/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Copyright (C) 2020 Intel Corporation. ** Copyright (C) 2019 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:COMM$ ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qsharedpointer.h" // to be sure we aren't causing a namespace clash: #include "qshareddata.h" /*! \class QSharedPointer \inmodule QtCore \brief The QSharedPointer class holds a strong reference to a shared pointer. \since 4.5 \reentrant The QSharedPointer is an automatic, shared pointer in C++. It behaves exactly like a normal pointer for normal purposes, including respect for constness. QSharedPointer will delete the pointer it is holding when it goes out of scope, provided no other QSharedPointer objects are referencing it. A QSharedPointer object can be created from a normal pointer, another QSharedPointer object or by promoting a QWeakPointer object to a strong reference. \section1 Thread-Safety QSharedPointer and QWeakPointer are reentrant classes. This means that, in general, a given QSharedPointer or QWeakPointer object \b{cannot} be accessed by multiple threads at the same time without synchronization. Different QSharedPointer and QWeakPointer objects can safely be accessed by multiple threads at the same time. This includes the case where they hold pointers to the same object; the reference counting mechanism is atomic, and no manual synchronization is required. It should be noted that, while the pointer value can be accessed in this manner (that is, by multiple threads at the same time, without synchronization), QSharedPointer and QWeakPointer provide no guarantee about the object being pointed to. The specific thread-safety and reentrancy rules for that object still apply. \section1 Other Pointer Classes Qt also provides two other pointer wrapper classes: QPointer and QSharedDataPointer. They are incompatible with one another, since each has its very different use case. QSharedPointer holds a shared pointer by means of an external reference count (i.e., a reference counter placed outside the object). Like its name indicates, the pointer value is shared among all instances of QSharedPointer and QWeakPointer. The contents of the object pointed to by the pointer should not be considered shared, however: there is only one object. For that reason, QSharedPointer does not provide a way to detach or make copies of the pointed object. QSharedDataPointer, on the other hand, holds a pointer to shared data (i.e., a class derived from QSharedData). It does so by means of an internal reference count, placed in the QSharedData base class. This class can, therefore, detach based on the type of access made to the data being guarded: if it's a non-const access, it creates a copy atomically for the operation to complete. QExplicitlySharedDataPointer is a variant of QSharedDataPointer, except that it only detaches if QExplicitlySharedDataPointer::detach() is explicitly called (hence the name). QScopedPointer simply holds a pointer to a heap allocated object and deletes it in its destructor. This class is useful when an object needs to be heap allocated and deleted, but no more. QScopedPointer is lightweight, it makes no use of additional structure or reference counting. Finally, QPointer holds a pointer to a QObject-derived object, but it does so weakly. QWeakPointer has the same functionality, but its use for that function is deprecated. \section1 Optional Pointer Tracking A feature of QSharedPointer that can be enabled at compile-time for debugging purposes is a pointer tracking mechanism. When enabled, QSharedPointer registers in a global set all the pointers that it tracks. This allows one to catch mistakes like assigning the same pointer to two QSharedPointer objects. This function is enabled by defining the \tt{QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS} macro before including the QSharedPointer header. It is safe to use this feature even with code compiled without the feature. QSharedPointer will ensure that the pointer is removed from the tracker even from code compiled without pointer tracking. Note, however, that the pointer tracking feature has limitations on multiple- or virtual-inheritance (that is, in cases where two different pointer addresses can refer to the same object). In that case, if a pointer is cast to a different type and its value changes, QSharedPointer's pointer tracking mechanism may fail to detect that the object being tracked is the same. \omit \section1 QSharedPointer internals QSharedPointer has two "private" members: the pointer itself being tracked and a d-pointer. Those members are private to the class, but QSharedPointer is friends with QWeakPointer and other QSharedPointer with different template arguments. (On some compilers, template friends are not supported, so the members are technically public) The reason for keeping the pointer value itself outside the d-pointer is because of multiple inheritance needs. If you have two QSharedPointer objects of different pointer types, but pointing to the same object in memory, it could happen that the pointer values are different. The \tt differentPointers autotest exemplifies this problem. The same thing could happen in the case of virtual inheritance: a pointer of class matching the virtual base has different address compared to the pointer of the complete object. See the \tt virtualBaseDifferentPointers autotest for this problem. The d pointer is a pointer to QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData, but it always points to one of the two classes derived from ExternalRefCountData. \section2 d-pointer \section3 QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData It is basically a reference-counted reference-counter plus a pointer to the function to be used to delete the pointer. It has three members: \tt strongref, \tt weakref, and \tt destroyer. The strong reference counter is controlling the lifetime of the object tracked by QSharedPointer. A positive value indicates that the object is alive. It's also the number of QSharedObject instances that are attached to this Data. When the strong reference count decreases to zero, the object is deleted (see below for information on custom deleters). The strong reference count can also exceptionally be -1, indicating that there are no QSharedPointers attached to an object, which is tracked too. The only case where this is possible is that of QWeakPointers and QPointers tracking a QObject. Note that QWeakPointers tracking a QObject is a deprecated feature as of Qt 5.0, kept only for compatibility with Qt 4.x. The weak reference count controls the lifetime of the d-pointer