#!/bin/bash # Automatically run the make-zip-file process # Check we're in the right directory and all is set: if [ ! -e 'make_zip.sh' ]; then echo '[ERROR] Are you running this from the images/ directory?' exit 1 fi if [ ! -e 'images' ]; then echo 'images subdirectory does not exist. Please create it and put all the images you want to package in there.' exit 1 fi # Remove cruft before proceeding: TAGFILES=`ls images/*.tag 2>/dev/null` if [ -n "$TAGFILES" ]; then rm $TAGFILES fi # Copy LICENSE file cp ../host/LICENSE images/ ARCHIVE_SUFFIX=$1 ARCHIVE_NAME="uhd-images_${ARCHIVE_SUFFIX}" echo "Creating images archive: ${ARCHIVE_NAME}" cp -r images $ARCHIVE_NAME # Now zip 'em up: echo "Creating ZIP archive..." zip -r $ARCHIVE_NAME.zip $ARCHIVE_NAME echo "Creating tar.gz archive..." tar zcvf $ARCHIVE_NAME.tar.gz $ARCHIVE_NAME echo "Creating tar.xz archive..." tar Jcvf $ARCHIVE_NAME.tar.xz $ARCHIVE_NAME ALL_ARCHIVES=`ls $ARCHIVE_NAME.*` sha256sum $ALL_ARCHIVES > $ARCHIVE_NAME.sha256 md5sum $ALL_ARCHIVES > $ARCHIVE_NAME.md5 # Clean up archive directory rm -r $ARCHIVE_NAME