diff options
authorAdrian Sampson <adrian@radbox.org>2013-01-19 21:24:32 -0800
committerAdrian Sampson <adrian@radbox.org>2013-01-19 21:24:32 -0800
commit9b124af81d5ac17c33f5af053f9239c124ac7783 (patch)
parenterror handling (diff)
paragraph about the include parameter
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec.md b/spec.md
index 6b15e7a..5aeab4c 100644
--- a/spec.md
+++ b/spec.md
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ These endpoints support some optional parameters, which are passed as GET parame
* **`sort`**: By default, items returned are sorted by artist, then year, then album, then disc, then track, and then title. Alternative sorting can be provided with the `sort` query string parameter which takes a space-delimited list of metadata keys by which to sort. Each key is sorted in ascending order by default. To sort a key in a descending order, prefix it with `-`. All sorting is case-insensitive.
+* **`include`**: Some object types are associated with other objects: for example, an album has constituent songs. To request that these associated objects be included, the client names them in a space-separated list for the `include` parameter. Each object type (below) specifies the valid include terms.
#### Returned Value
The JSON object returned at this endpoint has the following structure: