/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 * * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Keep these two at bottom in this order, so that we only generate extra GUIDs for devpkey. The other keys we'll get from uuid.lib like usual. */ #include #include #include "adapter.h" #include "logger.h" #include "main.h" #include "namespace.h" #include "nci.h" #include "ntdll.h" #include "registry.h" #include "resource.h" #include "rundll32.h" #include "wintun-inf.h" #pragma warning(disable : 4221) /* nonstandard: address of automatic in initializer */ #define WAIT_FOR_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT 10000 /* ms */ #define MAX_POOL_DEVICE_TYPE (WINTUN_MAX_POOL + 8) /* Should accommodate a pool name with " Tunnel" appended */ static const DEVPROPKEY DEVPKEY_Wintun_Pool = { { 0xaba51201, 0xdf7a, 0x3a38, { 0x0a, 0xd9, 0x90, 0x64, 0x42, 0xd2, 0x71, 0xae } }, DEVPROPID_FIRST_USABLE + 0 }; static const DEVPROPKEY DEVPKEY_Wintun_Name = { { 0x3361c968, 0x2f2e, 0x4660, { 0xb4, 0x7e, 0x69, 0x9c, 0xdc, 0x4c, 0x32, 0xb9 } }, DEVPROPID_FIRST_USABLE + 1 }; typedef struct _SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST { SP_DEVINFO_DATA Data; struct _SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST *Next; } SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST; _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != NULL) _Post_maybenull_ SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W * GetAdapterDrvInfoDetail( _In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_opt_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData, _In_ SP_DRVINFO_DATA_W *DrvInfoData) { DWORD Size = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W) + 0x100; for (;;) { SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W *DrvInfoDetailData = Alloc(Size); if (!DrvInfoDetailData) return NULL; DrvInfoDetailData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W); if (SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, DrvInfoData, DrvInfoDetailData, Size, &Size)) return DrvInfoDetailData; DWORD LastError = GetLastError(); Free(DrvInfoDetailData); if (LastError != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if (DevInfoData) LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed for adapter %u", DevInfoData->DevInst); else LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed"); SetLastError(LastError); return NULL; } } } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != NULL) _Post_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(*BufLen) VOID * GetDeviceRegistryProperty( _In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData, _In_ DWORD Property, _Out_opt_ DWORD *ValueType, _Inout_ DWORD *BufLen) { for (;;) { BYTE *Data = Alloc(*BufLen); if (!Data) return NULL; if (SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, Property, ValueType, Data, *BufLen, BufLen)) return Data; DWORD LastError = GetLastError(); Free(Data); if (LastError != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { SetLastError( LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to query adapter %u property 0x%x", DevInfoData->DevInst, Property)); return NULL; } } } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != NULL) _Post_maybenull_ LPWSTR GetDeviceRegistryString(_In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData, _In_ DWORD Property) { DWORD LastError, ValueType, Size = 256 * sizeof(WCHAR); LPWSTR Buf = GetDeviceRegistryProperty(DevInfo, DevInfoData, Property, &ValueType, &Size); if (!Buf) return NULL; switch (ValueType) { case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: case REG_MULTI_SZ: if (RegistryGetString(&Buf, Size / sizeof(*Buf), ValueType)) return Buf; LastError = GetLastError(); break; default: LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Adapter %u property 0x%x is not a string (type: %u)", DevInfoData->DevInst, Property, ValueType); LastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE; } Free(Buf); SetLastError(LastError); return NULL; } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != NULL) _Post_maybenull_ PZZWSTR GetDeviceRegistryMultiString(_In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData, _In_ DWORD Property) { DWORD LastError, ValueType, Size = 256 * sizeof(WCHAR); PZZWSTR Buf = GetDeviceRegistryProperty(DevInfo, DevInfoData, Property, &ValueType, &Size); if (!Buf) return NULL; switch (ValueType) { case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: case REG_MULTI_SZ: if (RegistryGetMultiString(&Buf, Size / sizeof(*Buf), ValueType)) return Buf; LastError = GetLastError(); break; default: LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Adapter %u property 0x%x is not a string (type: %u)", DevInfoData->DevInst, Property, ValueType); LastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATATYPE; } Free(Buf); SetLastError(LastError); return NULL; } static BOOL IsOurHardwareID(_In_z_ PCZZWSTR Hwids) { for (; Hwids[0]; Hwids += wcslen(Hwids) + 1) if (!_wcsicmp(Hwids, WINTUN_HWID)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static BOOL IsOurAdapter(_In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData) { PZZWSTR Hwids = GetDeviceRegistryMultiString(DevInfo, DevInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID); if (!Hwids) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get adapter %u hardware ID", DevInfoData->DevInst); return FALSE; } BOOL IsOurs = IsOurHardwareID(Hwids); Free(Hwids); return IsOurs; } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != NULL) _Post_maybenull_ LPWSTR GetDeviceObjectFileName(_In_z_ LPCWSTR InstanceId) { ULONG InterfacesLen; DWORD LastError = CM_MapCrToWin32Err( CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW( &InterfacesLen, (GUID *)&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_NET, (DEVINSTID_W)InstanceId, CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT), ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to query adapter %s associated instances size", InstanceId)); return NULL; } LPWSTR Interfaces = AllocArray(InterfacesLen, sizeof(*Interfaces)); if (!Interfaces) return NULL; LastError = CM_MapCrToWin32Err( CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListW( (GUID *)&GUID_DEVINTERFACE_NET, (DEVINSTID_W)InstanceId, Interfaces, InterfacesLen, CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT), ERROR_GEN_FAILURE); if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to get adapter %s associated instances", InstanceId); Free(Interfaces); SetLastError(LastError); return NULL; } if (!Interfaces[0]) { Free(Interfaces); SetLastError(ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE); return NULL; } return Interfaces; } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) HANDLE OpenDeviceObject(_In_z_ LPCWSTR InstanceId) { LPWSTR Filename = GetDeviceObjectFileName(InstanceId); if (!Filename) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE Handle = CreateFileW( Filename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to connect to adapter %s associated instance %s", InstanceId, Filename); Free(Filename); return Handle; } static BOOL EnsureDeviceObject(_In_z_ LPCWSTR InstanceId) { LPWSTR Filename = GetDeviceObjectFileName(InstanceId); if (!Filename) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to determine adapter %s device object", InstanceId); return FALSE; } BOOL Exists = TRUE; const int Attempts = 100; for (int i = 0; i < Attempts; ++i) { HANDLE Handle = CreateFileW(Filename, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (Handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(Handle); goto out; } if (i != Attempts - 1) Sleep(50); } Exists = FALSE; LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to connect to adapter %s associated instance %s", InstanceId, Filename); out: Free(Filename); return Exists; } #define TUN_IOCTL_FORCE_CLOSE_HANDLES CTL_CODE(51820U, 0x971U, METHOD_NEITHER, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA) static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL ForceCloseWintunAdapterHandle(_In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData) { DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD RequiredBytes; if (SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, NULL, 0, &RequiredBytes) || (LastError = GetLastError()) != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to query adapter %u instance ID size", DevInfoData->DevInst); return FALSE; } LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR InstanceId = ZallocArray(RequiredBytes, sizeof(*InstanceId)); if (!InstanceId) return FALSE; if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, InstanceId, RequiredBytes, &RequiredBytes)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get adapter %u instance ID", DevInfoData->DevInst); goto cleanupInstanceId; } HANDLE NdisHandle = OpenDeviceObject(InstanceId); if (NdisHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get adapter %u object", DevInfoData->DevInst); goto cleanupInstanceId; } if (DeviceIoControl(NdisHandle, TUN_IOCTL_FORCE_CLOSE_HANDLES, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &RequiredBytes, NULL)) { LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; Sleep(200); } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOTHING_TO_TERMINATE) LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; else LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to perform ioctl on adapter %u", DevInfoData->DevInst); CloseHandle(NdisHandle); cleanupInstanceId: Free(InstanceId); return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL DisableAllOurAdapters(_In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _Inout_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST **DisabledAdapters) { SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS Params = { .ClassInstallHeader = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER), .InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE }, .StateChange = DICS_DISABLE, .Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL }; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; for (DWORD EnumIndex = 0;; ++EnumIndex) { SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST *DeviceNode = Zalloc(sizeof(*DeviceNode)); if (!DeviceNode) return FALSE; DeviceNode->Data.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); if (!SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(DevInfo, EnumIndex, &DeviceNode->Data)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { Free(DeviceNode); break; } goto cleanupDeviceNode; } if (!IsOurAdapter(DevInfo, &DeviceNode->Data)) goto cleanupDeviceNode; ULONG Status, ProblemCode; if (CM_Get_DevNode_Status(&Status, &ProblemCode, DeviceNode->Data.DevInst, 0) != CR_SUCCESS || ((Status & DN_HAS_PROBLEM) && ProblemCode == CM_PROB_DISABLED)) goto cleanupDeviceNode; LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Force closing all adapter %u open handles", DeviceNode->Data.DevInst); if (!ForceCloseWintunAdapterHandle(DevInfo, &DeviceNode->Data)) LOG(WINTUN_LOG_WARN, L"Failed to force close adapter %u handles", DeviceNode->Data.DevInst); LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Disabling adapter %u", DeviceNode->Data.DevInst); if (!SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW(DevInfo, &DeviceNode->Data, &Params.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(Params)) || !SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE, DevInfo, &DeviceNode->Data)) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to disable adapter %u", DeviceNode->Data.DevInst); LastError = LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ? LastError : GetLastError(); goto cleanupDeviceNode; } DeviceNode->Next = *DisabledAdapters; *DisabledAdapters = DeviceNode; continue; cleanupDeviceNode: Free(DeviceNode); } return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL EnableAllOurAdapters(_In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST *AdaptersToEnable) { SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS Params = { .ClassInstallHeader = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER), .InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE }, .StateChange = DICS_ENABLE, .Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL }; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; for (SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST *DeviceNode = AdaptersToEnable; DeviceNode; DeviceNode = DeviceNode->Next) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Enabling adapter %u", DeviceNode->Data.DevInst); if (!SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW(DevInfo, &DeviceNode->Data, &Params.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(Params)) || !SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE, DevInfo, &DeviceNode->Data)) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to enable adapter %u", DeviceNode->Data.DevInst); LastError = LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ? LastError : GetLastError(); } } return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } static BOOL CheckReboot(_In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData) { SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W DevInstallParams = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W) }; if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, &DevInstallParams)) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to retrieve adapter %u device installation parameters", DevInfoData->DevInst); return FALSE; } SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return (DevInstallParams.Flags & (DI_NEEDREBOOT | DI_NEEDRESTART)) != 0; } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL GetPoolDeviceTypeName(_In_z_ LPCWSTR Pool, _Out_writes_z_(MAX_POOL_DEVICE_TYPE) LPWSTR Name) { if (_snwprintf_s(Name, MAX_POOL_DEVICE_TYPE, _TRUNCATE, L"%s Tunnel", Pool) == -1) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Pool name too long: %s", Pool); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL IsPoolMember(_In_z_ LPCWSTR Pool, _In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData) { WCHAR PoolProp[MAX_POOL_DEVICE_TYPE]; DEVPROPTYPE PropType; if (!SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW( DevInfo, DevInfoData, &DEVPKEY_Wintun_Pool, &PropType, (PBYTE)PoolProp, sizeof(PoolProp), NULL, 0)) return FALSE; if (PropType != DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_DEVICE); return FALSE; } SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return !_wcsicmp(PoolProp, Pool); } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL PopulateAdapterData(_Inout_ WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter, _In_z_ LPCWSTR Pool) { DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; /* Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\\ registry key. */ HKEY Key = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, KEY_QUERY_VALUE); if (Key == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to open adapter %u device registry key", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); return FALSE; } LPWSTR ValueStr = RegistryQueryString(Key, L"NetCfgInstanceId", TRUE); if (!ValueStr) { WCHAR RegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; LoggerGetRegistryKeyPath(Key, RegPath); LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get %.*s\\NetCfgInstanceId", MAX_REG_PATH, RegPath); goto cleanupKey; } if (FAILED(CLSIDFromString(ValueStr, &Adapter->CfgInstanceID))) { WCHAR RegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; LoggerGetRegistryKeyPath(Key, RegPath); LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"%.