/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "dbg.h" static bool parse_ip_cidr(struct wg_combined_ip *ip, char *value) { uintmax_t res; char *endptr; char *sep = strchr(value, '/'); if (!sep) return false; *sep = '\0'; if (inet_pton(ip->family, value, &ip->ip) != 1) return false; res = strtoumax(sep + 1, &endptr, 10); if (res > UINT8_MAX || *endptr != '\0' || sep + 1 == endptr) return false; // TODO: validate cidr range depending on ip->family ip->cidr = (uint8_t)res; return true; } static struct wg_dynamic_attr *parse_value(enum wg_dynamic_key key, char *value) { struct wg_dynamic_attr *attr; size_t len; char *endptr; uintmax_t uresult; union { uint32_t uint32; char errmsg[72]; struct wg_combined_ip ip; } data = { 0 }; switch (key) { case WGKEY_IPV4: len = sizeof data.ip; data.ip.family = AF_INET; if (!parse_ip_cidr(&data.ip, value)) return NULL; break; case WGKEY_IPV6: len = sizeof data.ip; data.ip.family = AF_INET6; if (!parse_ip_cidr(&data.ip, value)) return NULL; break; case WGKEY_LEASESTART: len = sizeof data.uint32; uresult = strtoumax(value, &endptr, 10); if (uresult > UINT32_MAX || *endptr != '\0') return NULL; data.uint32 = (uint32_t)uresult; break; case WGKEY_LEASETIME: len = sizeof data.uint32; uresult = strtoumax(value, &endptr, 10); if (uresult > UINT32_MAX || *endptr != '\0') return NULL; data.uint32 = (uint32_t)uresult; break; case WGKEY_ERRNO: len = sizeof data.uint32; uresult = strtoumax(value, &endptr, 10); if (uresult > UINT32_MAX || *endptr != '\0') return NULL; data.uint32 = (uint32_t)uresult; break; case WGKEY_ERRMSG: strncpy(data.errmsg, value, sizeof data.errmsg); len = MIN(sizeof data.errmsg, strlen(value) + 1); /* Copying the NUL byte too. */ break; default: debug("Invalid key %d, aborting\n", key); abort(); } attr = malloc(sizeof(struct wg_dynamic_attr) + len); if (!attr) fatal("malloc()"); attr->len = len; attr->key = key; attr->next = NULL; memcpy(&attr->value, &data, len); return attr; } static enum wg_dynamic_key parse_key(char *key) { for (enum wg_dynamic_key e = 1; e < ARRAY_SIZE(WG_DYNAMIC_KEY); ++e) if (!strcmp(key, WG_DYNAMIC_KEY[e])) return e; return WGKEY_UNKNOWN; } /* Consumes one full line from buf, or up to MAX_LINESIZE-1 bytes if no newline * character was found. * If req != NULL then we expect to parse a command and will set cmd and version * of req accordingly, while *attr will be set to NULL. * Otherwise we expect to parse a normal key=value pair, that will be stored * in a newly allocated wg_dynamic_attr, pointed to by *attr. * * Return values: * > 0 : Amount of bytes consumed (<= MAX_LINESIZE) * < 0 : Error * = 0 : End of message */ static ssize_t parse_line(unsigned char *buf, size_t len, struct wg_dynamic_attr **attr, struct wg_dynamic_request *req) { unsigned char *line_end, *key_end; enum wg_dynamic_key key; ssize_t line_len; char *endptr; uintmax_t res; line_end = memchr(buf, '\n', len > MAX_LINESIZE ? MAX_LINESIZE : len); if (!line_end) { if (len >= MAX_LINESIZE) return -E2BIG; *attr = malloc(sizeof(struct wg_dynamic_attr) + len); if (!*attr) fatal("malloc()"); (*attr)->key = WGKEY_INCOMPLETE; (*attr)->len = len; (*attr)->next = NULL; memcpy((*attr)->value, buf, len); return len; } if (line_end == buf) return 0; /* \n\n - end of message */ *line_end = '\0'; line_len = line_end - buf + 1; key_end = memchr(buf, '=', line_len - 1); if (!key_end) return -EINVAL; *key_end = '\0'; key = parse_key((char *)buf); if (key == WGKEY_UNKNOWN) return -ENOENT; if (req) { if (key >= WGKEY_ENDCMD) return -ENOENT; *attr = NULL; res = strtoumax((char *)key_end + 1, &endptr, 10); if (res > UINT32_MAX || *endptr != '\0') return -EINVAL; req->cmd = key; req->version = (uint32_t)res; if (req->version != 1) return -EPROTONOSUPPORT; } else { if (key <= WGKEY_ENDCMD) return -ENOENT; *attr = parse_value(key, (char *)key_end + 1); if (!