#!/usr/bin/lua --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LuaLDAP test file. -- This test will create a copy of an existing entry on the -- directory to work on. This new entry will be modified, -- renamed and deleted at the end. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DN_PAT = "^([^,=]+)%=([^,]+)%,?(.*)$" --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Print attributes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function print_attrs (dn, attrs) if not dn then io.write ("nil\n") return end io.write (string.format ("\t[%s]\n", dn)) for name, values in pairs (attrs) do io.write ("["..name.."] : ") local tv = type (values) if tv == "string" then io.write (values) elseif tv == "table" then local n = table.getn (values) for i = 1, n-1 do io.write (values[i]..",") end io.write (values[n]) end io.write ("\n") end end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- clone a table. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function clone (tab) local new = {} for i, v in pairs (tab) do new[i] = v end return new end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checks for a value and throw an error if it is not the expected. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function assert2 (expected, value, msg) if not msg then msg = '' else msg = tostring(msg)..'\n' end local ret = assert (value == expected, msg.."wrong value (["..tostring(value).."] instead of ".. tostring(expected)..")") io.write('.') return ret end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- object test. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function test_object (obj, objmethods) -- checking object type. assert2 ("userdata", type(obj), "incorrect object type") -- trying to get metatable. assert2 ("LuaLDAP: you're not allowed to get this metatable", getmetatable(obj), "error permitting access to object's metatable") -- trying to set metatable. assert2 (false, pcall (setmetatable, ENV, {})) -- checking existence of object's methods. for i = 1, table.getn (objmethods) do local method = obj[objmethods[i]] assert2 ("function", type(method)) assert2 (false, pcall (method), "no 'self' parameter accepted") end return obj end CONN_OK = function (obj, err) if obj == nil then error (err, 2) end return test_object (obj, { "close", "add", "compare", "delete", "modify", "rename", "search", }) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- basic checking test. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function basic_test () local ld = CONN_OK (lualdap.open_simple { uri = HOSTNAME, who = WHO, password = PASSWORD }) assert2 (1, ld:close(), "couldn't close connection") -- trying to close without a connection. assert2 (false, pcall (ld.close)) -- trying to close an invalid connection. assert2 (false, pcall (ld.close, io.output())) -- trying to use a closed connection. local _,_,rdn_name,rdn_value = string.find (BASE, DN_PAT) assert2 (false, pcall (ld.compare, ld, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value), "permitting the use of a closed connection") -- it is ok to close a closed object, but nil is returned instead of 1. assert2 (nil, ld:close()) -- trying to connect to an invalid host. assert2 (nil, lualdap.open_simple {uri = "unknown-server"}, "this should be an error") -- reopen the connection. -- first, try using TLS local ok = lualdap.open_simple {uri = HOSTNAME, who = WHO, password = PASSWORD, starttls = true } if not ok then -- second, try without TLS io.write ("\nWarning! Couldn't connect with TLS. Trying again without it.") ok = lualdap.open_simple {uri = HOSTNAME, who = WHO, password = PASSWORD, starttls = false } end LD = CONN_OK (ok) CLOSED_LD = ld collectgarbage() end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checks return value which should be a function AND also its return value. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function check_future (ret, method, ...) local ok, f = pcall (method, unpack (arg)) assert (ok, f) assert2 ("function", type(f)) assert2 (ret, f()) io.write('.') end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checking compare operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function compare_test () local _,_,rdn_name,rdn_value = string.find (BASE, DN_PAT) assert (type(rdn_name) == "string", "could not extract RDN name") assert (type(rdn_value) == "string", "could not extract RDN value") -- comparing against the correct value. check_future (true, LD.compare, LD, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value) -- comparing against a wrong value. check_future (false, LD.compare, LD, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value..'_') -- comparing against an incorrect attribute name. check_future (nil, LD.compare, LD, BASE, rdn_name..'x', rdn_value) -- comparing on a wrong base. check_future (nil, LD.compare, LD, 'qwerty', rdn_name, rdn_value) -- comparing with a closed connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.compare, CLOSED_LD, BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value)) -- comparing with an invalid userdata. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.compare, io.output(), BASE, rdn_name, rdn_value)) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checking basic search operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function search_test_1 () local _,_,rdn = string.find (WHO, "^([^,]+)%,.*$") local iter = LD:search { base = BASE, scope = "onelevel", sizelimit = 1, filter = "("..rdn..")", } assert2 ("function", type(iter)) collectgarbage() CONN_OK (LD) local dn, entry = iter () assert2 ("string", type(dn)) assert2 ("table", type(entry)) collectgarbage() assert2 ("function", type(iter)) CONN_OK (LD) DN, ENTRY = LD:search { base = BASE, scope = "onelevel", sizelimit = 1, filter = "("..rdn..")", }() collectgarbage() assert2 ("string", type(DN)) assert2 ("table", type(ENTRY)) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checking add operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_test () -- clone an entry. NEW = clone (ENTRY) local _,_,rdn_name, rdn_value, parent_dn = string.find (DN, DN_PAT) NEW[rdn_name] = rdn_value.."