PL_HANDLE); } if (pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress) { pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress = false; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], BT Connect in progress OFF!!\n")); } BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATE_CMD_ENTER_STATE, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK\n")); bthci_EventDisconnectPhyLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkDisconnectReason, EntryNum); del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer); BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(padapter, EntryNum); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("State command(%d) is Wrong !!!\n", StateCmd)); break; } } static void bthci_StateDisconnected(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum hci_state_with_cmd StateCmd, u8 EntryNum) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT state], [Disconnected], ")); switch (StateCmd) { case STATE_CMD_CREATE_PHY_LINK: case STATE_CMD_ACCEPT_PHY_LINK: if (StateCmd == STATE_CMD_CREATE_PHY_LINK) RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_CREATE_PHY_LINK\n")); else RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_ACCEPT_PHY_LINK\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT PS], Disable IPS and LPS\n")); ips_leave23a(padapter); LPS_Leave23a(padapter); pBtMgnt->bPhyLinkInProgress = true; pBtMgnt->BTCurrentConnectType = BT_DISCONNECT; pBtMgnt->CurrentBTConnectionCnt++; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], CurrentBTConnectionCnt = %d\n", pBtMgnt->CurrentBTConnectionCnt)); pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn = true; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], Bt Operation ON!! CurrentConnectEntryNum = %d\n", pBtMgnt->CurrentConnectEntryNum)); if (pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress) { bthci_EventPhysicalLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_CONTROLLER_BUSY, INVALID_ENTRY_NUM, pBtMgnt->BtCurrentPhyLinkhandle); bthci_RemoveEntryByEntryNum(padapter, EntryNum); return; } if (StateCmd == STATE_CMD_CREATE_PHY_LINK) pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AMPRole = AMP_BTAP_CREATOR; else pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].AMPRole = AMP_BTAP_JOINER; /* 1. MAC not yet in selected channel */ while (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_ASOC_STATE|WIFI_SITE_MONITOR)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("Scan/Roaming/Wifi Link is in Progress, wait 200 ms\n")); mdelay(200); } /* 2. MAC already in selected channel */ RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("Channel is Ready\n")); mod_timer(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer, jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(pBtHciInfo->ConnAcceptTimeout)); pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].bNeedPhysLinkCompleteEvent = true; break; case STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK\n")); del_timer_sync(&pBTInfo->BTHCIJoinTimeoutTimer); bthci_EventDisconnectPhyLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].PhyLinkDisconnectReason, EntryNum); if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].bNeedPhysLinkCompleteEvent) { bthci_EventPhysicalLinkComplete(padapter, HCI_STATUS_UNKNOW_CONNECT_ID, EntryNum, INVALID_PL_HANDLE); } if (pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress) { pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress = false; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], BT Connect in progress OFF!!\n")); } BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED, STATE_CMD_ENTER_STATE, EntryNum); bthci_RemoveEntryByEntryNum(padapter, EntryNum); break; case STATE_CMD_ENTER_STATE: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("STATE_CMD_ENTER_STATE\n")); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("State command(%d) is Wrong !!!\n", StateCmd)); break; } } void BTHCI_EventParse(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, void *pEvntData, u32 dataLen) { } u8 BTHCI_HsConnectionEstablished(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 bBtConnectionExist = false; struct bt_30info *pBtinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u8 i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; i++) { if (pBtinfo->BtAsocEntry[i].b4waySuccess) { bBtConnectionExist = true; break; } } /*RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, (" BTHCI_HsConnectionEstablished(), connection exist = %d\n", bBtConnectionExist)); */ return bBtConnectionExist; } static u8 BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum bt_traffic_mode_profile Profile) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; u8 IsPRofile = false; u8 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle; i++) { if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].TrafficProfile == Profile) { IsPRofile = true; break; } } return IsPRofile; } void BTHCI_UpdateBTProfileRTKToMoto(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; u8 i = 0; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO = 0; for (i = 0; i < pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle; i++) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].TrafficProfile = BT_PROFILE_NONE; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile == BT_PROFILE_SCO) pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO++; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].TrafficProfile = pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile; switch (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].TrafficProfile) { case BT_PROFILE_SCO: break; case BT_PROFILE_PAN: pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].IncomingTrafficMode = BT_MOTOR_EXT_BE; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].OutgoingTrafficMode = BT_MOTOR_EXT_BE; break; case BT_PROFILE_A2DP: pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].IncomingTrafficMode = BT_MOTOR_EXT_GULB; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].OutgoingTrafficMode = BT_MOTOR_EXT_GULB; break; case BT_PROFILE_HID: pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].IncomingTrafficMode = BT_MOTOR_EXT_GUL; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].OutgoingTrafficMode = BT_MOTOR_EXT_BE; break; default: break; } } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RTK, NumberOfHandle = %d, NumberOfSCO = %d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO)); } void BTHCI_WifiScanNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 scanType) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bEnableWifiScanNotify) bthci_EventExtWifiScanNotify(padapter, scanType); } void BTHCI_StateMachine( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 StateToEnter, enum hci_state_with_cmd StateCmd, u8 EntryNum ) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (EntryNum == 0xff) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, (" StateMachine, error EntryNum = 0x%x \n", EntryNum)); return; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, (" StateMachine, EntryNum = 0x%x, CurrentState = 0x%x, BtNextState = 0x%x, StateCmd = 0x%x , StateToEnter = 0x%x\n", EntryNum, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtCurrentState, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState, StateCmd, StateToEnter)); if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState & StateToEnter) { pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtCurrentState = StateToEnter; switch (StateToEnter) { case HCI_STATE_STARTING: pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState = HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING | HCI_STATE_CONNECTING; bthci_StateStarting(padapter, StateCmd, EntryNum); break; case HCI_STATE_CONNECTING: pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState = HCI_STATE_CONNECTING | HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING | HCI_STATE_AUTHENTICATING; bthci_StateConnecting(padapter, StateCmd, EntryNum); break; case HCI_STATE_AUTHENTICATING: pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState = HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING | HCI_STATE_CONNECTED; bthci_StateAuth(padapter, StateCmd, EntryNum); break; case HCI_STATE_CONNECTED: pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState = HCI_STATE_CONNECTED | HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING; bthci_StateConnected(padapter, StateCmd, EntryNum); break; case HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING: pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState = HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED | HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING; bthci_StateDisconnecting(padapter, StateCmd, EntryNum); break; case HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED: pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BtNextState = HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTED | HCI_STATE_STARTING | HCI_STATE_CONNECTING; bthci_StateDisconnected(padapter, StateCmd, EntryNum); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, (" StateMachine, Unknown state to enter!!!\n")); break; } } else { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, (" StateMachine, Wrong state to enter\n")); } /* 20100325 Joseph: Disable/Enable IPS/LPS according to BT status. */ if (!pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress && !pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT PS], ips_enter23a()\n")); ips_enter23a(padapter); } } void BTHCI_DisconnectPeer(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, (" BTHCI_DisconnectPeer()\n")); BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING, STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_CANCEL_INDICATE, EntryNum); if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].bUsed) { /*BTPKT_SendDeauthentication(padapter, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].BTRemoteMACAddr, unspec_reason); not porting yet */ } if (pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress) { pBtMgnt->bBTConnectInProgress = false; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT Flag], BT Connect in progress OFF!!\n")); } bthci_RemoveEntryByEntryNum(padapter, EntryNum); if (pBtMgnt->bNeedNotifyAMPNoCap) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, ("[BT AMPStatus], set to invalid in BTHCI_DisconnectPeer()\n")); BTHCI_EventAMPStatusChange(padapter, AMP_STATUS_NO_CAPACITY_FOR_BT); } } void BTHCI_EventNumOfCompletedDataBlocks(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_hci_info *pBtHciInfo = &pBTInfo->BtHciInfo; u8 localBuf[TmpLocalBufSize] = ""; u8 *pRetPar, *pTriple; u8 len = 0, i, j, handleNum = 0; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u16 *pu2Temp, *pPackets, *pHandle, *pDblocks; u8 sent = 0; PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); if (!(pBtHciInfo->BTEventMaskPage2 & EMP2_HCI_EVENT_NUM_OF_COMPLETE_DATA_BLOCKS)) { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT, ("[BT event], Num Of Completed DataBlocks, Ignore to send NumOfCompletedDataBlocksEvent due to event mask page 2\n")); return; } /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0]; pTriple = &pRetPar[3]; for (j = 0; j < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; j++) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOGICAL_LINK_NUM; i++) { if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle) { handleNum++; pHandle = (u16 *)&pTriple[0]; /* Handle[i] */ pPackets = (u16 *)&pTriple[2]; /* Num_Of_Completed_Packets[i] */ pDblocks = (u16 *)&pTriple[4]; /* Num_Of_Completed_Blocks[i] */ *pHandle = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].BtLogLinkhandle; *pPackets = (u16)pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].TxPacketCount; *pDblocks = (u16)pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].TxPacketCount; if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].TxPacketCount) { sent = 1; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT_DETAIL, ("[BT event], Num Of Completed DataBlocks, Handle = 0x%x, Num_Of_Completed_Packets = 0x%x, Num_Of_Completed_Blocks = 0x%x\n", *pHandle, *pPackets, *pDblocks)); } pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[j].LogLinkCmdData[i].TxPacketCount = 0; len += 6; pTriple += len; } } } pRetPar[2] = handleNum; /* Number_of_Handles */ len += 1; pu2Temp = (u16 *)&pRetPar[0]; *pu2Temp = BTTotalDataBlockNum; len += 2; PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_NUM_OF_COMPLETE_DATA_BLOCKS; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; if (handleNum && sent) bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2); } void BTHCI_EventAMPStatusChange(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 AMP_Status) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *PPacketIrpEvent; u8 len = 0; u8 localBuf[7] = ""; u8 *pRetPar; if (AMP_Status == AMP_STATUS_NO_CAPACITY_FOR_BT) { pBtMgnt->BTNeedAMPStatusChg = true; pBtMgnt->bNeedNotifyAMPNoCap = false; BTHCI_DisconnectAll(padapter); } else if (AMP_Status == AMP_STATUS_FULL_CAPACITY_FOR_BT) { pBtMgnt->BTNeedAMPStatusChg = false; } PPacketIrpEvent = (struct packet_irp_hcievent_data *)(&localBuf[0]); /* Return parameters starts from here */ pRetPar = &PPacketIrpEvent->Data[0]; pRetPar[0] = 0; /* Status */ len += 1; pRetPar[1] = AMP_Status; /* AMP_Status */ len += 1; PPacketIrpEvent->EventCode = HCI_EVENT_AMP_STATUS_CHANGE; PPacketIrpEvent->Length = len; if (bthci_IndicateEvent(padapter, PPacketIrpEvent, len+2) == RT_STATUS_SUCCESS) RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_EVENT|IOCTL_STATE), ("[BT event], AMP Status Change, AMP_Status = %d\n", AMP_Status)); } void BTHCI_DisconnectAll(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); u8 i; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_STATE, (" DisconnectALL()\n")); for (i = 0; i < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; i++) { if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].b4waySuccess) { BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_CONNECTED, STATE_CMD_DISCONNECT_PHY_LINK, i); } else if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].bUsed) { if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].BtCurrentState == HCI_STATE_CONNECTING) { BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_CONNECTING, STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_CANCEL_INDICATE, i); } else if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].BtCurrentState == HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING) { BTHCI_SM_WITH_INFO(padapter, HCI_STATE_DISCONNECTING, STATE_CMD_MAC_CONNECT_CANCEL_INDICATE, i); } } } } enum hci_status BTHCI_HandleHCICMD( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, struct packet_irp_hcicmd_data *pHciCmd ) { enum hci_status status = HCI_STATUS_SUCCESS; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("\n")); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), ("HCI Command start, OGF = 0x%x, OCF = 0x%x, Length = 0x%x\n", pHciCmd->OGF, pHciCmd->OCF, pHciCmd->Length)); if (pHciCmd->Length) { RTPRINT_DATA(FIOCTL, (IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL|IOCTL_BT_LOGO), "HCI Command, Hex Data :\n", &pHciCmd->Data[0], pHciCmd->Length); } if (pHciCmd->OGF == OGF_EXTENSION) { if (pHciCmd->OCF == HCI_SET_RSSI_VALUE) RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_EVENT_PERIODICAL, ("[BT cmd], ")); else RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_EXT, ("[BT cmd], ")); } else { RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("[BT cmd], ")); } pBtDbg->dbgHciInfo.hciCmdCnt++; switch (pHciCmd->OGF) { case LINK_CONTROL_COMMANDS: status = bthci_HandleOGFLinkControlCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case HOLD_MODE_COMMAND: break; case OGF_SET_EVENT_MASK_COMMAND: status = bthci_HandleOGFSetEventMaskCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case OGF_INFORMATIONAL_PARAMETERS: status = bthci_HandleOGFInformationalParameters(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case OGF_STATUS_PARAMETERS: status = bthci_HandleOGFStatusParameters(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case OGF_TESTING_COMMANDS: status = bthci_HandleOGFTestingCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; case OGF_EXTENSION: status = bthci_HandleOGFExtension(padapter, pHciCmd); break; default: RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI Command(), Unknown OGF = 0x%x\n", pHciCmd->OGF)); RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD, ("HCI_UNKNOWN_COMMAND\n")); status = bthci_UnknownCMD(padapter, pHciCmd); break; } RTPRINT(FIOCTL, IOCTL_BT_HCICMD_DETAIL, ("HCI Command execution end!!\n")); return status; } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver COMMOM/bt_hci.c ===== */ static const char *const BtStateString[] = { "BT_DISABLED", "BT_NO_CONNECTION", "BT_CONNECT_IDLE", "BT_INQ_OR_PAG", "BT_ACL_ONLY_BUSY", "BT_SCO_ONLY_BUSY", "BT_ACL_SCO_BUSY", "BT_ACL_INQ_OR_PAG", "BT_STATE_NOT_DEFINED" }; /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87231Ant.c ===== */ static void btdm_SetFwIgnoreWlanAct(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bEnable) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 H2C_Parameter[1] = {0}; if (bEnable) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT Ignore Wlan_Act !!\n")); H2C_Parameter[0] |= BIT(0); /* function enable */ pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT don't ignore Wlan_Act !!\n")); } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], set FW for BT Ignore Wlan_Act, write 0x25 = 0x%02x\n", H2C_Parameter[0])); FillH2CCmd(padapter, BT_IGNORE_WLAN_ACT_EID, 1, H2C_Parameter); } static void btdm_NotifyFwScan(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 scanType) { u8 H2C_Parameter[1] = {0}; if (scanType == true) H2C_Parameter[0] = 0x1; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Notify FW for wifi scan, write 0x3b = 0x%02x\n", H2C_Parameter[0])); FillH2CCmd(padapter, 0x3b, 1, H2C_Parameter); } static void btdm_1AntSetPSMode(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 enable, u8 smartps, u8 mode) { struct pwrctrl_priv *pwrctrl; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Current LPS(%s, %d), smartps =%d\n", enable == true?"ON":"OFF", mode, smartps)); pwrctrl = &padapter->pwrctrlpriv; if (enable == true) { rtw_set_ps_mode23a(padapter, PS_MODE_MIN, smartps, mode); } else { rtw_set_ps_mode23a(padapter, PS_MODE_ACTIVE, 0, 0); LPS_RF_ON_check23a(padapter, 100); } } static void btdm_1AntTSFSwitch(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 enable) { u8 oldVal, newVal; oldVal = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x550); if (enable) newVal = oldVal | EN_BCN_FUNCTION; else newVal = oldVal & ~EN_BCN_FUNCTION; if (oldVal != newVal) rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x550, newVal); } static u8 btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; if ((pBtdm8723->bPrePsTdmaOn != pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn) || (pBtdm8723->prePsTdma != pBtdm8723->curPsTdma)) return true; else return false; } /* Before enter TDMA, make sure Power Saving is enable! */ static void btdm_1AntPsTdma( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bTurnOn, u8 type ) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn = bTurnOn; pBtdm8723->curPsTdma = type; if (bTurnOn) { switch (type) { case 1: /* A2DP Level-1 or FTP/OPP */ default: if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* wide duration for WiFi */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xd3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x0, 0x58); } break; case 2: /* A2DP Level-2 */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* normal duration for WiFi */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xd3, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0, 0x58); } break; case 3: /* BT FTP/OPP */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* normal duration for WiFi */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xd3, 0x30, 0x03, 0x10, 0x58); } break; case 4: /* for wifi scan & BT is connected */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* protect 3 beacons in 3-beacon period & no Tx pause at BT slot */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x93, 0x15, 0x03, 0x14, 0x0); } break; case 5: /* for WiFi connected-busy & BT is Non-Connected-Idle */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* SCO mode, Ant fixed at WiFi, WLAN_Act toggle */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x61, 0x15, 0x03, 0x31, 0x00); } break; case 9: /* ACL high-retry type - 2 */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* narrow duration for WiFi */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xd3, 0xa, 0xa, 0x0, 0x58); /* narrow duration for WiFi */ } break; case 10: /* for WiFi connect idle & BT ACL busy or WiFi Connected-Busy & BT is Inquiry */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x13, 0xa, 0xa, 0x0, 0x40); break; case 11: /* ACL high-retry type - 3 */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* narrow duration for WiFi */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xd3, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00, 0x58); } break; case 12: /* for WiFi Connected-Busy & BT is Connected-Idle */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* Allow High-Pri BT */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xeb, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x31, 0x18); } break; case 20: /* WiFi only busy , TDMA mode for power saving */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x13, 0x25, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00); break; case 27: /* WiFi DHCP/Site Survey & BT SCO busy */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xa3, 0x25, 0x03, 0x31, 0x98); break; case 28: /* WiFi DHCP/Site Survey & BT idle */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x69, 0x25, 0x03, 0x31, 0x00); break; case 29: /* WiFi DHCP/Site Survey & BT ACL busy */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xeb, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x01, 0x18); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c0, 0x5afa5afa); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c4, 0x5afa5afa); } break; case 30: /* WiFi idle & BT Inquiry */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x93, 0x15, 0x03, 0x14, 0x00); break; case 31: /* BT HID */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xd3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x58); break; case 32: /* BT SCO & Inquiry */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xab, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x11, 0x98); break; case 33: /* BT SCO & WiFi site survey */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xa3, 0x25, 0x03, 0x30, 0x98); break; case 34: /* BT HID & WiFi site survey */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xd3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x18); break; case 35: /* BT HID & WiFi Connecting */ if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x18); break; } } else { /* disable PS-TDMA */ switch (type) { case 8: if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* Antenna control by PTA, 0x870 = 0x310 */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); } break; case 0: default: if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* Antenna control by PTA, 0x870 = 0x310 */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x0); } /* Switch Antenna to BT */ rtl8723au_write16(padapter, 0x860, 0x210); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 0x860 = 0x210, Switch Antenna to BT\n")); break; case 9: if (btdm_Is1AntPsTdmaStateChange(padapter)) { /* Antenna control by PTA, 0x870 = 0x310 */ BTDM_SetFw3a(padapter, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x0); } /* Switch Antenna to WiFi */ rtl8723au_write16(padapter, 0x860, 0x110); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 0x860 = 0x110, Switch Antenna to WiFi\n")); break; } } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Current TDMA(%s, %d)\n", pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn?"ON":"OFF", pBtdm8723->curPsTdma)); /* update pre state */ pBtdm8723->bPrePsTdmaOn = pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn; pBtdm8723->prePsTdma = pBtdm8723->curPsTdma; } static void _btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bPSEn, u8 smartps, u8 psOption, u8 bTDMAOn, u8 tdmaType) { struct pwrctrl_priv *pwrctrl; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; u8 psMode; u8 bSwitchPS; if (!check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE) && (get_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv) != WIFI_NULL_STATE)) { btdm_1AntPsTdma(padapter, bTDMAOn, tdmaType); return; } psOption &= ~BIT(0); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Set LPS(%s, %d) TDMA(%s, %d)\n", bPSEn == true?"ON":"OFF", psOption, bTDMAOn == true?"ON":"OFF", tdmaType)); pwrctrl = &padapter->pwrctrlpriv; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; if (bPSEn) { if (pBtdm8723->bWiFiHalt) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Enable PS Fail, WiFi in Halt!!\n")); return; } if (pwrctrl->bInSuspend) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Enable PS Fail, WiFi in Suspend!!\n")); return; } if (padapter->bDriverStopped) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Enable PS Fail, WiFi driver stopped!!\n")); return; } if (padapter->bSurpriseRemoved) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Enable PS Fail, WiFi Surprise Removed!!\n")); return; } psMode = PS_MODE_MIN; } else { psMode = PS_MODE_ACTIVE; psOption = 0; } if (psMode != pwrctrl->pwr_mode) { bSwitchPS = true; } else if (psMode != PS_MODE_ACTIVE) { if (psOption != pwrctrl->bcn_ant_mode) bSwitchPS = true; else if (smartps != pwrctrl->smart_ps) bSwitchPS = true; else bSwitchPS = false; } else { bSwitchPS = false; } if (bSwitchPS) { /* disable TDMA */ if (pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn) { if (!bTDMAOn) { btdm_1AntPsTdma(padapter, false, tdmaType); } else { if (!rtl8723a_BT_enabled(padapter) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.c2hBtInfo == BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.c2hBtInfo == BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE) || (tdmaType == 29)) btdm_1AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 9); else btdm_1AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); } } /* change Power Save State */ btdm_1AntSetPSMode(padapter, bPSEn, smartps, psOption); } btdm_1AntPsTdma(padapter, bTDMAOn, tdmaType); } static void btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bPSEn, u8 psOption, u8 bTDMAOn, u8 tdmaType) { _btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, bPSEn, 0, psOption, bTDMAOn, tdmaType); } static void btdm_1AntWifiParaAdjust(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bEnable) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; if (bEnable) { pBtdm8723->curWifiPara = 1; if (pBtdm8723->preWifiPara != pBtdm8723->curWifiPara) BTDM_SetSwPenaltyTxRateAdaptive(padapter, BT_TX_RATE_ADAPTIVE_LOW_PENALTY); } else { pBtdm8723->curWifiPara = 2; if (pBtdm8723->preWifiPara != pBtdm8723->curWifiPara) BTDM_SetSwPenaltyTxRateAdaptive(padapter, BT_TX_RATE_ADAPTIVE_NORMAL); } } static void btdm_1AntPtaParaReload(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /* PTA parameter */ rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x6cc, 0x0); /* 1-Ant coex */ rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c8, 0xffff); /* wifi break table */ rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c4, 0x55555555); /* coex table */ /* Antenna switch control parameter */ rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x858, 0xaaaaaaaa); if (IS_8723A_A_CUT(GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->VersionID)) { /* SPDT(connected with TRSW) control by hardware PTA */ rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x870, 0x0); rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x40, 0x24); } else { rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x40, 0x20); /* set antenna at bt side if ANTSW is software control */ rtl8723au_write16(padapter, 0x860, 0x210); /* SPDT(connected with TRSW) control by hardware PTA */ rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x870, 0x300); /* ANTSW keep by GNT_BT */ rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x874, 0x22804000); } /* coexistence parameters */ rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x778, 0x1); /* enable RTK mode PTA */ /* BT don't ignore WLAN_Act */ btdm_SetFwIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); } /* * Return *1: upgrade (add WiFi duration time) *0: keep *-1: downgrade (add BT duration time) */ static s8 btdm_1AntTdmaJudgement(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 retry) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; static s8 up, dn, m = 1, n = 3, WaitCount; s8 ret; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; ret = 0; if (pBtdm8723->psTdmaMonitorCnt == 0) { up = 0; dn = 0; m = 1; n = 3; WaitCount = 0; } else { WaitCount++; } if (retry == 0) { /* no retry in the last 2-second duration */ up++; dn--; if (dn < 0) dn = 0; if (up >= 3*m) { /* retry = 0 in consecutive 3m*(2s), add WiFi duration */ ret = 1; n = 3; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; } } else if (retry <= 3) { /* retry<= 3 in the last 2-second duration */ up--; dn++; if (up < 0) up = 0; if (dn == 2) { /* retry<= 3 in consecutive 2*(2s), minus WiFi duration (add BT duration) */ ret = -1; /* record how many time downgrad WiFi duration */ if (WaitCount <= 2) m++; else m = 1; /* the max number of m is 20 */ /* the longest time of upgrade WiFi duration is 20*3*2s = 120s */ if (m >= 20) m = 20; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; } } else { /* retry count > 3 */ /* retry>3, minus WiFi duration (add BT duration) */ ret = -1; /* record how many time downgrad WiFi duration */ if (WaitCount == 1) m++; else m = 1; if (m >= 20) m = 20; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; } return ret; } static void btdm_1AntTdmaDurationAdjustForACL(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; if (pBtdm8723->psTdmaGlobalCnt != pBtdm8723->psTdmaMonitorCnt) { pBtdm8723->psTdmaMonitorCnt = 0; pBtdm8723->psTdmaGlobalCnt = 0; } if (pBtdm8723->psTdmaMonitorCnt == 0) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else { /* Now we only have 4 level Ps Tdma, */ /* if that's not the following 4 level(will changed by wifi scan, dhcp...), */ /* then we have to adjust it back to the previous record one. */ if ((pBtdm8723->curPsTdma != 1) && (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma != 2) && (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma != 9) && (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma != 11)) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType); } else { s32 judge = 0; judge = btdm_1AntTdmaJudgement(padapter, pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btRetryCnt); if (judge == -1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 1) { /* Decrease WiFi duration for high BT retry */ if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt) pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; else pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType); } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 9); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 9) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } } else if (judge == 1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 9); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 9) { if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt) pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; else pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType); } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt) pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; else pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 1; btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType); } } } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], ACL current TDMA(%s, %d)\n", (pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn ? "ON" : "OFF"), pBtdm8723->curPsTdma)); } pBtdm8723->psTdmaMonitorCnt++; } static void btdm_1AntCoexProcessForWifiConnect(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; u8 BtState; pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; pBtdm8723 = &pBtCoex->btdm1Ant; BtState = pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], WiFi is %s\n", BTDM_IsWifiBusy(padapter)?"Busy":"IDLE")); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT is %s\n", BtStateString[BtState])); padapter->pwrctrlpriv.btcoex_rfon = false; if (!BTDM_IsWifiBusy(padapter) && !check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_AP_STATE) && (BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION || BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE)) { switch (BtState) { case BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION: _btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 2, 0x26, false, 9); break; case BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE: _btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 2, 0x26, false, 0); break; } } else { switch (BtState) { case BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION: case BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE: /* WiFi is Busy */ btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, true, 5); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c0, 0x5a5a5a5a); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c4, 0x5a5a5a5a); break; case BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_INQ_OR_PAG: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT PROFILE is " "BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_INQ_OR_PAG\n")); case BT_INFO_STATE_INQ_OR_PAG: padapter->pwrctrlpriv.btcoex_rfon = true; btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 30); break; case BT_INFO_STATE_SCO_ONLY_BUSY: case BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_SCO_BUSY: if (true == pBtCoex->bC2hBtInquiryPage) btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, true, 32); else { #ifdef BTCOEX_CMCC_TEST btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, true, 23); #else /* !BTCOEX_CMCC_TEST */ btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, false, 8); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c0, 0x5a5a5a5a); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c4, 0x5a5a5a5a); #endif /* !BTCOEX_CMCC_TEST */ } break; case BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_ONLY_BUSY: padapter->pwrctrlpriv.btcoex_rfon = true; if (pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile == BT_INFO_HID) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT PROFILE is HID\n")); btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 31); } else if (pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile == BT_INFO_FTP) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT PROFILE is FTP/OPP\n")); btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 3); } else if (pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile == (BT_INFO_A2DP|BT_INFO_FTP)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT PROFILE is A2DP_FTP\n")); btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 11); } else { if (pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile == BT_INFO_A2DP) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT PROFILE is " "A2DP\n")); else RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT PROFILE is " "UNKNOWN(0x%02X)! Use A2DP " "Profile\n", pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile)); btdm_1AntTdmaDurationAdjustForACL(padapter); } break; } } pBtdm8723->psTdmaGlobalCnt++; } static void btdm_1AntUpdateHalRAMask(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 mac_id, u32 filter) { u8 init_rate = 0; u8 raid; u32 mask; u8 shortGIrate = false; int supportRateNum = 0; struct sta_info *psta; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct dm_priv *pdmpriv; struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext; struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo; struct wlan_bssid_ex *cur_network; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s, MACID =%d, filter = 0x%08x!!\n", __func__, mac_id, filter)); pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv; pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv; pmlmeinfo = &pmlmeext->mlmext_info; cur_network = &pmlmeinfo->network; if (mac_id >= NUM_STA) { /* CAM_SIZE */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s, MACID =%d illegal!!\n", __func__, mac_id)); return; } psta = pmlmeinfo->FW_sta_info[mac_id].psta; if (!psta) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s, Can't find station!!\n", __func__)); return; } raid = psta->raid; switch (mac_id) { case 0:/* for infra mode */ supportRateNum = rtw_get_rateset_len23a(cur_network->SupportedRates); mask = update_supported_rate23a(cur_network->SupportedRates, supportRateNum); mask |= (pmlmeinfo->HT_enable) ? update_MSC_rate23a(&pmlmeinfo->ht_cap):0; if (support_short_GI23a(padapter, &pmlmeinfo->ht_cap)) shortGIrate = true; break; case 1:/* for broadcast/multicast */ supportRateNum = rtw_get_rateset_len23a( pmlmeinfo->FW_sta_info[mac_id].SupportedRates); mask = update_basic_rate23a(cur_network->SupportedRates, supportRateNum); break; default: /* for each sta in IBSS */ supportRateNum = rtw_get_rateset_len23a( pmlmeinfo->FW_sta_info[mac_id].SupportedRates); mask = update_supported_rate23a(cur_network->SupportedRates, supportRateNum); break; } mask |= ((raid<<28)&0xf0000000); mask &= 0xffffffff; mask &= ~filter; init_rate = get_highest_rate_idx23a(mask)&0x3f; if (pHalData->fw_ractrl) { u8 arg = 0; arg = mac_id&0x1f;/* MACID */ arg |= BIT(7); if (true == shortGIrate) arg |= BIT(5); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Update FW RAID entry, MASK = 0x%08x, " "arg = 0x%02x\n", mask, arg)); rtl8723a_set_raid_cmd(padapter, mask, arg); } else { if (shortGIrate) init_rate |= BIT(6); rtl8723au_write8(padapter, REG_INIDATA_RATE_SEL + mac_id, init_rate); } psta->init_rate = init_rate; pdmpriv->INIDATA_RATE[mac_id] = init_rate; } static void btdm_1AntUpdateHalRAMaskForSCO(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 forceUpdate) { struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; struct sta_priv *pstapriv; struct wlan_bssid_ex *cur_network; struct sta_info *psta; u32 macid; u32 filter = 0; pBtdm8723 = &GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; if (pBtdm8723->bRAChanged == true && forceUpdate == false) return; pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv; cur_network = &padapter->mlmeextpriv.mlmext_info.network; psta = rtw_get_stainfo23a(pstapriv, cur_network->MacAddress); macid = psta->mac_id; filter |= BIT(_1M_RATE_); filter |= BIT(_2M_RATE_); filter |= BIT(_5M_RATE_); filter |= BIT(_11M_RATE_); filter |= BIT(_6M_RATE_); filter |= BIT(_9M_RATE_); btdm_1AntUpdateHalRAMask(padapter, macid, filter); pBtdm8723->bRAChanged = true; } static void btdm_1AntRecoverHalRAMask(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; struct sta_priv *pstapriv; struct wlan_bssid_ex *cur_network; struct sta_info *psta; pBtdm8723 = &GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; if (pBtdm8723->bRAChanged == false) return; pstapriv = &padapter->stapriv; cur_network = &padapter->mlmeextpriv.mlmext_info.network; psta = rtw_get_stainfo23a(pstapriv, cur_network->MacAddress); Update_RA_Entry23a(padapter, psta); pBtdm8723->bRAChanged = false; } static void btdm_1AntBTStateChangeHandler(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum bt_state_1ant oldState, enum bt_state_1ant newState) { struct hal_data_8723a *phaldata; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT state change, %s => %s\n", BtStateString[oldState], BtStateString[newState])); /* BT default ignore wlan active, */ /* WiFi MUST disable this when BT is enable */ if (newState > BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED) btdm_SetFwIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); if ((check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE)) && (BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter))) { if ((newState == BT_INFO_STATE_SCO_ONLY_BUSY) || (newState == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_SCO_BUSY)) { btdm_1AntUpdateHalRAMaskForSCO(padapter, false); } else { /* Recover original RA setting */ btdm_1AntRecoverHalRAMask(padapter); } } else { phaldata = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); phaldata->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant.bRAChanged = false; } if (oldState == newState) return; if (oldState == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_ONLY_BUSY) { struct hal_data_8723a *Hal = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); Hal->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant.psTdmaMonitorCnt = 0; Hal->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant.psTdmaMonitorCntForSCO = 0; } if ((oldState == BT_INFO_STATE_SCO_ONLY_BUSY) || (oldState == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_SCO_BUSY)) { struct hal_data_8723a *Hal = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); Hal->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant.psTdmaMonitorCntForSCO = 0; } /* Active 2Ant mechanism when BT Connected */ if ((oldState == BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED) || (oldState == BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION)) { if ((newState != BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED) && (newState != BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION)) { BTDM_SetSwRfRxLpfCorner(padapter, BT_RF_RX_LPF_CORNER_SHRINK); BTDM_AGCTable(padapter, BT_AGCTABLE_ON); BTDM_BBBackOffLevel(padapter, BT_BB_BACKOFF_ON); } } else { if ((newState == BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED) || (newState == BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION)) { BTDM_SetSwRfRxLpfCorner(padapter, BT_RF_RX_LPF_CORNER_RESUME); BTDM_AGCTable(padapter, BT_AGCTABLE_OFF); BTDM_BBBackOffLevel(padapter, BT_BB_BACKOFF_OFF); } } } static void btdm_1AntBtCoexistHandler(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex8723; struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtCoex8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; pBtdm8723 = &pBtCoex8723->btdm1Ant; padapter->pwrctrlpriv.btcoex_rfon = false; if (!rtl8723a_BT_enabled(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT is disabled\n")); if (BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], wifi is connected\n")); if (BTDM_IsWifiBusy(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Wifi is busy\n")); btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, false, 9); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Wifi is idle\n")); _btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 2, 1, false, 9); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], wifi is disconnected\n")); btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, false, 9); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT is enabled\n")); if (BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], wifi is connected\n")); btdm_1AntWifiParaAdjust(padapter, true); btdm_1AntCoexProcessForWifiConnect(padapter); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], wifi is disconnected\n")); /* Antenna switch at BT side(0x870 = 0x300, 0x860 = 0x210) after PSTDMA off */ btdm_1AntWifiParaAdjust(padapter, false); btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, false, 0); } } btdm_1AntBTStateChangeHandler(padapter, pBtCoex8723->prec2hBtInfo, pBtCoex8723->c2hBtInfo); pBtCoex8723->prec2hBtInfo = pBtCoex8723->c2hBtInfo; } void BTDM_1AntSignalCompensation(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *rssi_wifi, u8 *rssi_bt) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; u8 RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn, RSSI_BT_Cmpnstn; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant; RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 0; RSSI_BT_Cmpnstn = 0; switch (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma) { case 1: /* WiFi 52ms */ RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 11; /* 22*0.48 */ break; case 2: /* WiFi 36ms */ RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 14; /* 22*0.64 */ break; case 9: /* WiFi 20ms */ RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 18; /* 22*0.80 */ break; case 11: /* WiFi 10ms */ RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 20; /* 22*0.90 */ break; case 4: /* WiFi 21ms */ RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 17; /* 22*0.79 */ break; case 16: /* WiFi 24ms */ RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 18; /* 22*0.76 */ break; case 18: /* WiFi 37ms */ RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 14; /* 22*0.64 */ break; case 23: /* Level-1, Antenna switch to BT at all time */ case 24: /* Level-2, Antenna switch to BT at all time */ case 25: /* Level-3a, Antenna switch to BT at all time */ case 26: /* Level-3b, Antenna switch to BT at all time */ case 27: /* Level-3b, Antenna switch to BT at all time */ case 33: /* BT SCO & WiFi site survey */ RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn = 22; break; default: break; } if (rssi_wifi && RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 1AntSgnlCmpnstn, case %d, WiFiCmpnstn " "=%d(%d => %d)\n", pBtdm8723->curPsTdma, RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn, *rssi_wifi, *rssi_wifi+RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn)); *rssi_wifi += RSSI_WiFi_Cmpnstn; } if (rssi_bt && RSSI_BT_Cmpnstn) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 1AntSgnlCmpnstn, case %d, BTCmpnstn " "=%d(%d => %d)\n", pBtdm8723->curPsTdma, RSSI_BT_Cmpnstn, *rssi_bt, *rssi_bt+RSSI_BT_Cmpnstn)); *rssi_bt += RSSI_BT_Cmpnstn; } } static void BTDM_1AntParaInit(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; pBtdm8723 = &pBtCoex->btdm1Ant; /* Enable counter statistics */ rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x76e, 0x4); btdm_1AntPtaParaReload(padapter); pBtdm8723->wifiRssiThresh = 48; pBtdm8723->bWiFiHalt = false; pBtdm8723->bRAChanged = false; if ((pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo != BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED) && (pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo != BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION)) { BTDM_SetSwRfRxLpfCorner(padapter, BT_RF_RX_LPF_CORNER_SHRINK); BTDM_AGCTable(padapter, BT_AGCTABLE_ON); BTDM_BBBackOffLevel(padapter, BT_BB_BACKOFF_ON); } } static void BTDM_1AntForHalt(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("\n[BTCoex], 1Ant for halt\n")); GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant.bWiFiHalt = true; btdm_1AntWifiParaAdjust(padapter, false); /* don't use btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA() here */ /* it will call rtw_set_ps_mode23a() and request pwrpriv->lock. */ /* This will lead to deadlock, if this function is called in IPS */ /* Lucas@20130205 */ btdm_1AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); btdm_SetFwIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, true); } static void BTDM_1AntLpsLeave(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("\n[BTCoex], 1Ant for LPS Leave\n")); /* Prevent from entering LPS again */ GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant.bWiFiHalt = true; btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, false, 8); /*btdm_1AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 8); */ } static void BTDM_1AntWifiAssociateNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 type) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("\n[BTCoex], 1Ant for associate, type =%d\n", type)); if (type) { rtl8723a_CheckAntenna_Selection(padapter); if (!rtl8723a_BT_enabled(padapter)) btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, false, 9); else { struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; u8 BtState; pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; BtState = pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo; btdm_1AntTSFSwitch(padapter, true); if (BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION || BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, true, 28); } else if (BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_SCO_ONLY_BUSY || BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_SCO_BUSY) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, false, 8); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c0, 0x5a5a5a5a); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c4, 0x5a5a5a5a); } else if (BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_ONLY_BUSY || BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_INQ_OR_PAG) { if (pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile == BT_INFO_HID) btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, true, 35); else btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, true, 29); } } } else { if (!rtl8723a_BT_enabled(padapter)) { if (!BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) { btdm_1AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); btdm_1AntTSFSwitch(padapter, false); } } btdm_1AntBtCoexistHandler(padapter); } } static void BTDM_1AntMediaStatusNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum rt_media_status mstatus) { struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; pBtCoex = &GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("\n\n[BTCoex]******************************\n")); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], MediaStatus, WiFi %s !!\n", mstatus == RT_MEDIA_CONNECT?"CONNECT":"DISCONNECT")); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex]******************************\n")); if (RT_MEDIA_CONNECT == mstatus) { if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE)) { if (pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo == BT_INFO_STATE_SCO_ONLY_BUSY || pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_SCO_BUSY) btdm_1AntUpdateHalRAMaskForSCO(padapter, true); } padapter->pwrctrlpriv.DelayLPSLastTimeStamp = jiffies; BTDM_1AntForDhcp(padapter); } else { /* DBG_8723A("%s rtl8723a_DeinitAntenna_Selection\n", __func__); */ rtl8723a_DeinitAntenna_Selection(padapter); btdm_1AntBtCoexistHandler(padapter); pBtCoex->btdm1Ant.bRAChanged = false; } } void BTDM_1AntForDhcp(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; u8 BtState; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; BtState = pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo; pBtdm8723 = &pBtCoex->btdm1Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("\n[BTCoex], 1Ant for DHCP\n")); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 1Ant for DHCP, WiFi is %s\n", BTDM_IsWifiBusy(padapter)?"Busy":"IDLE")); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 1Ant for DHCP, %s\n", BtStateString[BtState])); BTDM_1AntWifiAssociateNotify(padapter, true); } static void BTDM_1AntWifiScanNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 scanType) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; u8 BtState; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; struct btdm_8723a_1ant *pBtdm8723; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); BtState = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.c2hBtInfo; pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; pBtdm8723 = &pBtCoex->btdm1Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("\n[BTCoex], 1Ant for wifi scan =%d!!\n", scanType)); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 1Ant for wifi scan, WiFi is %s\n", BTDM_IsWifiBusy(padapter)?"Busy":"IDLE")); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 1Ant for wifi scan, %s\n", BtStateString[BtState])); if (scanType) { rtl8723a_CheckAntenna_Selection(padapter); if (!rtl8723a_BT_enabled(padapter)) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, false, 9); } else if (BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter) == false) { BTDM_1AntWifiAssociateNotify(padapter, true); } else { if ((BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_SCO_ONLY_BUSY) || (BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_SCO_BUSY)) { if (pBtCoex->bC2hBtInquiryPage) { btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, false, 0, true, 32); } else { padapter->pwrctrlpriv.btcoex_rfon = true; btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 33); } } else if (true == pBtCoex->bC2hBtInquiryPage) { padapter->pwrctrlpriv.btcoex_rfon = true; btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 30); } else if (BtState == BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_ONLY_BUSY) { padapter->pwrctrlpriv.btcoex_rfon = true; if (pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile == BT_INFO_HID) btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 34); else btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 4); } else { padapter->pwrctrlpriv.btcoex_rfon = true; btdm_1AntSetPSTDMA(padapter, true, 0, true, 5); } } btdm_NotifyFwScan(padapter, 1); } else { /* WiFi_Finish_Scan */ btdm_NotifyFwScan(padapter, 0); btdm_1AntBtCoexistHandler(padapter); } } static void BTDM_1AntFwC2hBtInfo8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; u8 u1tmp, btState; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; u1tmp = pBtCoex->c2hBtInfoOriginal; /* sco BUSY bit is not used on voice over PCM platform */ btState = u1tmp & 0xF; pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile = u1tmp & 0xE0; /* default set bt to idle state. */ pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT_IDLE; /* check BIT2 first ==> check if bt is under inquiry or page scan */ if (btState & BIT(2)) pBtCoex->bC2hBtInquiryPage = true; else pBtCoex->bC2hBtInquiryPage = false; btState &= ~BIT(2); if (!(btState & BIT(0))) pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION; else { if (btState == 0x1) pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE; else if (btState == 0x9) { if (pBtCoex->bC2hBtInquiryPage == true) pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_INQ_OR_PAG; else pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_ONLY_BUSY; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = true; } else if (btState == 0x3) { pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_SCO_ONLY_BUSY; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = true; } else if (btState == 0xb) { pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_ACL_SCO_BUSY; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = true; } else pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_MAX; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy) pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_IDLE; } if (BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION == pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo || BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE == pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo) { if (pBtCoex->bC2hBtInquiryPage) pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_INQ_OR_PAG; } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], %s(%d)\n", BtStateString[pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo], pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo)); if (pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile != BT_INFO_HID) pBtCoex->c2hBtProfile &= ~BT_INFO_HID; } void BTDM_1AntBtCoexist8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; unsigned long delta_time; pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_SITE_MONITOR)) { /* already done in BTDM_1AntForScan() */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], wifi is under scan progress!!\n")); return; } if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, WIFI_UNDER_LINKING)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], wifi is under link progress!!\n")); return; } /* under DHCP(Special packet) */ delta_time = jiffies - padapter->pwrctrlpriv.DelayLPSLastTimeStamp; delta_time = jiffies_to_msecs(delta_time); if (delta_time < 500) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], wifi is under DHCP " "progress(%li ms)!!\n", delta_time)); return; } BTDM_CheckWiFiState(padapter); btdm_1AntBtCoexistHandler(padapter); } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87231Ant.c ===== */ /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87232Ant.c ===== */ /* local function start with btdm_ */ static u8 btdm_ActionAlgorithm(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; u8 bScoExist = false, bBtLinkExist = false, bBtHsModeExist = false; u8 algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_UNDEFINED; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle) bBtLinkExist = true; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO) bScoExist = true; if (BT_HsConnectionEstablished(padapter)) bBtHsModeExist = true; /* here we get BT status first */ /* 1) initialize */ pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_IDLE; if ((bScoExist) || (bBtHsModeExist) || (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID))) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO or HID or HS exists, set BT non-idle !!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_IDLE; } else { /* A2dp profile */ if ((pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 1) && (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP))) { if (BTDM_BtTxRxCounterL(padapter) < 100) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP, low priority tx+rx < 100, set BT connected-idle!!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP, low priority tx+rx >= 100, set BT non-idle!!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_IDLE; } } /* Pan profile */ if ((pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 1) && (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN))) { if (BTDM_BtTxRxCounterL(padapter) < 600) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN, low priority tx+rx < 600, set BT connected-idle!!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE; } else { if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx) { if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityRx / pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx) > 9) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN, low priority rx/tx > 9, set BT connected-idle!!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE; } } } if (BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE != pBtdm8723->btStatus) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN, set BT non-idle!!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_IDLE; } } /* Pan+A2dp profile */ if ((pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 2) && (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) && (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN))) { if (BTDM_BtTxRxCounterL(padapter) < 600) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN+A2DP, low priority tx+rx < 600, set BT connected-idle!!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE; } else { if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx) { if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityRx / pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx) > 9) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN+A2DP, low priority rx/tx > 9, set BT connected-idle!!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE; } } } if (BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE != pBtdm8723->btStatus) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN+A2DP, set BT non-idle!!!\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_IDLE; } } } if (BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_IDLE != pBtdm8723->btStatus) pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = true; else pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = false; if (!bBtLinkExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], No profile exists!!!\n")); return algorithm; } if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 1) { if (bScoExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO only\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID only\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID; } else if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP only\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP; } else if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN)) { if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN(HS) only\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANHS; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN(EDR) only\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR; } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! NO matched profile for NumberOfHandle =%d \n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); } } } else if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 2) { if (bScoExist) { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID; } else if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO + A2DP\n")); } else if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN)) { if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO exists but why NO matched ACL profile for NumberOfHandle =%d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); } } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; } else if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN)) { if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } } else if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP; } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! NO matched profile for NumberOfHandle =%d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); } } } else if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 3) { if (bScoExist) { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO + HID + A2DP\n")); } else if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN)) { if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } } else if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO + A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO + A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO exists but why NO matched profile for NumberOfHandle =%d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); } } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANHS; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR; } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! NO matched profile for NumberOfHandle =%d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); } } } else if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle >= 3) { if (bScoExist) { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { if (bBtHsModeExist) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO + HID + A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); else RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO + HID + A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO exists but why NO matched profile for NumberOfHandle =%d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! NO matched profile for NumberOfHandle =%d\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle)); } } return algorithm; } static u8 btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 bRet = false; if (BT_Operation(padapter)) { if (pHalData->dmpriv.EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > 47) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Need to decrease bt power for HS mode!!\n")); bRet = true; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("NO Need to decrease bt power for HS mode!!\n")); } } else { if (BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Need to decrease bt power for Wifi is connected!!\n")); bRet = true; } } return bRet; } static void btdm_SetCoexTable(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 val0x6c0, u32 val0x6c8, u8 val0x6cc) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("set coex table, set 0x6c0 = 0x%x\n", val0x6c0)); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c0, val0x6c0); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("set coex table, set 0x6c8 = 0x%x\n", val0x6c8)); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0x6c8, val0x6c8); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("set coex table, set 0x6cc = 0x%x\n", val0x6cc)); rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x6cc, val0x6cc); } static void btdm_SetSwFullTimeDacSwing(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bSwDacSwingOn, u32 swDacSwingLvl) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (bSwDacSwingOn) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SwDacSwing = 0x%x\n", swDacSwingLvl)); PHY_SetBBReg(padapter, 0x880, 0xff000000, swDacSwingLvl); pHalData->bt_coexist.bSWCoexistAllOff = false; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SwDacSwing Off!\n")); PHY_SetBBReg(padapter, 0x880, 0xff000000, 0xc0); } } static void btdm_SetFwDacSwingLevel(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 dacSwingLvl) { u8 H2C_Parameter[1] = {0}; H2C_Parameter[0] = dacSwingLvl; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Set Dac Swing Level = 0x%x\n", dacSwingLvl)); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], write 0x29 = 0x%x\n", H2C_Parameter[0])); FillH2CCmd(padapter, 0x29, 1, H2C_Parameter); } static void btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bDecBtPwr) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Dec BT power = %s\n", ((bDecBtPwr) ? "ON" : "OFF"))); pBtdm8723->bCurDecBtPwr = bDecBtPwr; if (pBtdm8723->bPreDecBtPwr == pBtdm8723->bCurDecBtPwr) return; BTDM_SetFwDecBtPwr(padapter, pBtdm8723->bCurDecBtPwr); pBtdm8723->bPreDecBtPwr = pBtdm8723->bCurDecBtPwr; } static void btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 fwDacSwingLvl) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], set FW Dac Swing level = %d\n", fwDacSwingLvl)); pBtdm8723->curFwDacSwingLvl = fwDacSwingLvl; /* RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], preFwDacSwingLvl =%d, curFwDacSwingLvl =%d\n", */ /*pBtdm8723->preFwDacSwingLvl, pBtdm8723->curFwDacSwingLvl)); */ if (pBtdm8723->preFwDacSwingLvl == pBtdm8723->curFwDacSwingLvl) return; btdm_SetFwDacSwingLevel(padapter, pBtdm8723->curFwDacSwingLvl); pBtdm8723->preFwDacSwingLvl = pBtdm8723->curFwDacSwingLvl; } static void btdm_2AntRfShrink(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bRxRfShrinkOn) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], turn Rx RF Shrink = %s\n", ((bRxRfShrinkOn) ? "ON" : "OFF"))); pBtdm8723->bCurRfRxLpfShrink = bRxRfShrinkOn; /* RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], bPreRfRxLpfShrink =%d, bCurRfRxLpfShrink =%d\n", */ /*pBtdm8723->bPreRfRxLpfShrink, pBtdm8723->bCurRfRxLpfShrink)); */ if (pBtdm8723->bPreRfRxLpfShrink == pBtdm8723->bCurRfRxLpfShrink) return; BTDM_SetSwRfRxLpfCorner(padapter, (u8)pBtdm8723->bCurRfRxLpfShrink); pBtdm8723->bPreRfRxLpfShrink = pBtdm8723->bCurRfRxLpfShrink; } static void btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bLowPenaltyRa) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], turn LowPenaltyRA = %s\n", ((bLowPenaltyRa) ? "ON" : "OFF"))); pBtdm8723->bCurLowPenaltyRa = bLowPenaltyRa; /* RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], bPreLowPenaltyRa =%d, bCurLowPenaltyRa =%d\n", */ /*pBtdm8723->bPreLowPenaltyRa, pBtdm8723->bCurLowPenaltyRa)); */ if (pBtdm8723->bPreLowPenaltyRa == pBtdm8723->bCurLowPenaltyRa) return; BTDM_SetSwPenaltyTxRateAdaptive(padapter, (u8)pBtdm8723->bCurLowPenaltyRa); pBtdm8723->bPreLowPenaltyRa = pBtdm8723->bCurLowPenaltyRa; } static void btdm_2AntDacSwing(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bDacSwingOn, u32 dacSwingLvl) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], turn DacSwing =%s, dacSwingLvl = 0x%x\n", (bDacSwingOn ? "ON" : "OFF"), dacSwingLvl)); pBtdm8723->bCurDacSwingOn = bDacSwingOn; pBtdm8723->curDacSwingLvl = dacSwingLvl; if ((pBtdm8723->bPreDacSwingOn == pBtdm8723->bCurDacSwingOn) && (pBtdm8723->preDacSwingLvl == pBtdm8723->curDacSwingLvl)) return; mdelay(30); btdm_SetSwFullTimeDacSwing(padapter, bDacSwingOn, dacSwingLvl); pBtdm8723->bPreDacSwingOn = pBtdm8723->bCurDacSwingOn; pBtdm8723->preDacSwingLvl = pBtdm8723->curDacSwingLvl; } static void btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bAdcBackOff) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], turn AdcBackOff = %s\n", ((bAdcBackOff) ? "ON" : "OFF"))); pBtdm8723->bCurAdcBackOff = bAdcBackOff; if (pBtdm8723->bPreAdcBackOff == pBtdm8723->bCurAdcBackOff) return; BTDM_BBBackOffLevel(padapter, (u8)pBtdm8723->bCurAdcBackOff); pBtdm8723->bPreAdcBackOff = pBtdm8723->bCurAdcBackOff; } static void btdm_2AntAgcTable(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bAgcTableEn) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], %s Agc Table\n", ((bAgcTableEn) ? "Enable" : "Disable"))); pBtdm8723->bCurAgcTableEn = bAgcTableEn; /* RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], bPreAgcTableEn =%d, bCurAgcTableEn =%d\n", */ /*pBtdm8723->bPreAgcTableEn, pBtdm8723->bCurAgcTableEn)); */ if (pBtdm8723->bPreAgcTableEn == pBtdm8723->bCurAgcTableEn) return; BTDM_AGCTable(padapter, (u8)bAgcTableEn); pBtdm8723->bPreAgcTableEn = pBtdm8723->bCurAgcTableEn; } static void btdm_2AntCoexTable(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u32 val0x6c0, u32 val0x6c8, u8 val0x6cc) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], write Coex Table 0x6c0 = 0x%x, 0x6c8 = 0x%x, 0x6cc = 0x%x\n", val0x6c0, val0x6c8, val0x6cc)); pBtdm8723->curVal0x6c0 = val0x6c0; pBtdm8723->curVal0x6c8 = val0x6c8; pBtdm8723->curVal0x6cc = val0x6cc; /* RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], preVal0x6c0 = 0x%x, preVal0x6c8 = 0x%x, preVal0x6cc = 0x%x !!