path: root/src/Network/WireGuard
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diff --git a/src/Network/WireGuard/RPC.hs b/src/Network/WireGuard/RPC.hs
index 76f5d63..73d9e7a 100644
--- a/src/Network/WireGuard/RPC.hs
+++ b/src/Network/WireGuard/RPC.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.WireGuard.RPC
- ( runRPC,
- serveConduit
+ ( OpType(..),
+ RpcRequest(..),
+ runRPC,
+ serveConduit,
+ bytesToPair,
+ showDevice,
+ showPeer
) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM, atomically,
@@ -16,22 +21,27 @@ import qualified Crypto.Noise.DH as DH (dhPubToBytes, dhSecT
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA (convert)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString, concat,
- replicate)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as CL (pack)
-import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB (sinkStorable, take)
+ replicate, empty, pack)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as CL (unpack)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (pack, singleton, map)
+import Data.Char (toLower)
+import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB (sinkStorable, sinkLbs)
import Data.Conduit.Network.Unix (appSink, appSource,
-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM (size, delete,
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM (HashMap(..), size, delete,
lookup, insert,
- empty)
+ empty, fromList,
+ foldrWithKey, elems)
+import Data.Hex (hex)
import Data.Int (Int32)
-import Data.List (genericLength)
+import Data.List (foldl', genericLength)
import Foreign.C.Types (CTime (..))
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.Conduit (ConduitM, (.|),
- yield, runConduit)
+ yield, runConduit,
+ toConsumer)
import Data.IP (IPRange(..), addrRangePair,
toHostAddress, toHostAddress6,
fromHostAddress, makeAddrRange,
@@ -51,74 +61,84 @@ import Network.WireGuard.Internal.Types (PrivateKey, PublicKe
PresharedKey, KeyPair)
import Network.WireGuard.Internal.Util (catchIOExceptionAnd)
+-- | Kind of client operation.
+-- See <https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/#configuration-protocol> for more informations.
+data OpType = Get | Set
+-- | Request wrapper. The payload is set only for Set operations.
+-- See <https://www.wireguard.com/xplatform/#configuration-protocol> for more informations.
+data RpcRequest = RpcRequest {
+ opType :: OpType,
+ payload :: BS.ByteString
-- | Run RPC service over a unix socket
runRPC :: FilePath -> Device -> IO ()
runRPC sockPath device = runUnixServer (serverSettings sockPath) $ \app ->
- catchIOExceptionAnd (return ()) $ runConduit (appSource app .| serveConduit device .| appSink app)
+ catchIOExceptionAnd (return ()) $
+ runConduit (appSource app .| serveConduit device .| appSink app)
-- TODO: ensure that all bytestring over sockets will be erased
serveConduit :: Device -> ConduitM BS.ByteString BS.ByteString IO ()
serveConduit device = do
- line <- CB.take 5
- case () of _
- | isGet line -> showDevice device
- | isSet line -> undefined
- | otherwise -> mempty
+ request <- CL.unpack <$> toConsumer CB.sinkLbs
+ if request /= ""
+ then routeRequest request
+ else yield mempty
--returnError = yield $ writeConfig (-invalidValueError)
- isGet = (== CL.pack "get=1")
- isSet = (== CL.pack "set=1")
- showDevice Device{..} = do
- (wgdevice, peers') <- liftIO buildWgDevice
- yield (writeConfig wgdevice)
- mapM_ showPeer peers'
- where
- buildWgDevice = atomically $ do
- localKey' <- readTVar localKey
- let (pub, priv) = case localKey' of
- Nothing -> (emptyKey, emptyKey)
- Just (sec, pub') -> (pubToBytes pub', privToBytes sec)
- psk' <- fmap pskToBytes <$> readTVar presharedKey
- fwmark' <- fromIntegral <$> readTVar fwmark
