#! /bin/sh # Script to apply kernel patches. # usage: patch-kernel [ sourcedir [ patchdir [ stopversion ] [ -acxx ] ] ] # The source directory defaults to /usr/src/linux, and the patch # directory defaults to the current directory. # e.g. # scripts/patch-kernel . .. # Update the kernel tree in the current directory using patches in the # directory above to the latest Linus kernel # scripts/patch-kernel . .. -ac # Get the latest Linux kernel and patch it with the latest ac patch # scripts/patch-kernel . .. 2.4.9 # Gets standard kernel 2.4.9 # scripts/patch-kernel . .. 2.4.9 -ac # Gets 2.4.9 with latest ac patches # scripts/patch-kernel . .. 2.4.9 -ac11 # Gets 2.4.9 with ac patch ac11 # Note: It uses the patches relative to the Linus kernels, not the # ac to ac relative patches # # It determines the current kernel version from the top-level Makefile. # It then looks for patches for the next sublevel in the patch directory. # This is applied using "patch -p1 -s" from within the kernel directory. # A check is then made for "*.rej" files to see if the patch was # successful. If it is, then all of the "*.orig" files are removed. # # Nick Holloway , 2nd January 1995. # # Added support for handling multiple types of compression. What includes # gzip, bzip, bzip2, zip, compress, and plaintext. # # Adam Sulmicki , 1st January 1997. # # Added ability to stop at a given version number # Put the full version number (i.e. 2.3.31) as the last parameter # Dave Gilbert , 11th December 1999. # Fixed previous patch so that if we are already at the correct version # not to patch up. # # Added -ac option, use -ac or -ac9 (say) to stop at a particular version # Dave Gilbert , 29th September 2001. # # Add support for (use of) EXTRAVERSION (to support 2.6.8.x, e.g.); # update usage message; # fix some whitespace damage; # be smarter about stopping when current version is larger than requested; # Randy Dunlap , 2004-AUG-18. # Set directories from arguments, or use defaults. sourcedir=${1-/usr/src/linux} patchdir=${2-.} stopvers=${3-default} if [ "$1" == -h -o "$1" == --help -o ! -r "$sourcedir/Makefile" ]; then cat << USAGE usage: patch-kernel [-h] [ sourcedir [ patchdir [ stopversion ] [ -acxx ] ] ] source directory defaults to /usr/src/linux, patch directory defaults to the current directory, stopversion defaults to . USAGE exit 1 fi # See if we have any -ac options for PARM in $* do case $PARM in -ac*) gotac=$PARM; esac; done # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find a file, first parameter is basename of file # it tries many compression mechanisms and sets variables to say how to get it findFile () { filebase=$1; if [ -r ${filebase}.gz ]; then ext=".gz" name="gzip" uncomp="gunzip -dc" elif [ -r ${filebase}.bz ]; then ext=".bz" name="bzip" uncomp="bunzip -dc" elif [ -r ${filebase}.bz2 ]; then ext=".bz2" name="bzip2" uncomp="bunzip2 -dc" elif [ -r ${filebase}.zip ]; then ext=".zip" name="zip" uncomp="unzip -d" elif [ -r ${filebase}.Z ]; then ext=".Z" name="uncompress" uncomp="uncompress -c" elif [ -r ${filebase} ]; then ext="" name="plaintext" uncomp="cat" else return 1; fi return 0; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Apply a patch and check it goes in cleanly # First param is patch name (e.g. patch-2.4.9-ac5) - without path or extension applyPatch () { echo -n "Applying $1 (${name})... " if $uncomp ${patchdir}/$1${ext} | patch -p1 -s -N -E -d $sourcedir then echo "done." else echo "failed. Clean up yourself." return 1; fi if [ "`find $sourcedir/ '(' -name '*.rej' -o -name '.