*s\\NetCfgInstanceId is not a GUID: %s", MAX_REG_PATH, RegPath, ValueStr); Free(ValueStr); goto cleanupKey; } Free(ValueStr); if (!RegistryQueryDWORD(Key, L"NetLuidIndex", &Adapter->LuidIndex, TRUE)) { WCHAR RegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; LoggerGetRegistryKeyPath(Key, RegPath); LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get %.*s\\NetLuidIndex", MAX_REG_PATH, RegPath); goto cleanupKey; } if (!RegistryQueryDWORD(Key, L"*IfType", &Adapter->IfType, TRUE)) { WCHAR RegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; LoggerGetRegistryKeyPath(Key, RegPath); LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get %.*s\\*IfType", MAX_REG_PATH, RegPath); goto cleanupKey; } DWORD Size; if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, Adapter->DevInstanceID, _countof(Adapter->DevInstanceID), &Size)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get adapter %u instance ID", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupKey; } if (wcsncpy_s(Adapter->Pool, _countof(Adapter->Pool), Pool, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Pool name too long: %s", Pool); LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanupKey; } cleanupKey: RegCloseKey(Key); return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } _Use_decl_annotations_ VOID WINAPI WintunFreeAdapter(WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter) { if (!Adapter) return; if (Adapter->DevInfo) SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(Adapter->DevInfo); Free(Adapter); } _Use_decl_annotations_ BOOL WINAPI WintunGetAdapterName(WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter, LPWSTR Name) { DEVPROPTYPE PropType; if (!SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DEVPKEY_Wintun_Name, &PropType, (PBYTE)Name, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME * sizeof(*Name), NULL, 0)) return FALSE; if (PropType != DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING || !*Name) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_DEVICE); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL ConvertInterfaceAliasToGuid(_In_z_ LPCWSTR Name, _Out_ GUID *Guid) { NET_LUID Luid; DWORD LastError = ConvertInterfaceAliasToLuid(Name, &Luid); if (LastError != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed convert interface %s name to the locally unique identifier", Name)); return FALSE; } LastError = ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid(&Luid, Guid); if (LastError != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to convert interface %s LUID (%I64u) to GUID", Name, Luid.Value)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } _Use_decl_annotations_ BOOL WINAPI WintunSetAdapterName(WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter, LPCWSTR Name) { const int MaxSuffix = 1000; WCHAR AvailableName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME]; if (wcsncpy_s(AvailableName, _countof(AvailableName), Name, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Adapter name too long: %s", Name); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } if (!SetupDiSetDevicePropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DEVPKEY_Wintun_Name, DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING, #pragma warning(suppress : 4090) (const BYTE *)Name, (DWORD)((wcslen(Name) + 1) * sizeof(*Name)), 0)) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u name", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); return FALSE; } for (int i = 0;; ++i) { DWORD LastError = NciSetConnectionName(&Adapter->CfgInstanceID, AvailableName); if (LastError == ERROR_DUP_NAME) { GUID Guid2; if (ConvertInterfaceAliasToGuid(AvailableName, &Guid2)) { for (int j = 0; j < MaxSuffix; ++j) { WCHAR Proposal[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME]; if (_snwprintf_s(Proposal, _countof(Proposal), _TRUNCATE, L"%s %d", Name, j + 1) == -1) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Adapter name too long: %s %d", Name, j + 1); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } if (_wcsnicmp(Proposal, AvailableName, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME) == 0) continue; DWORD LastError2 = NciSetConnectionName(&Guid2, Proposal); if (LastError2 == ERROR_DUP_NAME) continue; if (LastError2 == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LastError = NciSetConnectionName(&Adapter->CfgInstanceID, AvailableName); if (LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } break; } } } if (LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) break; if (i >= MaxSuffix || LastError != ERROR_DUP_NAME) { SetLastError(LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to set adapter name")); return FALSE; } if (_snwprintf_s(AvailableName, _countof(AvailableName), _TRUNCATE, L"%s %d", Name, i + 1) == -1) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Adapter name too long: %s %d", Name, i + 1); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } } if (!SetupDiSetDevicePropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DEVPKEY_Wintun_Pool, DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING, #pragma warning(suppress : 4090) (const BYTE *)Adapter->Pool, (DWORD)((wcslen(Adapter->Pool) + 1) * sizeof(*Adapter->Pool)), 0)) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u pool", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); return FALSE; } WCHAR PoolDeviceTypeName[MAX_POOL_DEVICE_TYPE]; if (!GetPoolDeviceTypeName(Adapter->Pool, PoolDeviceTypeName)) return FALSE; if (!SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, (const BYTE *)PoolDeviceTypeName, (DWORD)((wcslen(PoolDeviceTypeName) + 1) * sizeof(*PoolDeviceTypeName)))) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u friendly name", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } _Use_decl_annotations_ WINTUN_ADAPTER_HANDLE WINAPI WintunOpenAdapter(LPCWSTR Pool, LPCWSTR Name) { WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter = Zalloc(sizeof(*Adapter)); if (!Adapter) return FALSE; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE Mutex = NamespaceTakePoolMutex(Pool); if (!Mutex) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to take %s pool mutex", Pool); goto cleanup; } Adapter->DevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevsExW(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (Adapter->DevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get present adapters"); goto cleanupMutex; } Adapter->DevInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(Adapter->DevInfoData); for (DWORD EnumIndex = 0;; ++EnumIndex) { if (!SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(Adapter->DevInfo, EnumIndex, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; continue; } WCHAR Name2[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME]; if (!WintunGetAdapterName(Adapter, Name2)) continue; if (_wcsicmp(Name, Name2)) continue; /* Check the Hardware ID to make sure it's a real Wintun device. */ if (!IsOurAdapter(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Foreign adapter %u named %s exists", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst, Name); LastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; goto cleanupMutex; } if (!IsPoolMember(Pool, Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) { if ((LastError = GetLastError()) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Adapter %u named %s is not a member of %s pool", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst, Name, Pool); LastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; goto cleanupMutex; } else { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get adapter %u pool membership", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupMutex; } } if (!PopulateAdapterData(Adapter, Pool)) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to populate adapter %u data", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupMutex; } if (!EnsureDeviceObject(Adapter->DevInstanceID)) { LastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanupMutex; } /* Our comparison was case-insensitive, and we also might want to reenforce the NCI connection. */ WintunSetAdapterName(Adapter, Name); LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanupMutex; } LastError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; cleanupMutex: NamespaceReleaseMutex(Mutex); cleanup: if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) WintunFreeAdapter(Adapter); return RET_ERROR(Adapter, LastError); } _Use_decl_annotations_ VOID WINAPI WintunGetAdapterLUID(WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter, NET_LUID *Luid) { Luid->Info.Reserved = 0; Luid->Info.NetLuidIndex = Adapter->LuidIndex; Luid->Info.IfType = Adapter->IfType; } _Use_decl_annotations_ HANDLE WINAPI AdapterOpenDeviceObject(const WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter) { return OpenDeviceObject(Adapter->DevInstanceID); } static BOOL IsOurDrvInfoDetail(_In_ const SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W *DrvInfoDetailData) { if (DrvInfoDetailData->CompatIDsOffset > 1 && !_wcsicmp(DrvInfoDetailData->HardwareID, WINTUN_HWID)) return TRUE; if (DrvInfoDetailData->CompatIDsLength && IsOurHardwareID(DrvInfoDetailData->HardwareID + DrvInfoDetailData->CompatIDsOffset)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static BOOL IsNewer( _In_ const FILETIME *DriverDate1, _In_ DWORDLONG DriverVersion1, _In_ const FILETIME *DriverDate2, _In_ DWORDLONG DriverVersion2) { if (DriverDate1->dwHighDateTime > DriverDate2->dwHighDateTime) return TRUE; if (DriverDate1->dwHighDateTime < DriverDate2->dwHighDateTime) return FALSE; if (DriverDate1->dwLowDateTime > DriverDate2->dwLowDateTime) return TRUE; if (DriverDate1->dwLowDateTime < DriverDate2->dwLowDateTime) return FALSE; if (DriverVersion1 > DriverVersion2) return TRUE; if (DriverVersion1 < DriverVersion2) return FALSE; return FALSE; } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL GetTcpipAdapterRegPath(_In_ const WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter, _Out_writes_z_(MAX_REG_PATH) LPWSTR Path) { WCHAR Guid[MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN]; if (_snwprintf_s( Path, MAX_REG_PATH, _TRUNCATE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Adapters\\%.*s", StringFromGUID2(&Adapter->CfgInstanceID, Guid, _countof(Guid)), Guid) == -1) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Registry path too long"); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL GetTcpipInterfaceRegPath(_In_ const WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter, _Out_writes_z_(MAX_REG_PATH) LPWSTR Path) { HKEY TcpipAdapterRegKey; WCHAR TcpipAdapterRegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; if (!GetTcpipAdapterRegPath(Adapter, TcpipAdapterRegPath)) return FALSE; DWORD LastError = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TcpipAdapterRegPath, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &TcpipAdapterRegKey); if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to open registry key %s", TcpipAdapterRegPath)); return FALSE; } LPWSTR Paths = RegistryQueryString(TcpipAdapterRegKey, L"IpConfig", TRUE); if (!Paths) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get %s\\IpConfig", TcpipAdapterRegPath); goto cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey; } if (!Paths[0]) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"%s\\IpConfig is empty", TcpipAdapterRegPath); LastError = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto cleanupPaths; } if (_snwprintf_s(Path, MAX_REG_PATH, _TRUNCATE, L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\%s", Paths) == -1) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Registry path too long: %s", Paths); LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanupPaths; } cleanupPaths: Free(Paths); cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey: RegCloseKey(TcpipAdapterRegKey); return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } static _Return_type_success_(return != 0) DWORD VersionOfFile(_In_z_ LPCWSTR Filename) { DWORD Zero; DWORD Len = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(Filename, &Zero); if (!Len) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to query %s version info size", Filename); return 0; } VOID *VersionInfo = Alloc(Len); if (!VersionInfo) return 0; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS, Version = 0; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *FixedInfo; UINT FixedInfoLen = sizeof(*FixedInfo); if (!GetFileVersionInfoW(Filename, 0, Len, VersionInfo)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get %s version info", Filename); goto out; } if (!VerQueryValueW(VersionInfo, L"\\", &FixedInfo, &FixedInfoLen)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get %s version info root", Filename); goto out; } Version = FixedInfo->dwFileVersionMS; if (!Version) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_WARN, L"Determined version of %s, but was v0.0, so returning failure", Filename); LastError = ERROR_VERSION_PARSE_ERROR; } out: Free(VersionInfo); return RET_ERROR(Version, LastError); } static DWORD WINAPI MaybeGetRunningDriverVersion(BOOL ReturnOneIfRunningInsteadOfVersion) { PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES Modules; ULONG BufferSize = 128 * 1024; for (;;) { Modules = Alloc(BufferSize); if (!Modules) return 0; NTSTATUS Status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation, Modules, BufferSize, &BufferSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; Free(Modules); if (Status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) continue; LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to enumerate drivers (status: 0x%x)", Status); SetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); return 0; } DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS, Version = 0; for (ULONG i = Modules->NumberOfModules; i-- > 0;) { LPCSTR NtPath = (LPCSTR)Modules->Modules[i].FullPathName; if (!_stricmp(&NtPath[Modules->Modules[i].OffsetToFileName], "wintun.sys")) { if (ReturnOneIfRunningInsteadOfVersion) { Version = 1; goto cleanupModules; } WCHAR FilePath[MAX_PATH * 3 + 15]; if (_snwprintf_s(FilePath, _countof(FilePath), _TRUNCATE, L"\\\\?\\GLOBALROOT%S", NtPath) == -1) continue; Version = VersionOfFile(FilePath); if (!Version) LastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanupModules; } } LastError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; cleanupModules: Free(Modules); return RET_ERROR(Version, LastError); } _Use_decl_annotations_ DWORD WINAPI WintunGetRunningDriverVersion(VOID) { return MaybeGetRunningDriverVersion(FALSE); } static BOOL EnsureWintunUnloaded(VOID) { BOOL Loaded; for (int i = 0; (Loaded = MaybeGetRunningDriverVersion(TRUE) != 0) != FALSE && i < 300; ++i) Sleep(50); return !Loaded; } static VOID SelectDriverDeferredCleanup(_In_ HDEVINFO DevInfoExistingAdapters, _In_opt_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST *ExistingAdapters) { if (ExistingAdapters) { EnableAllOurAdapters(DevInfoExistingAdapters, ExistingAdapters); while (ExistingAdapters) { SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST *Next = ExistingAdapters->Next; Free(ExistingAdapters); ExistingAdapters = Next; } } if (DevInfoExistingAdapters != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(DevInfoExistingAdapters); } _Must_inspect_result_ static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL SelectDriver( _In_ HDEVINFO DevInfo, _In_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA *DevInfoData, _Inout_ SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W *DevInstallParams, _Out_ HDEVINFO *DevInfoExistingAdaptersForCleanup, _Out_ SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST **ExistingAdaptersForCleanup) { static const FILETIME OurDriverDate = WINTUN_INF_FILETIME; static const DWORDLONG OurDriverVersion = WINTUN_INF_VERSION; HANDLE DriverInstallationLock = NamespaceTakeDriverInstallationMutex(); if (!DriverInstallationLock) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to take driver installation mutex"); return FALSE; } DWORD LastError; if (!SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(DevInfo, DevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed building adapter %u driver info list", DevInfoData->DevInst); goto cleanupDriverInstallationLock; } BOOL DestroyDriverInfoListOnCleanup = TRUE; FILETIME DriverDate = { 0 }; DWORDLONG DriverVersion = 0; HDEVINFO DevInfoExistingAdapters = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST *ExistingAdapters = NULL; for (DWORD EnumIndex = 0;; ++EnumIndex) { SP_DRVINFO_DATA_W DrvInfoData = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA_W) }; if (!SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER, EnumIndex, &DrvInfoData)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; continue; } SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W *DrvInfoDetailData = GetAdapterDrvInfoDetail(DevInfo, DevInfoData, &DrvInfoData); if (!DrvInfoDetailData) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_WARN, L"Failed getting adapter %u driver info detail", DevInfoData->DevInst); continue; } if (!IsOurDrvInfoDetail(DrvInfoDetailData)) goto next; if (IsNewer(&OurDriverDate, OurDriverVersion, &DrvInfoData.DriverDate, DrvInfoData.DriverVersion)) { if (DevInfoExistingAdapters == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DevInfoExistingAdapters = SetupDiGetClassDevsExW(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (DevInfoExistingAdapters == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get present adapters"); Free(DrvInfoDetailData); goto cleanupExistingAdapters; } _Analysis_assume_(DevInfoExistingAdapters != NULL); DisableAllOurAdapters(DevInfoExistingAdapters, &ExistingAdapters); LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Waiting for existing driver to unload from kernel"); if (!EnsureWintunUnloaded()) LOG(WINTUN_LOG_WARN, L"Failed to unload existing driver, which means a reboot will likely be required"); } LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Removing existing driver %u.%u", (DWORD)((DrvInfoData.DriverVersion & 0xffff000000000000) >> 48), (DWORD)((DrvInfoData.DriverVersion & 0x0000ffff00000000) >> 32)); LPWSTR InfFileName = PathFindFileNameW(DrvInfoDetailData->InfFileName); if (!SetupUninstallOEMInfW(InfFileName, SUOI_FORCEDELETE, NULL)) LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Unable to remove existing driver %s", InfFileName); goto next; } if (!IsNewer(&DrvInfoData.DriverDate, DrvInfoData.DriverVersion, &DriverDate, DriverVersion)) goto next; if (!SetupDiSetSelectedDriverW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, &DrvInfoData)) { LOG_LAST_ERROR( L"Failed to select driver %s for adapter %u", DrvInfoDetailData->InfFileName, DevInfoData->DevInst); goto next; } DriverDate = DrvInfoData.DriverDate; DriverVersion = DrvInfoData.DriverVersion; next: Free(DrvInfoDetailData); } if (DriverVersion) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Using existing driver %u.%u", (DWORD)((DriverVersion & 0xffff000000000000) >> 48), (DWORD)((DriverVersion & 0x0000ffff00000000) >> 32)); LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DestroyDriverInfoListOnCleanup = FALSE; goto cleanupExistingAdapters; } LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Installing driver %u.%u", (DWORD)((OurDriverVersion & 0xffff000000000000) >> 48), (DWORD)((OurDriverVersion & 0x0000ffff00000000) >> 32)); WCHAR RandomTempSubDirectory[MAX_PATH]; if (!ResourceCreateTemporaryDirectory(RandomTempSubDirectory)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to create temporary folder %s", RandomTempSubDirectory); goto cleanupExistingAdapters; } WCHAR CatPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR SysPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR InfPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; WCHAR DownlevelShimPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (!PathCombineW(CatPath, RandomTempSubDirectory, L"wintun.cat") || !PathCombineW(SysPath, RandomTempSubDirectory, L"wintun.sys") || !PathCombineW(InfPath, RandomTempSubDirectory, L"wintun.inf")) { LastError = ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto cleanupDirectory; } LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Extracting driver"); if (!ResourceCopyToFile(CatPath, L"wintun.cat") || !ResourceCopyToFile(SysPath, L"wintun.sys") || !ResourceCopyToFile(InfPath, L"wintun.inf")) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to extract driver"); goto cleanupDelete; } WCHAR *WintrustKeyOriginalValue = NULL; HKEY WintrustKey = NULL; if (!IsWindows10) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Shimming downlevel driver loader"); if (!PathCombineW(DownlevelShimPath, RandomTempSubDirectory, L"downlevelshim.dll")) { DownlevelShimPath[0] = L'\0'; LastError = ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; goto cleanupDelete; } if (!ResourceCopyToFile(DownlevelShimPath, L"downlevelshim.dll")) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to extract downlevel shim"); goto cleanupDelete; } LastError = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\Providers\\Trust\\FinalPolicy\\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, &WintrustKey); if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to open Wintrust FinalPolicy key"); goto cleanupDelete; } WintrustKeyOriginalValue = RegistryQueryString(WintrustKey, L"$DLL", TRUE); if (!WintrustKeyOriginalValue) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to read current Wintrust FinalPolicy key"); goto cleanupWintrustKey; } LastError = RegSetValueExW( WintrustKey, L"$DLL", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)DownlevelShimPath, (DWORD)((wcslen(DownlevelShimPath) + 1) * sizeof(DownlevelShimPath[0]))); if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to set Wintrust FinalPolicy key"); goto cleanupWintrustChangedKey; } } LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Installing driver"); WCHAR InfStorePath[MAX_PATH]; if (!SetupCopyOEMInfW(InfPath, NULL, SPOST_NONE, 0, InfStorePath, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Could not install driver %s to store", InfPath); goto cleanupWintrustChangedKey; } _Analysis_assume_nullterminated_(InfStorePath); SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(DevInfo, DevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER); DestroyDriverInfoListOnCleanup = FALSE; DevInstallParams->Flags |= DI_ENUMSINGLEINF; if (wcsncpy_s(DevInstallParams->DriverPath, _countof(DevInstallParams->DriverPath), InfStorePath, _TRUNCATE) == STRUNCATE) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Inf path too long: %s", InfStorePath); LastError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto cleanupWintrustChangedKey; } if (!SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, DevInstallParams)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u device installation parameters", DevInfoData->DevInst); goto cleanupWintrustChangedKey; } if (!SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(DevInfo, DevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed rebuilding adapter %u driver info list", DevInfoData->DevInst); goto cleanupWintrustChangedKey; } DestroyDriverInfoListOnCleanup = TRUE; SP_DRVINFO_DATA_W DrvInfoData = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA_W) }; if (!SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER, 0, &DrvInfoData)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get adapter %u driver", DevInfoData->DevInst); goto cleanupWintrustChangedKey; } if (!SetupDiSetSelectedDriverW(DevInfo, DevInfoData, &DrvInfoData)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u driver", DevInfoData->DevInst); goto