itself. It can be thought of as an internal/intrusive reference count for ExternalRefCountData itself. This count is equal to the number of QSharedPointers and QWeakPointers that are tracking this object. In case the object is a QObject being tracked by QPointer, this number is increased by 1, since QObjectPrivate tracks it too. The third member is a pointer to the function that is used to delete the pointer being tracked. That happens when the destroy() function is called. The size of this class is the size of the two atomic ints plus the size of a pointer. On 32-bit architectures, that's 12 bytes, whereas on 64-bit ones it's 16 bytes. There is no padding. \section3 QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter This class derives from ExternalRefCountData and is a template class. As template parameters, it has the type of the pointer being tracked (\tt T) and a \tt Deleter, which is anything. It adds two fields to its parent class, matching those template parameters: a member of type \tt Deleter and a member of type \tt T*. Those members are actually inside a template struct of type CustomDeleter, which is partially-specialized for normal deletion. See below for more details on that. The purpose of this class is to store the pointer to be deleted and the deleter code along with the d-pointer. This allows the last strong reference to call any arbitrary function that disposes of the object. For example, this allows calling QObject::deleteLater() on a given object. The pointer to the object is kept here because it needs to match the actual deleter function's parameters, regardless of what template argument the last QSharedPointer instance had. This class is never instantiated directly: the constructors and destructor are private and, in C++11, deleted. Only the create() function may be called to return an object of this type. See below for construction details. The size of this class depends on the size of \tt Deleter. If it's an empty functor (i.e., no members), ABIs generally assign it the size of 1. But given that it's followed by a pointer, padding bytes may be inserted so that the alignment of the class and of the pointer are correct. In that case, the size of this class is 12+4+4 = 20 bytes on 32-bit architectures, or 16+8+8 = 40 bytes on 64-bit architectures. If \tt Deleter is a function pointer, the size should be the same as the empty structure case. If \tt Deleter is a pointer to a member function (PMF), the size will be bigger and will depend on the ABI. For architectures using the Itanium C++ ABI, a PMF is twice the size of a normal pointer. In that case, the size of this structure will be 12+8+4 = 24 bytes on 32-bit architectures, 16+16+8 = 40 bytes on 64-bit ones. If the deleter was not specified when creating the QSharedPointer object (i.e., if a standard \tt delete call is expected), then there's an optimization that avoids the need to store another function pointer in ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter. Instead, a template specialization makes a direct delete call. The size of the structure, in this case, is 12+4 = 16 bytes on 32-bit architectures, 16+8 = 24 bytes on 64-bit ones. \section3 QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData This class also derives from ExternalRefCountData and it is also a template class. The template parameter is the type \tt T of the class which QSharedPointer tracks. It adds only one member to its parent, which is of type \tt T (the actual type, not a pointer to it). The purpose of this class is to lay the \tt T object out next to the reference counts, saving one memory allocation per shared pointer. This is particularly interesting for small \tt T or for the cases when there are few if any QWeakPointer tracking the object. This class exists to implement the QSharedPointer::create() call. Like ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter, this class is never instantiated directly. This class also provides a create() member that returns the pointer, and hides its constructors and destructor. With C++11, they're deleted. The size of this class depends on the size of \tt T. \section3 Instantiating ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter and ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData Like explained above, these classes have private constructors. Moreover, they are not defined anywhere, so trying to call \tt{new ClassType} would result in a compilation or linker error. Instead, these classes must be constructed via their create() methods. Instead of instantiating the class by the normal way, the create() method calls \tt{operator new} directly with the size of the class, then calls the parent class's constructor only (that is, ExternalRefCountData's constructor). This ensures that the inherited members are initialised properly. After initialising the base class, the ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter::create() function initialises the new members directly, by using the placement \tt{operator new}. In the case of the ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData::create() function, the address to the still-uninitialised \tt T member is saved for the callee to use. The member is only initialised in QSharedPointer::create(), so that we avoid having many variants of the internal functions according to the arguments in use for calling the constructor. When initialising the parent class, the create() functions pass the address of the static deleter() member function. That is, when the destroy() function is called by QSharedPointer, the deleter() functions are called instead. These functions static_cast the ExternalRefCountData* parameter to their own type and execute their deletion: for the ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter::deleter() case, it runs the user's custom deleter, then destroys the deleter; for ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData::deleter, it simply calls the \tt T destructor directly. Only one non-inline function is required per template, which is the deleter() static member. All the other functions can be inlined. What's more, the address of deleter() is calculated only in code, which can be resolved at link-time if the linker can determine that the function lies in the current application or library module (since these classes are not exported, that is the case for Windows or for builds with \tt{-fvisibility=hidden}). \section3 Modifications due to pointer-tracking To ensure that pointers created with pointer-tracking enabled get un-tracked when destroyed, even if destroyed by code compiled without the feature, QSharedPointer modifies