#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Jason A. Donenfeld . All Rights Reserved. set -e echo "[!] Warning: This server is for testing purposes only. You may not use this server for abusive or illegal purposes." echo "[+] Generating private key." privatekey="$(wg genkey)" echo "[+] Sending public key to server." exec 7<>/dev/tcp/demo.wireguard.com/42912 wg pubkey <<<"$privatekey" >&7 echo "[+] Parsing server response." IFS=: read -r status server_pubkey server_port internal_ip <&7 [[ $status == OK ]] || exit 1 echo "[+] Writing config file." sudo sh -c 'umask 077; mkdir -p /etc/wireguard; cat > /etc/wireguard/demo.conf' <<_EOF [Interface] PrivateKey = $privatekey Address = $internal_ip/24 DNS =,,, [Peer] PublicKey = $server_pubkey Endpoint = demo.wireguard.com:$server_port AllowedIPs = _EOF echo "[+] Success. Run \`wg-quick up demo\` to turn on the tunnel to the demo server and \`wg-quick down demo\` to turn it off."