path: root/msi-example/build.bat
diff options
authorJason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>2019-09-18 15:15:31 -0600
committerJason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>2019-09-18 15:19:09 -0600
commit736131960fceaa31146915baa1284cc6a10d02a5 (patch)
tree2f6bace02cd4f98cf882f4a5a0967e42529684c8 /msi-example/build.bat
parentStop timestamping test-signed binaries (diff)
msi-example: add instructions and sample code
Diffstat (limited to 'msi-example/build.bat')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/msi-example/build.bat b/msi-example/build.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbf2570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msi-example/build.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+@echo off
+rem SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+rem Copyright (C) 2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
+set PATHEXT=.exe
+set BUILDDIR=%~dp0
+cd /d %BUILDDIR% || exit /b 1
+set WIX_CANDLE_FLAGS=-nologo
+set WIX_LIGHT_FLAGS=-nologo -spdb -sice:ICE71 -sice:ICE61
+if exist .deps\prepared goto :build
+ rmdir /s /q .deps 2> NUL
+ mkdir .deps || goto :error
+ cd .deps || goto :error
+ call :download wintun-x86.msm https://www.wintun.net/builds/wintun-x86-{{{VERSION}}}.msm {{{32BIT HASH}}} || goto :error
+ call :download wintun-amd64.msm https://www.wintun.net/builds/wintun-amd64-{{{VERSION}}}.msm {{{64BIT HASH}}} || goto :error
+ call :download wix-binaries.zip http://wixtoolset.org/downloads/v3.14.0.2812/wix314-binaries.zip 923892298f37514622c58cbbd9c2cadf2822d9bb53df8ee83aaeb05280777611 || goto :error
+ echo [+] Extracting wix-binaries.zip
+ mkdir wix\bin || goto :error
+ tar -xf wix-binaries.zip -C wix\bin || goto :error
+ echo [+] Cleaning up wix-binaries.zip
+ del wix-binaries.zip || goto :error
+ copy /y NUL prepared > NUL || goto :error
+ cd .. || goto :error
+ set WIX=%BUILDDIR%.deps\wix\
+ call :msi x86 i686 x86 || goto :error
+ call :msi amd64 x86_64 x64 || goto :error
+ if exist ..\sign.bat call ..\sign.bat
+ if "%SigningCertificate%"=="" goto :success
+ if "%TimestampServer%"=="" goto :success
+ echo [+] Signing
+ signtool sign /sha1 "%SigningCertificate%" /fd sha256 /tr "%TimestampServer%" /td sha256 /d "ExampleTun Setup" "dist\exampletun-*.msi" || goto :error
+ echo [+] Success.
+ exit /b 0
+ echo [+] Downloading %1
+ curl -#fLo %1 %2 || exit /b 1
+ echo [+] Verifying %1
+ for /f %%a in ('CertUtil -hashfile %1 SHA256 ^| findstr /r "^[0-9a-f]*$"') do if not "%%a"=="%~3" exit /b 1
+ goto :eof
+ if not exist "%~1" mkdir "%~1"
+ echo [+] Compiling %1
+ "%WIX%bin\candle" %WIX_CANDLE_FLAGS% -dEXAMPLETUN_PLATFORM="%~1" -out "%~1\exampletun.wixobj" -arch %3 exampletun.wxs || exit /b %errorlevel%
+ echo [+] Linking %1
+ "%WIX%bin\light" %WIX_LIGHT_FLAGS% -out "dist\exampletun-%~1.msi" "%~1\exampletun.wixobj" || exit /b %errorlevel%
+ goto :eof
+ echo [-] Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
+ cmd /c exit %errorlevel%