/* * Copyright © 2017-2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ package com.wireguard.android.configStore import android.content.Context import android.util.Log import com.wireguard.android.R import com.wireguard.config.BadConfigException import com.wireguard.config.Config import java.io.File import java.io.FileInputStream import java.io.FileNotFoundException import java.io.FileOutputStream import java.io.IOException import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets /** * Configuration store that uses a `wg-quick`-style file for each configured tunnel. */ class FileConfigStore(private val context: Context) : ConfigStore { @Throws(IOException::class) override fun create(name: String, config: Config): Config { Log.d(TAG, "Creating configuration for tunnel $name") val file = fileFor(name) if (!file.createNewFile()) throw IOException(context.getString(R.string.config_file_exists_error, file.name)) FileOutputStream(file, false).use { it.write(config.toWgQuickString().toByteArray(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } return config } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun delete(name: String) { Log.d(TAG, "Deleting configuration for tunnel $name") val file = fileFor(name) if (!file.delete()) throw IOException(context.getString(R.string.config_delete_error, file.name)) } override fun enumerate(): Set { return context.fileList() .filter { it.endsWith(".conf") } .map { it.substring(0, it.length - ".conf".length) } .toSet() } private fun fileFor(name: String): File { return File(context.filesDir, "$name.conf") } @Throws(BadConfigException::class, IOException::class) override fun load(name: String): Config { FileInputStream(fileFor(name)).use { stream -> return Config.parse(stream) } } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun rename(name: String, replacement: String) { Log.d(TAG, "Renaming configuration for tunnel $name to $replacement") val file = fileFor(name) val replacementFile = fileFor(replacement) if (!replacementFile.createNewFile()) throw IOException(context.getString(R.string.config_exists_error, replacement)) if (!file.renameTo(replacementFile)) { if (!replacementFile.delete()) Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't delete marker file for new name $replacement") throw IOException(context.getString(R.string.config_rename_error, file.name)) } } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun save(name: String, config: Config): Config { Log.d(TAG, "Saving configuration for tunnel $name") val file = fileFor(name) if (!file.isFile) throw FileNotFoundException(context.getString(R.string.config_not_found_error, file.name)) FileOutputStream(file, false).use { stream -> stream.write(config.toWgQuickString().toByteArray(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } return config } companion object { private const val TAG = "WireGuard/FileConfigStore" } }