Harness: * Generate new gpg key programatically Tests to add: * pass mv [directory to file] * pass mv [file to directory] * pass mv [file to file] * pass mv [directory to directory] * pass mv [X to new directory (by having the argument end in "/")] * pass mv [X to existing directory] * pass cp [all the above] * pass [all the above, but reencrypting when source and destination have different .gpg-id settings] * pass init [reencryption with different key] * pass grep * pass find * pass rm * pass init -p [plus reencryption with different key] * pass insert, pass ls * pass insert, pass show * pass insert [with -e, with -m, without either] * pass insert, cp, mv, rm, generate [with -f, without -f, on existing] * pass generate [with -n vs without -n] * pass edit [using shm vs not using shm] * pass git init * git operations on all commands * Are empty folders pruned for rm, cp, mv, init (when "" is the argument) [with git, and without git] * Are git commits happening as planned? Are they being signed when signing is enabled? * reencryption on pass init, pass mv, and pass cp * reencryption with team pass * reencryption with gpg groups in gpg.conf