cleanupWintrustChangedKey; } LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DestroyDriverInfoListOnCleanup = FALSE; cleanupWintrustChangedKey: if (WintrustKeyOriginalValue) RegSetValueExW( WintrustKey, L"$DLL", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)WintrustKeyOriginalValue, (DWORD)((wcslen(WintrustKeyOriginalValue) + 1) * sizeof(WintrustKeyOriginalValue[0]))); cleanupWintrustKey: if (WintrustKey) RegCloseKey(WintrustKey); if (WintrustKeyOriginalValue) Free(WintrustKeyOriginalValue); cleanupDelete: DeleteFileW(CatPath); DeleteFileW(SysPath); DeleteFileW(InfPath); if (DownlevelShimPath[0]) DeleteFileW(DownlevelShimPath); cleanupDirectory: RemoveDirectoryW(RandomTempSubDirectory); cleanupExistingAdapters: if (LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *DevInfoExistingAdaptersForCleanup = DevInfoExistingAdapters; *ExistingAdaptersForCleanup = ExistingAdapters; } else SelectDriverDeferredCleanup(DevInfoExistingAdapters, ExistingAdapters); if (DestroyDriverInfoListOnCleanup) SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(DevInfo, DevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER); cleanupDriverInstallationLock: NamespaceReleaseMutex(DriverInstallationLock); return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } _Use_decl_annotations_ WINTUN_ADAPTER * AdapterOpenFromDevInstanceId(LPCWSTR Pool, LPCWSTR DevInstanceID) { WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter = Zalloc(sizeof(*Adapter)); if (!Adapter) return FALSE; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE Mutex = NamespaceTakePoolMutex(Pool); if (!Mutex) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to take %s pool mutex", Pool); goto cleanup; } Adapter->DevInfo = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExW(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (Adapter->DevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get present adapters"); goto cleanupMutex; } Adapter->DevInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(Adapter->DevInfoData); if (!SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoW(Adapter->DevInfo, DevInstanceID, NULL, 0, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to open device instance ID %s", DevInstanceID); goto cleanupMutex; } if (!PopulateAdapterData(Adapter, Pool)) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to populate adapter %u data", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupMutex; } cleanupMutex: NamespaceReleaseMutex(Mutex); cleanup: if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) WintunFreeAdapter(Adapter); return RET_ERROR(Adapter, LastError); } _Use_decl_annotations_ WINTUN_ADAPTER_HANDLE WINAPI WintunCreateAdapter(LPCWSTR Pool, LPCWSTR Name, const GUID *RequestedGUID, BOOL *RebootRequired) { BOOL DummyRebootRequired; if (!RebootRequired) RebootRequired = &DummyRebootRequired; *RebootRequired = FALSE; #ifdef MAYBE_WOW64 if (NativeMachine != IMAGE_FILE_PROCESS) return CreateAdapterViaRundll32(Pool, Name, RequestedGUID, RebootRequired); #endif DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Creating adapter"); if (!IsWindows10) RequestedGUID = NULL; WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter = Zalloc(sizeof(*Adapter)); if (!Adapter) return NULL; Adapter->DevInfo = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExW(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (Adapter->DevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to create empty device information set"); goto cleanupAdapter; } WCHAR ClassName[MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN]; if (!SetupDiClassNameFromGuidExW(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, ClassName, _countof(ClassName), NULL, NULL, NULL)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to retrieve class name associated with class GUID"); goto cleanupAdapter; } WCHAR PoolDeviceTypeName[MAX_POOL_DEVICE_TYPE]; if (!GetPoolDeviceTypeName(Pool, PoolDeviceTypeName)) { LastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanupAdapter; } Adapter->DevInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(Adapter->DevInfoData); if (!SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoW( Adapter->DevInfo, ClassName, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, PoolDeviceTypeName, NULL, DICD_GENERATE_ID, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to create new device information element"); goto cleanupAdapter; } SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W DevInstallParams = { .cbSize = sizeof(DevInstallParams) }; if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DevInstallParams)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR( L"Failed to retrieve adapter %u device installation parameters", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupAdapter; } DevInstallParams.Flags |= DI_QUIETINSTALL; if (!SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DevInstallParams)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u device installation parameters", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupAdapter; } if (!SetupDiSetSelectedDevice(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to select adapter %u device", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupAdapter; } static const WCHAR Hwids[_countof(WINTUN_HWID) + 1 /*Multi-string terminator*/] = WINTUN_HWID; if (!SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, (const BYTE *)Hwids, sizeof(Hwids))) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u hardware ID", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupAdapter; } HDEVINFO DevInfoExistingAdapters; SP_DEVINFO_DATA_LIST *ExistingAdapters; if (!SelectDriver( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DevInstallParams, &DevInfoExistingAdapters, &ExistingAdapters)) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to select adapter %u driver", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupAdapter; } HANDLE Mutex = NamespaceTakePoolMutex(Pool); if (!Mutex) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to take %s pool mutex", Pool); goto cleanupDriverInfoList; } if (!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REGISTERDEVICE, Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to register adapter %u device", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupDevice; } if (!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS, Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to register adapter %u coinstallers", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); HKEY NetDevRegKey = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; const int PollTimeout = 50 /* ms */; for (int i = 0; NetDevRegKey == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && i < WAIT_FOR_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT / PollTimeout; ++i) { if (i) Sleep(PollTimeout); NetDevRegKey = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_NOTIFY); } if (NetDevRegKey == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to open adapter %u device-specific registry key", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupDevice; } if (RequestedGUID) { LastError = RegSetValueExW( NetDevRegKey, L"SuggestedInstanceId", 0, REG_BINARY, (const BYTE *)RequestedGUID, sizeof(*RequestedGUID)); if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WCHAR RegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; LoggerGetRegistryKeyPath(NetDevRegKey, RegPath); LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to set %.*s\\SuggestedInstanceId", MAX_REG_PATH, RegPath); goto cleanupNetDevRegKey; } } if (!