- port' <- fromIntegral <$> readTVar port
- peers' <- readTVar peers
- return (WgDevice intfName 0 pub priv (fromMaybe emptyKey psk')
- fwmark' port' (fromIntegral $ HM.size peers'), peers')
- showPeer Peer{..} = do
- (wgpeer, ipmasks') <- liftIO buildWgPeer
- yield (writeConfig wgpeer)
- yield $ BS.concat (map (writeConfig . ipRangeToWgIpmask) ipmasks')
- where
- extractTime Nothing = 0
- extractTime (Just (CTime t)) = fromIntegral t
- buildWgPeer = atomically $ do
- ipmasks' <- readTVar ipmasks
- wgpeer <- WgPeer (pubToBytes remotePub)
- <$> return 0
- <*> readTVar endPoint
- <*> (extractTime <$> readTVar lastHandshakeTime)
- <*> (fromIntegral <$> readTVar receivedBytes)
- <*> (fromIntegral <$> readTVar transferredBytes)
- <*> (fromIntegral <$> readTVar keepaliveInterval)
- <*> return (genericLength ipmasks')
- return (wgpeer, ipmasks')
- updateDevice wgdevice = do
- setPeerMs <- replicateM (fromIntegral $ deviceNumPeers wgdevice) $ do
- Just wgpeer <- CB.sinkStorable
- -- TODO: replace fromJust
- ipranges <- replicateM (fromIntegral $ peerNumIpmasks wgpeer)
- (wgIpmaskToIpRange . fromJust <$> CB.sinkStorable)
- return $ setPeer device wgpeer ipranges
- liftIO $ atomically $ do
- setDevice device wgdevice
- anyIpMaskChanged <- or <$> sequence setPeerMs
- -- TODO: modify routetable incrementally
- when anyIpMaskChanged $ buildRouteTables device
- yield $ writeConfig (0 :: Int32)
+ isGet = (== "get=1")
+ isSet = (== "set=1")
+ routeRequest req = do
+ let line = head $ lines req
+ case () of _
+ | isGet line -> do
+ deviceBstr <- liftIO . atomically $ showDevice device
+ yield deviceBstr
+ | otherwise -> yield mempty
+showDevice :: Device -> STM BS.ByteString
+showDevice device@Device{..} = do
+ listen_port <- BC.pack . show <$> readTVar port
+ fwmark <- BC.pack . show <$> readTVar fwmark
+ private_key <- fmap (toLowerBs . hex . privToBytes . fst) <$> readTVar localKey
+ let devHm = [("private_key", private_key),
+ ("listen_port", Just listen_port),
+ ("fwmark", Just fwmark)]
+ let devBs = serializeRpcKeyValue devHm
+ peers <- readTVar peers
+ peersBstrList <- mapM showPeer $ HM.elems peers
+ return . BS.concat $ (devBs : peersBstrList ++ [BC.singleton '\n'])
+showPeer :: Peer -> STM BS.ByteString
+showPeer Peer{..} = do
+ let hm = HM.empty
+ let public_key = toLowerBs . hex $ pubToBytes remotePub
+ endpoint <- readTVar endPoint
+ persistant_keepalive_interval <- readTVar keepaliveInterval
+ allowed_ip <- readTVar ipmasks
+ rx_bytes <- readTVar receivedBytes
+ tx_bytes <- readTVar transferredBytes
+ last_handshake_time <- readTVar lastHandshakeTime
+ let peer = [("public_key", Just public_key),
+ ("endpoint", BC.pack . show <$> endpoint),
+ ("persistant_keepalive_interval", Just . BC.pack . show $ persistant_keepalive_interval),
+ ("rx_bytes", Just . BC.pack . show $ rx_bytes),
+ ("tx_bytes", Just . BC.pack . show $ tx_bytes),
+ ("last_handshake_time", BC.pack . show <$> last_handshake_time)
+ ] ++ expandAllowedIps (Just . BC.pack . show <$> allowed_ip)
+ return $ serializeRpcKeyValue peer
+ where
+ expandAllowedIps = foldr (\val acc -> ("allowed_ip", val):acc) []
+serializeRpcKeyValue :: [(String, Maybe BS.ByteString)] -> BS.ByteString
+serializeRpcKeyValue = foldl' showKeyValueLine BS.empty
+ where
+ showKeyValueLine acc (key, Just val) = BS.concat [acc, BC.pack key, BC.singleton '=', val, BC.singleton '\n']
+ showKeyValueLine acc (_, Nothing) = acc
-- | implementation of config.c::set_peer()
setPeer :: Device -> WgPeer -> [IPRange] -> STM Bool
@@ -201,3 +221,6 @@ bytesToPub = DH.dhBytesToPub . BA.convert
bytesToPSK :: BS.ByteString -> PresharedKey
bytesToPSK = BA.convert
+toLowerBs :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
+toLowerBs = BC.map toLower