#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Test ipv6 stats on the incoming if when forwarding with VRF ALL_TESTS=" ipv6_ping ipv6_in_too_big_err ipv6_in_hdr_err ipv6_in_addr_err ipv6_in_discard " NUM_NETIFS=4 source lib.sh require_command $TROUTE6 h1_create() { simple_if_init $h1 2001:1:1::2/64 ip -6 route add vrf v$h1 2001:1:2::/64 via 2001:1:1::1 } h1_destroy() { ip -6 route del vrf v$h1 2001:1:2::/64 via 2001:1:1::1 simple_if_fini $h1 2001:1:1::2/64 } router_create() { vrf_create router __simple_if_init $rtr1 router 2001:1:1::1/64 __simple_if_init $rtr2 router 2001:1:2::1/64 mtu_set $rtr2 1280 } router_destroy() { mtu_restore $rtr2 __simple_if_fini $rtr2 2001:1:2::1/64 __simple_if_fini $rtr1 2001:1:1::1/64 vrf_destroy router } h2_create() { simple_if_init $h2 2001:1:2::2/64 ip -6 route add vrf v$h2 2001:1:1::/64 via 2001:1:2::1 mtu_set $h2 1280 } h2_destroy() { mtu_restore $h2 ip -6 route del vrf v$h2 2001:1:1::/64 via 2001:1:2::1 simple_if_fini $h2 2001:1:2::2/64 } setup_prepare() { h1=${NETIFS[p1]} rtr1=${NETIFS[p2]} rtr2=${NETIFS[p3]} h2=${NETIFS[p4]} vrf_prepare h1_create router_create h2_create forwarding_enable } cleanup() { pre_cleanup forwarding_restore h2_destroy router_destroy h1_destroy vrf_cleanup } ipv6_in_too_big_err() { RET=0 local t0=$(ipv6_stats_get $rtr1 Ip6InTooBigErrors) local vrf_name=$(master_name_get $h1) # Send too big packets ip vrf exec $vrf_name \ $PING6 -s 1300 2001:1:2::2 -c 1 -w $PING_TIMEOUT &> /dev/null local t1=$(ipv6_stats_get $rtr1 Ip6InTooBigErrors) test "$((t1 - t0))" -ne 0 check_err $? log_test "Ip6InTooBigErrors" } ipv6_in_hdr_err() { RET=0 local t0=$(ipv6_stats_get $rtr1 Ip6InHdrErrors) local vrf_name=$(master_name_get $h1) # Send packets with hop limit 1, easiest with traceroute6 as some ping6 # doesn't allow hop limit to be specified ip vrf exec $vrf_name \ $TROUTE6 2001:1:2::2 &> /dev/null local t1=$(ipv6_stats_get $rtr1 Ip6InHdrErrors) test "$((t1 - t0))" -ne 0 check_err $? log_test "Ip6InHdrErrors" } ipv6_in_addr_err() { RET=0 local t0=$(ipv6_stats_get $rtr1 Ip6InAddrErrors) local vrf_name=$(master_name_get $h1) # Disable forwarding temporary while sending the packet sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=0 ip vrf exec $vrf_name \ $PING6 2001:1:2::2 -c 1 -w $PING_TIMEOUT &> /dev/null sysctl -qw net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 local t1=$(ipv6_stats_get $rtr1 Ip6InAddrErrors) test "$((t1 - t0))" -ne 0 check_err $? log_test "Ip6InAddrErrors" } ipv6_in_discard() { RET=0 local t0=$(ipv6_stats_get $rtr1 Ip6InDiscards) local vrf_name=$(master_name_get $h1) # Add a policy to discard ip xfrm policy add dst 2001:1:2::2/128 dir fwd action block ip vrf exec $vrf_name \ $PING6 2001:1:2::2 -c 1 -w $PING_TIMEOUT &> /dev/null ip xfrm policy del dst 2001:1:2::2/128 dir fwd local t1=$(ipv6_stats_get $rtr1 Ip6InDiscards) test "$((t1 - t0))" -ne 0 check_err $? log_test "Ip6InDiscards" } ipv6_ping() { RET=0 ping6_test $h1 2001:1:2::2 } trap cleanup EXIT setup_prepare setup_wait tests_run exit $EXIT_STATUS