\n", */ /*pBtdm8723->preVal0x6c0, pBtdm8723->preVal0x6c8, pBtdm8723->preVal0x6cc)); */ /* RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], curVal0x6c0 = 0x%x, curVal0x6c8 = 0x%x, curVal0x6cc = 0x%x !!\n", */ /*pBtdm8723->curVal0x6c0, pBtdm8723->curVal0x6c8, pBtdm8723->curVal0x6cc)); */ if ((pBtdm8723->preVal0x6c0 == pBtdm8723->curVal0x6c0) && (pBtdm8723->preVal0x6c8 == pBtdm8723->curVal0x6c8) && (pBtdm8723->preVal0x6cc == pBtdm8723->curVal0x6cc)) return; btdm_SetCoexTable(padapter, val0x6c0, val0x6c8, val0x6cc); pBtdm8723->preVal0x6c0 = pBtdm8723->curVal0x6c0; pBtdm8723->preVal0x6c8 = pBtdm8723->curVal0x6c8; pBtdm8723->preVal0x6cc = pBtdm8723->curVal0x6cc; } static void btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bEnable) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], turn Ignore WlanAct %s\n", (bEnable ? "ON" : "OFF"))); pBtdm8723->bCurIgnoreWlanAct = bEnable; if (pBtdm8723->bPreIgnoreWlanAct == pBtdm8723->bCurIgnoreWlanAct) return; btdm_SetFwIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, bEnable); pBtdm8723->bPreIgnoreWlanAct = pBtdm8723->bCurIgnoreWlanAct; } static void btdm_2AntSetFw3a(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 byte1, u8 byte2, u8 byte3, u8 byte4, u8 byte5) { u8 H2C_Parameter[5] = {0}; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); /* byte1[1:0] != 0 means enable pstdma */ /* for 2Ant bt coexist, if byte1 != 0 means enable pstdma */ if (byte1) pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; H2C_Parameter[0] = byte1; H2C_Parameter[1] = byte2; H2C_Parameter[2] = byte3; H2C_Parameter[3] = byte4; H2C_Parameter[4] = byte5; pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[0] = byte1; pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[1] = byte2; pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[2] = byte3; pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[3] = byte4; pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[4] = byte5; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], FW write 0x3a(5bytes) = 0x%x%08x\n", H2C_Parameter[0], H2C_Parameter[1]<<24|H2C_Parameter[2]<<16|H2C_Parameter[3]<<8|H2C_Parameter[4])); FillH2CCmd(padapter, 0x3a, 5, H2C_Parameter); } static void btdm_2AntPsTdma(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bTurnOn, u8 type) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; u32 btTxRxCnt = 0; u8 bTurnOnByCnt = false; u8 psTdmaTypeByCnt = 0; btTxRxCnt = BTDM_BtTxRxCounterH(padapter)+BTDM_BtTxRxCounterL(padapter); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT TxRx Counters = %d\n", btTxRxCnt)); if (btTxRxCnt > 3000) { bTurnOnByCnt = true; psTdmaTypeByCnt = 8; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], For BTTxRxCounters, turn %s PS TDMA, type =%d\n", (bTurnOnByCnt ? "ON" : "OFF"), psTdmaTypeByCnt)); pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn = bTurnOnByCnt; pBtdm8723->curPsTdma = psTdmaTypeByCnt; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], turn %s PS TDMA, type =%d\n", (bTurnOn ? "ON" : "OFF"), type)); pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn = bTurnOn; pBtdm8723->curPsTdma = type; } if ((pBtdm8723->bPrePsTdmaOn == pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn) && (pBtdm8723->prePsTdma == pBtdm8723->curPsTdma)) return; if (bTurnOn) { switch (type) { case 1: default: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 2: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x12, 0x12, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 3: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0xa, 0xa, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 4: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xa3, 0x5, 0x5, 0xa1, 0x80); break; case 5: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x20, 0x98); break; case 6: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x12, 0x12, 0x20, 0x98); break; case 7: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0xa, 0xa, 0x20, 0x98); break; case 8: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xa3, 0x5, 0x5, 0x20, 0x80); break; case 9: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 10: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x12, 0x12, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 11: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0xa, 0xa, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 12: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x5, 0x5, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 13: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x1a, 0x1a, 0x20, 0x98); break; case 14: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x12, 0x12, 0x20, 0x98); break; case 15: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0xa, 0xa, 0x20, 0x98); break; case 16: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x5, 0x5, 0x20, 0x98); break; case 17: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xa3, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x20, 0x80); break; case 18: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x5, 0x5, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 19: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x25, 0x25, 0xa1, 0x98); break; case 20: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0xe3, 0x25, 0x25, 0x20, 0x98); break; } } else { /* disable PS tdma */ switch (type) { case 0: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x0); break; case 1: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0); break; default: btdm_2AntSetFw3a(padapter, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8, 0x0); break; } } /* update pre state */ pBtdm8723->bPrePsTdmaOn = pBtdm8723->bCurPsTdmaOn; pBtdm8723->prePsTdma = pBtdm8723->curPsTdma; } static void btdm_2AntBtInquiryPage(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); } static u8 btdm_HoldForBtInqPage(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u32 curTime = jiffies; if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.bC2hBtInquiryPage) { /* bt inquiry or page is started. */ if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInqPageStartTime == 0) { pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInqPageStartTime = curTime; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT Inquiry/page is started at time : 0x%lx \n", pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInqPageStartTime)); } } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT Inquiry/page started time : 0x%lx, curTime : 0x%x \n", pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInqPageStartTime, curTime)); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInqPageStartTime) { if (((curTime - pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInqPageStartTime)/1000000) >= 10) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], BT Inquiry/page >= 10sec!!!")); pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInqPageStartTime = 0; } } if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInqPageStartTime) { btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); return true; } else { return false; } } static u8 btdm_Is2Ant8723ACommonAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; u8 bCommon = false; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("%s :BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist =%x check_fwstate =%x pmlmepriv->fw_state = 0x%x\n", __func__, BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter), check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY|_FW_UNDER_LINKING)), padapter->mlmepriv.fw_state)); if ((!BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) && (!check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY|_FW_UNDER_LINKING))) && (BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_IDLE == pBtdm8723->btStatus)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi idle + Bt idle!!\n")); btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(padapter, false); btdm_2AntRfShrink(padapter, false); btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(padapter, 0x20); btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); bCommon = true; } else if (((BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) || (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY|_FW_UNDER_LINKING)))) && (BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_IDLE == pBtdm8723->btStatus)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi non-idle + BT idle!!\n")); btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(padapter, true); btdm_2AntRfShrink(padapter, false); btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(padapter, 0x20); btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); bCommon = true; } else if ((!BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) && (!check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY|_FW_UNDER_LINKING))) && (BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE == pBtdm8723->btStatus)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi idle + Bt connected idle!!\n")); btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(padapter, true); btdm_2AntRfShrink(padapter, true); btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(padapter, 0x20); btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); bCommon = true; } else if (((BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) || (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY|_FW_UNDER_LINKING)))) && (BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE == pBtdm8723->btStatus)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi non-idle + Bt connected idle!!\n")); btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(padapter, true); btdm_2AntRfShrink(padapter, true); btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(padapter, 0x20); btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); bCommon = true; } else if ((!BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) && (!check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, (_FW_UNDER_SURVEY|_FW_UNDER_LINKING))) && (BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_IDLE == pBtdm8723->btStatus)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi idle + BT non-idle!!\n")); btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(padapter, true); btdm_2AntRfShrink(padapter, true); btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(padapter, 0x20); btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); bCommon = true; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi non-idle + BT non-idle!!\n")); btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(padapter, true); btdm_2AntRfShrink(padapter, true); btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(padapter, 0x20); bCommon = false; } return bCommon; } static void btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bScoHid, u8 bTxPause, u8 maxInterval) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; static s32 up, dn, m, n, WaitCount; s32 result; /* 0: no change, +1: increase WiFi duration, -1: decrease WiFi duration */ u8 retryCount = 0; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TdmaDurationAdjust()\n")); if (pBtdm8723->bResetTdmaAdjust) { pBtdm8723->bResetTdmaAdjust = false; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], first run TdmaDurationAdjust()!!\n")); if (bScoHid) { if (bTxPause) { if (maxInterval == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (maxInterval == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (maxInterval == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } } else { if (maxInterval == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (maxInterval == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (maxInterval == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } } } else { if (bTxPause) { if (maxInterval == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (maxInterval == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (maxInterval == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } } else { if (maxInterval == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (maxInterval == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (maxInterval == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } } } up = 0; dn = 0; m = 1; n = 3; result = 0; WaitCount = 0; } else { /* accquire the BT TRx retry count from BT_Info byte2 */ retryCount = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btRetryCnt; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], retryCount = %d\n", retryCount)); result = 0; WaitCount++; if (retryCount == 0) { /* no retry in the last 2-second duration */ up++; dn--; if (dn <= 0) dn = 0; if (up >= n) { /* if ³sÄò n ­Ó2¬í retry count¬°0, «h½Õ¼eWiFi duration */ WaitCount = 0; n = 3; up = 0; dn = 0; result = 1; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Increase wifi duration!!\n")); } } else if (retryCount <= 3) { /* <= 3 retry in the last 2-second duration */ up--; dn++; if (up <= 0) up = 0; if (dn == 2) { /* if ³sÄò 2 ­Ó2¬í retry count< 3, «h½Õ¯¶WiFi duration */ if (WaitCount <= 2) m++; /* ÁקK¤@ª½¦b¨â­Ólevel¤¤¨Ó¦^ */ else m = 1; if (m >= 20) /* m ³Ì¤j­È = 20 ' ³Ì¤j120¬í recheck¬O§_½Õ¾ã WiFi duration. */ m = 20; n = 3*m; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; result = -1; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Decrease wifi duration for retryCounter<3!!\n")); } } else { /* retry count > 3, ¥u­n1¦¸ retry count > 3, «h½Õ¯¶WiFi duration */ if (WaitCount == 1) m++; /* ÁקK¤@ª½¦b¨â­Ólevel¤¤¨Ó¦^ */ else m = 1; if (m >= 20) /* m ³Ì¤j­È = 20 ' ³Ì¤j120¬í recheck¬O§_½Õ¾ã WiFi duration. */ m = 20; n = 3*m; up = 0; dn = 0; WaitCount = 0; result = -1; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Decrease wifi duration for retryCounter>3!!\n")); } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], max Interval = %d\n", maxInterval)); if (maxInterval == 1) { if (bTxPause) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 1\n")); if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 5); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 5; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 4) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 9) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 13); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 13; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 12) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 16); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } if (result == -1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 5) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 13) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 16); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } } else if (result == 1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 8) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 5); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 5; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 16) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 13); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 13; } } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 0\n")); if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 5) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 1); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 1; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 8) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 4); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 13) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 9); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 16) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 12); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } if (result == -1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 4); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 9) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 12); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } } else if (result == 1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 4) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 1); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 1; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 12) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 9); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 9; } } } } else if (maxInterval == 2) { if (bTxPause) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 1\n")); if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 4) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 9) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 12) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 16); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } if (result == -1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 5) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 13) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 16); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } } else if (result == 1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 8) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 6; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 16) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 14; } } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 0\n")); if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 5) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 8) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 4); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 13) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 16) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 12); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } if (result == -1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 4); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 9) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 12); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } } else if (result == 1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 4) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 2; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 12) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 10; } } } } else if (maxInterval == 3) { if (bTxPause) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 1\n")); if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 4) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 9) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 12) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 16); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } if (result == -1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 5) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 8; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 13) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 16); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 16; } } else if (result == 1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 8) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 7); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 7; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 16) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 15; } } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], TxPause = 0\n")); if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 5) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 6) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 7) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 8) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 4); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 13) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 14) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 15) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 16) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 12); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } if (result == -1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 1) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 4); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 4; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 9) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 12); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 12; } } else if (result == 1) { if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 4) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 3) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 2) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 3); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 3; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 12) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 11) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } else if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma == 10) { btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType = 11; } } } } } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PsTdma type : recordPsTdma =%d\n", pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType)); /* if current PsTdma not match with the recorded one (when scan, dhcp...), */ /* then we have to adjust it back to the previous record one. */ if (pBtdm8723->curPsTdma != pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PsTdma type dismatch!!!, curPsTdma =%d, recordPsTdma =%d\n", pBtdm8723->curPsTdma, pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType)); if (!check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, _FW_UNDER_SURVEY|_FW_UNDER_LINKING)) btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, pBtdm8723->psTdmaDuAdjType); else RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], roaming/link/scan is under progress, will adjust next time!!!