# Rust Implementation of WireGuard ## Usage Most Linux kernel WireGuard users are used to adding an interface with `ip link add wg0 type wireguard`. With wireguard-rs, instead simply run: $ wireguard-rs wg0 This will create an interface and fork into the background. To remove the interface, use the usual `ip link del wg0`, or if your system does not support removing interfaces directly, you may instead remove the control socket via `rm -f /var/run/wireguard/wg0.sock`, which will result in wireguard-rs shutting down. When an interface is running, you may use `wg(8)` to configure it, as well as the usual `ip(8)` and `ifconfig(8)` commands. ## Platforms ### Linux This will run on Linux; however YOU SHOULD NOT RUN THIS ON LINUX. Instead use the kernel module; see the installation page for instructions. ### Windows Coming soon. ### FreeBSD Coming soon. ### OpenBSD Coming soon. ## Building The wireguard-rs project is targeting the current nightly (although it should also build with stable Rust). To build wireguard-rs (on supported platforms): 1. Obtain nightly `cargo` and `rustc` through [rustup](https://rustup.rs/) 2. Clone the repository: `git clone https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-rs`. 3. Run `cargo build --release` from inside the `wireguard-rs` directory. ## Architecture This section is intended for those wishing to read/contribute to the code. WireGuard Rust has a similar separation of concerns as many other implementations of various cryptographic transports: separating the handshake code from the packet protector. The handshake module implements an authenticated key-exchange (NoiseIK), which provides key-material, which is then consumed by the router module (packet protector) responsible for the actual encapsulation of transport messages (IP packets). This is illustrated below: ![Structure](architecture.svg)