_copy" NEW_DN = string.format ("%s=%s,%s", rdn_name, NEW[rdn_name], parent_dn) -- trying to insert an entry with a wrong connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.add, CLOSED_LD, NEW_DN, NEW)) -- trying to insert an entry with an invalid connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.add, io.output(), NEW_DN, NEW)) -- trying to insert an entry with a wrong DN. local wrong_dn = string.format ("%s_x=%s,%s", rdn_name, NEW_DN, parent_dn) --assert2 (nil, LD:add (wrong_dn, NEW)) check_future (nil, LD.add, LD, wrong_dn, NEW) -- trying to insert the clone on the LDAP data base. check_future (true, LD.add, LD, NEW_DN, NEW) -- trying to reinsert the clone entry on the directory. check_future (nil, LD.add, LD, NEW_DN, NEW) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checking modify operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function modify_test () -- modifying without connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.modify, nil, NEW_DN, {})) -- modifying with a closed connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.modify, CLOSED_LD, NEW_DN, {})) -- modifying with an invalid userdata. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.modify, io.output(), NEW_DN, {})) -- checking invalid DN. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.modify, LD, {})) -- no modification to apply. check_future (true, LD.modify, LD, NEW_DN) -- forgotten operation on modifications table. local a_attr, a_value = next (ENTRY) assert2 (false, pcall (LD.modify, LD, NEW_DN, { [a_attr] = "abc"})) -- modifying an unknown entry. local _,_, rdn_name, rdn_value, parent_dn = string.find (NEW_DN, DN_PAT) local new_rdn = rdn_name..'='..rdn_value..'_' local new_dn = string.format ("%s,%s", new_rdn, parent_dn) check_future (nil, LD.modify, LD, new_dn) -- trying to create an undefined attribute. check_future (nil, LD.modify, LD, NEW_DN, {'+', unknown_attribute = 'a'}) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- function count (tab) local counter = 0 for dn, entry in LD:search (tab) do counter = counter + 1 end return counter end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checking advanced search operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function search_test_2 () local _,_,rdn = string.find (WHO, "^([^,]+)%,.*$") local iter = LD:search { base = BASE, scope = "onelevel", sizelimit = 1, filter = "("..rdn..")", } assert2 ("function", type(iter)) collectgarbage () assert2 ("function", type(iter)) local dn, entry = iter () assert2 ("string", type(dn)) assert2 ("table", type(entry)) collectgarbage () assert2 ("function", type(iter)) iter = nil collectgarbage () -- checking no search specification. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.search, LD)) -- checking invalid scope. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.search, LD, { scope = 'BASE', base = BASE, })) -- checking invalid base. check_future (nil, LD.search, LD, { base = "invalid", scope = "base", }) -- checking filter. local _,_, rdn_name, rdn_value, parent_dn = string.find (NEW_DN, DN_PAT) local filter = string.format ("(%s=%s)", rdn_name, rdn_value) assert (count { base = BASE, scope = "subtree", filter = filter, } == 1) -- checking sizelimit. assert (count { base = BASE, scope = "subtree", sizelimit = 1, } == 1) -- checking attrsonly parameter. for dn, entry in LD:search { base = BASE, scope = "subtree", attrsonly = true, } do for attr, value in pairs (entry) do assert (value == true, "attrsonly failed") end end -- checking reuse of search object. local iter = assert (LD:search { base = BASE, scope = "base", }) assert (type(iter) == "function") local dn, e1 = iter() assert (type(dn) == "string") assert (type(e1) == "table") dn, e1 = iter() assert (type(dn) == "nil") assert (type(e1) == "nil") assert2 (false, pcall (iter)) iter = nil -- checking collecting search objects. local dn, entry = LD:search { base = BASE, scope = "base" }() collectgarbage() end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checking rename operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function rename_test () local _,_, rdn_name, rdn_value, parent_dn = string.find (NEW_DN, DN_PAT) local new_rdn = rdn_name..'='..rdn_value..'_' local new_dn = string.format ("%s,%s", new_rdn, parent_dn) -- trying to rename with no parent. check_future (true, LD.rename, LD, NEW_DN, new_rdn, nil) -- trying to rename an invalid dn. check_future (nil, LD.rename, LD, NEW_DN, new_rdn, nil) -- trying to rename with the same parent. check_future (true, LD.rename, LD, new_dn, rdn_name..'='..rdn_value, parent_dn) -- trying to rename to an inexistent parent. check_future (nil, LD.rename, LD, NEW_DN, new_rdn, new_dn) -- mal-formed DN. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.rename, LD, "")) -- trying to rename with a closed connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.rename, CLOSED_LD, NEW_DN, new_rdn, nil)) -- trying to rename with an invalid connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.rename, io.output(), NEW_DN, new_rdn, nil)) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checking delete operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function delete_test () -- trying to delete with a closed connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.delete, CLOSED_LD, NEW_DN)) -- trying to delete with an invalid connection. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.delete, io.output(), NEW_DN)) -- trying to delete new entry. check_future (true, LD.delete, LD, NEW_DN) -- trying to delete an already deleted entry. check_future (nil, LD.delete, LD, NEW_DN) -- mal-formed DN. check_future (nil, LD.delete, LD, "") -- no DN. assert2 (false, pcall (LD.delete, LD)) end --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- checking close operation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function close_test () assert (LD:close () == 1, "couldn't close connection") end --------------------------------------------------------------------- tests = { { "basic checking", basic_test }, { "checking compare operation", compare_test }, { "checking basic search operation", search_test_1 }, { "checking add operation", add_test }, { "checking modify operation", modify_test }, { "checking advanced search operation", search_test_2 }, { "checking rename operation", rename_test }, { "checking delete operation", delete_test }, { "closing everything", close_test }, } --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------- if table.getn(arg) < 1 then print (string.format ("Usage %s host[:port] base [who [password]]", arg[0])) os.exit() end HOSTNAME = arg[1] BASE = arg[2] WHO = arg[3] PASSWORD = arg[4] require"lualdap" assert (type(lualdap)=="table", "couldn't load LDAP library") for i = 1, table.getn (tests) do local t = tests[i] io.write (t[1].." ...") t[2] () io.write (" OK !\n") end