*.rej' ')' -print`" ] then echo "Aborting. Reject files found." return 1; fi # Remove backup files find $sourcedir/ '(' -name '*.orig' -o -name '.*.orig' ')' -exec rm -f {} \; return 0; } # set current VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, SUBLEVEL, EXTRAVERSION TMPFILE=`mktemp .tmpver.XXXXXX` || { echo "cannot make temp file" ; exit 1; } grep -E "^(VERSION|PATCHLEVEL|SUBLEVEL|EXTRAVERSION)" $sourcedir/Makefile > $TMPFILE tr -d [:blank:] < $TMPFILE > $TMPFILE.1 source $TMPFILE.1 rm -f $TMPFILE* if [ -z "$VERSION" -o -z "$PATCHLEVEL" -o -z "$SUBLEVEL" ] then echo "unable to determine current kernel version" >&2 exit 1 fi NAME=`grep ^NAME $sourcedir/Makefile` NAME=${NAME##*=} echo "Current kernel version is $VERSION.$PATCHLEVEL.$SUBLEVEL${EXTRAVERSION} ($NAME)" # strip EXTRAVERSION to just a number (drop leading '.' and trailing additions) EXTRAVER= if [ x$EXTRAVERSION != "x" ] then if [ ${EXTRAVERSION:0:1} == "." ]; then EXTRAVER=${EXTRAVERSION:1} else EXTRAVER=$EXTRAVERSION fi EXTRAVER=${EXTRAVER%%[[:punct:]]*} #echo "patch-kernel: changing EXTRAVERSION from $EXTRAVERSION to $EXTRAVER" fi #echo "stopvers=$stopvers" if [ $stopvers != "default" ]; then STOPSUBLEVEL=`echo $stopvers | cut -d. -f3` STOPEXTRA=`echo $stopvers | cut -d. -f4` #echo "STOPSUBLEVEL=$STOPSUBLEVEL, STOPEXTRA=$STOPEXTRA" else STOPSUBLEVEL=9999 STOPEXTRA=9999 fi while : # incrementing SUBLEVEL (s in v.p.s) do if [ x$EXTRAVER != "x" ]; then CURRENTFULLVERSION="$VERSION.$PATCHLEVEL.$SUBLEVEL.$EXTRAVER" else CURRENTFULLVERSION="$VERSION.$PATCHLEVEL.$SUBLEVEL" fi if [ $stopvers == $CURRENTFULLVERSION ]; then echo "Stopping at $CURRENTFULLVERSION base as requested." break fi while : # incrementing EXTRAVER (x in v.p.s.x) do EXTRAVER=$((EXTRAVER + 1)) FULLVERSION="$VERSION.$PATCHLEVEL.$SUBLEVEL.$EXTRAVER" #echo "... trying $FULLVERSION ..." patch=patch-$FULLVERSION # See if the file exists and find extension findFile $patchdir/${patch} || break # Apply the patch and check all is OK applyPatch $patch || break continue 2 done EXTRAVER= SUBLEVEL=$((SUBLEVEL + 1)) FULLVERSION="$VERSION.$PATCHLEVEL.$SUBLEVEL" #echo "___ trying $FULLVERSION ___" if [ $((SUBLEVEL)) -gt $((STOPSUBLEVEL)) ]; then echo "Stopping since sublevel ($SUBLEVEL) is beyond stop-sublevel ($STOPSUBLEVEL)" exit 1 fi patch=patch-$FULLVERSION # See if the file exists and find extension findFile $patchdir/${patch} || break # Apply the patch and check all is OK applyPatch $patch || break done #echo "base all done" if [ x$gotac != x ]; then # Out great user wants the -ac patches # They could have done -ac (get latest) or -acxx where xx=version they want if [ $gotac == "-ac" ]; then # They want the latest version HIGHESTPATCH=0 for PATCHNAMES in $patchdir/patch-${CURRENTFULLVERSION}-ac*\.* do ACVALUE=`echo $PATCHNAMES | sed -e 's/^.*patch-[0-9.]*-ac\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'` # Check it is actually a recognised patch type findFile $patchdir/patch-${CURRENTFULLVERSION}-ac${ACVALUE} || break if [ $ACVALUE -gt $HIGHESTPATCH ]; then HIGHESTPATCH=$ACVALUE fi done if [ $HIGHESTPATCH -ne 0 ]; then findFile $patchdir/patch-${CURRENTFULLVERSION}-ac${HIGHESTPATCH} || break applyPatch patch-${CURRENTFULLVERSION}-ac${HIGHESTPATCH} else echo "No -ac patches found" fi else # They want an exact version findFile $patchdir/patch-${CURRENTFULLVERSION}${gotac} || { echo "Sorry, I couldn't find the $gotac patch for $CURRENTFULLVERSION. Hohum." exit 1 } applyPatch patch-${CURRENTFULLVERSION}${gotac} fi fi