path: root/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/PacketQueue.hs
diff options
authorBin Jin <bjin@ctrl-d.org>2017-03-16 00:26:40 +0800
committerBin Jin <bjin@ctrl-d.org>2017-03-16 00:26:40 +0800
commit72ce5a8715976ec5eccedab0552fc7d9233903c1 (patch)
treeb88f568383bdd1c20b0e3ed7a1df0da12e939596 /src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/PacketQueue.hs
parentDisable multi-threading for now (diff)
remove STM packet queue
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/PacketQueue.hs b/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/PacketQueue.hs
index bc390f8..2840a73 100644
--- a/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/PacketQueue.hs
+++ b/src/Network/WireGuard/Internal/PacketQueue.hs
@@ -1,49 +1,20 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.WireGuard.Internal.PacketQueue
( PacketQueue
, newPacketQueue
, popPacketQueue
, pushPacketQueue
- , tryPushPacketQueue
+ , module Control.Concurrent.Chan
) where
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-data PacketQueue packet = PacketQueue
- { tqueue :: TQueue packet
- , allowance :: TVar Int
- }
--- | Create a new PacketQueue with size limit of |maxQueuedPackets|.
-newPacketQueue :: Int -> STM (PacketQueue packet)
-newPacketQueue maxQueuedPackets = PacketQueue <$> newTQueue <*> newTVar maxQueuedPackets
+import Control.Concurrent.Chan
--- | Pop a packet out from the queue, blocks if no packet is available.
-popPacketQueue :: PacketQueue packet -> STM packet
-popPacketQueue PacketQueue{..} = do
- packet <- readTQueue tqueue
- modifyTVar' allowance (+1)
- return packet
+type PacketQueue packet = Chan packet
--- | Push a packet into the queue. Blocks if it's full.
-pushPacketQueue :: PacketQueue packet -> packet -> STM ()
-pushPacketQueue PacketQueue{..} packet = do
- allowance' <- readTVar allowance
- if allowance' <= 0
- then retry
- else do
- writeTQueue tqueue packet
- writeTVar allowance (allowance' - 1)
+newPacketQueue :: IO (PacketQueue packet)
+newPacketQueue = newChan
--- | Try to push a packet into the queue. Returns True if it's pushed.
-tryPushPacketQueue :: PacketQueue packet -> packet -> STM Bool
-tryPushPacketQueue PacketQueue{..} packet = do
- allowance' <- readTVar allowance
- if allowance' <= 0
- then return False
- else do
- writeTQueue tqueue packet
- writeTVar allowance (allowance' - 1)
- return True
+popPacketQueue :: PacketQueue packet -> IO packet
+popPacketQueue = readChan
+pushPacketQueue :: PacketQueue packet -> packet -> IO ()
+pushPacketQueue = writeChan