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES, Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to install adapter %u interfaces", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); if (!SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_INSTALLDEVICE, Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to install adapter %u device", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupNetDevRegKey; } *RebootRequired = *RebootRequired || CheckReboot(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData); if (!SetupDiSetDevicePropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DEVPKEY_Wintun_Pool, DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING, #pragma warning(suppress : 4090) (const BYTE *)Pool, (DWORD)((wcslen(Pool) + 1) * sizeof(*Pool)), 0)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u pool", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupNetDevRegKey; } if (!SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, (const BYTE *)PoolDeviceTypeName, (DWORD)((wcslen(PoolDeviceTypeName) + 1) * sizeof(*PoolDeviceTypeName)))) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u description", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupNetDevRegKey; } /* DIF_INSTALLDEVICE returns almost immediately, while the device installation continues in the background. It might * take a while, before all registry keys and values are populated. */ LPWSTR DummyStr = RegistryQueryStringWait(NetDevRegKey, L"NetCfgInstanceId", WAIT_FOR_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT); if (!DummyStr) { WCHAR RegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; LoggerGetRegistryKeyPath(NetDevRegKey, RegPath); LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get %.*s\\NetCfgInstanceId", MAX_REG_PATH, RegPath); goto cleanupNetDevRegKey; } Free(DummyStr); DWORD DummyDWORD; if (!RegistryQueryDWORDWait(NetDevRegKey, L"NetLuidIndex", WAIT_FOR_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT, &DummyDWORD)) { WCHAR RegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; LoggerGetRegistryKeyPath(NetDevRegKey, RegPath); LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get %.*s\\NetLuidIndex", MAX_REG_PATH, RegPath); goto cleanupNetDevRegKey; } if (!RegistryQueryDWORDWait(NetDevRegKey, L"*IfType", WAIT_FOR_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT, &DummyDWORD)) { WCHAR RegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; LoggerGetRegistryKeyPath(NetDevRegKey, RegPath); LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get %.*s\\*IfType", MAX_REG_PATH, RegPath); goto cleanupNetDevRegKey; } if (!PopulateAdapterData(Adapter, Pool)) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to populate adapter %u data", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupNetDevRegKey; } HKEY TcpipAdapterRegKey; WCHAR TcpipAdapterRegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; if (!GetTcpipAdapterRegPath(Adapter, TcpipAdapterRegPath)) { LastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanupAdapter; } TcpipAdapterRegKey = RegistryOpenKeyWait( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TcpipAdapterRegPath, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_NOTIFY, WAIT_FOR_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT); if (!TcpipAdapterRegKey) { LastError = LOG( WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to open adapter-specific TCP/IP interface registry key %s", TcpipAdapterRegPath); goto cleanupAdapter; } DummyStr = RegistryQueryStringWait(TcpipAdapterRegKey, L"IpConfig", WAIT_FOR_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT); if (!DummyStr) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to get %s\\IpConfig", TcpipAdapterRegPath); goto cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey; } Free(DummyStr); WCHAR TcpipInterfaceRegPath[MAX_REG_PATH]; if (!GetTcpipInterfaceRegPath(Adapter, TcpipInterfaceRegPath)) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to determine interface-specific TCP/IP network registry key path"); goto cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey; } for (int Tries = 0; Tries < 300; ++Tries) { HKEY TcpipInterfaceRegKey = RegistryOpenKeyWait( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TcpipInterfaceRegPath, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, WAIT_FOR_REGISTRY_TIMEOUT); if (!TcpipInterfaceRegKey) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to open interface-specific TCP/IP network registry key %s", TcpipInterfaceRegPath); goto cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey; } static const DWORD EnableDeadGWDetect = 0; LastError = RegSetKeyValueW( TcpipInterfaceRegKey, NULL, L"EnableDeadGWDetect", REG_DWORD, &EnableDeadGWDetect, sizeof(EnableDeadGWDetect)); RegCloseKey(TcpipInterfaceRegKey); if (LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) break; if (LastError != ERROR_TRANSACTION_NOT_ACTIVE) { LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to set %s\\EnableDeadGWDetect", TcpipInterfaceRegPath); goto cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey; } Sleep(10); } if (!WintunSetAdapterName(Adapter, Name)) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to set adapter name %s", Name); goto cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey; } for (int Tries = 0; Tries < 1000; ++Tries) { DEVPROPTYPE PropertyType; NTSTATUS ProblemStatus; if (SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DEVPKEY_Device_ProblemStatus, &PropertyType, (PBYTE)&ProblemStatus, sizeof(ProblemStatus), NULL, 0) && PropertyType == DEVPROP_TYPE_NTSTATUS) { if (ProblemStatus != STATUS_PNP_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_PENDING || Tries == 999) { INT32 ProblemCode; if (!SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DEVPKEY_Device_ProblemCode, &PropertyType, (PBYTE)&ProblemCode, sizeof(ProblemCode), NULL, 0) || PropertyType != DEVPROP_TYPE_INT32) ProblemCode = 0; LastError = RtlNtStatusToDosError(ProblemStatus); if (LastError == ERROR_SUCCESS) LastError = ERROR_NOT_READY; LOG_ERROR(LastError, L"Failed to setup adapter (code: 0x%x, status: 0x%x)", ProblemCode, ProblemStatus); goto cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey; } Sleep(10); } else break; } if (!EnsureDeviceObject(Adapter->DevInstanceID)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Device object file did not appear"); goto cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey; } LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanupTcpipAdapterRegKey: RegCloseKey(TcpipAdapterRegKey); cleanupNetDevRegKey: RegCloseKey(NetDevRegKey); cleanupDevice: if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS RemoveDeviceParams = { .ClassInstallHeader = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER), .InstallFunction = DIF_REMOVE }, .Scope = DI_REMOVEDEVICE_GLOBAL }; if (SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &RemoveDeviceParams.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(RemoveDeviceParams)) && SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REMOVE, Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) *RebootRequired = *RebootRequired || CheckReboot(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData); } NamespaceReleaseMutex(Mutex); cleanupDriverInfoList: SelectDriverDeferredCleanup(DevInfoExistingAdapters, ExistingAdapters); SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER); cleanupAdapter: if (LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) WintunFreeAdapter(Adapter); return RET_ERROR(Adapter, LastError); } _Use_decl_annotations_ BOOL WINAPI WintunDeleteAdapter(WINTUN_ADAPTER *Adapter, BOOL ForceCloseSessions, BOOL *RebootRequired) { BOOL DummyRebootRequired; if (!RebootRequired) RebootRequired = &DummyRebootRequired; *RebootRequired = FALSE; #ifdef MAYBE_WOW64 if (NativeMachine != IMAGE_FILE_PROCESS) return DeleteAdapterViaRundll32(Adapter, ForceCloseSessions, RebootRequired); #endif DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE Mutex = NamespaceTakePoolMutex(Adapter->Pool); if (!Mutex) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to take %s pool mutex", Adapter->Pool); goto