slightly the instructions of the previous sections. When ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter or ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData are used, their create() functions will set the ExternalRefCountData::destroyer function pointer to safetyCheckDeleter() instead. These static member functions simply call internalSafetyCheckRemove() before passing control to the normal deleter() function. If neither custom deleter nor QSharedPointer::create() are used, then QSharedPointer uses a custom deleter of its own: the normalDeleter() function, which simply calls \tt delete. By using a custom deleter, the safetyCheckDeleter() procedure described above kicks in. \endomit \sa QSharedDataPointer, QWeakPointer, QScopedPointer, QEnableSharedFromThis */ /*! \class QWeakPointer \inmodule QtCore \brief The QWeakPointer class holds a weak reference to a shared pointer. \since 4.5 \reentrant The QWeakPointer is an automatic weak reference to a pointer in C++. It cannot be used to dereference the pointer directly, but it can be used to verify if the pointer has been deleted or not in another context. QWeakPointer objects can only be created by assignment from a QSharedPointer. It's important to note that QWeakPointer provides no automatic casting operators to prevent mistakes from happening. Even though QWeakPointer tracks a pointer, it should not be considered a pointer itself, since it doesn't guarantee that the pointed object remains valid. Therefore, to access the pointer that QWeakPointer is tracking, you must first promote it to QSharedPointer and verify if the resulting object is null or not. QSharedPointer guarantees that the object isn't deleted, so if you obtain a non-null object, you may use the pointer. See QWeakPointer::toStrongRef() for an example. \omit \section1 QWeakPointer internals QWeakPointer shares most of its internal functionality with \l{QSharedPointer#qsharedpointer-internals}{QSharedPointer}, so see that class's internal documentation for more information. QWeakPointer requires an external reference counter in order to operate. Therefore, it is incompatible by design with \l QSharedData-derived classes. It has a special QObject constructor, which works by calling QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData::getAndRef, which retrieves the d-pointer from QObjectPrivate. If one isn't set yet, that function creates the d-pointer and atomically sets it. If getAndRef needs to create a d-pointer, it sets the strongref to -1, indicating that the QObject is not shared: QWeakPointer is used only to determine whether the QObject has been deleted. In that case, it cannot be upgraded to QSharedPointer (see the previous section). \endomit \sa QSharedPointer, QScopedPointer */ /*! \class QEnableSharedFromThis \inmodule QtCore \brief A base class that allows obtaining a QSharedPointer for an object already managed by a shared pointer. \since 5.4 You can inherit this class when you need to create a QSharedPointer from any instance of a class; for instance, from within the object itself. The key point is that the technique of just returning QSharedPointer(this) cannot be used, because this winds up creating multiple distinct QSharedPointer objects with separate reference counts. For this reason you must never create more than one QSharedPointer from the same raw pointer. QEnableSharedFromThis defines two member functions called sharedFromThis() that return a QSharedPointer and QSharedPointer, depending on constness, to \c this: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 0 It is also possible to get a shared pointer from an object outside of the class itself. This is especially useful in code that provides an interface to scripts, where it is currently not possible to use shared pointers. For example: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 1 */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer::QSharedPointer() Creates a QSharedPointer that is null (the object is holding a reference to \nullptr). */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer::~QSharedPointer() Destroys this QSharedPointer object. If it is the last reference to the pointer stored, this will delete the pointer as well. */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer::QSharedPointer(X *ptr) Creates a QSharedPointer that points to \a ptr. The pointer \a ptr becomes managed by this QSharedPointer and must not be passed to another QSharedPointer object or deleted outside this object. Since Qt 5.8, when the last reference to this QSharedPointer gets destroyed, \a ptr will be deleted by calling \c X's destructor (even if \c X is not the same as QSharedPointer's template parameter \c T). Previously, the destructor for \c T was called. */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer::QSharedPointer(X *ptr, Deleter d) Creates a QSharedPointer that points to \a ptr. The pointer \a ptr becomes managed by this QSharedPointer and must not be passed to another QSharedPointer object or deleted outside this object. The deleter parameter \a d specifies the custom deleter for this object. The custom deleter is called, instead of the operator delete(), when the strong reference count drops to 0. This is useful, for instance, for calling \l {QObject::}{deleteLater()} on a QObject instead: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 2 Note that the custom deleter function will be called with a pointer to type \c X, even if the QSharedPointer template parameter \c T is not the same. It is also possible to specify a member function directly, as in: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 3 \sa clear() */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer::QSharedPointer(std::nullptr_t) \since 5.8 Creates a QSharedPointer that is null. This is equivalent to the QSharedPointer default constructor. */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer::QSharedPointer(std::nullptr_t, Deleter d) \since 5.8 Creates a QSharedPointer that is null. This is equivalent to the QSharedPointer default constructor. The deleter parameter \a d specifies the custom deleter for this object. The custom deleter is called, instead of the operator delete(), when the strong reference count drops to 0. */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer::QSharedPointer(const QSharedPointer &other) Creates a QSharedPointer object that shares \a other's pointer. If \tt T is a derived type of the template parameter of this class, QSharedPointer will perform an automatic cast. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer::QSharedPointer(const QWeakPointer &other) Creates a QSharedPointer by promoting the weak reference \a other to strong reference and sharing its pointer. If \tt T is a derived type of the template parameter of this class, QSharedPointer will perform an automatic cast. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. \sa QWeakPointer::toStrongRef() */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer &QSharedPointer::operator=(const QSharedPointer &other) Makes this object share \a other's pointer. The current pointer reference is discarded and, if it was the last, the pointer will be deleted. If \tt T is a derived type of the template parameter of this class, QSharedPointer will perform an automatic cast. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer &QSharedPointer::operator=(const QWeakPointer &other) Promotes \a other to a strong reference and makes this object share a reference to the pointer referenced by it. The current pointer reference is discarded and, if it was the last, the pointer will be deleted. If \tt T is a derived type of the template parameter of this class, QSharedPointer will perform an automatic cast. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template void QSharedPointer::swap(QSharedPointer &other); \since 5.3 Swaps this shared pointer instance with \a other. This function is very fast and never fails. */ /*! \fn template T *QSharedPointer::data() const Returns the value of the pointer referenced by this object. Note: do not delete the pointer returned by this function or pass it to another function that could delete it, including creating QSharedPointer or QWeakPointer objects. */ /*! \fn template T *QSharedPointer::get() const \since 5.11 Same as data(). This function is provided for API compatibility with \c{std::shared_ptr}. */ /*! \fn template T &QSharedPointer::operator *() const Provides access to the shared pointer's members. If the contained pointer is \nullptr, behavior is undefined. \sa isNull() */ /*! \fn template T *QSharedPointer::operator ->() const Provides access to the shared pointer's members. If the contained pointer is \nullptr, behavior is undefined. \sa isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool QSharedPointer::isNull() const Returns \c true if this object refers to \nullptr. */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer::operator bool() const Returns \c true if the contained pointer is not \nullptr. This function is suitable for use in \tt if-constructs, like: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 4 \sa isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool QSharedPointer::operator !() const Returns \c true if this object refers to \nullptr. This function is suitable for use in \tt if-constructs, like: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 5 \sa isNull() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer QSharedPointer::staticCast() const Performs a static cast from this pointer's type to \tt X and returns a QSharedPointer that shares the reference. This function can be used for up- and for down-casting, but is more useful for up-casting. Note: the template type \c X must have the same const and volatile qualifiers as the template of this object, or the cast will fail. Use constCast() if you need to drop those qualifiers. \sa dynamicCast(), constCast(), qSharedPointerCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer QSharedPointer::dynamicCast() const Performs a dynamic cast from this pointer's type to \tt X and returns a QSharedPointer that shares the reference. If this function is used to up-cast, then QSharedPointer will perform a \tt dynamic_cast, which means that if the object being pointed by this QSharedPointer is not of type \tt X, the returned object will be null. Note: the template type \c X must have the same const and volatile qualifiers as the template of this object, or the cast will fail. Use constCast() if you need to drop those qualifiers. \sa qSharedPointerDynamicCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer QSharedPointer::constCast() const Performs a \tt const_cast from this pointer's type to \tt X and returns a QSharedPointer that shares the reference. This function can be used for up- and for down-casting, but is more useful for up-casting. \sa isNull(), qSharedPointerConstCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer QSharedPointer::objectCast() const \since 4.6 Performs a \l qobject_cast() from this pointer's type to \tt X and returns a QSharedPointer that shares the reference. If this function is used to up-cast, then QSharedPointer will perform a \tt qobject_cast, which means that if the object being pointed by this QSharedPointer is not of type \tt X, the returned object will be null. Note: the template type \c X must have the same const and volatile qualifiers as the template of this object, or the cast will fail. Use constCast() if you need to drop those qualifiers. \sa qSharedPointerObjectCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer QSharedPointer::create(Args &&... args) \overload \since 5.1 Creates a QSharedPointer object and allocates a new item of type \tt T. The QSharedPointer internals and the object are allocated in one single memory allocation, which could help reduce memory fragmentation in a long-running application. This function will attempt to call a constructor for type \tt T that can accept all the arguments passed (\a args). Arguments will be perfectly-forwarded. */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer QSharedPointer::toWeakRef() const Returns a weak reference object that shares the pointer referenced by this object. \sa QWeakPointer::QWeakPointer() */ /*! \fn template void QSharedPointer::clear() Clears this QSharedPointer object, dropping the reference that it may have had to the pointer. If this was the last reference, then the pointer itself will be deleted. */ /*! \fn template void QSharedPointer::reset() \since 5.0 Same as clear(). For std::shared_ptr compatibility. */ /*! \fn template void QSharedPointer::reset(T *t) \since 5.0 Resets this QSharedPointer object to point to \a t instead. Equivalent to: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 6 */ /*! \fn template template void QSharedPointer::reset(T *t, Deleter deleter) \since 5.0 Resets this QSharedPointer object to point to \a t instead, with the Deleter \a deleter. Equivalent to: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 7 */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer::QWeakPointer() Creates a QWeakPointer that points to nothing. */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer::~QWeakPointer() Destroys this QWeakPointer object. The pointer referenced by this object will not be deleted. */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer::QWeakPointer(const QWeakPointer &other) Creates a QWeakPointer that holds a weak reference to the pointer referenced by \a other. If \tt T is a derived type of the template parameter of this class, QWeakPointer will perform an automatic cast. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer::QWeakPointer(const QSharedPointer &other) Creates a QWeakPointer that holds a weak reference to the pointer referenced by \a other. If \tt T is a derived type of the template parameter of this class, QWeakPointer will perform an automatic cast. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer::QWeakPointer(const QObject *other) \since 4.6 \deprecated Creates a QWeakPointer that holds a weak reference directly to the QObject \a other. This constructor is only available if the template type \tt T is QObject or derives from it (otherwise a compilation error will result). You can use this constructor with any QObject, even if they were not created with \l QSharedPointer. Note that QWeakPointers created this way on arbitrary QObjects usually cannot be promoted to QSharedPointer. \sa QSharedPointer, QPointer */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer &QWeakPointer::operator=(const QObject *other) \since 4.6 \deprecated Makes this QWeakPointer hold a weak reference directly to the QObject \a other. This function is only available if the template type \tt T is QObject or derives from it. \sa QPointer */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer &QWeakPointer::operator=(const QWeakPointer &other) Makes this object share \a other's pointer. The current pointer reference is discarded but is not deleted. If \tt T is a derived type of the template parameter of this class, QWeakPointer will perform an automatic cast. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer &QWeakPointer::operator=(const QSharedPointer &other) Makes this object share \a other's pointer. The current pointer reference is discarded but is not deleted. If \tt T is a derived type of the template parameter of this class, QWeakPointer will perform an automatic cast. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template void QWeakPointer::swap(QWeakPointer &other) \since 5.4 Swaps this weak pointer instance with \a other. This function is very fast and never fails. */ /*! \fn template bool QWeakPointer::isNull() const Returns \c true if this object refers to \nullptr. Note that, due to the nature of weak references, the pointer that QWeakPointer references can become \nullptr at any moment, so the value returned from this function can change from false to true from one call to the next. */ /*! \fn template QWeakPointer::operator bool() const Returns \c true if the contained pointer is not \nullptr. This function is suitable for use in \tt if-constructs, like: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 8 Note that, due to the nature of weak references, the pointer that QWeakPointer references can become \nullptr at any moment, so the value returned from this function can change from true to false from one call to the next. \sa isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool QWeakPointer::operator !() const Returns \c true if this object refers to \nullptr. This function is suitable for use in \tt if-constructs, like: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 9 Note that, due to the nature of weak references, the pointer that QWeakPointer references can become \nullptr at any moment, so the value returned from this function can change from false to true from one call to the next. \sa isNull() */ /*! \fn template T *QWeakPointer::data() const \since 4.6 \obsolete Use toStrongRef() instead, and data() on the returned QSharedPointer. Returns the value of the pointer being tracked by this QWeakPointer, \b without ensuring that it cannot get deleted. To have that guarantee, use toStrongRef(), which returns a QSharedPointer object. If this function can determine that the pointer has already been deleted, it returns \nullptr. It is ok to obtain the value of the pointer and using that value itself, like for example in debugging statements: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 10 However, dereferencing the pointer is only allowed if you can guarantee by external means that the pointer does not get deleted. For example, if you can be certain that no other thread can delete it, nor the functions that you may call. If that is the case, then the following code is valid: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 11 Use this function with care. \sa isNull(), toStrongRef() */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer QWeakPointer::toStrongRef() const Promotes this weak reference to a strong one and returns a QSharedPointer object holding that reference. When promoting to QSharedPointer, this function verifies if the object has been deleted already or not. If it hasn't, this function increases the reference count to the shared object, thus ensuring that it will not get deleted. Since this function can fail to obtain a valid strong reference to the shared object, you should always verify if the conversion succeeded, by calling QSharedPointer::isNull() on the returned object. For example, the following code promotes a QWeakPointer that was held to a strong reference and, if it succeeded, it prints the value of the integer that was held: \snippet code/src_corelib_tools_qsharedpointer.cpp 12 \sa QSharedPointer::QSharedPointer() */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer QWeakPointer::lock() const \since 5.4 Same as toStrongRef(). This function is provided for API compatibility with std::weak_ptr. */ /*! \fn template void QWeakPointer::clear() Clears this QWeakPointer object, dropping the reference that it may have had to the pointer. */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer QEnableSharedFromThis::sharedFromThis() \since 5.4 If \c this (that is, the subclass instance invoking this method) is being managed by a QSharedPointer, returns a shared pointer instance pointing to \c this; otherwise returns a null QSharedPointer. */ /*! \fn template QSharedPointer QEnableSharedFromThis::sharedFromThis() const \overload \since 5.4 Const overload of sharedFromThis(). */ /*! \fn template template bool operator==(const QSharedPointer &ptr1, const QSharedPointer &ptr2) \relates QSharedPointer Returns \c true if \a ptr1 and \a ptr2 refer to the same pointer. If \a ptr2's template parameter is different from \a ptr1's, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's template parameter is not a base or a derived type from \a ptr1's, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer &ptr1, const QSharedPointer &ptr2) \relates QSharedPointer Returns \c true if \a ptr1 and \a ptr2 refer to distinct pointers. If \a ptr2's template parameter is different from \a ptr1's, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's template parameter is not a base or a derived type from \a ptr1's, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template bool operator==(const QSharedPointer &ptr1, const X *ptr2) \relates QSharedPointer Returns \c true if \a ptr1 and \a ptr2 refer to the same pointer. If \a ptr2's type is different from \a ptr1's, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's type is not a base or a derived type from this \a ptr1's, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer &ptr1, const X *ptr2) \relates QSharedPointer Returns \c true if \a ptr1 and \a ptr2 refer to distinct pointers. If \a ptr2's type is different from \a ptr1's, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's type is not a base or a derived type from this \a ptr1's, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template bool operator==(const T *ptr1, const QSharedPointer &ptr2) \relates QSharedPointer Returns \c true if the pointer \a ptr1 is the same pointer as that referenced by \a ptr2. If \a ptr2's template parameter is different from \a ptr1's type, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's template parameter is not a base or a derived type from \a ptr1's type, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template bool operator!=(const T *ptr1, const QSharedPointer &ptr2) \relates QSharedPointer Returns \c true if the pointer \a ptr1 is not the same pointer as that referenced by \a ptr2. If \a ptr2's template parameter is different from \a ptr1's type, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's template parameter is not a base or a derived type from \a ptr1's type, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template bool operator==(const QSharedPointer &ptr1, const QWeakPointer &ptr2) \relates QWeakPointer Returns \c true if \a ptr1 and \a ptr2 refer to the same pointer. If \a ptr2's template parameter is different from \a ptr1's, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's template parameter is not a base or a derived type from \a ptr1's, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer &ptr1, const QWeakPointer &ptr2) \relates QWeakPointer Returns \c true if \a ptr1 and \a ptr2 refer to distinct pointers. If \a ptr2's template parameter is different from \a ptr1's, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's template parameter is not a base or a derived type from \a ptr1's, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template bool operator==(const QWeakPointer &ptr1, const QSharedPointer &ptr2) \relates QWeakPointer Returns \c true if \a ptr1 and \a ptr2 refer to the same pointer. If \a ptr2's template parameter is different from \a ptr1's, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's template parameter is not a base or a derived type from \a ptr1's, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template bool operator==(const QSharedPointer &lhs, std::nullptr_t) \relates QSharedPointer \since 5.8 Returns \c true if \a lhs refers to \nullptr. \sa QSharedPointer::isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const QSharedPointer &rhs) \relates QSharedPointer \since 5.8 Returns \c true if \a rhs refers to \nullptr. \sa QSharedPointer::isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer &lhs, std::nullptr_t) \relates QSharedPointer \since 5.8 Returns \c true if \a lhs refers to a valid (i.e. non-null) pointer. \sa QSharedPointer::isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const QSharedPointer &rhs) \relates QSharedPointer \since 5.8 Returns \c true if \a rhs refers to a valid (i.e. non-null) pointer. \sa QSharedPointer::isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool operator==(const QWeakPointer &lhs, std::nullptr_t) \relates QWeakPointer \since 5.8 Returns \c true if \a lhs refers to \nullptr. \sa QWeakPointer::isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const QWeakPointer &rhs) \relates QWeakPointer \since 5.8 Returns \c true if \a rhs refers to \nullptr. \sa QWeakPointer::isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool operator!=(const QWeakPointer &lhs, std::nullptr_t) \relates QWeakPointer \since 5.8 Returns \c true if \a lhs refers to a valid (i.e. non-null) pointer. \sa QWeakPointer::isNull() */ /*! \fn template bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const QWeakPointer &rhs) \relates QWeakPointer \since 5.8 Returns \c true if \a rhs refers to a valid (i.e. non-null) pointer. \sa QWeakPointer::isNull() */ /*! \fn template template bool operator!=(const QWeakPointer &ptr1, const QSharedPointer &ptr2) \relates QWeakPointer Returns \c true if \a ptr1 and \a ptr2 refer to distinct pointers. If \a ptr2's template parameter is different from \a ptr1's, QSharedPointer will attempt to perform an automatic \tt static_cast to ensure that the pointers being compared are equal. If \a ptr2's template parameter is not a base or a derived type from \a ptr1's, you will get a compiler error. */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer qSharedPointerCast(const QSharedPointer &other) \relates QSharedPointer Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a other, cast to type \tt X. The types \tt T and \tt X must belong to one hierarchy for the \tt static_cast to succeed. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use qSharedPointerConstCast to cast away the constness. \sa QSharedPointer::staticCast(), qSharedPointerDynamicCast(), qSharedPointerConstCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer qSharedPointerCast(const QWeakPointer &other) \relates QSharedPointer \relates QWeakPointer Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a other, cast to type \tt X. The types \tt T and \tt X must belong to one hierarchy for the \tt static_cast to succeed. The \a other object is converted first to a strong reference. If that conversion fails (because the object it's pointing to has already been deleted), this function returns a null QSharedPointer. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use qSharedPointerConstCast to cast away the constness. \sa QWeakPointer::toStrongRef(), qSharedPointerDynamicCast(), qSharedPointerConstCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer qSharedPointerDynamicCast(const QSharedPointer &src) \relates QSharedPointer Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src, using a dynamic cast to type \tt X to obtain an internal pointer of the appropriate type. If the \tt dynamic_cast fails, the object returned will be null. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use qSharedPointerConstCast to cast away the constness. \sa QSharedPointer::dynamicCast(), qSharedPointerCast(), qSharedPointerConstCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer qSharedPointerDynamicCast(const QWeakPointer &src) \relates QSharedPointer \relates QWeakPointer Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src, using a dynamic cast to type \tt X to obtain an internal pointer of the appropriate type. If the \tt dynamic_cast fails, the object returned will be null. The \a src object is converted first to a strong reference. If that conversion fails (because the object it's pointing to has already been deleted), this function also returns a null QSharedPointer. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use qSharedPointerConstCast to cast away the constness. \sa QWeakPointer::toStrongRef(), qSharedPointerCast(), qSharedPointerConstCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer qSharedPointerConstCast(const QSharedPointer &src) \relates QSharedPointer Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src, cast to type \tt X. The types \tt T and \tt X must belong to one hierarchy for the \tt const_cast to succeed. The \tt const and \tt volatile differences between \tt T and \tt X are ignored. \sa QSharedPointer::constCast(), qSharedPointerCast(), qSharedPointerDynamicCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer qSharedPointerConstCast(const QWeakPointer &src) \relates QSharedPointer \relates QWeakPointer Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src, cast to type \tt X. The types \tt T and \tt X must belong to one hierarchy for the \tt const_cast to succeed. The \tt const and \tt volatile differences between \tt T and \tt X are ignored. The \a src object is converted first to a strong reference. If that conversion fails (because the object it's pointing to has already been deleted), this function returns a null QSharedPointer. \sa QWeakPointer::toStrongRef(), qSharedPointerCast(), qSharedPointerDynamicCast() */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer qSharedPointerObjectCast(const QSharedPointer &src) \relates QSharedPointer \since 4.6 \brief The qSharedPointerObjectCast function is for casting a shared pointer. Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src, using a \l qobject_cast() to type \tt X to obtain an internal pointer of the appropriate type. If the \tt qobject_cast fails, the object returned will be null. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use qSharedPointerConstCast to cast away the constness. \sa QSharedPointer::objectCast(), qSharedPointerCast(), qSharedPointerConstCast() */ /*! \fn template std::shared_ptr qSharedPointerObjectCast(const std::shared_ptr &src) \relates QSharedPointer \since 5.14 Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src, using a \l qobject_cast() to type \tt X to obtain an internal pointer of the appropriate type. If the \tt qobject_cast fails, the object returned will be null. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use const_pointer_cast to cast away the constness. */ /*! \fn template std::shared_ptr qobject_pointer_cast(const std::shared_ptr &src) \relates QSharedPointer \since 5.14 Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src. Same as qSharedPointerObjectCast(). This function is provided for STL compatibility. */ /*! \fn template std::shared_ptr qSharedPointerObjectCast(std::shared_ptr &&src) \relates QSharedPointer \since 5.14 Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src, using a \l qobject_cast() to type \tt X to obtain an internal pointer of the appropriate type. If the \tt qobject_cast succeeds, the function will return a valid shared pointer, and \a src is reset to null. If the \tt qobject_cast fails, the object returned will be null, and \a src will not be modified. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use const_pointer_cast to cast away the constness. */ /*! \fn template std::shared_ptr qobject_pointer_cast(std::shared_ptr &&src) \relates QSharedPointer \since 5.14 Same as qSharedPointerObjectCast(). This function is provided for STL compatibility. */ /*! \fn template template QSharedPointer qSharedPointerObjectCast(const QWeakPointer &src) \relates QSharedPointer \relates QWeakPointer \since 4.6 \brief The qSharedPointerObjectCast function is for casting a shared pointer. Returns a shared pointer to the pointer held by \a src, using a \l qobject_cast() to type \tt X to obtain an internal pointer of the appropriate type. If the \tt qobject_cast fails, the object returned will be null. The \a src object is converted first to a strong reference. If that conversion fails (because the object it's pointing to has already been deleted), this function also returns a null QSharedPointer. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use qSharedPointerConstCast to cast away the constness. \sa QWeakPointer::toStrongRef(), qSharedPointerCast(), qSharedPointerConstCast() */ /*! \fn template template QWeakPointer qWeakPointerCast(const QWeakPointer &src) \relates QWeakPointer Returns a weak pointer to the pointer held by \a src, cast to type \tt X. The types \tt T and \tt X must belong to one hierarchy for the \tt static_cast to succeed. Note that \tt X must have the same cv-qualifiers (\tt const and \tt volatile) that \tt T has, or the code will fail to compile. Use qSharedPointerConstCast to cast away the constness. */ #include #include #if !defined(QT_NO_QOBJECT) #include "private/qobject_p.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \internal This function is called for a just-created QObject \a obj, to enable the use of QSharedPointer and QWeakPointer in the future. */ void QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData::setQObjectShared(const QObject *, bool) {} /*! \internal This function is called when a QSharedPointer is created from a QWeakPointer We check that the QWeakPointer was really created from a QSharedPointer, and not from a QObject. */ void QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData::checkQObjectShared(const QObject *) { if (strongref.loadRelaxed() < 0) qWarning("QSharedPointer: cannot create a QSharedPointer from a QObject-tracking QWeakPointer"); } QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData *QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData::getAndRef(const QObject *obj) { Q_ASSERT(obj); QObjectPrivate *d = QObjectPrivate::get(const_cast(obj)); Q_ASSERT_X(!d->wasDeleted, "QWeakPointer", "Detected