#!/bin/bash set -e -o pipefail export PATH="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")"):$PATH" cmd() { echo "[#] $*" >&2 "$@" } auto_su() { [[ $UID != 0 ]] && exec sudo -p "$PROGRAM must be run as root. Please enter the password for %u to continue: " "$(readlink -f "$0")" "${ARGS[@]}" || true } unwind() { set +e [[ -n $INTERFACE && -n $(ip link show dev "$INTERFACE" type wireguard 2>/dev/null) ]] && cmd ip link delete dev "$INTERFACE" exit } add_if() { ip link delete dev "$INTERFACE" 2>/dev/null || true cmd ip link add "$INTERFACE" type wireguard } del_if() { [[ -n $(ip link show dev "$INTERFACE" type wireguard 2>/dev/null) ]] || { echo "$PROGRAM: \`$INTERFACE' is not a WireGuard interface" >&2; exit 1; } cmd ip link delete dev "$INTERFACE" } up_if() { cmd ip link set "$INTERFACE" up } add_addr() { cmd ip address add "$1" dev "$INTERFACE" } add_route() { cmd ip route add "$1" dev "$INTERFACE" } add_default() { if [[ $1 == ::/0 ]]; then echo "tungate: does not yet support IPv6, skipping ::/0" >&2 return 0 elif [[ $1 == ]]; then local endpoint="$(wg show "$INTERFACE" endpoints | grep "^$(wg show "$INTERFACE" allowed-ips | grep | head -n 1 | cut -f 1)" | cut -f 2 | cut -d : -f 1)" add_route 0/1 add_route 128/1 killall tungate 2>/dev/null || true echo "[&] Forking \`tungate' for $endpoint to background" >&2 tungate "$endpoint" >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown return 0 fi return 1 } set_config() { if [[ -n $CONFIG_FILE_CONTENTS ]]; then cmd wg setconf "$INTERFACE" <(echo "$CONFIG_FILE_CONTENTS") else cmd wg setconf "$INTERFACE" "$CONFIG_FILE" fi } save_config() { local old_umask="$(umask)" umask 077 cmd wg showconf "$INTERFACE" > "$CONFIG_FILE.tmp" || { rm -f "$CONFIG_FILE.tmp"; exit 1; } mv "$CONFIG_FILE.tmp" "$CONFIG_FILE" || { rm -f "$CONFIG_FILE.tmp"; exit 1; } umask "$old_umask" } cmd_usage() { cat >&2 <<-_EOF Usage: $PROGRAM [ add | del ] INTERFACE [arguments...] $PROGRAM add INTERFACE --config=CONFIG_FILE [--address=ADDRESS/CIDR...] [--route=ROUTE/CIDR...] [--no-auto-route-from-allowed-ips] [--env-file=ENV_FILE] The add subcommand adds a new WireGuard interface, INTERFACE, replacing any existing interfaces of the same name. The --config argument is required, and its argument is passed to wg(8)'s setconf subcommand. The --address argument(s) is recommended for this utility to be useful. The --route argument is purely optional, as by default this utility will automatically add routes implied by --address and as implied by the allowed-ip entries inside the --config file. To disable this automatic route adding, you may use the option entitled --no-auto-route-from-allowed-ips. $PROGRAM del INTERFACE [--config=CONFIG_FILE_TO_SAVE] [--env-file=ENV_FILE] The del subcommand removes an existing WireGuard interface. If the optional --config is specified, then the existing configuration is written out to the file specified, via wg(8)'s showconf subcommand. $PROGRAM help Show this message. Both \`add' and ``del' take the --env-file=ENV_FILE option. If specified, the contents of ENV_FILE are imported into $PROGRAM. This can be used to set variables in a file, instead of needing to pass them on the command line. The following table shows the relation between the command line options described above, and variables that may be declared in ENV_FILE: --address=A, --address=B, --address=C ADDRESSES=( "A" "B" "C" ) --route=A, --route=B, --route=C ADDITIONAL_ROUTES=( "A" "B" "C" ) --config-file=F CONFIG_FILE="F" echo C > /tmp/F, --config-file=/tmp/F CONFIG_FILE_CONTENTS="C" --no-auto-route-from-allowed-ips AUTO_ROUTE=0 Additionally, ENV_FILE may define the bash functions pre_add, post_add, pre_del, and post_del, which will be called at their respective times. _EOF } cmd_add() { local i [[ -n $CONFIG_FILE || -n $CONFIG_FILE_CONTENTS ]] || { echo "$PROGRAM: --config is required for add subcommand" >&2; exit 1; } auto_su trap unwind INT TERM EXIT [[ $(type -t pre_add) == function ]] && pre_add || true add_if set_config for i in "${ADDRESSES[@]}"; do add_addr "$i" done up_if if [[ $AUTO_ROUTE -eq 1 ]]; then for i in $(wg show "$INTERFACE" allowed-ips | cut -f 2 | tr -d ,); do if ! add_default "$i" && [[ $(ip route get "$i") != *dev\ $INTERFACE\ * ]]; then add_route "$i" fi done fi for i in "${ADDITIONAL_ROUTES[@]}"; do if ! add_default "$i"; then add_route "$i" fi done [[ $(type -t post_add) == function ]] && post_add || true trap - INT TERM EXIT } cmd_del() { auto_su [[ $(type -t pre_del) == function ]] && pre_del || true killall tungate 2>/dev/null || true [[ -n $CONFIG_FILE ]] && save_config del_if [[ $(type -t post_del) == function ]] && post_del || true } declare INTERFACE="$2" declare SUBCOMMAND="$1" declare -a ADDRESSES declare -a ADDITIONAL_ROUTES declare AUTO_ROUTE=1 declare CONFIG_FILE declare CONFIG_FILE_CONTENTS declare PROGRAM="${0##*/}" declare -a ARGS=( "$@" ) [[ -n $INTERFACE && -n $SUBCOMMAND ]] || { cmd_usage; exit 1; } shift 2 for arg; do case "$arg" in --env-file=*) source "${arg#*=}" ;; --config=*) CONFIG_FILE="${arg#*=}" ;; --address=*) ADDRESSES+=( ${arg#*=} ) ;; --route=*) ADDITIONAL_ROUTES+=( ${arg#*=} ) ;; --no-auto-route-from-allowed-ips) AUTO_ROUTE=0 ;; *) cmd_usage; exit 1 ;; esac done case "$SUBCOMMAND" in add) cmd_add ;; del) cmd_del ;; *) cmd_usage; exit 1 ;; esac exit 0