/* $OpenBSD: scheck.c,v 1.2 2015/02/09 13:03:59 tedu Exp $ */ /* ** This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of ** 2006-07-17 by Arthur David Olson. */ #include #include "private.h" const char * scheck(string, format) const char * const string; const char * const format; { char * fbuf; const char * fp; char * tp; int c; const char * result; char dummy; result = ""; if (string == NULL || format == NULL) return result; fbuf = malloc((int) (2 * strlen(format) + 4)); if (fbuf == NULL) return result; fp = format; tp = fbuf; while ((*tp++ = c = *fp++) != '\0') { if (c != '%') continue; if (*fp == '%') { *tp++ = *fp++; continue; } *tp++ = '*'; if (*fp == '*') ++fp; while (isdigit((unsigned char)*fp)) *tp++ = *fp++; if (*fp == 'l' || *fp == 'h') *tp++ = *fp++; else if (*fp == '[') do *tp++ = *fp++; while (*fp != '\0' && *fp != ']'); if ((*tp++ = *fp++) == '\0') break; } *(tp - 1) = '%'; *tp++ = 'c'; *tp = '\0'; if (sscanf(string, fbuf, &dummy) != 1) result = (char *) format; free(fbuf); return result; }