#!/bin/sh # pstore_post_reboot_tests - Check pstore's behavior after crash/reboot # # Copyright (C) Hitachi Ltd., 2015 # Written by Hiraku Toyooka # # Released under the terms of the GPL v2. . ./common_tests if [ -e $REBOOT_FLAG ]; then rm $REBOOT_FLAG else prlog "pstore_crash_test has not been executed yet. we skip further tests." exit 0 fi prlog -n "Mounting pstore filesystem ... " mount_info=`grep pstore /proc/mounts` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mount_point=`echo ${mount_info} | cut -d' ' -f2 | head -n1` prlog "ok" else mount none /sys/fs/pstore -t pstore if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mount_point=`grep pstore /proc/mounts | cut -d' ' -f2 | head -n1` prlog "ok" else prlog "FAIL" exit 1 fi fi cd ${mount_point} prlog -n "Checking dmesg files exist in pstore filesystem ... " check_files_exist dmesg prlog -n "Checking console files exist in pstore filesystem ... " check_files_exist console prlog -n "Checking pmsg files exist in pstore filesystem ... " check_files_exist pmsg prlog -n "Checking dmesg files contain oops end marker" grep_end_trace() { grep -q "\---\[ end trace" $1 } files=`ls dmesg-${backend}-*` operate_files $? "$files" grep_end_trace prlog -n "Checking console file contains oops end marker ... " grep -q "\---\[ end trace" console-${backend}-0 show_result $? prlog -n "Checking pmsg file properly keeps the content written before crash ... " prev_uuid=`cat $TOP_DIR/prev_uuid` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then nr_matched=`grep -c "$TEST_STRING_PATTERN" pmsg-${backend}-0` if [ $nr_matched -eq 1 ]; then grep -q "$TEST_STRING_PATTERN"$prev_uuid pmsg-${backend}-0 show_result $? else prlog "FAIL" rc=1 fi else prlog "FAIL" rc=1 fi prlog -n "Removing all files in pstore filesystem " files=`ls *-${backend}-*` operate_files $? "$files" rm exit $rc