*attr) return -EINVAL; } return line_len; } void free_wg_dynamic_request(struct wg_dynamic_request *req) { struct wg_dynamic_attr *prev, *cur = req->first; while (cur) { prev = cur; cur = cur->next; free(prev); } req->cmd = WGKEY_UNKNOWN; req->version = 0; free(req->buf); req->buf = NULL; req->buflen = 0; req->first = NULL; req->last = NULL; } static int parse_request(struct wg_dynamic_request *req, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { struct wg_dynamic_attr *attr; size_t offset = 0; ssize_t ret; if (memchr(buf, '\0', len)) return -EINVAL; /* don't allow null bytes */ if (req->last && req->last->key == WGKEY_INCOMPLETE) { len += req->last->len; memmove(buf + req->last->len, buf, len); memcpy(buf, req->last->value, req->last->len); free(req->last); if (req->first == req->last) { req->first = NULL; req->last = NULL; } else { attr = req->first; while (attr->next != req->last) attr = attr->next; attr->next = NULL; req->last = attr; } } while (len > 0) { ret = parse_line(buf + offset, len, &attr, req->cmd == WGKEY_UNKNOWN ? req : NULL); if (ret <= 0) return ret; /* either error or message complete */ len -= ret; offset += ret; if (!attr) continue; if (!req->first) req->first = attr; else req->last->next = attr; req->last = attr; } return 1; } bool handle_request(int fd, struct wg_dynamic_request *req, bool (*success)(int, struct wg_dynamic_request *), bool (*error)(int, int)) { ssize_t bytes; int ret; unsigned char buf[RECV_BUFSIZE + MAX_LINESIZE]; while (1) { bytes = read(fd, buf, RECV_BUFSIZE); if (bytes < 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) break; // TODO: handle EINTR debug("Reading from socket %d failed: %s\n", fd, strerror(errno)); return true; } else if (bytes == 0) { debug("Peer disconnected unexpectedly\n"); return true; } ret = parse_request(req, buf, bytes); if (ret < 0) return error(fd, -ret); else if (ret == 0) return success(fd, req); } return false; } size_t send_message(int fd, unsigned char *buf, size_t *len) { ssize_t bytes; size_t offset = 0; while (*len) { bytes = write(fd, buf + offset, *len); if (bytes < 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) break; // TODO: handle EINTR debug("Writing to socket %d failed: %s\n", fd, strerror(errno)); *len = 0; return 0; } *len -= bytes; offset += bytes; } return offset; } void send_later(struct wg_dynamic_request *req, unsigned char *const buf, size_t msglen) { unsigned char *newbuf = malloc(msglen); if (!newbuf) fatal("Failed malloc()"); memcpy(newbuf, buf, msglen); free(req->buf); req->buf = newbuf; req->buflen = msglen; } int print_to_buf(char *buf, size_t bufsize, size_t offset, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); int n = vsnprintf(buf + offset, bufsize - offset, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (n < 0) fatal("Failed snprintf"); if (n + offset >= bufsize) die("Outbuffer too small"); return n; } uint32_t current_time() { struct timespec tp; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tp)) fatal("clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)"); return tp.tv_sec; } void close_connection(int *fd, struct wg_dynamic_request *req) { if (close(*fd)) debug("Failed to close socket\n"); *fd = -1; free_wg_dynamic_request(req); } bool is_link_local(unsigned char *addr) { /* TODO: check if the remaining 54 bits are 0 */ return IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(addr); } void iface_get_all_addrs(uint8_t family, mnl_cb_t data_cb, void *cb_data) { struct mnl_socket *nl; char buf[MNL_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE]; struct nlmsghdr *nlh; /* TODO: rtln-addr-dump from libmnl uses rtgenmsg here? */ struct ifaddrmsg *ifaddr; int ret; unsigned int seq, portid; nl = mnl_socket_open(NETLINK_ROUTE); if (nl == NULL) fatal("mnl_socket_open"); if (mnl_socket_bind(nl, 0, MNL_SOCKET_AUTOPID) < 0) fatal("mnl_socket_bind"); /* You'd think that we could just request addresses from a specific * interface, via NLM_F_MATCH or something, but we can't. See also: * https://marc.info/?l=linux-netdev&m=132508164508217 */ seq = time(NULL); portid = mnl_socket_get_portid(nl); nlh = mnl_nlmsg_put_header(buf); nlh->nlmsg_type = RTM_GETADDR; nlh->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_DUMP; nlh->nlmsg_seq = seq; ifaddr = mnl_nlmsg_put_extra_header(nlh, sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg)); ifaddr->ifa_family = family; if (mnl_socket_sendto(nl, nlh, nlh->nlmsg_len) < 0) fatal("mnl_socket_sendto"); do { ret = mnl_socket_recvfrom(nl, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret <= MNL_CB_STOP) break; ret = mnl_cb_run(buf, ret, seq, portid, data_cb, cb_data); } while (ret > 0); if (ret == -1) fatal("mnl_cb_run/mnl_socket_recvfrom"); mnl_socket_close(nl); } int data_attr_cb(const struct nlattr *attr, void *data) { const struct nlattr **tb = data; int type = mnl_attr_get_type(attr); /* skip unsupported attribute in user-space */ if (mnl_attr_type_valid(attr, IFA_MAX) < 0) return MNL_CB_OK; switch (type) { case IFA_ADDRESS: if (mnl_attr_validate(attr, MNL_TYPE_BINARY) < 0) { perror("mnl_attr_validate"); return MNL_CB_ERROR; } break; } tb[type] = attr; return MNL_CB_OK; }