%d configuration selected %d configurations selected Add New WireGuard configuration Add peer Addresses Allowed IPs WireGuard Delete Disabled DNS servers Edit Enabled Endpoint Error bringing down WireGuard tunnel Missing wg(8) and/or wg-quick(8) in PATH Error bringing up WireGuard tunnel Generate (auto) (generated) (optional) (random) Interface Import Listen port MTU Name WireGuard Not Supported Your Android device does not currently support the WireGuard kernel module. Please talk to the manufacturer of your Android device or the author of your device\'s ROM about supporting the WireGuard kernel module.

Fortunately, the WireGuard development team is currently in the process of implementing support for WireGuard in a way that will work on all Android devices. This means that while you may not be able to use WireGuard today, in several weeks, things may very well be available for you.

Peer Persistent keepalive No configuration selected Pre-shared key Quick tile configuration This configuration will be controlled by the quick settings tile Private key Public key Public key copied to clipboard WireGuard public key Restore on boot Restore previously enabled configurations on boot Save Settings Status Toggle