#!/usr/bin/python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # A thin wrapper on top of the KUnit Kernel # # Copyright (C) 2019, Google LLC. # Author: Felix Guo # Author: Brendan Higgins import argparse import sys import os import time from collections import namedtuple from enum import Enum, auto import kunit_config import kunit_kernel import kunit_parser KunitResult = namedtuple('KunitResult', ['status','result']) KunitRequest = namedtuple('KunitRequest', ['raw_output','timeout', 'jobs', 'build_dir']) class KunitStatus(Enum): SUCCESS = auto() CONFIG_FAILURE = auto() BUILD_FAILURE = auto() TEST_FAILURE = auto() def run_tests(linux: kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree, request: KunitRequest) -> KunitResult: config_start = time.time() success = linux.build_reconfig(request.build_dir) config_end = time.time() if not success: return KunitResult(KunitStatus.CONFIG_FAILURE, 'could not configure kernel') kunit_parser.print_with_timestamp('Building KUnit Kernel ...') build_start = time.time() success = linux.build_um_kernel(request.jobs, request.build_dir) build_end = time.time() if not success: return KunitResult(KunitStatus.BUILD_FAILURE, 'could not build kernel') kunit_parser.print_with_timestamp('Starting KUnit Kernel ...') test_start = time.time() test_result = kunit_parser.TestResult(kunit_parser.TestStatus.SUCCESS, [], 'Tests not Parsed.') if request.raw_output: kunit_parser.raw_output( linux.run_kernel(timeout=request.timeout)) else: kunit_output = linux.run_kernel(timeout=request.timeout) test_result = kunit_parser.parse_run_tests(kunit_output) test_end = time.time() kunit_parser.print_with_timestamp(( 'Elapsed time: %.3fs total, %.3fs configuring, %.3fs ' + 'building, %.3fs running\n') % ( test_end - config_start, config_end - config_start, build_end - build_start, test_end - test_start)) if test_result.status != kunit_parser.TestStatus.SUCCESS: return KunitResult(KunitStatus.TEST_FAILURE, test_result) else: return KunitResult(KunitStatus.SUCCESS, test_result) def main(argv, linux): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Helps writing and running KUnit tests.') subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand') run_parser = subparser.add_parser('run', help='Runs KUnit tests.') run_parser.add_argument('--raw_output', help='don\'t format output from kernel', action='store_true') run_parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='maximum number of seconds to allow for all tests ' 'to run. This does not include time taken to build the ' 'tests.', type=int, default=300, metavar='timeout') run_parser.add_argument('--jobs', help='As in the make command, "Specifies the number of ' 'jobs (commands) to run simultaneously."', type=int, default=8, metavar='jobs') run_parser.add_argument('--build_dir', help='As in the make command, it specifies the build ' 'directory.', type=str, default=None, metavar='build_dir') cli_args = parser.parse_args(argv) if cli_args.subcommand == 'run': request = KunitRequest(cli_args.raw_output, cli_args.timeout, cli_args.jobs, cli_args.build_dir) result = run_tests(linux, request) if result.status != KunitStatus.SUCCESS: sys.exit(1) else: parser.print_help() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:], kunit_kernel.LinuxSourceTree())