#!/usr/bin/env python3 import base64 import subprocess import ipaddress import os import nacl.utils import sys from nacl.public import PrivateKey from tqdm import tqdm from timeit import default_timer as timer NETWORK=ipaddress.ip_network('') def shell(cmd, input=''): return subprocess.run(cmd.split(' '), input=input.encode('utf-8'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) class Peer: def __init__(self, ip): privkey = PrivateKey.generate() self.privkey = base64.b64encode(bytes(privkey)).decode('utf-8') self.pubkey = base64.b64encode(bytes(privkey.public_key)).decode('utf-8') self.ip = ip if os.geteuid() != 0: print("must be root.") exit() peers = [] hosts = list(NETWORK.hosts()) print("generating {} peers".format(len(hosts))) gen_start = timer() for ip in tqdm(hosts): peers.append(Peer(ip)) gen_end = timer() print("finished generating in {:.2f}".format(gen_end - gen_start)) if len(sys.argv) > 1: print("using " + sys.argv[1]) print(shell(sys.argv[1] + " utun8").stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()) else: print("using kernel wireguard") shell("ip link add dev utun8 type wireguard").check_returncode() add_start = timer() print("adding peers to device") cmds = [] for peer in tqdm(peers): cmds.append("peer {} allowed-ips {}/32".format(peer.pubkey, peer.ip)) if len(cmds) > 1000: ret = shell("wg set utun8 " + ' '.join(cmds)) if ret.returncode != 0: print("ERROR " + ret.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()) exit() cmds = [] if len(cmds) > 0: shell("wg set utun8 " + ' '.join(cmds)) add_end = timer() print("finished adding in {:.2f}".format(add_end - add_start)) # print("destroying interface") # os.remove("/var/run/wireguard/utun8.sock")