#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jason A. Donenfeld . All Rights Reserved. # # This requires iperf3, bash, and wireguard-tools. set -e exec 3>&1 export LANG=C export WG_HIDE_KEYS=never pretty() { echo -e "\x1b[32m\x1b[1m[+] ${1:+J$1: }${2}\x1b[0m" >&3; } pp() { pretty "" "$*"; "$@"; } maybe_exec() { if [[ $BASHPID -eq $$ ]]; then "$@"; else exec "$@"; fi; } je() { local jid="$1"; shift; pretty "$jid" "$*"; maybe_exec jexec "$jid" "$@"; } j0() { je "$jid0" "$@"; } j1() { je "$jid1" "$@"; } j2() { je "$jid2" "$@"; } ifconfig0() { j0 ifconfig "$@"; } ifconfig1() { j1 ifconfig "$@"; } ifconfig2() { j2 ifconfig "$@"; } waitiperf() { pretty "$1" "wait for iperf:${3:-5201} pid $2"; jexec "$1" bash -c "while ! sockstat -ql -P tcp -p '${3:-5201}' | grep -Eq 'iperf3[[:space:]]+$2[[:space:]]'; do sleep 0.1; done;"; } cleanup() { set +e exec 2>/dev/null for i in 0 1 2; do ifconfig$i wg1 destroy ifconfig$i wg2 destroy done pp jail -r $jid0 # Should take care of children exit } trap cleanup EXIT key1="$(pp wg genkey)" key2="$(pp wg genkey)" pub1="$(pp wg pubkey <<<"$key1")" pub2="$(pp wg pubkey <<<"$key2")" psk="$(pp wg genpsk)" [[ -n $key1 && -n $key2 && -n $pub1 && -n $pub2 && -n $psk ]] jid0="$(pp jail -ic path=/ vnet=new children.max=2 persist)" jid1="$(j0 jail -ic path=/ vnet=new persist)" jid2="$(j0 jail -ic path=/ vnet=new persist)" ifconfig0 lo0 ifconfig0 lo0 inet6 ::1/128 ifconfig0 lo0 up ifconfig0 wg1 create ifconfig0 wg1 debug ifconfig0 wg1 vnet $jid1 ifconfig0 wg2 create ifconfig0 wg2 debug ifconfig0 wg2 vnet $jid2 configure_peers() { ifconfig1 wg1 inet ifconfig1 wg1 inet6 fd00::1/112 up ifconfig2 wg2 inet ifconfig2 wg2 inet6 fd00::2/112 up j1 wg set wg1 \ private-key <(echo "$key1") \ listen-port 1 \ peer "$pub2" \ preshared-key <(echo "$psk") \ allowed-ips,fd00::2/128 j2 wg set wg2 \ private-key <(echo "$key2") \ listen-port 2 \ peer "$pub1" \ preshared-key <(echo "$psk") \ allowed-ips,fd00::1/128 } configure_peers tests() { # Ping over IPv4 j2 ping -c 10 -f -W 1 j1 ping -c 10 -f -W 1 # Ping over IPv6 j2 ping6 -c 10 -f -W 1 fd00::1 j1 ping6 -c 10 -f -W 1 fd00::2 # TCP over IPv4 j2 iperf3 -s -1 -B & waitiperf $jid2 $! j1 iperf3 -Z -t 3 -c # TCP over IPv6 j1 iperf3 -s -1 -B fd00::1 & waitiperf $jid1 $! j2 iperf3 -Z -t 3 -c fd00::1 # UDP over IPv4 j1 iperf3 -s -1 -B & waitiperf $jid1 $! j2 iperf3 -Z -t 3 -b 0 -u -c # UDP over IPv6 j2 iperf3 -s -1 -B fd00::2 & waitiperf $jid2 $! j1 iperf3 -Z -t 3 -b 0 -u -c fd00::2 # TCP over IPv4, in parallel for max in 4 5 50; do local pids=( ) for ((i=0; i < max; ++i)) do j2 iperf3 -p $(( 5200 + i )) -s -1 -B & pids+=( $! ); waitiperf $jid2 $! $(( 5200 + i )) done for ((i=0; i < max; ++i)) do j1 iperf3 -Z -t 3 -p $(( 5200 + i )) -c & done wait "${pids[@]}" done } [[ $(ifconfig1 wg1) =~ mtu\ ([0-9]+) ]] && orig_mtu="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" big_mtu=$(( 16384 - 1500 + $orig_mtu )) # Test using IPv4 as outer transport ifconfig1 wg1 mtu $orig_mtu ifconfig2 wg2 mtu $orig_mtu j1 wg set wg1 peer "$pub2" endpoint j2 wg set wg2 peer "$pub1" endpoint tests ifconfig1 wg1 mtu $big_mtu ifconfig2 wg2 mtu $big_mtu tests # Test using IPv6 as outer transport ifconfig1 wg1 mtu $orig_mtu ifconfig2 wg2 mtu $orig_mtu j1 wg set wg1 peer "$pub2" endpoint [::1]:2 j2 wg set wg2 peer "$pub1" endpoint [::1]:1 tests ifconfig1 wg1 mtu $big_mtu ifconfig2 wg2 mtu $big_mtu tests