/* * Copyright © 2014 Jerzy Chalupski * Copyright © 2018 Jason A. Donenfeld . All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ package com.wireguard.android.widget.fab; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.graphics.*; import android.graphics.Paint.Style; import android.graphics.Shader.TileMode; import android.graphics.drawable.*; import android.graphics.drawable.ShapeDrawable.ShaderFactory; import android.graphics.drawable.shapes.OvalShape; import android.support.annotation.*; import android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatImageButton; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.widget.TextView; import com.wireguard.android.R; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; public class FloatingActionButton extends AppCompatImageButton { public static final int SIZE_NORMAL = 0; public static final int SIZE_MINI = 1; int mColorNormal; int mColorPressed; int mColorDisabled; String mTitle; boolean mStrokeVisible; @DrawableRes private int mIcon; private Drawable mIconDrawable; private int mSize; private float mCircleSize; private float mShadowRadius; private float mShadowOffset; private int mDrawableSize; public FloatingActionButton(final Context context) { this(context, null); } public FloatingActionButton(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(context, attrs); } public FloatingActionButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); init(context, attrs); } void init(final Context context, final AttributeSet attributeSet) { final TypedArray attr = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.FloatingActionButton, 0, 0); mColorNormal = attr.getColor(R.styleable.FloatingActionButton_fab_colorNormal, getColor(android.R.color.holo_blue_dark)); mColorPressed = attr.getColor(R.styleable.FloatingActionButton_fab_colorPressed, getColor(android.R.color.holo_blue_light)); mColorDisabled = attr.getColor(R.styleable.FloatingActionButton_fab_colorDisabled, getColor(android.R.color.darker_gray)); mSize = attr.getInt(R.styleable.FloatingActionButton_fab_size, SIZE_NORMAL); mIcon = attr.getResourceId(R.styleable.FloatingActionButton_fab_icon, 0); mTitle = attr.getString(R.styleable.FloatingActionButton_fab_title); mStrokeVisible = attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.FloatingActionButton_fab_stroke_visible, true); attr.recycle(); updateCircleSize(); mShadowRadius = getDimension(R.dimen.fab_shadow_radius); mShadowOffset = getDimension(R.dimen.fab_shadow_offset); updateDrawableSize(); updateBackground(); } private void updateDrawableSize() { mDrawableSize = (int) (mCircleSize + 2 * mShadowRadius); } private void updateCircleSize() { mCircleSize = getDimension(mSize == SIZE_NORMAL ? R.dimen.fab_size_normal : R.dimen.fab_size_mini); } @FAB_SIZE public int getSize() { return mSize; } public void setSize(@FAB_SIZE final int size) { if (size != SIZE_MINI && size != SIZE_NORMAL) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Use @FAB_SIZE constants only!"); } if (mSize != size) { mSize = size; updateCircleSize(); updateDrawableSize(); updateBackground(); } } public void setIcon(@DrawableRes final int icon) { if (mIcon != icon) { mIcon = icon; mIconDrawable = null; updateBackground(); } } /** * @return the current Color for normal state. */ public int getColorNormal() { return mColorNormal; } public void setColorNormal(final int color) { if (mColorNormal != color) { mColorNormal = color; updateBackground(); } } public void setColorNormalResId(@ColorRes final int colorNormal) { setColorNormal(getColor(colorNormal)); } /** * @return the current color for pressed state. */ public int getColorPressed() { return mColorPressed; } public void setColorPressed(final int color) { if (mColorPressed != color) { mColorPressed = color; updateBackground(); } } public void setColorPressedResId(@ColorRes final int colorPressed) { setColorPressed(getColor(colorPressed)); } /** * @return the current color for disabled state. */ public int getColorDisabled() { return mColorDisabled; } public void setColorDisabled(final int color) { if (mColorDisabled != color) { mColorDisabled = color; updateBackground(); } } public void setColorDisabledResId(@ColorRes final int colorDisabled) { setColorDisabled(getColor(colorDisabled)); } public boolean isStrokeVisible() { return mStrokeVisible; } public void setStrokeVisible(final boolean visible) { if (mStrokeVisible != visible) { mStrokeVisible = visible; updateBackground(); } } int getColor(@ColorRes final int id) { return getResources().getColor(id); } float getDimension(@DimenRes final int id) { return getResources().getDimension(id); } TextView getLabelView() { return (TextView) getTag(R.id.fab_label); } public String getTitle() { return mTitle; } public void setTitle(final String title) { mTitle = title; final TextView label = getLabelView(); if (label != null) { label.setText(title); } } @Override protected void onMeasure(final int widthMeasureSpec, final int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); setMeasuredDimension(mDrawableSize, mDrawableSize); } void updateBackground() { final float strokeWidth = getDimension(R.dimen.fab_stroke_width); final float halfStrokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2f; final LayerDrawable layerDrawable = new LayerDrawable( new Drawable[]{ getResources().getDrawable(mSize == SIZE_NORMAL ? R.drawable.fab_bg_normal : R.drawable.fab_bg_mini, null), createFillDrawable(strokeWidth), createOuterStrokeDrawable(strokeWidth), getIconDrawable() }); final int iconOffset = (int) (mCircleSize - getDimension(R.dimen.fab_icon_size)) / 2; final int circleInsetHorizontal = (int) (mShadowRadius); final int circleInsetTop = (int) (mShadowRadius - mShadowOffset); final int circleInsetBottom = (int) (mShadowRadius + mShadowOffset); layerDrawable.setLayerInset(1, circleInsetHorizontal, circleInsetTop, circleInsetHorizontal, circleInsetBottom); layerDrawable.setLayerInset(2, (int) (circleInsetHorizontal - halfStrokeWidth), (int) (circleInsetTop - halfStrokeWidth), (int) (circleInsetHorizontal - halfStrokeWidth), (int) (circleInsetBottom - halfStrokeWidth)); layerDrawable.setLayerInset(3, circleInsetHorizontal + iconOffset, circleInsetTop + iconOffset, circleInsetHorizontal + iconOffset, circleInsetBottom + iconOffset); setBackground(layerDrawable); } Drawable getIconDrawable() { if (mIconDrawable != null) { return mIconDrawable; } else if (mIcon != 0) { return getResources().getDrawable(mIcon, null); } else { return new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT); } } public void setIconDrawable(@NonNull final Drawable iconDrawable) { if (mIconDrawable != iconDrawable) { mIcon = 0; mIconDrawable = iconDrawable; updateBackground(); } } private StateListDrawable createFillDrawable(final float strokeWidth) { final StateListDrawable drawable = new StateListDrawable(); drawable.addState(new int[]{-android.R.attr.state_enabled}, createCircleDrawable(mColorDisabled, strokeWidth)); drawable.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed}, createCircleDrawable(mColorPressed, strokeWidth)); drawable.addState(new int[]{}, createCircleDrawable(mColorNormal, strokeWidth)); return drawable; } private Drawable createCircleDrawable(final int color, final float strokeWidth) { final int alpha = Color.alpha(color); final int opaqueColor = opaque(color); final ShapeDrawable fillDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new OvalShape()); final Paint paint = fillDrawable.getPaint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setColor(opaqueColor); final Drawable[] layers = { fillDrawable, createInnerStrokesDrawable(opaqueColor, strokeWidth) }; final LayerDrawable drawable = alpha == 255 || !mStrokeVisible ? new LayerDrawable(layers) : new TranslucentLayerDrawable(alpha, layers); final int halfStrokeWidth = (int) (strokeWidth / 2f); drawable.setLayerInset(1, halfStrokeWidth, halfStrokeWidth, halfStrokeWidth, halfStrokeWidth); return drawable; } private Drawable createOuterStrokeDrawable(final float strokeWidth) { final ShapeDrawable shapeDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new OvalShape()); final Paint paint = shapeDrawable.getPaint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); paint.setAlpha(opacityToAlpha(0.02f)); return shapeDrawable; } private int opacityToAlpha(final float opacity) { return (int) (255f * opacity); } private int darkenColor(final int argb) { return adjustColorBrightness(argb, 0.9f); } private int lightenColor(final int argb) { return adjustColorBrightness(argb, 1.1f); } private int adjustColorBrightness(final int argb, final float factor) { final float[] hsv = new float[3]; Color.colorToHSV(argb, hsv); hsv[2] = Math.min(hsv[2] * factor, 1f); return Color.HSVToColor(Color.alpha(argb), hsv); } private int halfTransparent(final int argb) { return Color.argb( Color.alpha(argb) / 2, Color.red(argb), Color.green(argb), Color.blue(argb) ); } private int opaque(final int argb) { return Color.rgb( Color.red(argb), Color.green(argb), Color.blue(argb) ); } private Drawable createInnerStrokesDrawable(final int color, final float strokeWidth) { if (!mStrokeVisible) { return new ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT); } final ShapeDrawable shapeDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new OvalShape()); final int bottomStrokeColor = darkenColor(color); final int bottomStrokeColorHalfTransparent = halfTransparent(bottomStrokeColor); final int topStrokeColor = lightenColor(color); final int topStrokeColorHalfTransparent = halfTransparent(topStrokeColor); final Paint paint = shapeDrawable.getPaint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); shapeDrawable.setShaderFactory(new ShaderFactory() { @Override public Shader resize(int width, int height) { return new LinearGradient(width / 2, 0, width / 2, height, new int[]{topStrokeColor, topStrokeColorHalfTransparent, color, bottomStrokeColorHalfTransparent, bottomStrokeColor}, new float[]{0f, 0.2f, 0.5f, 0.8f, 1f}, TileMode.CLAMP ); } }); return shapeDrawable; } @Override public void setVisibility(final int visibility) { final TextView label = getLabelView(); if (label != null) { label.setVisibility(visibility); } super.setVisibility(visibility); } @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({SIZE_NORMAL, SIZE_MINI}) public @interface FAB_SIZE { } private static class TranslucentLayerDrawable extends LayerDrawable { private final int mAlpha; public TranslucentLayerDrawable(final int alpha, final Drawable... layers) { super(layers); mAlpha = alpha; } @Override public void draw(final Canvas canvas) { final Rect bounds = getBounds(); canvas.saveLayerAlpha(bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.right, bounds.bottom, mAlpha); super.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } } }