/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package device import ( "bufio" "bytes" "encoding/binary" "io" "net" "os" "strings" "testing" "time" "golang.zx2c4.com/wireguard/tun" ) func TestTwoDevicePing(t *testing.T) { // TODO(crawshaw): pick unused ports on localhost cfg1 := `private_key=481eb0d8113a4a5da532d2c3e9c14b53c8454b34ab109676f6b58c2245e37b58 listen_port=53511 replace_peers=true public_key=f70dbb6b1b92a1dde1c783b297016af3f572fef13b0abb16a2623d89a58e9725 protocol_version=1 replace_allowed_ips=true allowed_ip= endpoint=` tun1 := NewChannelTUN() dev1 := NewDevice(tun1.TUN(), NewLogger(LogLevelDebug, "dev1: ")) dev1.Up() defer dev1.Close() if err := dev1.IpcSetOperation(bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(cfg1))); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } cfg2 := `private_key=98c7989b1661a0d64fd6af3502000f87716b7c4bbcf00d04fc6073aa7b539768 listen_port=53512 replace_peers=true public_key=49e80929259cebdda4f322d6d2b1a6fad819d603acd26fd5d845e7a123036427 protocol_version=1 replace_allowed_ips=true allowed_ip= endpoint=` tun2 := NewChannelTUN() dev2 := NewDevice(tun2.TUN(), NewLogger(LogLevelDebug, "dev2: ")) dev2.Up() defer dev2.Close() if err := dev2.IpcSetOperation(bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(cfg2))); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } t.Run("ping", func(t *testing.T) { msg2to1 := ping(net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP("")) tun2.Outbound <- msg2to1 select { case msgRecv := <-tun1.Inbound: if !bytes.Equal(msg2to1, msgRecv) { t.Error("ping did not transit correctly") } case <-time.After(300 * time.Millisecond): t.Error("ping did not transit") } }) t.Run("ping", func(t *testing.T) { msg1to2 := ping(net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP("")) tun1.Outbound <- msg1to2 select { case msgRecv := <-tun2.Inbound: if !bytes.Equal(msg1to2, msgRecv) { t.Error("return ping did not transit correctly") } case <-time.After(300 * time.Millisecond): t.Error("return ping did not transit") } }) } func ping(dst, src net.IP) []byte { localPort := uint16(1337) seq := uint16(0) payload := make([]byte, 4) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(payload[0:], localPort) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(payload[2:], seq) return genICMPv4(payload, dst, src) } // checksum is the "internet checksum" from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1071. func checksum(buf []byte, initial uint16) uint16 { v := uint32(initial) for i := 0; i < len(buf)-1; i += 2 { v += uint32(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(buf[i:])) } if len(buf)%2 == 1 { v += uint32(buf[len(buf)-1]) << 8 } for v > 0xffff { v = (v >> 16) + (v & 0xffff) } return ^uint16(v) } func genICMPv4(payload []byte, dst, src net.IP) []byte { const ( icmpv4ProtocolNumber = 1 icmpv4Echo = 8 icmpv4ChecksumOffset = 2 icmpv4Size = 8 ipv4Size = 20 ipv4TotalLenOffset = 2 ipv4ChecksumOffset = 10 ttl = 65 ) hdr := make([]byte, ipv4Size+icmpv4Size) ip := hdr[0:ipv4Size] icmpv4 := hdr[ipv4Size : ipv4Size+icmpv4Size] // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc792 icmpv4[0] = icmpv4Echo // type icmpv4[1] = 0 // code chksum := ^checksum(icmpv4, checksum(payload, 0)) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(icmpv4[icmpv4ChecksumOffset:], chksum) // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc760 section 3.1 length := uint16(len(hdr) + len(payload)) ip[0] = (4 << 4) | (ipv4Size / 4) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(ip[ipv4TotalLenOffset:], length) ip[8] = ttl ip[9] = icmpv4ProtocolNumber copy(ip[12:], src.To4()) copy(ip[16:], dst.To4()) chksum = ^checksum(ip[:], 0) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(ip[ipv4ChecksumOffset:], chksum) var v []byte v = append(v, hdr...) v = append(v, payload...) return []byte(v) } // TODO(crawshaw): find a reusable home for this. package devicetest? type ChannelTUN struct { Inbound chan []byte // incoming packets, closed on TUN close Outbound chan []byte // outbound packets, blocks forever on TUN close closed chan struct{} events chan tun.Event tun chTun } func NewChannelTUN() *ChannelTUN { c := &ChannelTUN{ Inbound: make(chan []byte), Outbound: make(chan []byte), closed: make(chan struct{}), events: make(chan tun.Event, 1), } c.tun.c = c c.events <- tun.EventUp return c } func (c *ChannelTUN) TUN() tun.Device { return &c.tun } type chTun struct { c *ChannelTUN } func (t *chTun) File() *os.File { return nil } func (t *chTun) Read(data []byte, offset int) (int, error) { select { case <-t.c.closed: return 0, io.EOF // TODO(crawshaw): what is the correct error value? case msg := <-t.c.Outbound: return copy(data[offset:], msg), nil } } // Write is called by the wireguard device to deliver a packet for routing. func (t *chTun) Write(data []byte, offset int) (int, error) { if offset == -1 { close(t.c.closed) close(t.c.events) return 0, io.EOF } msg := make([]byte, len(data)-offset) copy(msg, data[offset:]) select { case <-t.c.closed: return 0, io.EOF // TODO(crawshaw): what is the correct error value? case t.c.Inbound <- msg: return len(data) - offset, nil } } func (t *chTun) Flush() error { return nil } func (t *chTun) MTU() (int, error) { return DefaultMTU, nil } func (t *chTun) Name() (string, error) { return "loopbackTun1", nil } func (t *chTun) Events() chan tun.Event { return t.c.events } func (t *chTun) Close() error { t.Write(nil, -1) return nil } func assertNil(t *testing.T, err error) { if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func assertEqual(t *testing.T, a, b []byte) { if !bytes.Equal(a, b) { t.Fatal(a, "!=", b) } } func randDevice(t *testing.T) *Device { sk, err := newPrivateKey() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } tun := newDummyTUN("dummy") logger := NewLogger(LogLevelError, "") device := NewDevice(tun, logger) device.SetPrivateKey(sk) return device }