\n")); } } /* default Action */ /* SCO only or SCO+PAN(HS) */ static void btdm_2Ant8723ASCOAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(padapter, 2, 27, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 11); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 15); } /* sw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } static void btdm_2Ant8723AHIDAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 9); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 13); } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(padapter, 2, 27, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 9); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 13); } /* sw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } /* A2DP only / PAN(EDR) only/ A2DP+PAN(HS) */ static void btdm_2Ant8723AA2DPAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 btInfoExt = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, false, 3); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, false, 1); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, true, 3); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, true, 1); } } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(padapter, 2, 27, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, false, 3); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, false, 1); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, true, 3); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, true, 1); } } /* sw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } static void btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(padapter, 2, 27, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); } /* sw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } /* PAN(HS) only */ static void btdm_2Ant8723APANHSAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btRssiState; if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 47, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); } btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 47, 0); if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high\n")); /* fw mechanism */ btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low\n")); /* fw mechanism */ btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } /* PAN(EDR)+A2DP */ static void btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRA2DPAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1, btInfoExt; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); btInfoExt = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); /* fw mechanism */ PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 4); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); /* fw mechanism */ if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); } } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(padapter, 2, 27, 0); if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); /* fw mechanism */ if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 4); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 2); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); /* fw mechanism */ if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 8); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 6); } } /* sw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } static void btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRHIDAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(padapter, 2, 27, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); } /* sw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } /* HID+A2DP+PAN(EDR) */ static void btdm_2Ant8723AHIDA2DPPANEDRAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1, btInfoExt; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); btInfoExt = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 12); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 16); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); } } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(padapter, 2, 37, 0); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 27, 0); if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 12); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 10); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 16); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, true, 14); } } /* sw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } static void btdm_2Ant8723AHIDA2DPAction(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1, btInfoExt; btInfoExt = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, true, false, 3); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, true, false, 1); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, true, true, 3); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, true, true, 1); } } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 27, 0); if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, true, false, 3); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, true, false, 1); } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); if (btInfoExt&BIT(0)) { /* a2dp rate, 1:basic /0:edr */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp basic rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, true, true, 3); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("a2dp edr rate \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, true, true, 1); } } if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } static void btdm_2Ant8723AA2dp(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 btRssiState, btRssiState1, btInfoExt; btInfoExt = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt; if (btdm_NeedToDecBtPwr(padapter)) btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, true); else btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); /* coex table */ btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 37, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, false, 1); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, true, 1); } /* sw mechanism */ btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20 or Legacy\n")); btRssiState = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(padapter, 2, 47, 0); btRssiState1 = BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(padapter, 2, 27, 0); /* fw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 high \n")); PlatformEFIOWrite1Byte(padapter, 0x883, 0x40); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, false, 1); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi-1 low \n")); btdm_2AntTdmaDurationAdjust(padapter, false, true, 1); } /* sw mechanism */ if ((btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH) || (btRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi high \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, true); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, true); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi rssi low \n")); btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } } } /* extern function start with BTDM_ */ static void BTDM_2AntParaInit(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 2Ant Parameter Init!!\n")); /* Enable counter statistics */ rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x76e, 0x4); rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x778, 0x3); rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x40, 0x20); /* force to reset coex mechanism */ pBtdm8723->preVal0x6c0 = 0x0; btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); pBtdm8723->bPrePsTdmaOn = true; btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); pBtdm8723->preFwDacSwingLvl = 0x10; btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(padapter, 0x20); pBtdm8723->bPreDecBtPwr = true; btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); pBtdm8723->bPreAgcTableEn = true; btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); pBtdm8723->bPreAdcBackOff = true; btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); pBtdm8723->bPreLowPenaltyRa = true; btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(padapter, false); pBtdm8723->bPreRfRxLpfShrink = true; btdm_2AntRfShrink(padapter, false); pBtdm8723->bPreDacSwingOn = true; btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); pBtdm8723->bPreIgnoreWlanAct = true; btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); } static void BTDM_2AntHwCoexAllOff8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { btdm_2AntCoexTable(padapter, 0x55555555, 0xffff, 0x3); } static void BTDM_2AntFwCoexAllOff8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { btdm_2AntIgnoreWlanAct(padapter, false); btdm_2AntPsTdma(padapter, false, 0); btdm_2AntFwDacSwingLvl(padapter, 0x20); btdm_2AntDecBtPwr(padapter, false); } static void BTDM_2AntSwCoexAllOff8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { btdm_2AntAgcTable(padapter, false); btdm_2AntAdcBackOff(padapter, false); btdm_2AntLowPenaltyRa(padapter, false); btdm_2AntRfShrink(padapter, false); btdm_2AntDacSwing(padapter, false, 0xc0); } static void BTDM_2AntFwC2hBtInfo8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; u8 btInfo = 0; u8 algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_UNDEFINED; u8 bBtLinkExist = false, bBtHsModeExist = false; btInfo = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.c2hBtInfoOriginal; pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_IDLE; /* check BIT2 first ==> check if bt is under inquiry or page scan */ if (btInfo & BIT(2)) { if (!pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.bC2hBtInquiryPage) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldForBtOperation = true; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt = 1; btdm_2AntBtInquiryPage(padapter); } else { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt++; btdm_HoldForBtInqPage(padapter); } pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.bC2hBtInquiryPage = true; } else { pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.bC2hBtInquiryPage = false; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldForBtOperation = false; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt = 0; } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.bC2hBtInquiryPage =%x pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt =%x pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldForBtOperation =%x\n", pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.bC2hBtInquiryPage, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt, pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldForBtOperation)); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], btInfo =%x pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.c2hBtInfoOriginal =%x\n", btInfo, pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.c2hBtInfoOriginal)); if (btInfo&BT_INFO_ACL) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], BTInfo: bConnect = true btInfo =%x\n", btInfo)); bBtLinkExist = true; if (((btInfo&(BT_INFO_FTP|BT_INFO_A2DP|BT_INFO_HID|BT_INFO_SCO_BUSY)) != 0) || pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btRetryCnt > 0) { pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_NON_IDLE; } else { pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_CONNECTED_IDLE; } if (btInfo&BT_INFO_SCO || btInfo&BT_INFO_SCO_BUSY) { if (btInfo&BT_INFO_FTP || btInfo&BT_INFO_A2DP || btInfo&BT_INFO_HID) { switch (btInfo&0xe0) { case BT_INFO_HID: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO + HID\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID; break; case BT_INFO_A2DP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Error!!! SCO + A2DP\n")); break; case BT_INFO_FTP: if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } break; case (BT_INFO_HID | BT_INFO_A2DP): RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; break; case (BT_INFO_HID | BT_INFO_FTP): if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } break; case (BT_INFO_A2DP | BT_INFO_FTP): if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP; } break; case (BT_INFO_HID | BT_INFO_A2DP | BT_INFO_FTP): if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR; } break; } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], SCO only\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO; } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], non SCO\n")); switch (btInfo&0xe0) { case BT_INFO_HID: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID; break; case BT_INFO_A2DP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP; break; case BT_INFO_FTP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; break; case (BT_INFO_HID | BT_INFO_A2DP): RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; break; case (BT_INFO_HID|BT_INFO_FTP): if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID; } break; case (BT_INFO_A2DP|BT_INFO_FTP): if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP; } break; case (BT_INFO_HID|BT_INFO_A2DP|BT_INFO_FTP): if (bBtHsModeExist) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP + PAN(HS)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], HID + A2DP + PAN(EDR)\n")); algorithm = BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR; } break; } } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], BTInfo: bConnect = false\n")); pBtdm8723->btStatus = BT_2ANT_BT_STATUS_IDLE; } pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm = algorithm; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Algorithm = %d \n", pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm)); /* From */ BTDM_CheckWiFiState(padapter); if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action Manual control, won't execute bt coexist mechanism!!\n")); return; } } void BTDM_2AntBtCoexist8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; u8 btInfoOriginal = 0; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct btdm_8723a_2ant *pBtdm8723 = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant; if (BTDM_BtProfileSupport(padapter)) { if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldForBtOperation) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action for BT Operation adjust!!\n")); return; } if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Hold BT inquiry/page scan setting (cnt = %d)!!\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt)); if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt >= 11) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt = 0; /* next time the coexist parameters should be reset again. */ } else { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt++; } return; } if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[Dbg control], ")); pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm = btdm_ActionAlgorithm(padapter); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Algorithm = %d \n", pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm)); if (btdm_Is2Ant8723ACommonAction(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant common.\n")); pBtdm8723->bResetTdmaAdjust = true; } else { if (pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm != pBtdm8723->preAlgorithm) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], preAlgorithm =%d, curAlgorithm =%d\n", pBtdm8723->preAlgorithm, pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm)); pBtdm8723->bResetTdmaAdjust = true; } switch (pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm) { case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = SCO.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723ASCOAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AHIDAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = A2DP.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AA2DPAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN(EDR).\n")); btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANHS: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HS mode.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723APANHSAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN+A2DP.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRA2DPAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN(EDR)+HID.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRHIDAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID+A2DP+PAN.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AHIDA2DPPANEDRAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID+A2DP.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AHIDA2DPAction(padapter); break; default: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = 0.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AA2DPAction(padapter); break; } pBtdm8723->preAlgorithm = pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm; } } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex] Get bt info by fw!!\n")); /* msg shows c2h rsp for bt_info is received or not. */ if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.bC2hBtInfoReqSent) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex] c2h for btInfo not rcvd yet!!\n")); btInfoOriginal = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.c2hBtInfoOriginal; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldForBtOperation) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action for BT Operation adjust!!\n")); return; } if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Hold BT inquiry/page scan setting (cnt = %d)!!\n", pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt)); if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt >= 11) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt = 0; /* next time the coexist parameters should be reset again. */ } else { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bHoldPeriodCnt++; } return; } if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[Dbg control], ")); if (btdm_Is2Ant8723ACommonAction(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant common.\n")); pBtdm8723->bResetTdmaAdjust = true; } else { if (pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm != pBtdm8723->preAlgorithm) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], preAlgorithm =%d, curAlgorithm =%d\n", pBtdm8723->preAlgorithm, pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm)); pBtdm8723->bResetTdmaAdjust = true; } switch (pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm) { case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_SCO: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = SCO.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723ASCOAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AHIDAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_A2DP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = A2DP.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AA2dp(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN(EDR).\n")); btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANHS: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HS mode.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723APANHSAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_A2DP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN+A2DP.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRA2DPAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_PANEDR_HID: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = PAN(EDR)+HID.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723APANEDRHIDAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP_PANEDR: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID+A2DP+PAN.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AHIDA2DPPANEDRAction(padapter); break; case BT_2ANT_COEX_ALGO_HID_A2DP: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = HID+A2DP.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AHIDA2DPAction(padapter); break; default: RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Action 2-Ant, algorithm = 0.\n")); btdm_2Ant8723AA2DPAction(padapter); break; } pBtdm8723->preAlgorithm = pBtdm8723->curAlgorithm; } } } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc87232Ant.c ===== */ /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc8723.c ===== */ static u8 btCoexDbgBuf[BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE]; static const char *const BtProfileString[] = { "NONE", "A2DP", "PAN", "HID", "SCO", }; static const char *const BtSpecString[] = { "1.0b", "1.1", "1.2", "2.0+EDR", "2.1+EDR", "3.0+HS", "4.0", }; static const char *const BtLinkRoleString[] = { "Master", "Slave", }; static u8 btdm_BtWifiAntNum(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; if (Ant_x2 == pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num) { if (Ant_x2 == pBtCoex->TotalAntNum) return Ant_x2; else return Ant_x1; } else { return Ant_x1; } return Ant_x2; } static void btdm_BtHwCountersMonitor(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u32 regHPTxRx, regLPTxRx, u4Tmp; u32 regHPTx = 0, regHPRx = 0, regLPTx = 0, regLPRx = 0; regHPTxRx = REG_HIGH_PRIORITY_TXRX; regLPTxRx = REG_LOW_PRIORITY_TXRX; u4Tmp = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, regHPTxRx); regHPTx = u4Tmp & bMaskLWord; regHPRx = (u4Tmp & bMaskHWord)>>16; u4Tmp = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, regLPTxRx); regLPTx = u4Tmp & bMaskLWord; regLPRx = (u4Tmp & bMaskHWord)>>16; pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityTx = regHPTx; pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityRx = regHPRx; pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx = regLPTx; pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityRx = regLPRx; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("High Priority Tx/Rx = %d / %d\n", regHPTx, regHPRx)); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Low Priority Tx/Rx = %d / %d\n", regLPTx, regLPRx)); /* reset counter */ rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x76e, 0xc); } /* This function check if 8723 bt is disabled */ static void btdm_BtEnableDisableCheck8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 btAlife = true; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); #ifdef CHECK_BT_EXIST_FROM_REG u8 val8; /* ox68[28]= 1 => BT enable; otherwise disable */ val8 = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x6B); if (!(val8 & BIT(4))) btAlife = false; if (btAlife) pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled = false; else pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled = true; #else if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityTx == 0 && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityRx == 0 && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx == 0 && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityRx == 0) btAlife = false; if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityTx == 0xeaea && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityRx == 0xeaea && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx == 0xeaea && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityRx == 0xeaea) btAlife = false; if (pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityTx == 0xffff && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityRx == 0xffff && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx == 0xffff && pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityRx == 0xffff) btAlife = false; if (btAlife) { pHalData->bt_coexist.btActiveZeroCnt = 0; pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled = false; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("8723A BT is enabled !!\n")); } else { pHalData->bt_coexist.btActiveZeroCnt++; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("8723A bt all counters = 0, %d times!!\n", pHalData->bt_coexist.btActiveZeroCnt)); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.btActiveZeroCnt >= 2) { pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled = true; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("8723A BT is disabled !!\n")); } } #endif if (!pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled) { if (BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(padapter)) BTDM_SetFwChnlInfo(padapter, RT_MEDIA_CONNECT); else BTDM_SetFwChnlInfo(padapter, RT_MEDIA_DISCONNECT); } if (pHalData->bt_coexist.bPreBtDisabled != pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("8723A BT is from %s to %s!!\n", (pHalData->bt_coexist.bPreBtDisabled ? "disabled":"enabled"), (pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled ? "disabled":"enabled"))); pHalData->bt_coexist.bPreBtDisabled = pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled; } } static void btdm_BTCoexist8723AHandler(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x2) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 2 Ant mechanism\n")); BTDM_2AntBtCoexist8723A(padapter); } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], 1 Ant mechanism\n")); BTDM_1AntBtCoexist8723A(padapter); } if (!BTDM_IsSameCoexistState(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Coexist State[bitMap] change from 0x%"i64fmt"x to 0x%"i64fmt"x\n", pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState, pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState)); pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState = pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_BT30) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT 3.0, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT20) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT20, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT40) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("HT40, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_LEGACY) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Legacy, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_LOW) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Rssi_Low, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_MEDIUM) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Rssi_Mid, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_HIGH) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Rssi_High, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_IDLE) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi_Idle, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_UPLINK) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi_Uplink, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_DOWNLINK) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Wifi_Downlink, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_BT_IDLE) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT_idle, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("PRO_HID, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("PRO_A2DP, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("PRO_PAN, ")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_SCO) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("PRO_SCO, ")); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("]\n")); } } /* extern function start with BTDM_ */ u32 BTDM_BtTxRxCounterH(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u32 counters = 0; counters = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityTx+ pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityRx; return counters; } u32 BTDM_BtTxRxCounterL(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u32 counters = 0; counters = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx+ pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityRx ; return counters; } void BTDM_SetFwChnlInfo(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum rt_media_status mstatus) { struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; u8 H2C_Parameter[3] = {0}; u8 chnl; /* opMode */ if (RT_MEDIA_CONNECT == mstatus) H2C_Parameter[0] = 0x1; /* 0: disconnected, 1:connected */ if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_ASOC_STATE)) { /* channel */ chnl = pmlmeext->cur_channel; if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { if (pmlmeext->cur_ch_offset == HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_UPPER) chnl -= 2; else if (pmlmeext->cur_ch_offset == HAL_PRIME_CHNL_OFFSET_LOWER) chnl += 2; } H2C_Parameter[1] = chnl; } else { /* check if HS link is exists */ /* channel */ if (BT_Operation(padapter)) H2C_Parameter[1] = pBtMgnt->BTChannel; else H2C_Parameter[1] = pmlmeext->cur_channel; } if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) H2C_Parameter[2] = 0x30; else H2C_Parameter[2] = 0x20; FillH2CCmd(padapter, 0x19, 3, H2C_Parameter); } u8 BTDM_IsWifiConnectionExist(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 bRet = false; if (BTHCI_HsConnectionEstablished(padapter)) bRet = true; if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_ASOC_STATE) == true) bRet = true; return bRet; } void BTDM_SetFw3a( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 byte1, u8 byte2, u8 byte3, u8 byte4, u8 byte5 ) { u8 H2C_Parameter[5] = {0}; if (rtl8723a_BT_using_antenna_1(padapter)) { if ((!check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_STATION_STATE)) && (get_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv) != WIFI_NULL_STATE)) { /* for softap mode */ struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; u8 BtState = pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo; if ((BtState != BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION) && (BtState != BT_INFO_STATE_CONNECT_IDLE)) { if (byte1 & BIT(4)) { byte1 &= ~BIT(4); byte1 |= BIT(5); } byte5 |= BIT(5); if (byte5 & BIT(6)) byte5 &= ~BIT(6); } } } H2C_Parameter[0] = byte1; H2C_Parameter[1] = byte2; H2C_Parameter[2] = byte3; H2C_Parameter[3] = byte4; H2C_Parameter[4] = byte5; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], FW write 0x3a(5bytes) = 0x%02x%08x\n", H2C_Parameter[0], H2C_Parameter[1]<<24|H2C_Parameter[2]<<16|H2C_Parameter[3]<<8|H2C_Parameter[4])); FillH2CCmd(padapter, 0x3a, 5, H2C_Parameter); } void BTDM_QueryBtInformation(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 H2C_Parameter[1] = {0}; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; if (!rtl8723a_BT_enabled(padapter)) { pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED; pBtCoex->bC2hBtInfoReqSent = false; return; } if (pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo == BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED) pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION; if (pBtCoex->bC2hBtInfoReqSent == true) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], didn't recv previous BtInfo report!\n")); else pBtCoex->bC2hBtInfoReqSent = true; H2C_Parameter[0] |= BIT(0); /* trigger */ /*RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Query Bt information, write 0x38 = 0x%x\n", */ /*H2C_Parameter[0])); */ FillH2CCmd(padapter, 0x38, 1, H2C_Parameter); } void BTDM_SetSwRfRxLpfCorner(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 type) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (BT_RF_RX_LPF_CORNER_SHRINK == type) { /* Shrink RF Rx LPF corner */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Shrink RF Rx LPF corner!!\n")); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, 0x1e, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0xf0ff7); pHalData->bt_coexist.bSWCoexistAllOff = false; } else if (BT_RF_RX_LPF_CORNER_RESUME == type) { /* Resume RF Rx LPF corner */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("Resume RF Rx LPF corner!!\n")); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, 0x1e, bRFRegOffsetMask, pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRfRegOrigin1E); } } void BTDM_SetSwPenaltyTxRateAdaptive( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 raType ) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 tmpU1; tmpU1 = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x4fd); tmpU1 |= BIT(0); if (BT_TX_RATE_ADAPTIVE_LOW_PENALTY == raType) { tmpU1 &= ~BIT(2); pHalData->bt_coexist.bSWCoexistAllOff = false; } else if (BT_TX_RATE_ADAPTIVE_NORMAL == raType) { tmpU1 |= BIT(2); } rtl8723au_write8(padapter, 0x4fd, tmpU1); } void BTDM_SetFwDecBtPwr(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bDecBtPwr) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 H2C_Parameter[1] = {0}; H2C_Parameter[0] = 0; if (bDecBtPwr) { H2C_Parameter[0] |= BIT(1); pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], decrease Bt Power : %s, write 0x21 = 0x%x\n", (bDecBtPwr ? "Yes!!" : "No!!"), H2C_Parameter[0])); FillH2CCmd(padapter, 0x21, 1, H2C_Parameter); } u8 BTDM_BtProfileSupport(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 bRet = false; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (pBtMgnt->bSupportProfile && !pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.bForceFwBtInfo) bRet = true; return bRet; } static void BTDM_AdjustForBtOperation8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /* BTDM_2AntAdjustForBtOperation8723(padapter); */ } static void BTDM_FwC2hBtRssi8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *tmpBuf) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 percent = 0, u1tmp = 0; u1tmp = tmpBuf[0]; percent = u1tmp*2+10; pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btRssi = percent; /*RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], BT RSSI =%d\n", percent)); */ } void rtl8723a_fw_c2h_BT_info(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *tmpBuf, u8 length) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; u8 i; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; pBtCoex->bC2hBtInfoReqSent = false; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], BT info[%d]=[", length)); pBtCoex->btRetryCnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: pBtCoex->c2hBtInfoOriginal = tmpBuf[i]; break; case 1: pBtCoex->btRetryCnt = tmpBuf[i]; break; case 2: BTDM_FwC2hBtRssi8723A(padapter, &tmpBuf[i]); break; case 3: pBtCoex->btInfoExt = tmpBuf[i]&BIT(0); break; } if (i == length-1) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("0x%02x]\n", tmpBuf[i])); else RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("0x%02x, ", tmpBuf[i])); } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], BT RSSI =%d\n", pBtCoex->btRssi)); if (pBtCoex->btInfoExt) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTC2H], pBtCoex->btInfoExt =%x\n", pBtCoex->btInfoExt)); if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) BTDM_1AntFwC2hBtInfo8723A(padapter); else BTDM_2AntFwC2hBtInfo8723A(padapter); if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("%s: Action Manual control!!\n", __func__)); return; } btdm_BTCoexist8723AHandler(padapter); } static void BTDM_Display8723ABtCoexInfo(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; u8 u1Tmp, u1Tmp1, u1Tmp2, i, btInfoExt, psTdmaCase = 0; u32 u4Tmp[4]; u8 antNum = Ant_x2; rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n ============[BT Coexist info]============"); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n BT not exists !!!"); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); return; } antNum = btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d/%d ", "Ant mechanism PG/Now run :", \ ((pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num == Ant_x2) ? 2 : 1), ((antNum == Ant_x2) ? 2 : 1)); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "[Action Manual control]!!"); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } else { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %s / %d", "BT stack/ hci ext ver", \ ((pBtMgnt->bSupportProfile) ? "Yes" : "No"), pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.HCIExtensionVer); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\n %-35s = / %d", "Dot11 channel / BT channel", \ pBtMgnt->BTChannel); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\n %-35s = %d / %d / %d", "Wifi/BT/HS rssi", \ BTDM_GetRxSS(padapter), pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btRssi, pHalData->dmpriv.EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); if (!pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\n %-35s = %s / %s ", "WIfi status", ((BTDM_Legacy(padapter)) ? "Legacy" : (((BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) ? "HT40" : "HT20"))), ((!BTDM_IsWifiBusy(padapter)) ? "idle" : ((BTDM_IsWifiUplink(padapter)) ? "uplink" : "downlink"))); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); if (pBtMgnt->bSupportProfile) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d / %d / %d / %d", "SCO/HID/PAN/A2DP", ((BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_SCO)) ? 1 : 0), ((BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID)) ? 1 : 0), ((BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN)) ? 1 : 0), ((BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) ? 1 : 0)); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); for (i = 0; i < pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle; i++) { if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.HCIExtensionVer >= 1) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %s/ %s/ %s", "Bt link type/spec/role", BtProfileString[pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile], BtSpecString[pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTCoreSpec], BtLinkRoleString[pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].linkRole]); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); btInfoExt = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btInfoExt; rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %s", "A2DP rate", \ (btInfoExt & BIT(0)) ? "Basic rate" : "EDR rate"); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } else { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %s/ %s", "Bt link type/spec", \ BtProfileString[pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTProfile], BtSpecString[pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.linkInfo[i].BTCoreSpec]); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } } } } /* Sw mechanism */ if (!pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "============[Sw BT Coex mechanism]============"); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d ", "AGC Table", \ pBtCoex->btdm2Ant.bCurAgcTableEn); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d ", "ADC Backoff", \ pBtCoex->btdm2Ant.bCurAdcBackOff); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d ", "Low penalty RA", \ pBtCoex->btdm2Ant.bCurLowPenaltyRa); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d ", "RF Rx LPF Shrink", \ pBtCoex->btdm2Ant.bCurRfRxLpfShrink); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } u4Tmp[0] = PHY_QueryRFReg(padapter, PathA, 0x1e, 0xff0); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x", "RF-A, 0x1e[11:4]/original val", \ u4Tmp[0], pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRfRegOrigin1E); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); /* Fw mechanism */ if (!pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "============[Fw BT Coex mechanism]============"); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } if (!pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) psTdmaCase = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm1Ant.curPsTdma; else psTdmaCase = pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.btdm2Ant.curPsTdma; rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x case-%d", "PS TDMA(0x3a)", \ pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[0], pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[1], pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[2], pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[3], pHalData->bt_coexist.fw3aVal[4], psTdmaCase); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d ", "Decrease Bt Power", \ pBtCoex->btdm2Ant.bCurDecBtPwr); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } u1Tmp = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x778); u1Tmp1 = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x783); u1Tmp2 = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x796); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0x778/ 0x783/ 0x796", \ u1Tmp, u1Tmp1, u1Tmp2); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); if (!pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x / 0x%x", "Sw DacSwing Ctrl/Val", \ pBtCoex->btdm2Ant.bCurDacSwingOn, pBtCoex->btdm2Ant.curDacSwingLvl); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } u4Tmp[0] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x880); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x", "0x880", \ u4Tmp[0]); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); /* Hw mechanism */ if (!pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s", "============[Hw BT Coex mechanism]============"); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } u1Tmp = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x40); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x", "0x40", \ u1Tmp); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); u4Tmp[0] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x550); u1Tmp = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x522); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/0x%x", "0x550(bcn contrl)/0x522", \ u4Tmp[0], u1Tmp); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); u4Tmp[0] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x484); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x", "0x484(rate adaptive)", \ u4Tmp[0]); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); u4Tmp[0] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x50); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x", "0xc50(dig)", \ u4Tmp[0]); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); u4Tmp[0] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0xda0); u4Tmp[1] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0xda4); u4Tmp[2] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0xda8); u4Tmp[3] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0xdac); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0xda0/0xda4/0xda8/0xdac(FA cnt)", \ u4Tmp[0], u4Tmp[1], u4Tmp[2], u4Tmp[3]); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); u4Tmp[0] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x6c0); u4Tmp[1] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x6c4); u4Tmp[2] = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x6c8); u1Tmp = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x6cc); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x/ 0x%x", "0x6c0/0x6c4/0x6c8/0x6cc(coexTable)", \ u4Tmp[0], u4Tmp[1], u4Tmp[2], u1Tmp); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); /* u4Tmp = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x770); */ rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d / %d", "0x770(Hi pri Rx[31:16]/Tx[15:0])", \ pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityRx, pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.highPriorityTx); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); /* u4Tmp = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, 0x774); */ rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = %d / %d", "0x774(Lo pri Rx[31:16]/Tx[15:0])", \ pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityRx, pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723.lowPriorityTx); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); /* Tx mgnt queue hang or not, 0x41b should = 0xf, ex: 0xd ==>hang */ u1Tmp = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, 0x41b); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x", "0x41b (hang chk == 0xf)", \ u1Tmp); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); rsprintf(btCoexDbgBuf, BT_TMP_BUF_SIZE, "\r\n %-35s = 0x%x", "lastHMEBoxNum", \ pHalData->LastHMEBoxNum); DCMD_Printf(btCoexDbgBuf); } static void BTDM_8723ASignalCompensation(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *rssi_wifi, u8 *rssi_bt) { if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) BTDM_1AntSignalCompensation(padapter, rssi_wifi, rssi_bt); } static void BTDM_8723AInit(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x2) BTDM_2AntParaInit(padapter); else BTDM_1AntParaInit(padapter); } static void BTDM_HWCoexAllOff8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x2) BTDM_2AntHwCoexAllOff8723A(padapter); } static void BTDM_FWCoexAllOff8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x2) BTDM_2AntFwCoexAllOff8723A(padapter); } static void BTDM_SWCoexAllOff8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x2) BTDM_2AntSwCoexAllOff8723A(padapter); } static void BTDM_Set8723ABtCoexCurrAntNum(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 antNum) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; if (antNum == 1) pBtCoex->TotalAntNum = Ant_x1; else if (antNum == 2) pBtCoex->TotalAntNum = Ant_x2; } void rtl8723a_BT_lps_leave(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) BTDM_1AntLpsLeave(padapter); } static void BTDM_ForHalt8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) BTDM_1AntForHalt(padapter); } static void BTDM_WifiScanNotify8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 scanType) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) BTDM_1AntWifiScanNotify(padapter, scanType); } static void BTDM_WifiAssociateNotify8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 action) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) BTDM_1AntWifiAssociateNotify(padapter, action); } static void BTDM_MediaStatusNotify8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum rt_media_status mstatus) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], MediaStatusNotify, %s\n", mstatus?"connect":"disconnect")); BTDM_SetFwChnlInfo(padapter, mstatus); if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) BTDM_1AntMediaStatusNotify(padapter, mstatus); } static void BTDM_ForDhcp8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) BTDM_1AntForDhcp(padapter); } bool rtl8723a_BT_using_antenna_1(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { if (btdm_BtWifiAntNum(padapter) == Ant_x1) return true; else return false; } static void BTDM_BTCoexist8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_coexist_8723a *pBtCoex; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtCoex = &pHalData->bt_coexist.halCoex8723; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], beacon RSSI = 0x%x(%d)\n", pHalData->dmpriv.EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB, pHalData->dmpriv.EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB)); btdm_BtHwCountersMonitor(padapter); btdm_BtEnableDisableCheck8723A(padapter); if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("%s: Action Manual control!!