path: root/WireGuard/WireGuard/ConfigFile/WgQuickConfigFileParser.swift
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diff --git a/WireGuard/WireGuard/ConfigFile/WgQuickConfigFileParser.swift b/WireGuard/WireGuard/ConfigFile/WgQuickConfigFileParser.swift
index 515cd3e..138ca62 100644
--- a/WireGuard/WireGuard/ConfigFile/WgQuickConfigFileParser.swift
+++ b/WireGuard/WireGuard/ConfigFile/WgQuickConfigFileParser.swift
@@ -21,83 +21,16 @@ class WgQuickConfigFileParser {
static func parse(_ text: String, name: String) throws -> TunnelConfiguration {
- func collate(interfaceAttributes attributes: [String: String]) -> InterfaceConfiguration? {
- // required wg fields
- guard let privateKeyString = attributes["privatekey"] else { return nil }
- guard let privateKey = Data(base64Encoded: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else { return nil }
- var interface = InterfaceConfiguration(name: name, privateKey: privateKey)
- // other wg fields
- if let listenPortString = attributes["listenport"] {
- guard let listenPort = UInt16(listenPortString) else { return nil }
- interface.listenPort = listenPort
- }
- // wg-quick fields
- if let addressesString = attributes["address"] {
- var addresses: [IPAddressRange] = []
- for addressString in addressesString.split(separator: ",") {
- let trimmedString = addressString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
- guard let address = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
- addresses.append(address)
- }
- interface.addresses = addresses
- }
- if let dnsString = attributes["dns"] {
- var dnsServers: [DNSServer] = []
- for dnsServerString in dnsString.split(separator: ",") {
- let trimmedString = dnsServerString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
- guard let dnsServer = DNSServer(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
- dnsServers.append(dnsServer)
- }
- interface.dns = dnsServers
- }
- if let mtuString = attributes["mtu"] {
- guard let mtu = UInt16(mtuString) else { return nil }
- interface.mtu = mtu
- }
- return interface
- }
- func collate(peerAttributes attributes: [String: String]) -> PeerConfiguration? {
- // required wg fields
- guard let publicKeyString = attributes["publickey"] else { return nil }
- guard let publicKey = Data(base64Encoded: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else { return nil }
- var peer = PeerConfiguration(publicKey: publicKey)
- // wg fields
- if let preSharedKeyString = attributes["presharedkey"] {
- guard let preSharedKey = Data(base64Encoded: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else { return nil }
- peer.preSharedKey = preSharedKey
- }
- if let allowedIPsString = attributes["allowedips"] {
- var allowedIPs: [IPAddressRange] = []
- for allowedIPString in allowedIPsString.split(separator: ",") {
- let trimmedString = allowedIPString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
- guard let allowedIP = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
- allowedIPs.append(allowedIP)
- }
- peer.allowedIPs = allowedIPs
- }
- if let endpointString = attributes["endpoint"] {
- guard let endpoint = Endpoint(from: endpointString) else { return nil }
- peer.endpoint = endpoint
- }
- if let persistentKeepAliveString = attributes["persistentkeepalive"] {
- guard let persistentKeepAlive = UInt16(persistentKeepAliveString) else { return nil }
- peer.persistentKeepAlive = persistentKeepAlive
- }
- return peer
- }
var interfaceConfiguration: InterfaceConfiguration?
- var peerConfigurations: [PeerConfiguration] = []
+ var peerConfigurations = [PeerConfiguration]()
let lines = text.split(separator: "\n")
- var parserState: ParserState = .notInASection
- var attributes: [String: String] = [:]
+ var parserState = ParserState.notInASection
+ var attributes = [String: String]()
for (lineIndex, line) in lines.enumerated() {
var trimmedLine: String
if let commentRange = line.range(of: "#") {
@@ -127,12 +60,12 @@ class WgQuickConfigFileParser {
- let isLastLine: Bool = (lineIndex == lines.count - 1)
+ let isLastLine = (lineIndex == lines.count - 1)
if isLastLine || lowercasedLine == "[interface]" || lowercasedLine == "[peer]" {
// Previous section has ended; process the attributes collected so far
if parserState == .inInterfaceSection {
- guard let interface = collate(interfaceAttributes: attributes) else { throw ParseError.invalidInterface }
+ guard let interface = collate(interfaceAttributes: attributes, name: name) else { throw ParseError.invalidInterface }
guard interfaceConfiguration == nil else { throw ParseError.multipleInterfaces }
interfaceConfiguration = interface
} else if parserState == .inPeerSection {
@@ -163,4 +96,71 @@ class WgQuickConfigFileParser {
throw ParseError.noInterface
+ private static func collate(interfaceAttributes attributes: [String: String], name: String) -> InterfaceConfiguration? {
+ // required wg fields
+ guard let privateKeyString = attributes["privatekey"] else { return nil }
+ guard let privateKey = Data(base64Encoded: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else { return nil }
+ var interface = InterfaceConfiguration(name: name, privateKey: privateKey)
+ // other wg fields
+ if let listenPortString = attributes["listenport"] {
+ guard let listenPort = UInt16(listenPortString) else { return nil }
+ interface.listenPort = listenPort
+ }
+ // wg-quick fields
+ if let addressesString = attributes["address"] {
+ var addresses: [IPAddressRange] = []
+ for addressString in addressesString.split(separator: ",") {
+ let trimmedString = addressString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
+ guard let address = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
+ addresses.append(address)
+ }
+ interface.addresses = addresses
+ }
+ if let dnsString = attributes["dns"] {
+ var dnsServers: [DNSServer] = []
+ for dnsServerString in dnsString.split(separator: ",") {
+ let trimmedString = dnsServerString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
+ guard let dnsServer = DNSServer(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
+ dnsServers.append(dnsServer)
+ }
+ interface.dns = dnsServers
+ }
+ if let mtuString = attributes["mtu"] {
+ guard let mtu = UInt16(mtuString) else { return nil }
+ interface.mtu = mtu
+ }
+ return interface
+ }
+ private static func collate(peerAttributes attributes: [String: String]) -> PeerConfiguration? {
+ // required wg fields
+ guard let publicKeyString = attributes["publickey"] else { return nil }
+ guard let publicKey = Data(base64Encoded: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else { return nil }
+ var peer = PeerConfiguration(publicKey: publicKey)
+ // wg fields
+ if let preSharedKeyString = attributes["presharedkey"] {
+ guard let preSharedKey = Data(base64Encoded: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else { return nil }
+ peer.preSharedKey = preSharedKey
+ }
+ if let allowedIPsString = attributes["allowedips"] {
+ var allowedIPs: [IPAddressRange] = []
+ for allowedIPString in allowedIPsString.split(separator: ",") {
+ let trimmedString = allowedIPString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
+ guard let allowedIP = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
+ allowedIPs.append(allowedIP)
+ }
+ peer.allowedIPs = allowedIPs
+ }
+ if let endpointString = attributes["endpoint"] {
+ guard let endpoint = Endpoint(from: endpointString) else { return nil }
+ peer.endpoint = endpoint
+ }
+ if let persistentKeepAliveString = attributes["persistentkeepalive"] {
+ guard let persistentKeepAlive = UInt16(persistentKeepAliveString) else { return nil }
+ peer.persistentKeepAlive = persistentKeepAlive
+ }
+ return peer
+ }