#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Jason A. Donenfeld . All Rights Reserved. # # This script tests the below topology: # # ┌─────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────────┐ # │ $ns1 namespace │ │ $ns0 namespace │ │ $ns2 namespace │ # │ │ │ │ │ │ # │┌────────┐ │ │ ┌────────┐ │ │ ┌────────┐│ # ││ wg1 │───────────┼───┼────────────────│ lo │────────────────┼───┼───────────│ wg2 ││ # │├────────┴──────────┐│ │ ┌───────────┴────────┴────────────┐ │ │┌──────────┴────────┤│ # ││ ││ │ │(ns1) (ns2) │ │ ││ ││ # ││fd00::1/24 ││ │ ││ │ ││fd00::2/24 ││ # │└───────────────────┘│ │ │[::]:10000 [::]:20000 │ │ │└───────────────────┘│ # └─────────────────────┘ │ └─────────────────────────────────┘ │ └─────────────────────┘ # └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ # # After the topology is prepared we run a series of tests and lightly analyze the # packet captures from those tests to verify the right behavior occurs over the wire # in a variety of scenarios, most of which involving the relatively difficult timer # system. # Much of the boilerplate code is taken from the netns.sh tests. # # Please ensure that you have installed the newest version of the WireGuard # tools from the WireGuard project and before running these tests as: # # ./timers.sh set -e exec 3>&1 export WG_HIDE_KEYS=never netns0="wg-test-$$-0" netns1="wg-test-$$-1" netns2="wg-test-$$-2" pretty() { echo -e "\x1b[32m\x1b[1m[+] ${1:+NS$1: }${2}\x1b[0m" >&3; } info() { echo -e "\x1b[32m[~] "$@" \x1b[0m" >&3; } warn() { echo -e "\x1b[31m\x1b[1m[!] "$@" \x1b[0m" >&3; } section() { echo -e "\x1b[1m[*] SECTION: "$@" \x1b[0m" >&3; } pp() { pretty "" "$*"; "$@"; } maybe_exec() { if [[ $BASHPID -eq $$ ]]; then "$@"; else exec "$@"; fi; } n0() { pretty 0 "$*"; maybe_exec ip netns exec $netns0 "$@"; } n1() { pretty 1 "$*"; maybe_exec ip netns exec $netns1 "$@"; } n2() { pretty 2 "$*"; maybe_exec ip netns exec $netns2 "$@"; } ip0() { pretty 0 "ip $*"; ip -n $netns0 "$@"; } ip1() { pretty 1 "ip $*"; ip -n $netns1 "$@"; } ip2() { pretty 2 "ip $*"; ip -n $netns2 "$@"; } sleep() { read -t "$1" -N 0 || true; } waitiface() { pretty "${1//*-}" "wait for $2 to come up"; ip netns exec "$1" bash -c "while [[ \$(< \"/sys/class/net/$2/operstate\") != up ]]; do read -t .1 -N 0 || true; done;"; } for arg in "$@"; do shift case "$arg" in "--iperf"|"--iperf3") use_iperf=1 ;; *) program="$arg" esac done if [ $program ]; then info "using $program as userspace wireguard." fi create() { if [ $program ]; then echo "$program $1" else echo "ip link add dev $1 type wireguard" fi } cleanup() { set +e exec 2>/dev/null printf "$orig_message_cost" > /proc/sys/net/core/message_cost ip0 link del dev wg0 ip1 link del dev wg1 ip2 link del dev wg2 local to_kill="$(ip netns pids $netns0) $(ip netns pids $netns1) $(ip netns pids $netns2)" [[ -n $to_kill ]] && kill $to_kill pp ip netns del $netns1 pp ip netns del $netns2 pp ip netns del $netns0 exit } error() { local code="${3:-1}" warn "Test failed at line $1." exit "${code}" } orig_message_cost="$(< /proc/sys/net/core/message_cost)" trap 'error ${LINENO}' ERR trap cleanup EXIT printf 0 > /proc/sys/net/core/message_cost ip netns del $netns0 2>/dev/null || true ip netns del $netns1 2>/dev/null || true ip netns del $netns2 2>/dev/null || true pp ip netns add $netns0 pp ip netns add $netns1 pp ip netns add $netns2 ip0 link set up dev lo n0 $(create wg1) sleep 0.5 ip0 link set wg1 netns $netns1 n0 $(create wg2) sleep 0.5 ip0 link set wg2 netns $netns2 key1="$(pp wg genkey)" key2="$(pp wg genkey)" pub1="$(pp wg pubkey <<<"$key1")" pub2="$(pp wg pubkey <<<"$key2")" psk="$(pp wg genpsk)" [[ -n $key1 && -n $key2 && -n $psk ]] configure_peers() { ip1 addr add dev wg1 ip1 addr add fd00::1/24 dev wg1 ip2 addr add dev wg2 ip2 addr add fd00::2/24 dev wg2 n1 wg set wg1 \ private-key <(echo "$key1") \ listen-port 10000 \ peer "$pub2" \ preshared-key <(echo "$psk") \ allowed-ips,fd00::2/128 n2 wg set wg2 \ private-key <(echo "$key2") \ listen-port 20000 \ peer "$pub1" \ preshared-key <(echo "$psk") \ allowed-ips,fd00::1/128 ip1 link set up dev wg1 ip2 link set up dev wg2 sleep 1 } configure_peers pcap=`mktemp` section $pcap n0 tcpdump -U 'udp port 10000' -w $pcap &>/dev/null & sleep 1 [[ $(ip1 link show dev wg1) =~ mtu\ ([0-9]+) ]] && orig_mtu="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" # Test using IPv4 as outer transport section "basic passive keepalive test" n1 wg set wg1 peer "$pub2" endpoint n2 wg set wg2 peer "$pub1" endpoint n2 ping -c 10 -f -W 1 n1 ping -c 10 -f -W 1 sleep 1 tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.20000 > localhost.10000: UDP, length 148" > /dev/null # init handshake tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.10000 > localhost.20000: UDP, length 92" > /dev/null # resp handshake pings2to1=$(tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.20000 > localhost.10000: UDP, length 128" | wc -l) pings1to2=$(tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.10000 > localhost.20000: UDP, length 128" | wc -l) [[ $pings2to1 -eq 20 && $pings1to2 -eq 20 ]] section "sleeping 11 seconds for passive keepalive..." sleep 11 packets2to1=$(tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.20000 > " | wc -l) packets1to2=$(tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.10000 > " | wc -l) keepalives=$(tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "UDP, length 32" | wc -l) keepalives1to2=$(tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.10000 > localhost.20000: UDP, length 32" | wc -l) echo "2to1 $packets2to1" echo "1to2 $packets1to2" echo "keepalives $keepalives" echo "keepalives1to2 $keepalives1to2" [[ $packets2to1 -eq 21 && $packets1to2 -eq 22 && $keepalives -eq 1 && $keepalives1to2 -eq 1 ]] section "sleeping 16 seconds to make sure the line stays quiet." sleep 16 packets2to1=$(tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.20000 > " | wc -l) packets1to2=$(tcpdump -r $pcap 2>/dev/null | grep "localhost.10000 > " | wc -l) [[ $packets2to1 -eq 21 && $packets1to2 -eq 22 ]] section "ALL TESTS PASSED!"