QWeakPointer creation in a QObject being deleted"); ExternalRefCountData *that = d->sharedRefcount.loadRelaxed(); if (that) { that->weakref.ref(); return that; } // we can create the refcount data because it doesn't exist ExternalRefCountData *x = new ExternalRefCountData(Qt::Uninitialized); x->strongref.storeRelaxed(-1); x->weakref.storeRelaxed(2); // the QWeakPointer that called us plus the QObject itself ExternalRefCountData *ret; if (d->sharedRefcount.testAndSetOrdered(nullptr, x, ret)) { // ought to be release+acquire; this is acq_rel+acquire ret = x; } else { // ~ExternalRefCountData has a Q_ASSERT, so we use this trick to // only execute this if Q_ASSERTs are enabled Q_ASSERT((x->weakref.storeRelaxed(0), true)); delete x; ret->weakref.ref(); } return ret; } /** \internal Returns a QSharedPointer if the variant contains a QSharedPointer where T inherits QObject. Otherwise the behaviour is undefined. */ QSharedPointer QtSharedPointer::sharedPointerFromVariant_internal(const QVariant &variant) { Q_ASSERT(QMetaType::typeFlags(variant.userType()) & QMetaType::SharedPointerToQObject); return *reinterpret_cast*>(variant.constData()); } /** \internal Returns a QWeakPointer if the variant contains a QWeakPointer where T inherits QObject. Otherwise the behaviour is undefined. */ QWeakPointer QtSharedPointer::weakPointerFromVariant_internal(const QVariant &variant) { Q_ASSERT(QMetaType::typeFlags(variant.userType()) & QMetaType::WeakPointerToQObject || QMetaType::typeFlags(variant.userType()) & QMetaType::TrackingPointerToQObject); return *reinterpret_cast*>(variant.constData()); } QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif //# define QT_SHARED_POINTER_BACKTRACE_SUPPORT # ifdef QT_SHARED_POINTER_BACKTRACE_SUPPORT # if defined(__GLIBC__) && (__GLIBC__ >= 2) && !defined(__UCLIBC__) && !defined(QT_LINUXBASE) # define BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED # elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) # define BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED # endif # endif # if defined(BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED) # include # include # include # include # include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE static inline QByteArray saveBacktrace() __attribute__((always_inline)); static inline QByteArray saveBacktrace() { static const int maxFrames = 32; QByteArray stacktrace; stacktrace.resize(sizeof(void*) * maxFrames); int stack_size = backtrace((void**)stacktrace.data(), maxFrames); stacktrace.resize(sizeof(void*) * stack_size); return stacktrace; } static void printBacktrace(QByteArray stacktrace) { void *const *stack = (void *const *)stacktrace.constData(); int stack_size = stacktrace.size() / sizeof(void*); char **stack_symbols = backtrace_symbols(stack, stack_size); int filter[2]; pid_t child = -1; if (pipe(filter) != -1) child = fork(); if (child == 0) { // child process dup2(fileno(stderr), fileno(stdout)); dup2(filter[0], fileno(stdin)); close(filter[0]); close(filter[1]); execlp("c++filt", "c++filt", "-n", NULL); // execlp failed execl("/bin/cat", "/bin/cat", NULL); _exit(127); } // parent process close(filter[0]); FILE *output; if (child == -1) { // failed forking close(filter[1]); output = stderr; } else { output = fdopen(filter[1], "w"); } fprintf(stderr, "Backtrace of the first creation (most recent frame first):\n"); for (int i = 0; i < stack_size; ++i) { if (strlen(stack_symbols[i])) fprintf(output, "#%-2d %s\n", i, stack_symbols[i]); else fprintf(output, "#%-2d %p\n", i, stack[i]); } if (child != -1) { fclose(output); waitpid(child, 0, 0); } } QT_END_NAMESPACE # endif // BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED namespace { QT_USE_NAMESPACE struct Data { const volatile void *pointer; # ifdef BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED QByteArray backtrace; # endif }; class KnownPointers { public: QMutex mutex; QHash dPointers; QHash dataPointers; }; } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(KnownPointers, knownPointers) QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace QtSharedPointer { Q_AUTOTEST_EXPORT void internalSafetyCheckCleanCheck(); } /*! \internal */ void QtSharedPointer::internalSafetyCheckAdd(const void *d_ptr, const volatile void *ptr) { KnownPointers *const kp = knownPointers(); if (!kp) return; // end-game: the application is being destroyed already if (!ptr) { // nullptr is allowed to be tracked by more than one QSharedPointer, so we // need something else to put in our tracking structures ptr = d_ptr; } QMutexLocker lock(&kp->mutex); Q_ASSERT(!kp->dPointers.contains(d_ptr)); //qDebug("Adding d=%p value=%p", d_ptr, ptr); const void *other_d_ptr = kp->dataPointers.value(ptr, 0); if (Q_UNLIKELY(other_d_ptr)) { # ifdef BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED printBacktrace(knownPointers()->dPointers.value(other_d_ptr).backtrace); # endif qFatal("QSharedPointer: internal self-check failed: pointer %p was already tracked " "by another QSharedPointer object %p", ptr, other_d_ptr); } Data data; data.pointer = ptr; # ifdef BACKTRACE_SUPPORTED data.backtrace = saveBacktrace(); # endif kp->dPointers.insert(d_ptr, data); kp->dataPointers.insert(ptr, d_ptr); Q_ASSERT(kp->dPointers.size() == kp->dataPointers.size()); } /*! \internal */ void QtSharedPointer::internalSafetyCheckRemove(const void *d_ptr) { KnownPointers *const kp = knownPointers(); if (!kp) return; // end-game: the application is being destroyed already QMutexLocker lock(&kp->mutex); const auto it = kp->dPointers.constFind(d_ptr); if (Q_UNLIKELY(it == kp->dPointers.cend())) { qFatal("QSharedPointer: internal self-check inconsistency: pointer %p was not tracked. " "To use QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS, you have to enable it throughout " "in your code.", d_ptr); } const auto it2 = kp->dataPointers.constFind(it->pointer); Q_ASSERT(it2 != kp->dataPointers.cend()); //qDebug("Removing d=%p value=%p", d_ptr, it->pointer); // remove entries kp->dataPointers.erase(it2); kp->dPointers.erase(it); Q_ASSERT(kp->dPointers.size() == kp->dataPointers.size()); } /*! \internal Called by the QSharedPointer autotest */ void QtSharedPointer::internalSafetyCheckCleanCheck() { # ifdef QT_BUILD_INTERNAL KnownPointers *const kp = knownPointers(); Q_ASSERT_X(kp, "internalSafetyCheckSelfCheck()", "Called after global statics deletion!"); if (Q_UNLIKELY(kp->dPointers.size() != kp->dataPointers.size())) qFatal("Internal consistency error: the number of pointers is not equal!"); if (Q_UNLIKELY(!kp->dPointers.isEmpty())) qFatal("Pointer cleaning failed: %d entries remaining", kp->dPointers.size()); # endif } QT_END_NAMESPACE