cleanup; } SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W DevInstallParams = { .cbSize = sizeof(DevInstallParams) }; if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DevInstallParams)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR( L"Failed to retrieve adapter %u device installation parameters", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupMutex; } DevInstallParams.Flags |= DI_QUIETINSTALL; if (!SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &DevInstallParams)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to set adapter %u device installation parameters", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); goto cleanupMutex; } if (ForceCloseSessions && !ForceCloseWintunAdapterHandle(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) LOG(WINTUN_LOG_WARN, L"Failed to force close adapter %u handles", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS Params = { .ClassInstallHeader = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER), .InstallFunction = DIF_REMOVE }, .Scope = DI_REMOVEDEVICE_GLOBAL }; if ((!SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW( Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData, &Params.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(Params)) || !SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REMOVE, Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData)) && GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST) LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to remove adapter %u", Adapter->DevInfoData.DevInst); *RebootRequired = *RebootRequired || CheckReboot(Adapter->DevInfo, &Adapter->DevInfoData); cleanupMutex: NamespaceReleaseMutex(Mutex); cleanup: return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } static _Return_type_success_(return != FALSE) BOOL DeleteAllOurAdapters(_In_z_ LPCWSTR Pool, _Inout_ BOOL *RebootRequired) { HANDLE Mutex = NamespaceTakePoolMutex(Pool); if (!Mutex) { LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to take %s pool mutex", Pool); return FALSE; } DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; HDEVINFO DevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevsExW(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (DevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get present adapters"); goto cleanupMutex; } SP_REMOVEDEVICE_PARAMS Params = { .ClassInstallHeader = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER), .InstallFunction = DIF_REMOVE }, .Scope = DI_REMOVEDEVICE_GLOBAL }; for (DWORD EnumIndex = 0;; ++EnumIndex) { SP_DEVINFO_DATA DevInfoData = { .cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA) }; if (!SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(DevInfo, EnumIndex, &DevInfoData)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; continue; } if (!IsOurAdapter(DevInfo, &DevInfoData) || !IsPoolMember(Pool, DevInfo, &DevInfoData)) continue; LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Force closing all adapter %u open handles", DevInfoData.DevInst); if (!ForceCloseWintunAdapterHandle(DevInfo, &DevInfoData)) LOG(WINTUN_LOG_WARN, L"Failed to force close adapter %u handles", DevInfoData.DevInst); LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Removing adapter %u", DevInfoData.DevInst); if ((!SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW(DevInfo, &DevInfoData, &Params.ClassInstallHeader, sizeof(Params)) || !SetupDiCallClassInstaller(DIF_REMOVE, DevInfo, &DevInfoData)) && GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to remove adapter %u", DevInfoData.DevInst); LastError = LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ? LastError : GetLastError(); } *RebootRequired = *RebootRequired || CheckReboot(DevInfo, &DevInfoData); } SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(DevInfo); cleanupMutex: NamespaceReleaseMutex(Mutex); return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } _Use_decl_annotations_ BOOL WINAPI WintunDeletePoolDriver(LPCWSTR Pool, BOOL *RebootRequired) { BOOL DummyRebootRequired; if (!RebootRequired) RebootRequired = &DummyRebootRequired; *RebootRequired = FALSE; DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; #ifdef MAYBE_WOW64 if (NativeMachine != IMAGE_FILE_PROCESS) { LastError = DeletePoolDriverViaRundll32(Pool, RebootRequired) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } #endif if (!DeleteAllOurAdapters(Pool, RebootRequired)) { LastError = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } HANDLE DriverInstallationLock = NamespaceTakeDriverInstallationMutex(); if (!DriverInstallationLock) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to take driver installation mutex"); goto cleanup; } HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet = SetupDiGetClassDevsW(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, 0); if (!DeviceInfoSet) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get adapter information"); goto cleanupDriverInstallationLock; } if (!SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(DeviceInfoSet, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER)) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed building driver info list"); goto cleanupDeviceInfoSet; } for (DWORD EnumIndex = 0;; ++EnumIndex) { SP_DRVINFO_DATA_W DriverInfo = { .cbSize = sizeof(DriverInfo) }; if (!SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW(DeviceInfoSet, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER, EnumIndex, &DriverInfo)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; continue; } SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W *DriverDetail = GetAdapterDrvInfoDetail(DeviceInfoSet, NULL, &DriverInfo); if (!DriverDetail) continue; if (!_wcsicmp(DriverDetail->HardwareID, WINTUN_HWID)) { LPCWSTR Path = PathFindFileNameW(DriverDetail->InfFileName); LOG(WINTUN_LOG_INFO, L"Removing driver %s", Path); if (!SetupUninstallOEMInfW(Path, 0, NULL)) { LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Unable to remove driver %s", Path); LastError = LastError != ERROR_SUCCESS ? LastError : GetLastError(); } } Free(DriverDetail); } SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(DeviceInfoSet, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER); cleanupDeviceInfoSet: SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(DeviceInfoSet); cleanupDriverInstallationLock: NamespaceReleaseMutex(DriverInstallationLock); cleanup: return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); } _Use_decl_annotations_ BOOL WINAPI WintunEnumAdapters(LPCWSTR Pool, WINTUN_ENUM_CALLBACK Func, LPARAM Param) { DWORD LastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE Mutex = NamespaceTakePoolMutex(Pool); if (!Mutex) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to take %s pool mutex", Pool); goto cleanup; } HDEVINFO DevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevsExW(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (DevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LastError = LOG_LAST_ERROR(L"Failed to get present adapters"); goto cleanupMutex; } BOOL Continue = TRUE; for (DWORD EnumIndex = 0; Continue; ++EnumIndex) { WINTUN_ADAPTER Adapter = { .DevInfo = DevInfo, .DevInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(Adapter.DevInfoData) }; if (!SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(DevInfo, EnumIndex, &Adapter.DevInfoData)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; continue; } if (!IsOurAdapter(DevInfo, &Adapter.DevInfoData) || !IsPoolMember(Pool, DevInfo, &Adapter.DevInfoData)) continue; if (!PopulateAdapterData(&Adapter, Pool)) { LastError = LOG(WINTUN_LOG_ERR, L"Failed to populate adapter %u data", Adapter.DevInfoData.DevInst); break; } Continue = Func(&Adapter, Param); } SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(DevInfo); cleanupMutex: NamespaceReleaseMutex(Mutex); cleanup: return RET_ERROR(TRUE, LastError); }