\n", __func__)); return; } if (pBtCoex->bC2hBtInfoReqSent) { if (!rtl8723a_BT_enabled(padapter)) { pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED; } else { if (pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo == BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED) pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_NO_CONNECTION; } btdm_BTCoexist8723AHandler(padapter); } else if (!rtl8723a_BT_enabled(padapter)) { pBtCoex->c2hBtInfo = BT_INFO_STATE_DISABLED; btdm_BTCoexist8723AHandler(padapter); } BTDM_QueryBtInformation(padapter); } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtc8723.c ===== */ /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr1Ant.c ===== */ /* local function start with btdm_ */ /* extern function start with BTDM_ */ static void BTDM_SetAntenna(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 who) { } void BTDM_SingleAnt( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bSingleAntOn, u8 bInterruptOn, u8 bMultiNAVOn ) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 H2C_Parameter[3] = {0}; if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num != Ant_x1) return; H2C_Parameter[2] = 0; H2C_Parameter[1] = 0; H2C_Parameter[0] = 0; if (bInterruptOn) { H2C_Parameter[2] |= 0x02; /* BIT1 */ pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; } pHalData->bt_coexist.bInterruptOn = bInterruptOn; if (bSingleAntOn) { H2C_Parameter[2] |= 0x10; /* BIT4 */ pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; } pHalData->bt_coexist.bSingleAntOn = bSingleAntOn; if (bMultiNAVOn) { H2C_Parameter[2] |= 0x20; /* BIT5 */ pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; } pHalData->bt_coexist.bMultiNAVOn = bMultiNAVOn; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], SingleAntenna =[%s:%s:%s], write 0xe = 0x%x\n", bSingleAntOn?"ON":"OFF", bInterruptOn?"ON":"OFF", bMultiNAVOn?"ON":"OFF", H2C_Parameter[0]<<16|H2C_Parameter[1]<<8|H2C_Parameter[2])); } void BTDM_CheckBTIdleChange1Ant(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ u8 stateChange = false; u32 BT_Polling, Ratio_Act, Ratio_STA; u32 BT_Active, BT_State; u32 regBTActive = 0, regBTState = 0, regBTPolling = 0; if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) return; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bManualControl) return; if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_CoexistType != BT_CSR_BC8) return; if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num != Ant_x1) return; /* The following we only consider CSR BC8 and fw version should be >= 62 */ RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], FirmwareVersion = 0x%x(%d)\n", pHalData->FirmwareVersion, pHalData->FirmwareVersion)); regBTActive = REG_BT_ACTIVE; regBTState = REG_BT_STATE; if (pHalData->FirmwareVersion >= FW_VER_BT_REG1) regBTPolling = REG_BT_POLLING1; else regBTPolling = REG_BT_POLLING; BT_Active = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, regBTActive); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], BT_Active(0x%x) =%x\n", regBTActive, BT_Active)); BT_Active = BT_Active & 0x00ffffff; BT_State = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, regBTState); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], BT_State(0x%x) =%x\n", regBTState, BT_State)); BT_State = BT_State & 0x00ffffff; BT_Polling = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, regBTPolling); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], BT_Polling(0x%x) =%x\n", regBTPolling, BT_Polling)); if (BT_Active == 0xffffffff && BT_State == 0xffffffff && BT_Polling == 0xffffffff) return; if (BT_Polling == 0) return; Ratio_Act = BT_Active*1000/BT_Polling; Ratio_STA = BT_State*1000/BT_Polling; pHalData->bt_coexist.Ratio_Tx = Ratio_Act; pHalData->bt_coexist.Ratio_PRI = Ratio_STA; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], Ratio_Act =%d\n", Ratio_Act)); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], Ratio_STA =%d\n", Ratio_STA)); if (Ratio_STA < 60 && Ratio_Act < 500) { /* BT PAN idle */ pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_IDLE; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_DOWNLINK; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_UPLINK; } else { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_IDLE; if (Ratio_STA) { /* Check if BT PAN (under BT 2.1) is uplink or downlink */ if ((Ratio_Act/Ratio_STA) < 2) { /* BT PAN Uplink */ pHalData->bt_coexist.BT21TrafficStatistics.bTxBusyTraffic = true; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_UPLINK; pHalData->bt_coexist.BT21TrafficStatistics.bRxBusyTraffic = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_DOWNLINK; } else { /* BT PAN downlink */ pHalData->bt_coexist.BT21TrafficStatistics.bTxBusyTraffic = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_UPLINK; pHalData->bt_coexist.BT21TrafficStatistics.bRxBusyTraffic = true; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_DOWNLINK; } } else { /* BT PAN downlink */ pHalData->bt_coexist.BT21TrafficStatistics.bTxBusyTraffic = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_UPLINK; pHalData->bt_coexist.BT21TrafficStatistics.bRxBusyTraffic = true; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT_PAN_DOWNLINK; } } /* Check BT is idle or not */ if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 0 && pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO == 0) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT_IDLE; } else { if (Ratio_STA < 60) { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT_IDLE; } else { pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy = true; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_IDLE; } } if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 0 && pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO == 0) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_RSSI_LOW; pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.MIN_BT_RSSI = 0; BTDM_SetAntenna(padapter, BTDM_ANT_BT_IDLE); } else { if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.MIN_BT_RSSI <= -5) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT_RSSI_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], core stack notify bt rssi Low\n")); } else { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT_RSSI_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], core stack notify bt rssi Normal\n")); } } if (pHalData->bt_coexist.bBTBusyTraffic != pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy) { /* BT idle or BT non-idle */ pHalData->bt_coexist.bBTBusyTraffic = pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy; stateChange = true; } if (stateChange) { if (!pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy) RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], BT is idle or disable\n")); else RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], BT is non-idle\n")); } if (!pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], BT is idle or disable\n")); if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_UNDER_LINKING|WIFI_SITE_MONITOR) == true) BTDM_SetAntenna(padapter, BTDM_ANT_WIFI); } } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr1Ant.c ===== */ /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr2Ant.c ===== */ /* local function start with btdm_ */ /* Note: */ /* In the following, FW should be done before SW mechanism. */ /* BTDM_Balance(), BTDM_DiminishWiFi(), BT_NAV() should be done */ /* before BTDM_AGCTable(), BTDM_BBBackOffLevel(), btdm_DacSwing(). */ /* extern function start with BTDM_ */ void BTDM_DiminishWiFi( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bDACOn, u8 bInterruptOn, u8 DACSwingLevel, u8 bNAVOn ) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 H2C_Parameter[3] = {0}; if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num != Ant_x2) return; if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_BT_RSSI_LOW) && (DACSwingLevel == 0x20)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BT]DiminishWiFi 0x20 original, but set 0x18 for Low RSSI!\n")); DACSwingLevel = 0x18; } H2C_Parameter[2] = 0; H2C_Parameter[1] = DACSwingLevel; H2C_Parameter[0] = 0; if (bDACOn) { H2C_Parameter[2] |= 0x01; /* BIT0 */ if (bInterruptOn) H2C_Parameter[2] |= 0x02; /* BIT1 */ pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; } if (bNAVOn) { H2C_Parameter[2] |= 0x08; /* BIT3 */ pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], bDACOn = %s, bInterruptOn = %s, write 0xe = 0x%x\n", bDACOn?"ON":"OFF", bInterruptOn?"ON":"OFF", H2C_Parameter[0]<<16|H2C_Parameter[1]<<8|H2C_Parameter[2])); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], bNAVOn = %s\n", bNAVOn?"ON":"OFF")); } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtcCsr2Ant.c ===== */ /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtCoexist.c ===== */ /* local function */ static void btdm_ResetFWCoexState(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState = 0; pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState = 0; } static void btdm_InitBtCoexistDM(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); /* 20100415 Joseph: Restore RF register 0x1E and 0x1F value for further usage. */ pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRfRegOrigin1E = PHY_QueryRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RCK1, bRFRegOffsetMask); pHalData->bt_coexist.BtRfRegOrigin1F = PHY_QueryRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RCK2, 0xf0); pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState = 0; pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState = 0; BTDM_8723AInit(padapter); pHalData->bt_coexist.bInitlized = true; } /* */ /* extern function */ /* */ void BTDM_CheckAntSelMode(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { } void BTDM_FwC2hBtRssi(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *tmpBuf) { BTDM_FwC2hBtRssi8723A(padapter, tmpBuf); } void BTDM_DisplayBtCoexInfo(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { BTDM_Display8723ABtCoexInfo(padapter); } void BTDM_RejectAPAggregatedPacket(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bReject) { } u8 BTDM_IsHT40(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { u8 isht40 = true; enum ht_channel_width bw; bw = padapter->mlmeextpriv.cur_bwmode; if (bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20) isht40 = false; else if (bw == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40) isht40 = true; return isht40; } u8 BTDM_Legacy(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext; u8 isLegacy = false; pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv; if ((pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode == WIRELESS_11B) || (pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode == WIRELESS_11G) || (pmlmeext->cur_wireless_mode == WIRELESS_11BG)) isLegacy = true; return isLegacy; } void BTDM_CheckWiFiState(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv; pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bBusyTraffic) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_IDLE; if (pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bTxBusyTraffic) pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_UPLINK; else pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_UPLINK; if (pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bRxBusyTraffic) pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_DOWNLINK; else pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_DOWNLINK; } else { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_IDLE; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_UPLINK; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_DOWNLINK; } if (BTDM_Legacy(padapter)) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_LEGACY; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT20; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT40; } else { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_LEGACY; if (BTDM_IsHT40(padapter)) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT40; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT20; } else { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT20; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_HT40; } } if (pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn) pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_BT30; else pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_BT30; } s32 BTDM_GetRxSS(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; s32 UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0; pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)) { UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = GET_UNDECORATED_AVERAGE_RSSI(padapter); } else { /* associated entry pwdb */ UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pHalData->dmpriv.EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB; /* pHalData->BT_EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB */ } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BTDM_GetRxSS() = %d\n", UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB)); return UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB; } static s32 BTDM_GetRxBeaconSS(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &padapter->MgntInfo; */ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; s32 pwdbBeacon = 0; pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (check_fwstate(pmlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)) { /* pwdbBeacon = pHalData->dmpriv.UndecoratedSmoothedBeacon; */ pwdbBeacon = pHalData->dmpriv.EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB; } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BTDM_GetRxBeaconSS() = %d\n", pwdbBeacon)); return pwdbBeacon; } /* Get beacon rssi state */ u8 BTDM_CheckCoexBcnRssiState(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 levelNum, u8 RssiThresh, u8 RssiThresh1) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); s32 pwdbBeacon = 0; u8 bcnRssiState = 0; pwdbBeacon = BTDM_GetRxBeaconSS(padapter); if (levelNum == 2) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_MEDIUM; if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiStateBeacon == BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiStateBeacon == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if (pwdbBeacon >= (RssiThresh+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state switch to High\n")); } else { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state stay at Low\n")); } } else { if (pwdbBeacon < RssiThresh) { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state switch to Low\n")); } else { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state stay at High\n")); } } } else if (levelNum == 3) { if (RssiThresh > RssiThresh1) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON thresh error!!\n")); return pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiStateBeacon; } if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiStateBeacon == BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiStateBeacon == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if (pwdbBeacon >= (RssiThresh+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state switch to Medium\n")); } else { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state stay at Low\n")); } } else if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiStateBeacon == BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiStateBeacon == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM)) { if (pwdbBeacon >= (RssiThresh1+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state switch to High\n")); } else if (pwdbBeacon < RssiThresh) { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state switch to Low\n")); } else { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state stay at Medium\n")); } } else { if (pwdbBeacon < RssiThresh1) { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_BEACON_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state switch to Medium\n")); } else { bcnRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_BEACON state stay at High\n")); } } } pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiStateBeacon = bcnRssiState; return bcnRssiState; } u8 BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState1(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 levelNum, u8 RssiThresh, u8 RssiThresh1) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); s32 UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0; u8 btRssiState = 0; UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = BTDM_GetRxSS(padapter); if (levelNum == 2) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_MEDIUM; if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= (RssiThresh+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state switch to High\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state stay at Low\n")); } } else { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < RssiThresh) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state switch to Low\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state stay at High\n")); } } } else if (levelNum == 3) { if (RssiThresh > RssiThresh1) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 thresh error!!\n")); return pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState1; } if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= (RssiThresh+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state switch to Medium\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state stay at Low\n")); } } else if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState1 == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM)) { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= (RssiThresh1+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state switch to High\n")); } else if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < RssiThresh) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state switch to Low\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state stay at Medium\n")); } } else { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < RssiThresh1) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_1_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state switch to Medium\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI_1 state stay at High\n")); } } } pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState1 = btRssiState; return btRssiState; } u8 BTDM_CheckCoexRSSIState(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 levelNum, u8 RssiThresh, u8 RssiThresh1) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); s32 UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0; u8 btRssiState = 0; UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = BTDM_GetRxSS(padapter); if (levelNum == 2) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_MEDIUM; if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= (RssiThresh+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state switch to High\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state stay at Low\n")); } } else { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < RssiThresh) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state switch to Low\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state stay at High\n")); } } } else if (levelNum == 3) { if (RssiThresh > RssiThresh1) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI thresh error!!\n")); return pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState; } if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW)) { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= (RssiThresh+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state switch to Medium\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state stay at Low\n")); } } else if ((pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState == BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM)) { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB >= (RssiThresh1+BT_FW_COEX_THRESH_TOL)) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state switch to High\n")); } else if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < RssiThresh) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_LOW; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state switch to Low\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_MEDIUM; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state stay at Medium\n")); } } else { if (UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < RssiThresh1) { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_MEDIUM; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_HIGH; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~BT_COEX_STATE_WIFI_RSSI_LOW; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state switch to Medium\n")); } else { btRssiState = BT_RSSI_STATE_STAY_HIGH; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], RSSI state stay at High\n")); } } } pHalData->bt_coexist.preRssiState = btRssiState; return btRssiState; } bool rtl8723a_BT_disable_EDCA_turbo(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; u8 bBtChangeEDCA = false; u32 EDCA_BT_BE = 0x5ea42b, cur_EDCA_reg; bool bRet = false; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pHalData->BtInfo.BtMgnt; if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) { bRet = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.lastBtEdca = 0; return bRet; } if (!((pBtMgnt->bSupportProfile) || (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_CoexistType == BT_CSR_BC8))) { bRet = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.lastBtEdca = 0; return bRet; } if (rtl8723a_BT_using_antenna_1(padapter)) { bRet = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.lastBtEdca = 0; return bRet; } if (pHalData->bt_coexist.exec_cnt < 3) pHalData->bt_coexist.exec_cnt++; else pHalData->bt_coexist.bEDCAInitialized = true; /* When BT is non idle */ if (!(pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState & BT_COEX_STATE_BT_IDLE)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT state non idle, set bt EDCA\n")); /* aggr_num = 0x0909; */ if (pHalData->odmpriv.DM_EDCA_Table.bCurrentTurboEDCA) { bBtChangeEDCA = true; pHalData->odmpriv.DM_EDCA_Table.bCurrentTurboEDCA = false; pHalData->dmpriv.prv_traffic_idx = 3; } cur_EDCA_reg = rtl8723au_read32(padapter, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM); if (cur_EDCA_reg != EDCA_BT_BE) bBtChangeEDCA = true; if (bBtChangeEDCA || !pHalData->bt_coexist.bEDCAInitialized) { rtl8723au_write32(padapter, REG_EDCA_BE_PARAM, EDCA_BT_BE); pHalData->bt_coexist.lastBtEdca = EDCA_BT_BE; } bRet = true; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BT state idle, set original EDCA\n")); pHalData->bt_coexist.lastBtEdca = 0; bRet = false; } return bRet; } void BTDM_Balance( struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 bBalanceOn, u8 ms0, u8 ms1 ) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 H2C_Parameter[3] = {0}; if (bBalanceOn) { H2C_Parameter[2] = 1; H2C_Parameter[1] = ms1; H2C_Parameter[0] = ms0; pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = false; } else { H2C_Parameter[2] = 0; H2C_Parameter[1] = 0; H2C_Parameter[0] = 0; } pHalData->bt_coexist.bBalanceOn = bBalanceOn; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], Balance =[%s:%dms:%dms], write 0xc = 0x%x\n", bBalanceOn?"ON":"OFF", ms0, ms1, H2C_Parameter[0]<<16|H2C_Parameter[1]<<8|H2C_Parameter[2])); FillH2CCmd(padapter, 0xc, 3, H2C_Parameter); } void BTDM_AGCTable(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 type) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (type == BT_AGCTABLE_OFF) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BT]AGCTable Off!\n")); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x641c0001); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x631d0001); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x621e0001); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x611f0001); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x60200001); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_AGC_HP, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x32000); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_AGC_HP, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x71000); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_AGC_HP, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0xb0000); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_AGC_HP, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0xfc000); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_G1, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x30355); pHalData->bt_coexist.b8723aAgcTableOn = false; } else if (type == BT_AGCTABLE_ON) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BT]AGCTable On!\n")); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x4e1c0001); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x4d1d0001); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x4c1e0001); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x4b1f0001); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc78, 0x4a200001); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_AGC_HP, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0xdc000); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_AGC_HP, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x90000); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_AGC_HP, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x51000); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_AGC_HP, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x12000); PHY_SetRFReg(padapter, PathA, RF_RX_G1, bRFRegOffsetMask, 0x00355); pHalData->bt_coexist.b8723aAgcTableOn = true; pHalData->bt_coexist.bSWCoexistAllOff = false; } } void BTDM_BBBackOffLevel(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 type) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (type == BT_BB_BACKOFF_OFF) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BT]BBBackOffLevel Off!\n")); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc04, 0x3a05611); } else if (type == BT_BB_BACKOFF_ON) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BT]BBBackOffLevel On!\n")); rtl8723au_write32(padapter, 0xc04, 0x3a07611); pHalData->bt_coexist.bSWCoexistAllOff = false; } } void BTDM_FWCoexAllOff(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BTDM_FWCoexAllOff()\n")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff) return; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BTDM_FWCoexAllOff(), real Do\n")); BTDM_FWCoexAllOff8723A(padapter); pHalData->bt_coexist.bFWCoexistAllOff = true; } void BTDM_SWCoexAllOff(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BTDM_SWCoexAllOff()\n")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.bSWCoexistAllOff) return; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BTDM_SWCoexAllOff(), real Do\n")); BTDM_SWCoexAllOff8723A(padapter); pHalData->bt_coexist.bSWCoexistAllOff = true; } void BTDM_HWCoexAllOff(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BTDM_HWCoexAllOff()\n")); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.bHWCoexistAllOff) return; RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("BTDM_HWCoexAllOff(), real Do\n")); BTDM_HWCoexAllOff8723A(padapter); pHalData->bt_coexist.bHWCoexistAllOff = true; } void BTDM_CoexAllOff(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { BTDM_FWCoexAllOff(padapter); BTDM_SWCoexAllOff(padapter); BTDM_HWCoexAllOff(padapter); } void rtl8723a_BT_disable_coexist(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct pwrctrl_priv *ppwrctrl = &padapter->pwrctrlpriv; if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) return; /* 8723 1Ant doesn't need to turn off bt coexist mechanism. */ if (rtl8723a_BT_using_antenna_1(padapter)) return; /* Before enter IPS, turn off FW BT Co-exist mechanism */ if (ppwrctrl->reg_rfoff == rf_on) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BT][DM], Before enter IPS, turn off all Coexist DM\n")); btdm_ResetFWCoexState(padapter); BTDM_CoexAllOff(padapter); BTDM_SetAntenna(padapter, BTDM_ANT_BT); } } void BTDM_SignalCompensation(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 *rssi_wifi, u8 *rssi_bt) { BTDM_8723ASignalCompensation(padapter, rssi_wifi, rssi_bt); } void rtl8723a_BT_do_coexist(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], BT not exists!!\n")); return; } if (!pHalData->bt_coexist.bInitlized) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], btdm_InitBtCoexistDM()\n")); btdm_InitBtCoexistDM(padapter); } RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("\n\n[DM][BT], BTDM start!!\n")); BTDM_PWDBMonitor(padapter); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], HW type is 8723\n")); BTDM_BTCoexist8723A(padapter); RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], BTDM end!!\n\n")); } void BTDM_UpdateCoexState(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (!BTDM_IsSameCoexistState(padapter)) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BTCoex], Coexist State[bitMap] change from 0x%"i64fmt"x to 0x%"i64fmt"x, changeBits = 0x%"i64fmt"x\n", pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState, pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState, (pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState^pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState))); pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState = pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState; } } u8 BTDM_IsSameCoexistState(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState == pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState) { return true; } else { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[DM][BT], Coexist state changed!!\n")); return false; } } void BTDM_PWDBMonitor(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(GetDefaultAdapter(padapter)); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); u8 H2C_Parameter[3] = {0}; s32 tmpBTEntryMaxPWDB = 0, tmpBTEntryMinPWDB = 0xff; u8 i; if (pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_BT_ASOC_ENTRY_NUM; i++) { if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].bUsed) { if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB < tmpBTEntryMinPWDB) tmpBTEntryMinPWDB = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB; if (pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB > tmpBTEntryMaxPWDB) tmpBTEntryMaxPWDB = pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB; /* Report every BT connection (HS mode) RSSI to FW */ H2C_Parameter[2] = (u8)(pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB & 0xFF); H2C_Parameter[0] = (MAX_FW_SUPPORT_MACID_NUM-1-i); RTPRINT(FDM, DM_BT30, ("RSSI report for BT[%d], H2C_Par = 0x%x\n", i, H2C_Parameter[0])); FillH2CCmd(padapter, RSSI_SETTING_EID, 3, H2C_Parameter); RTPRINT_ADDR(FDM, (DM_PWDB|DM_BT30), ("BT_Entry Mac :"), pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].BTRemoteMACAddr) RTPRINT(FDM, (DM_PWDB|DM_BT30), ("BT rx pwdb[%d] = 0x%x(%d)\n", i, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB, pBTInfo->BtAsocEntry[i].UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB)); } } if (tmpBTEntryMaxPWDB != 0) { /* If associated entry is found */ pHalData->dmpriv.BT_EntryMaxUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = tmpBTEntryMaxPWDB; RTPRINT(FDM, (DM_PWDB|DM_BT30), ("BT_EntryMaxPWDB = 0x%x(%d)\n", tmpBTEntryMaxPWDB, tmpBTEntryMaxPWDB)); } else { pHalData->dmpriv.BT_EntryMaxUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0; } if (tmpBTEntryMinPWDB != 0xff) { /* If associated entry is found */ pHalData->dmpriv.BT_EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = tmpBTEntryMinPWDB; RTPRINT(FDM, (DM_PWDB|DM_BT30), ("BT_EntryMinPWDB = 0x%x(%d)\n", tmpBTEntryMinPWDB, tmpBTEntryMinPWDB)); } else { pHalData->dmpriv.BT_EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0; } } } u8 BTDM_IsBTBusy(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.bBTBusy) return true; else return false; } u8 BTDM_IsWifiBusy(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &GetDefaultAdapter(padapter)->MgntInfo; */ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv = &GetDefaultAdapter(padapter)->mlmepriv; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); struct bt_traffic *pBtTraffic = &pBTInfo->BtTraffic; if (pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bBusyTraffic || pBtTraffic->Bt30TrafficStatistics.bTxBusyTraffic || pBtTraffic->Bt30TrafficStatistics.bRxBusyTraffic) return true; else return false; } u8 BTDM_IsCoexistStateChanged(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState == pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState) return false; else return true; } u8 BTDM_IsWifiUplink(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &GetDefaultAdapter(padapter)->MgntInfo; */ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_traffic *pBtTraffic; pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv; pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtTraffic = &pBTInfo->BtTraffic; if ((pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bTxBusyTraffic) || (pBtTraffic->Bt30TrafficStatistics.bTxBusyTraffic)) return true; else return false; } u8 BTDM_IsWifiDownlink(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &GetDefaultAdapter(padapter)->MgntInfo; */ struct mlme_priv *pmlmepriv; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_traffic *pBtTraffic; pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv; pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtTraffic = &pBTInfo->BtTraffic; if ((pmlmepriv->LinkDetectInfo.bRxBusyTraffic) || (pBtTraffic->Bt30TrafficStatistics.bRxBusyTraffic)) return true; else return false; } u8 BTDM_IsBTHSMode(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { /*PMGNT_INFO pMgntInfo = &GetDefaultAdapter(padapter)->MgntInfo; */ struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pHalData->BtInfo.BtMgnt; if (pBtMgnt->BtOperationOn) return true; else return false; } u8 BTDM_IsBTUplink(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT21TrafficStatistics.bTxBusyTraffic) return true; else return false; } u8 BTDM_IsBTDownlink(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT21TrafficStatistics.bRxBusyTraffic) return true; else return false; } void BTDM_AdjustForBtOperation(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { RTPRINT(FBT, BT_TRACE, ("[BT][DM], BTDM_AdjustForBtOperation()\n")); BTDM_AdjustForBtOperation8723A(padapter); } void BTDM_SetBtCoexCurrAntNum(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 antNum) { BTDM_Set8723ABtCoexCurrAntNum(padapter, antNum); } void BTDM_ForHalt(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) return; BTDM_ForHalt8723A(padapter); GET_HAL_DATA(padapter)->bt_coexist.bInitlized = false; } void BTDM_WifiScanNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 scanType) { if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) return; BTDM_WifiScanNotify8723A(padapter, scanType); } void BTDM_WifiAssociateNotify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 action) { if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) return; BTDM_WifiAssociateNotify8723A(padapter, action); } void rtl8723a_BT_mediastatus_notify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, enum rt_media_status mstatus) { if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) return; BTDM_MediaStatusNotify8723A(padapter, mstatus); } void rtl8723a_BT_specialpacket_notify(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { if (!rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) return; BTDM_ForDhcp8723A(padapter); } void BTDM_ResetActionProfileState(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState &= ~\ (BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID|BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP| BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN|BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_SCO); } u8 BTDM_IsActionSCO(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg; u8 bRet; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; bRet = false; if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) { if (pBtDbg->dbgProfile == BT_DBG_PROFILE_SCO) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_SCO; bRet = true; } } else { if (pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfSCO > 0) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_SCO; bRet = true; } } return bRet; } u8 BTDM_IsActionHID(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg; u8 bRet; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; bRet = false; if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) { if (pBtDbg->dbgProfile == BT_DBG_PROFILE_HID) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID; bRet = true; } } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 1) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID; bRet = true; } } return bRet; } u8 BTDM_IsActionA2DP(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg; u8 bRet; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; bRet = false; if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) { if (pBtDbg->dbgProfile == BT_DBG_PROFILE_A2DP) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP; bRet = true; } } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP) && pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 1) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP; bRet = true; } } return bRet; } u8 BTDM_IsActionPAN(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg; u8 bRet; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; bRet = false; if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) { if (pBtDbg->dbgProfile == BT_DBG_PROFILE_PAN) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN; bRet = true; } } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN) && pBtMgnt->ExtConfig.NumberOfHandle == 1) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN; bRet = true; } } return bRet; } u8 BTDM_IsActionHIDA2DP(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_mgnt *pBtMgnt; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg; u8 bRet; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtMgnt = &pBTInfo->BtMgnt; pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; bRet = false; if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) { if (pBtDbg->dbgProfile == BT_DBG_PROFILE_HID_A2DP) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= (BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID|BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP); bRet = true; } } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= (BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID|BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP); bRet = true; } } return bRet; } u8 BTDM_IsActionHIDPAN(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg; u8 bRet; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; bRet = false; if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) { if (pBtDbg->dbgProfile == BT_DBG_PROFILE_HID_PAN) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= (BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID|BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN); bRet = true; } } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_HID) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN)) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= (BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_HID|BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN); bRet = true; } } return bRet; } u8 BTDM_IsActionPANA2DP(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct bt_30info *pBTInfo; struct bt_dgb *pBtDbg; u8 bRet; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pBTInfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtDbg = &pBTInfo->BtDbg; bRet = false; if (pBtDbg->dbgCtrl) { if (pBtDbg->dbgProfile == BT_DBG_PROFILE_PAN_A2DP) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= (BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN|BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP); bRet = true; } } else { if (BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_PAN) && BTHCI_CheckProfileExist(padapter, BT_PROFILE_A2DP)) { pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState |= (BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_PAN|BT_COEX_STATE_PROFILE_A2DP); bRet = true; } } return bRet; } bool rtl8723a_BT_enabled(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.bCurBtDisabled) return false; else return true; } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/BTCoexist/HalBtCoexist.c ===== */ /* ===== Below this line is sync from SD7 driver HAL/HalBT.c ===== */ /* */ /*local function */ /* */ static void halbt_InitHwConfig8723A(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { } /* */ /*extern function */ /* */ u8 HALBT_GetPGAntNum(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); return pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num; } void HALBT_SetKey(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTinfo; struct bt_asoc_entry *pBtAssocEntry; u16 usConfig = 0; pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtAssocEntry = &pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum]; pBtAssocEntry->HwCAMIndex = BT_HWCAM_STAR + EntryNum; usConfig = CAM_VALID | (CAM_AES << 2); rtl8723a_cam_write(padapter, pBtAssocEntry->HwCAMIndex, usConfig, pBtAssocEntry->BTRemoteMACAddr, pBtAssocEntry->PTK + TKIP_ENC_KEY_POS); } void HALBT_RemoveKey(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 EntryNum) { struct bt_30info *pBTinfo; struct bt_asoc_entry *pBtAssocEntry; pBTinfo = GET_BT_INFO(padapter); pBtAssocEntry = &pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum]; if (pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].HwCAMIndex != 0) { /* ToDo : add New HALBT_RemoveKey function !! */ if (pBtAssocEntry->HwCAMIndex >= BT_HWCAM_STAR && pBtAssocEntry->HwCAMIndex < HALF_CAM_ENTRY) rtl8723a_cam_empty_entry(padapter, pBtAssocEntry->HwCAMIndex); pBTinfo->BtAsocEntry[EntryNum].HwCAMIndex = 0; } } void rtl8723a_BT_init_hal_vars(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pHalData->bt_coexist.BluetoothCoexist = pHalData->EEPROMBluetoothCoexist; pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num = pHalData->EEPROMBluetoothAntNum; pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_CoexistType = pHalData->EEPROMBluetoothType; pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_isolation = pHalData->EEPROMBluetoothAntIsolation; pHalData->bt_coexist.bt_radiosharedtype = pHalData->EEPROMBluetoothRadioShared; RT_TRACE(_module_hal_init_c_, _drv_info_, ("BT Coexistance = 0x%x\n", rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter))); if (rtl8723a_BT_coexist(padapter)) { if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num == Ant_x2) { BTDM_SetBtCoexCurrAntNum(padapter, 2); RT_TRACE(_module_hal_init_c_, _drv_info_, ("BlueTooth BT_Ant_Num = Antx2\n")); } else if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_Ant_Num == Ant_x1) { BTDM_SetBtCoexCurrAntNum(padapter, 1); RT_TRACE(_module_hal_init_c_, _drv_info_, ("BlueTooth BT_Ant_Num = Antx1\n")); } pHalData->bt_coexist.bBTBusyTraffic = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.bBTTrafficModeSet = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.bBTNonTrafficModeSet = false; pHalData->bt_coexist.CurrentState = 0; pHalData->bt_coexist.PreviousState = 0; RT_TRACE(_module_hal_init_c_, _drv_info_, ("bt_radiosharedType = 0x%x\n", pHalData->bt_coexist.bt_radiosharedtype)); } } bool rtl8723a_BT_coexist(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); if (pHalData->bt_coexist.BluetoothCoexist) return true; else return false; } u8 HALBT_BTChipType(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); return pHalData->bt_coexist.BT_CoexistType; } void rtl8723a_BT_init_hwconfig(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { halbt_InitHwConfig8723A(padapter); rtl8723a_BT_do_coexist(padapter); } void HALBT_SetRtsCtsNoLenLimit(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { } /* ===== End of sync from SD7 driver HAL/HalBT.c ===== */ void rtl8723a_dual_antenna_detection(struct rtw_adapter *padapter) { struct hal_data_8723a *pHalData; struct dm_odm_t *pDM_Odm; struct sw_ant_sw *pDM_SWAT_Table; u8 i; pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter); pDM_Odm = &pHalData->odmpriv; pDM_SWAT_Table = &pDM_Odm->DM_SWAT_Table; /* */ /* RTL8723A Single and Dual antenna dynamic detection mechanism when RF power state is on. */ /* We should take power tracking, IQK, LCK, RCK RF read/write operation into consideration. */ /* 2011.12.15. */ /* */ if (!pHalData->bAntennaDetected) { u8 btAntNum = BT_GetPGAntNum(padapter); /* Set default antenna B status */ if (btAntNum == Ant_x2) pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = true; else if (btAntNum == Ant_x1) pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = false; else pDM_SWAT_Table->ANTB_ON = true; if (pHalData->CustomerID != RT_CID_TOSHIBA) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ANTENNA_DETECTION_CNT; i++) { if (ODM_SingleDualAntennaDetection (&pHalData->odmpriv, ANTTESTALL) == true) break; } /* Set default antenna number for BT coexistence */ if (btAntNum == Ant_x2) BT_SetBtCoexCurrAntNum(padapter, pDM_SWAT_Table-> ANTB_ON ? 2 : 1); } pHalData->bAntennaDetected = true; } }