class PSDLayerMask constructor: (@file, @header, @options) -> # Array to hold all of the layers @layers = [] # Does the first alpha channel contain the transparency data? @mergedAlpha = false # The global layer mask @globalMask = {} # Additional layer information @extras = [] # Skip over this section and don't parse it skip: -> @file.readInt() parse: -> # Read the size of the entire layers and masks section maskSize = @file.readInt() endLoc = @file.tell() + maskSize Log.debug "Layer mask size is #{maskSize}" # If the mask size is > 0, then parse the section. Otherwise, # this section doesn't exist and the whole layers/masks data # is 4 bytes (the length we've already read) return if maskSize <= 0 # Size of the layer info section. 4 bytes, rounded up by 2's. layerInfoSize = Util.pad2 @file.readInt() # Store the current position in case we need to bail # and skip over this section. pos = @file.tell() # If the layer info size is > 0, then we have some layers if layerInfoSize > 0 # Read the number of layers, 2 bytes. @numLayers = @file.readShortInt() # If the number of layers is negative, the absolute value is # the actual number of layers, and the first alpha channel contains # the transparency data for the merged image. if @numLayers < 0 Log.debug "Note: first alpha channel contains transparency data" @numLayers = Math.abs @numLayers @mergedAlpha = true if @numLayers * (18 + 6 * @header.channels) > layerInfoSize throw "Unlikely number of #{@numLayers} layers for #{@header['channels']} with #{layerInfoSize} layer info size. Giving up." Log.debug "Found #{@numLayers} layer(s)" for i in [0...@numLayers] layer = new PSDLayer @file layer.parse(i) @layers.push layer for layer in @layers if layer.isFolder or layer.isHidden # Layer contains no image data. Skip ahead. 8 continue layer.image = new PSDChannelImage(@file, @header, layer) if @options.layerImages and ( (@options.onlyVisibleLayers and layer.visible) or !@options.onlyVisibleLayers ) layer.image.parse() else layer.image.skip() # Layers are parsed in reverse order @layers.reverse() @groupLayers() # In case there are filler zeros pos + layerInfoSize, false # Parse the global layer mask @parseGlobalMask() # Temporarily skip the rest of layers & masks section endLoc, false return # We have more additional info to parse, especially beacuse this is PS >= 4.0 #@parseExtraInfo(endLoc) if @file.tell() < endLoc parseGlobalMask: -> length = @file.readInt() return if length is 0 start = @file.tell() end = @file.tell() + length Log.debug "Global mask length: #{length}" # Undocumented @globalMask.overlayColorSpace = @file.readShortInt() # TODO: parse color space components into actual color. @globalMask.colorComponents = [] for i in [0...4] @globalMask.colorComponents.push(@file.readShortInt() >> 8) # 0 = transparent, 100 = opaque @globalMask.opacity = @file.readShortInt() # 0 = color selected; 1 = color protected; 128 = use value per layer @globalMask.kind =[0] Log.debug "Global mask:", @globalMask # Filler zeros, seek to end. end, false parseExtraInfo: (end) -> while @file.tell() < end # Temporary [ sig, key, length ] = @file.readf ">4s4sI" length = Util.pad2 length Log.debug "Layer extra:", sig, key, length length groupLayers: -> groupLayer = null for layer in @layers if layer.isFolder groupLayer = layer else if layer.isHidden groupLayer = null else layer.groupLayer = groupLayer toJSON: -> data = mergedAlpha: @mergedAlpha globalMask: @globalMask extraInfo: @extras numLayers: @numLayers layers: [] for layer in @layers data.layers.push layer.toJSON() data