path: root/contrib/external-tests/haskell/src/Main.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/external-tests/haskell/src/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/external-tests/haskell/src/Main.hs b/contrib/external-tests/haskell/src/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0b7503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/external-tests/haskell/src/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+module Main where
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import Crypto.Hash.BLAKE2.BLAKE2s (hash)
+import Data.ByteArray (ScrubbedBytes, convert)
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString, replicate, take, drop)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import qualified Data.Serialize as S
+import Network.Socket
+import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as NBS
+import Prelude hiding (replicate, take, drop)
+import Crypto.Noise
+import Crypto.Noise.Cipher
+import Crypto.Noise.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305
+import Crypto.Noise.DH
+import Crypto.Noise.DH.Curve25519
+import Crypto.Noise.HandshakePatterns (noiseIKpsk2)
+import Crypto.Noise.Hash hiding (hash)
+import Crypto.Noise.Hash.BLAKE2s
+import Data.Time.TAI64
+sampleICMPRequest :: ByteString
+sampleICMPRequest = fst . B16.decode $
+ "450000250000000014018f5b0abd81020abd810108001bfa039901b6576972654775617264"
+validateICMPResponse :: ByteString
+ -> Bool
+validateICMPResponse r =
+ -- Strip off part of IPv4 header because this is only a demo.
+ drop 12 sample == drop 12 r
+ where
+ sample = fst . B16.decode $ "45000025e3030000400180570abd81010abd8102000023fa039901b65769726547756172640000000000000000000000"
+unsafeMessage :: (Cipher c, DH d, Hash h)
+ => Bool
+ -> Maybe ScrubbedBytes
+ -> ScrubbedBytes
+ -> NoiseState c d h
+ -> (ScrubbedBytes, NoiseState c d h)
+unsafeMessage write mpsk msg ns = case operation msg ns of
+ NoiseResultMessage ct ns' -> (ct, ns')
+ NoiseResultNeedPSK ns' -> case mpsk of
+ Nothing -> error "psk required but not provided"
+ Just k -> case operation k ns' of
+ NoiseResultMessage ct ns'' -> (ct, ns'')
+ _ -> error "something terrible happened"
+ _ -> error "something terrible happened"
+ where
+ operation = if write then writeMessage else readMessage
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ let ip = ""
+ port = "12913"
+ myKeyB64 = "WAmgVYXkbT2bCtdcDwolI88/iVi/aV3/PHcUBTQSYmo=" -- private key
+ serverKeyB64 = "qRCwZSKInrMAq5sepfCdaCsRJaoLe5jhtzfiw7CjbwM=" -- public key
+ pskB64 = "FpCyhws9cxwWoV4xELtfJvjJN+zQVRPISllRWgeopVE="
+ addrInfo <- head <$> getAddrInfo Nothing (Just ip) (Just port)
+ sock <- socket (addrFamily addrInfo) Datagram defaultProtocol
+ let addr = addrAddress addrInfo
+ myStaticKey = fromMaybe (error "invalid private key")
+ . dhBytesToPair
+ . convert
+ . either (error "error Base64 decoding my private key") id
+ . B64.decode
+ $ myKeyB64 :: KeyPair Curve25519
+ serverKey = fromMaybe (error "invalid public key")
+ . dhBytesToPub
+ . convert
+ . either (error "error Base64 decoding server public key") id
+ . B64.decode
+ $ serverKeyB64 :: PublicKey Curve25519
+ psk = convert
+ . either (error "error decoding PSK") id
+ . B64.decode
+ $ pskB64 :: ScrubbedBytes
+ myEphemeralKey <- dhGenKey
+ let dho = defaultHandshakeOpts InitiatorRole "WireGuard v1 zx2c4"
+ opts = setLocalEphemeral (Just myEphemeralKey)
+ . setLocalStatic (Just myStaticKey)
+ . setRemoteStatic (Just serverKey)
+ $ dho
+ ns0 = noiseState opts noiseIKpsk2 :: NoiseState ChaChaPoly1305 Curve25519 BLAKE2s
+ tai64n <- convert . S.encode <$> getCurrentTAI64N
+ -- Handshake: Initiator to responder -----------------------------------------
+ let (msg0, ns1) = unsafeMessage True Nothing tai64n ns0
+ macKey = hash 32 mempty $ "mac1----" `mappend` (convert . dhPubToBytes) serverKey
+ initiation = "\x01\x00\x00\x00\x1c\x00\x00\x00" <> convert msg0 -- sender index = 28 to match other examples
+ mac1 = hash 16 macKey initiation
+ void $ NBS.sendTo sock (initiation <> mac1 <> replicate 16 0) addr
+ -- Handshake: Responder to initiator -----------------------------------------
+ (response0, _) <- NBS.recvFrom sock 1024
+ let theirIndex = take 4 . drop 4 $ response0
+ (_, ns2) = unsafeMessage False (Just psk) (convert . take 48 . drop 12 $ response0) ns1
+ -- ICMP: Initiator to responder ----------------------------------------------
+ let (msg1, ns3) = unsafeMessage True Nothing (convert sampleICMPRequest) ns2
+ icmp = "\x04\x00\x00\x00" <> theirIndex <> replicate 8 0 <> convert msg1
+ void $ NBS.sendTo sock icmp addr
+ -- ICMP: Responder to initiator ----------------------------------------------
+ (response1, _) <- NBS.recvFrom sock 1024
+ let (icmpPayload, ns4) = unsafeMessage False Nothing (convert . drop 16 $ response1) ns3
+ -- KeepAlive: Initiator to responder -----------------------------------------
+ if validateICMPResponse . convert $ icmpPayload
+ then do
+ let (msg2, _) = unsafeMessage True Nothing mempty ns4
+ keepAlive = "\x04\x00\x00\x00" <> theirIndex <> "\x01" <> replicate 7 0 <> convert msg2
+ void $ NBS.sendTo sock keepAlive addr
+ else error "unexpected ICMP response from server!"