
WireGuard for Windows

This is a fully-featured WireGuard client for Windows that uses Wintun.

If you just want to build and install this from source, but don't care about doing any form of real development with it, simply clone this repo, and then double click on quickinstall.bat and stop reading this document. If you do care about doing real development, don't double click that, and instead read onwards.


Windows 10 64-bit or Windows Server 2019, and Git for Windows is required. The build script will take care of downloading, verifying, and extracting the right versions of the various dependencies:

C:\Projects> git clone https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-windows
C:\Projects> cd wireguard-windows
C:\Projects\wireguard-windows> build


After you've built the application, run amd64\wireguard.exe or x86\wireguard.exe to install the manager service and show the UI.

C:\Projects\wireguard-windows> amd64\wireguard.exe

Since WireGuard requires the Wintun driver to be installed, and this generally requires a valid Microsoft signature, you may benefit from first installing a release of WireGuard for Windows from the official wireguard.com builds, which bundles a Microsoft-signed Wintun, and then subsequently run your own wireguard.exe.

Optional: Creating the Installer

The installer build script will take care of downloading, verifying, and extracting the right versions of the various dependencies:

C:\Projects\wireguard-windows> cd installer
C:\Projects\wireguard-windows\installer> build

Optional: Signing Binaries

Add a file called sign.bat in the root of this repository with these contents, or similar:

set SigningCertificate=DF98E075A012ED8C86FBCF14854B8F9555CB3D45
set TimestampServer=http://timestamp.digicert.com

After, run the above build commands as usual, from a shell that has signtool.exe in its PATH, such as the Visual Studio 2017 command prompt.

Alternative: Building from Linux

You must first have Go ≥1.12, Mingw, and ImageMagick installed.

$ sudo apt install mingw-w64 golang-go
$ git clone https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-windows
$ cd wireguard-windows
$ make

You can deploy the 64-bit build to an SSH host specified by the DEPLOYMENT_HOST environment variable (default "winvm") to the remote directory specified by the DEPLOYMENT_PATH environment variable (default "Desktop") by using the deploy target:

$ make deploy