// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright © 2018 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. import os.log class Logger { static var logPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer? static func configure(withFilePath filePath: String) -> Bool { let logPtr = filePath.withCString { filePathCStr -> UnsafeMutablePointer? in return open_log(filePathCStr) } Logger.logPtr = logPtr return (logPtr != nil) } static func writeLog(mergedWith otherLogFile: String, to targetFile: String) -> Bool { let otherlogPtr = otherLogFile.withCString { otherLogFileCStr -> UnsafeMutablePointer? in return open_log(otherLogFileCStr) } if let thisLogPtr = Logger.logPtr, let otherlogPtr = otherlogPtr { return targetFile.withCString { targetFileCStr -> Bool in let returnValue = write_logs_to_file(targetFileCStr, thisLogPtr, otherlogPtr) return (returnValue == 0) } } return false } } func wg_log(_ type: OSLogType, staticMessage msg: StaticString) { // Write to os log os_log(msg, log: OSLog.default, type: type) // Write to file log let msgString: String = msg.withUTF8Buffer { (ptr: UnsafeBufferPointer) -> String in return String(decoding: ptr, as: UTF8.self) } file_log(type: type, message: msgString) } func wg_log(_ type: OSLogType, message msg: String) { // Write to os log os_log("%{public}s", log: OSLog.default, type: type, msg) // Write to file log file_log(type: type, message: msg) } private func file_log(type: OSLogType, message: String) { message.withCString { messageCStr in if let logPtr = Logger.logPtr { write_msg_to_log(logPtr, messageCStr) } } }